/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: /pol/ edition

Just tell the martials to learn what things they can do other than the attack action. Casters can do that stuff too, but the players usually ignore actions that aren't spell-related, and are less likely to have the stats to succeed opposing strength rolls anyway. Same thing for out of combat, your ranger should be great at the wisdom and strength skill checks, and I'm assuming the halfling is dex-based. Your casters will mainly be charisma-based and the warlock won't get to cast many spells anyway, so they'll all be in a similar boat.

Do you have this homebrew jew race? I would very much like to use this.

Does the Enlarge spell effect a creature's ability to carry weight?

Then why even play 5e? The entire game is built around the combat system, it's the only part of it that has any serious thought put into it. The entire pace of the game is centred around how many combat encounters you have per day and how many resources you use up per each one, which is in turn balanced around how difficult you expect the encounter to be, which is determined essentially by the HP, attack bonuses and damage dealt by the enemies in that fight. If you're stripping out all of that then why not just play a completely different system and cut all the (now pointless) book keeping?

>Winter Break

>Wizards of the Coast is closed for its winter break from December 26 through January 2. Our next Unearthed Arcana installment will be on Monday, January 9, 2017.

insert sad frog face

But I want it NOW!

This to be honest famalamadingdong

Shoving is vastly underrated. Having a stronk character throw someone to the ground and grapple them is how you have the rest of your team murder them in a single round. If any of your players use a shield, show them the shield master feat too. Shit is rad.

Is the secret ur a gay?

First, the Paladin isn't a true martial. Nigga has like half spellcasting progression, which is still better than, say, an EK, on top of Channel Divinity, Smites, aura shit, whatever else. Rangers, on the other hand, are martials despite having the same progression as Paladins, because they fucking suck.

You gotta be real careful about letting the Paladin play with the same martial-fixing toys as the Fighter, because the Paladin can actually DO SHIT with magic and class abilities outside of a fight; he's useful in exploration and social encounters, where the Fighter really isn't. So if you're unwilling to let the Fighter arbitrarily do things the Paladin (essentially pretending they are now Fighter class features), the Paladin is still just going to outshine him, since he can do all of that and then some. Hell, the fucking BARD is going to try and get in on the action, too.

Because that's the pitfall of making every zany idea a skill check. d20 is a huge fucking range and the difference in stats for a Fighter or Barb and a Paladin or Bard is, like, two. You can give one of them a bonus, but they're still gonna fuck up while some other guy doesn't.
So what you want to do is just outline some shit that the real martials can do that you're either not going to let anyone else even attempt, or the martials are going to automatically succeed while others have to roll. Is that fair? Yes, even if the casters whinge, because they get to go to another dimension, pull 8d6 AoE damage out of their ass, and summon elementals, while the Fighter waits until level 11 for his third attack to kick in. Whoopee.

Yes. Look up carrying/encumbrance rules.