Why do you hate elves so much?

Why do you hate elves so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/md6poc7x9yto373/Donjon de Naheulbeuk album scan tome 1.zip?dl=0


fuck off elf

They won't have sex with me willingly

Dark elves and their dark dragon allies brought a horde of barbarians(orcs ogres centaur) to devestate the human goblin halfing and dwarves nations which caused centuries of death and destruction and led to another human nation going down a dangerous path

The high elves are playing chess master with the human goblin halfing and dwarves nations while potentially pissing of the titans which could bring their wrath down on everyone
So yea that's why

I don't hate elves. I hate you

I love elves, I just hate faggots that make shitty bait threads with them, like you.

because elves are either I'm better than everyone, or I want to fuck everything

okay, why?
I'll story time the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk....


A good start

I'm doing the translation, my English is rather basic since I'm French Canadian


Way to fuck up a storytime thread.
On the other hand, you're going god's work with the translation.

I'll post the original French pages, then I'll post translated English pages.

Because idiots like you fanboy for them so much.

Though I hate Tolkien fantasy period. Why do all Fantasy settings have to have the same collection of illogical Meta-human races? Are we humans not varied enough?

In b4 "Because giving black men separate stats is racist."


I don't I just wanted infravision like the elves, but it's more than just taking their eyes

I can't really translate what the Magician says here.


This... is a shockingly accurate depiction on how the average roleplayers handle eating at a tavern.

Refuse to pay (for n particular reason) and end up killing everyone...

Its the elf players



Fetishists and waifu scumbags rubbing their cocks all over them. They're tainted.

I tried to fix a few mistakes that I only noticed after I posting it.

>Are we humans not varied enough?

You don't need to argue against an overdone setting via a terrible argument, dude.


damn these are some extra degenerate adventurers

No more translation?

Off all the races of fantasy I must say
That my least favorite race is the elf
I'd rather have lunch with a fat ogre
Than to spend one moment with an elf
I'd rather take a slime to prom
Than to toast to an elfs self
They're tall and weak and awfully skinny
And of this you must be sure
That elves are the sickliest thing around
And sadly there's no cure

oh working on it.

The ranger uses a word-play in French but I'm not really sure how to translate it properly and the meaning is lost in the translation.



Did they go to that tavern to crack open a bear?

The joke is that he said something he shouldn't have say and has to come up with a similar sounding sentence to cover his ass. Very hard to translate indeed, you would need to find an English sentence that sounds similar to the translation.

It's a very classic François Pérusse joke, who was one of the main inspiration for Naheulbeuk. It was originally in a similar radio format.

Funnily enough, that joke doesn't exist in French.

Time to be pedantic!
Not sure about the translation of the "mais non...", he's saying that taking the full bear was fine.
I would translates "On t'en pose des questions?" by "Do WE ask questions?" I guess.


shittiest BG character detected

try Xan
so dark in here


Because invariably they fall into one of three categories in every fucking setting that has them, and they're always assholes. I have the same issues with dwarves, and practically every other fantasy race out there.

I can give SOME props to Dragon Age and The Witcher for their portrayals of elves, but not much, because they still rely on these stupid tropes.

But God forbid you try to make your own races, or go human-only. That's like a prime sin in the world of fantasy. Not even GoT can change that.

At least elven women are qt as fuck.

You make me want to listen to the saga again, just when i started reflet d'acide.

Game of thrones is absolute shit-tier. It has nothing to do with it being almost all humans, it's just shit writing.


This comic's artstyle is fugly.

si t'es pas content tu peux te casser.


I don't though. Just hate the way they're commonly expressed as being long lived snowflake humans with long ears. They should be inherently alien and difficult to understand.


so, what words do i need to put in google to get porn of that elf?

awwww shiiieeeet

putaing ça fait au moins dix piges que j'ai pas lu/écouté le donjon!

probably "elf" "dungeon" "naheulbeuk"

Replace plan with map.

and death with dead.

>gratgrat zoulaga

>DM drops a fucking lich on the guy who wants to leave the party



good luck with it, it used to be a common joke that it didn't have any

to be fair, it was only a "joke" lich
I don't have all the original details but from what I can remember, it was because this lich only wore socks when real liches & nazguls get sandals
Yeah, it's weird, but once again, I can't remember everything


Have you heard of the High Elves?

Not much.

Oi mate, shouldn't directly use one with the translation it must exist no, PoC is kind of a big thing.

*shouldn't **YOU**

You missed the joke hear being that the ranger repet a sentence that sound like what he first said but is not "this elf is hot" thingy

Not him, but there hasn't been a single translation for all of this era of french mp3's & co
It's understandable for stuff like Reflet D'Acide that is impossible to translate, but unforgivable for everything else

heh still we go it. it's a shame for non-francophone though.

Because weebs keep fetishizing them at the table.

you should replace "you're making me walk" with "You're joking, right ?"
and remove the "a" from "a less than nothing"

thanks, I have the fixed pages. I might upload them all on dropbox later for the full thing, once I'm finish translating all the album.

dropbox.com/s/md6poc7x9yto373/Donjon de Naheulbeuk album scan tome 1.zip?dl=0
here's the first tome scans. I posted it on /co/ the other time.

Can you link the /co/ thread ?




Personally, I hate the kind of hippy attitude written to them. When they live in harmony with nature because they have magic power and look down on less privileged for not having magic powers. Although it would make sense in-universe, writers often use them to bash their fellow humans in real world for not living up to writer's made-up standards while their suggestion is "gain magic powers"

>Though I hate Tolkien fantasy period
Confirmed for not understanding Tolkien.

>You don't like skub?
>Oh then you obviously just don't understand it, the only way you could not like skub is that you just haven't realized what's great/popular about it.

Ouch, well answered,..; I mean, ..; I mean, amarit?

(no but really, it does lack a certain explanation of the non understandment)


In your setting.

What in the hell is wrong with their eyes?

Should add "monster" after "in front of an enormous" and probably "here" before "I come"
just replace tear with torn

Also, feel free to proofread him because although my english is pretty good, I'm not a native


He's drawn then a bit too close together so they all have the Sonic the Hedgehog Mono-Eye effect.

I'll be back later. It's supper time, Try to keep the thread a bit.

Because they will never be real

>The Human, about the elf: "But how do you have ideas so idiotic ?"
>The Dwarf: "It's genetic"
I should grab the rest of the comics, take phone pics and translate the rest

Cause writers and artists keep making them petite looking and all using bows.

Elves should never use bows.
They can use artillery or those huge crossbows.
But otherwise Elves come close quarters with their superior size, strength and speed.
They use spears, greatswords, shields and AOE magic.

>tfw Witcher 3 is the only lore since Tolkien that makes elves right.
Heard Warcraft does it too.

The elves that do use bows and stealth and are smaller than humans are "dark elves", cause they have lost their "holiness"
>everyone got it mixed up.

LOTR races all had a logic to them. They all drew on folklore and sociology. The nonsensical stereotypes in those Forgotten Realms novels have much more to do with Gygax than Tolkien.

since he's eating, I'll translate this one on his behalf

Yeah, it gives a really good impression of the + INT race.

>Donjon de Naheulbeuk
>on my Veeky Forums
More likely than you think

Also, OP, stop using google translate blindly and look at the context a little. When they opened the closet and found a broom and a "seal" it should be a bucket. The french word is the same for seal and bucket, but it makes a difference in your translation. I didn't bother reading the rest, but I am sure it could use a one over.
That being said, thanks for exposing the anglos to this fantastic shit. I love you criss de tabarnak de quebecois de marde.

Replace Gygax with Greenwood.

I knew instinctively that "seal" was probably not the right uses, but I was just forgetting the meaning of "sceau" to "bucket" I'll fix it.

Here's my present to the current translator
one less to do !

Some would call you a "sot" (pronunce like so) ^^ (meaning non very intelligent, kinda high language)

in naheulbeuk, all races act as more or less parodies of themselves
The elves are pedantic yet massive autists
The humans try all the time to be heroic but fail massively
The dorfs are dorfs, turned up to eleven to do stupid shit all the time (one of their folklore hero is revered because he painted "bitch" on the shield of a rising litch lord)

>97 replies
>no mention of fucking Feanor

Ya'll motherfuckers need to understand some shit about Feanor, he was basically the best at everything but he was such a raging cock that wasn't good enough. He was an ungrateful shit that thought he was better than the Valar themselves even though his greatest creation just managed to capture the light of the Two Trees, which were made by the Valar. He didn't even make the fucking light, he just took some and put it inside a bauble and tramped around like he was the best. All he did was manage to take a fucking picture of the most beautiful thing in the world.

Then the Trees were fucked and Feanor, the king ass himself, could save the fucking day and actually deserve being called the best guy ever by giving the light back, but nope it was more important that he own the only light in the world than give the light back to everybody.

He then makes a turbo oath to get back the baubles he made after Satan stole them which is literally the cause of every single fucking bad thing that has ever happened in Middle Earth at all. He then immediately gets fucking ganked and with his dying breath realizes he fucked up and he'll never get them back. But instead of repenting he looks at his seven sons and makes them fucking double swear the oath so that things can keep being fucked after he's dead.

Feanor is such a piece a shit that the entire average of the Elves is brought down by his very existence.

Un sot portant un seau portant le sceau du roi trébuche et l'étroit seau tombe