ITT: Crusader-Terminator memes
For reasons
ITT: Crusader-Terminator memes
For reasons
Also general TES thread
You're dumb. And also a fag.
Spotted the Bosmer.
Ayleid detected
You're also extremely lame.
Ayleids were probably more well-spoken than this guy, he seems like a dumb forest-dwelling redneck.
I bet you like it when people are lame, that makes it easier to catch them and eat them, huh, you dirty Keeb?
You said memes
>the 'crusaders are 100% evil pillagers and the crusades aren't actually really complicated' meme
delet this right now
Genghis Khan wasn't "100% evil pillagers" either.
Genghis Khan was a pretty cool guy too.
>Slaughtered the most populated city of the time and literally built a pyramid out of the skulls of civillians
He's "pretty cool" because somehow great atrocities become "cool" when enough time passes. Inner city niggers are a thugs, but vikings merely loot and pillage. Basil the Bulgar Slayer is "cool", but Assad a monster. Genghis Khan isn't "that bad" but Adolf Hitler literally the worst person to have ever lived.
I didn't say he wasn't evil, just that he wasn't 100% evil pillager all the time. The joke up there is that like Genghis, the crusaders committed their fair share of atrocities too, but they have better PR than old Genghis.
A modern comparison would be Hitler vs Stalin, where the soviet's PR machine did their damnedest to minimize Stalin's atrocities and make him seem like not such a bad guy, while Hitler's PR team sucks and are unable to bury his shit.
> while Hitler's PR team sucks and are unable to bury his shit.
I don't know, you guys did elect him president last year.
>Hitler's PR team sucks and are unable to bury his shit.
it has a lot to do with who won and who lost the war
I dont like how Veeky Forums shitposting crosses into Veeky Forums
That was Timur the Lame, but shit nigga, whatever
OP here, and how tf did a discussion on war crimes start in my thread? I just wanted Pelinal memes
>the byzantine emperor asked the pope to send the unwashed rampaging Europeans to attack the Middle East so they wouldn't sack Constantinople
>they sack Constantinople anyway and bring the Black Plague back to Europe
>1,000 years later people think the crusaders were heroes
We literally had the Turks up our ass for centuries because of the crusaders.
Near east is not Christian anymore, Greek Genocide, Assyrian Genocide, Armenian Genocide. All cascade effect because of these assholes.
The Byzantines were not better, there has been a pogrom years before against catholic. People took notes.