>Hitler's PR team sucks and are unable to bury his shit.
it has a lot to do with who won and who lost the war
ITT: Crusader-Terminator memes
I dont like how Veeky Forums shitposting crosses into Veeky Forums
That was Timur the Lame, but shit nigga, whatever
OP here, and how tf did a discussion on war crimes start in my thread? I just wanted Pelinal memes
>the byzantine emperor asked the pope to send the unwashed rampaging Europeans to attack the Middle East so they wouldn't sack Constantinople
>they sack Constantinople anyway and bring the Black Plague back to Europe
>1,000 years later people think the crusaders were heroes
We literally had the Turks up our ass for centuries because of the crusaders.
Near east is not Christian anymore, Greek Genocide, Assyrian Genocide, Armenian Genocide. All cascade effect because of these assholes.
The Byzantines were not better, there has been a pogrom years before against catholic. People took notes.