since he's eating, I'll translate this one on his behalf
Why do you hate elves so much?
Yeah, it gives a really good impression of the + INT race.
>Donjon de Naheulbeuk
>on my Veeky Forums
More likely than you think
Also, OP, stop using google translate blindly and look at the context a little. When they opened the closet and found a broom and a "seal" it should be a bucket. The french word is the same for seal and bucket, but it makes a difference in your translation. I didn't bother reading the rest, but I am sure it could use a one over.
That being said, thanks for exposing the anglos to this fantastic shit. I love you criss de tabarnak de quebecois de marde.
Replace Gygax with Greenwood.
I knew instinctively that "seal" was probably not the right uses, but I was just forgetting the meaning of "sceau" to "bucket" I'll fix it.
Here's my present to the current translator
one less to do !
Some would call you a "sot" (pronunce like so) ^^ (meaning non very intelligent, kinda high language)
in naheulbeuk, all races act as more or less parodies of themselves
The elves are pedantic yet massive autists
The humans try all the time to be heroic but fail massively
The dorfs are dorfs, turned up to eleven to do stupid shit all the time (one of their folklore hero is revered because he painted "bitch" on the shield of a rising litch lord)
>97 replies
>no mention of fucking Feanor
Ya'll motherfuckers need to understand some shit about Feanor, he was basically the best at everything but he was such a raging cock that wasn't good enough. He was an ungrateful shit that thought he was better than the Valar themselves even though his greatest creation just managed to capture the light of the Two Trees, which were made by the Valar. He didn't even make the fucking light, he just took some and put it inside a bauble and tramped around like he was the best. All he did was manage to take a fucking picture of the most beautiful thing in the world.
Then the Trees were fucked and Feanor, the king ass himself, could save the fucking day and actually deserve being called the best guy ever by giving the light back, but nope it was more important that he own the only light in the world than give the light back to everybody.
He then makes a turbo oath to get back the baubles he made after Satan stole them which is literally the cause of every single fucking bad thing that has ever happened in Middle Earth at all. He then immediately gets fucking ganked and with his dying breath realizes he fucked up and he'll never get them back. But instead of repenting he looks at his seven sons and makes them fucking double swear the oath so that things can keep being fucked after he's dead.
Feanor is such a piece a shit that the entire average of the Elves is brought down by his very existence.
Un sot portant un seau portant le sceau du roi trébuche et l'étroit seau tombe