JoJo bread, Veeky Forums. Post Stands, make terrible JoJokes, tell stories about your campaigns.
JoJo Traditional Games General
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What the hell is this shit?
Is Tails Gets Trolled the greatest jojo story ever?
You know the Power Puff Girls Doujinshi? Or Grim Tales? Replace all the fetish and creepy shit in that with JoJo.
This is your new JoJo campaign setting.
Jojofags. Basically, think of bronies, but with less irony, more stupidity,
I get it, Jojo was good (only because everything else in anime right now sucks so much by comparison), but for fucks sake, the Joshit needs to die. This is reaching the level of Undertale faggotry and Ponyshit.
>49 generals out of 150 possible threads
>nearly a third of Veeky Forums is generals
But no guys quests were the real problem
This thread being a "general" isn't the reason why it's trash, but thanks for beating a dead horse because nobody visits your containment board.
Is this a Jojo reference?
What would Mojo Jojo's stand be?
>Inbd Mojo Jojo's stand would be Mojo Jojo
Obviously the PPGs stands would be Sugar, Spice, and Everything nice
Just started a Wushu campaign entitled Crimson Dawn earlier today. I'll storytime the first game tomorrow and provide stats.
I think the reason for so many JoJo threads was because the latest adaptation was 39 straight episodes. It just ended a few weeks ago. Things are cooling down.
Bronies are furry-tier. JoJofags, despite the campy aesthetic, are not fetishistic about JoJo and there's no reason to be ironic about JoJo.
Veeky Forums JoJo threads are at least rooted in campaign prep and are nothing like the /a/ generals.
On-topic, I have a Stand I wrote up for a game.
[Rebel Yell]
Rebel Yell can flatten things into graffiti or stencils, similar in appearance to the original object. It does this similar to how D4C can move through universes: have a solid surface on the other side of the object from Rebel Yell. There is, at least, an intervening "swatting" motion though - a very cartoonish "squish" effect overall. Rebel Yell can keep a large number of things flattened, but the more it does, the harder it gets to keep them in. Once the graffiti is out of Rebel Yell's range, the item has a tendency to pop out if the user is distracted or emotional - it's by no means permanent. At high learning, Rebel Yell can use [Can't Break me Down] - which allows it to separate into its constituent bricks, whether for defensive, offensive, or assistive purposes. It can make a small fort, or a shield, or pass through small gaps, or generally form a myriad of useful shapes.
Power: A
Speed: B
range: D
Durability: C
Precision: C
Learning: C
Pic related is my shitty attempt at drawing it.
You jojofags are especially stupid when it comes to jojo.
The only threads that don't devolve into /a/ and /b/ level bullshit are the /sss/ threads, and even those have to deal with these young and stupid jojofags who are quite insistent on trying to be the new bronies.
Jojo is a series that tries to be stupid on purpose and succeeds in that regard, and is ironic on every level from its paper-thin characters to its nonsensical world building. But, what jojofags enjoy is that it being stupid lets them be stupid, and so they spam this site with their current obsession because its gotten boring being bronies since they're basically shot on site on all the other boards.
Jojo fan here, fully expecting shitstorming of Jojo when part 5 gets animated, though it'll probably be less since a lot of people don't like part 5 either because the fights were hard to follow in manga format, the translations were bad, and certain stands weren't explained/understood well (mostly because of the manga formatting and the bad translations that were released in the past by fans).
> at high learning
That's the only stat I could never wrap my head around. What does that stat actually mean on any level?
Learning or Potential is essentially the greater depth there might be to a Stand in its current state, such as if it might learn a new power or transform into a new form at some point through personal growth.
Basically, it tells you if a character's got something to look forward to in the future.
I think the anime will give Part 5 a better reputation among English fans than the manga currently does. I also think that the more straightforward action-thriller style of Part 5 will give it more fans than Part 4 did. It'll be Part 3 again to a degree.
However, I doubt we'll get nary a word on it until mid 2018.
Say, has there ever been an effort to pick a system and stat out a whole Part's worth of Stands?
I thought so but then does that mean a high Learning is bad for a Stand in any given situation?
What I'm ultimately driving at is if Stats were bought with points for a game, should a high Learning/Potential cost Points or give Points back?
Not sure on the last thing, but as for the adaptation of part 5, yeah, it should handle the fights better since you won't have to do too much wrapping of your head to get the events of each fight in terms of actions taken, plus since it'll be an official translation when it's exported, it'll give us better explanation for stand powers and such. Also, I personally like Part 4 more than 3, though that might just be because Kira edges out Dio for the better villain spot.
Can't wait for Steel Ball Run though.
JoJo's Bizarrely Lewd Sleepover Adventure
Jordan Joestar, the notorious erotic fanfic writer for his high school anime club, has been invited to a club member's birthday sleepover party... and except for him, it's all girls!
Parents are away, and the hostess knows how to get into their liquor cabinet. JoJo's one goal is to lose his virginity by any means necessary, but there's a catch: every girl at the party... is also a Stand user!
>wants to lose his virginity
>there's a catch: the girls are Stand users
I know this is probably bait, but why would that get in the way? Are there more Brando-esque shenanigans or something?
I like each Part for what they are but I too like Part 4 the best. In my case it's because Part 4 turns everything on its ear. There is no journey, there is no epic quest. Instead Araki builds a small world populated by Stand Users. Part 4 is like a Slice of Life anime but once you add Stands you get instant JoJo. Part 4 above all other Parts demonstrated the endless possibilities of Stands and I argue that that forms the very foundation of why JoJo keeps being brought up in Veeky Forums.
Well of course it demonstrated the endless possibilities of Stands, but it also demonstrated that even the simplest of stands or users could be a deadly force in a battle. Plus it showed how if you're not thinking creatively with your powers, you won't unleash their full potential.
This is also true.
Wasn't there a wiki for archiving Stand ideas?
Of course, it's JoJo, shenanigans are required.
May as well post this again: a guide to making your game feel like JJBA:
> 1) Be fabulous in visuals and mannerisms. Minimum one pose per game.
> 2) Be melodramatic. Be operatic. Be over-the-top. Leave it all our on the table with no doubts and no restraint.
> 3) Be bizarre. Do everything at least 1° off from a plain and simple action.
> 4) Be heroic. You are one of the good guys even if you don't show it.
> 5) Be disgusting. Gross everyone out.
> 6) Be shocking. Surprise everyone, widen their eyes, drop their jaws, make them wince.
> 7) Don't let your character be defined by their powers. Make your powers be defined by your character.
> 8) No fight is a clash of powers. Every fight is a clash of characters.
> 9) Make every fight an individual story with high stakes, thrilling danger, and bizarre twists.
> 10) Not every story is a fight, but every story is an encounter. A larger-than-life encounter between larger-than-life characters.
> 11) Heroes must earn their victories, Villains must earn their ass kickings.
> 12) Keep your campaign evolving. Never stop trying new ideas. JoJo was JoJo before Stands. JoJo was JoJo before Ripple. JoJo was JoJo when it had Spin. JoJo was JoJo when a Cyber-Nazi fought an ancient, South American Super Vampire.
If there are any suggestions I'd like to see them.
Now that we have the filth corralled we must destroy them, slaughter their kind for the greater good of all fa/tg/uys.
Add tidbits of trivia related to a current object or location, and menacing glares, all over the place.
Thank you.
I have not seen more than a couple minutes of those Bizarre Adventures.
It might be decent, I wasn't turned off by what I saw, but I'd want to watch from the beginning and haven't had the opportunity to with zero effort.
That said, I have seen repeated, repeated references to it here and on Adult Swim.
And there was some amusing concept tickling the back of my brain that I couldn't get at.
That OP image is it.
Mojo Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, yes.
Thank you.
user only the echo chambers within them like generals, they're just harder to rid ourselves of than quests. We're trying, look at the good folks in, /pfg/, constantly trying to get that fetishy piece of shit banned.
And now we have significantly more good Veeky Forums than before without your garbage quests shitting up the place
Cry more.
>I thought so but then does that mean a high Learning is bad for a Stand in any given situation?
Not necessarily.
A stand could theoretically be really strong and still have the potential to do way more, but generally speaking a stand's potential stat drops as it improves.
What the fuck, i've never seen Jojo scat porn, this is irony.
i bet i could find some
I mean JoJo has been around since the 80s
I don't doubt it, but you know, i was thinking about MLP fanbase and all the stuff around it
Jojo fanbase is shit like every other fanbase, but i think is maybe slightly less shit. Need more acquired taste to follow jojo, besides the third story arc
I wouldn't go that far. Everything has a shitty fanbase, but it is up to the less shit to prove the thing is worth keeping around.
>like every other fanbase
How much of this comes from experience, and how much of this comes from a knee jerk hatred of crowds?
yep. Jojo ones can, but only sometimes
I see someone summoned me to the thread.
>someone else remembers Storybro
If you haven't, read it. It's a greentext tour-de-force, the longest in Veeky Forums's history.
And it's lewd as fuck.
Here's your list of music references
Is the Road Trip just part 3?
All the girls want Storybro for themselves. One of them is in fact a manipulator of Brando proportions.
>Storybro, a fuckup
>Raven, his best friend
>Glasses, their best friend and a mastermind
>Birthday, it's her party and she'll cry if she wants to
>Blondie, who is inhumanly clumsy around Storybro and frequently injures him
>Homely, who is attractive with an ugly personality
I'm sure it's been discussed to death, but what systems do people use to run this? Have anyone done any hacks or house-rules or something?
Yes, it's been discussed to death. Search the archive, jojofag.
Here's one of the ones that was always mentioned in the super stand Sunday threads:
I'm currently using Wushu.
Has Super Stand Sunday just stopped being a thing now?
I was planning on starting it back up myself, but I don't remember what was in the OP posts
I was going to start it back up myself, but I don't have the list of jojo systems for the OP
Shit, didn't mean to double post that
haha eternal questfag btfo
suck it down
There's this FATE hack that has a bunch of good ideas but I can't say I like it take much. I'd love to see the power of your stand balanced by the fate paint refresh you get but than you'd have to balance for point-buy stand creation system which would be tricky. I may try repurposing Dresden Files rpg's powers system for this
It's based on an older version of Fate. Needs an updated revision.
Are you sure? I thought FAIT Core was the latest edition.
Namefag became a tripfag and ruined it for everyone. Here is a link to the still being worked on d10 system:
The salt is real.
Yo, I made this before realizing this thread was up. Can I get some feedback?
What's your thoughts on this stand, Veeky Forums? I've thought it up some time ago.
Power: E
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: E
Precision: C
Range: B
Development Potential: A
Under Pressure is a stand that cannot leave the user's side, it can only appear over the user to show off its own appearance and its body must also mimic the user's movement 1:1.
UP has two distinct powers:
1) It can use the user's body to create a 'hole' in space, leading to another location within 50 meters. The hole lasts only 6 seconds before the user must focus which body part and area will become into portals. The location-portal will become the same shape accurate to the body part. The user must be able to perceive (indirectly works) the area, it must be an open space, if something is too big it will simply get stuck if it tries to get through, and if the portals close and something is between them, then the object will be pushed out to either end depending which holds more mass.
2) The user has access to 'hammerspace,' where they can create portals leading to a dark pocket dimension that keeps all things in stasis and can be pulled out from any body part or article of clothing. The user can hold up to 500kg of non-living mass within the pocket dimension. The portals to this dimension last indefinitely.
Further more, with further training the user can learn to manipulate anything that's inside their hammerspace. While this might not seem particularly impressive, with training the user can smuggle weapons and shoot them out of their own hands, pockets, eyes, mouths, etc.
The requiem version of this stand gains an additional ability where the user is capable of healing themselves by simply absorbing non-living matter. This ability can only be unlocked either with an Arrow or if the user goes through a major psychological development, maturing both mentally and spiritually.
I must be retarded.
>2 same stats
>and I'm uncertain if some sentences are grammatically correct or not
I'm sorry if I made some people cringe, I'm going to sleep to refresh my mind.
>requiem versions not being an in the moment thing
Its alright otherwise. I liked Knov from HxH
Core is the latest edition but a giveaway is that JoJo Fate doesn't organize Aspects into anything specific like High Concept, Trouble, or Phases. It uses 8 rather than 5 like Core. There is nothing like the Pyramid or Modes for Skills. It has Attributes and Skills.
It's more like 1e Fate, which was a bit like Fudge +Aspects. Pre-Dresden Files, Pre-SOTC.
Should've posted that I had something in mind about that, where the user is easy to panic and can't calm down very well. Then in one moment where he gets cornered and badly injured, he finally pulls through and learns how to be the most calm and focused character in the whole part/campaign, gaining the power along with his new found strength.
Basically going from a 3/10 spaz to a 10/10 mastermind, like the fishing rod guy from Part 5. I remember his stand was called Beach Boy if that helps you recognize him.
Anyways time for bed.
Beach Boy was too good for this world. But something to think about when you wake up. Requiem Stands come from that specific arrow and are spur of the moment things that don't relate to the base power at all.
Is Glasses the one who's Dio-tier?
Yes, it becomes more apparent in the Road Trip
Why is it that of all games pathfinder in particular became the go to game for people who want sex in their rp? Like it just seems like an oddly specific choice.