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Games #511
/40kg/ - warhammer 400000 general
/osrg/ OSR General - Actin Fast Edition
Unknown Armies
Swordborne General [Predeploy]
I know there is a general for Warhammer 40k Kill Team, but I'm more interested in how to get started...
A medieval vampire wants to get into a castle. He has manipulated the guards and they allow him entrance...
Veeky Forums comedy
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
This nigga
What does Veeky Forums think about mage knights or Psychic knights?
/swg/ - Infinities Edition
I'm starting a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure campaign in Mutants and Masterminds next week
Game Design General
What sort of problems does a centaur have to deal with on a day-to-day basis?
/L5RG/ Legend of the Five Rings General
Space wolves were a mistake
MTG: AeR {Prerelease
Warhammer 40,000 general
Veeky Forums, wanna help me come up with a chart o' devil-things?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
CYOA Thread
Making a "hell" for a setting , and the hell is based on the United States...
Song of Swords: Norman Haircut Edition
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1285: In Nomine Red, et Dirge, et Quicksilver Sancti Edition
EDH/Commander General
HFY thread. Magical aliens edition
Sorta HFY
Whats the board for pre-history? I want to dinosaur shitpost
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
GameMasters Only
/5eg/ D&D Filth Edition General
Brainstorm a setting from my map
Traveller General: Once more around the sector
One word story
Is he the perfect Shadowrun villain?
Post custom TCG-shifted cards here:
So Veeky Forums, what makes a good psychopath? How do you do them well without them turning into obnoxious edgelords?
Why the concept of dwarves wizards is so underused in most fantasy systems/settings...
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
What horus heresy or warhammer 40k ebook should i read next?
Comparing Systems
Why are there so many threads about games nobody plays on Veeky Forums?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/kdm/kdg/kdmg/ Kingdom Death General
Talislanta: The Second Thread!
Character themes
Tang Dynasty in Space
Did you read Fall of Cadia guys?
Age of Sigmar General ! /aosg/
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
That guy who always plays as a chick
The courting ritual in the kingdoms is recognized by a maiden berating, sparring with...
Why isn't this a boxed game from GW?
My speaker is broken and i must scream
Warhammer 40k General
Roleplay in video games
So, what the hell happened? Why is GW still the top dog when it comes to Wargaming...
Drawthread: Endless Requests Edition
First time playing dnd. It's 5e and the DM required all the players to make a backstory for their characters...
New eldar incoming
Princess Zelda is looking to be incredibly CUTE, how will Nintendo fuck it up?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
MTG Aether Revolt pre-release Sealed Draft Limited
Realistic Damage
How much math do I need to know to be good at role-playing games? Will the basics suffice?
Dark angels
Stat him
/mtg/ modern general
How to justify heavy armor in a arabian nights setting?
Welcome to "Whose turn is it anyway", the show where everything's made up and the hit points don't matter
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
Who is the most beautiful in all the realms?
Warhammer Fantasy General
Warhammer 40,000 general
Let's create a setting
CYOA Thread
/5eg/ D&D 5th Edition General
What MK of Power Armor tickles your pickle?
World-building thread
Make a damn setting
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1284: Jumper's Nightmare Edition
Powered by the Apocalypse
How many positive traits can an NPC have before they hit Mary Sue-dom?
Would it be a death knell for an LGS to offer a wider selection of tabletop RPGs...
Feels Thread
How do you do Sci-Fi Westerns?
Memorable player quotes:
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Cyberpunk Law Enforcement
Real life NPCs
Assuming that in a setting, souls are made of energy and that the laws of thermodynamics still apply...
What's the lamest setting and why is it steampunk?
How would be a setting that considers and accepts the full consequences of FTL including time-dilation and causality...
Legitimate question:
"Hey fellow elves, let me just say humans are pretty OK. Sure they're loud, brash...
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
Stop shoehorning 40k into everything
Warhammer 40,000 general
Name my (silver) Dragonborn Ice Sorcerer!
The future that is Aku
What would a civilization of Chinchilla people be like?
Rogue Stars General: EU Has The Best Models Edition
Genestealer Cult Creation Thread
Hey, Veeky Forums. I need help building a character for the most hated pathfinder, that would function well...
What are you lads favorite space marine chapters and why?
Rip and Tear
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
/5eg/ Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons General
So Event Horizon is the closest we'll ever get to seeing the effects of Chaos made manifest in real life, right?
Tfw gm
/btg/ Battletech General!
/kdm/kdg/kdmg/ Kingdom Death General
EDH/Commander general
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
40k general
/swg/ - Feel Your Anger Edition
When a quest requires saving princesses, should the DM create multiple princesses so that each PC can have one?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1283: Love, Peace, and Donuts Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Do you prefer having balanced or unbalanced parties?
/kdm/kdg/kdmg/ - KINGDOM DEATH General
Character art for space ship crew men please
Warhammer - Necromunda
CYOA Thread
Claim your Veeky Forums waifu
Whatever happened to the littlest phaeron?
Warhammer 40k general
I bid thee, rate these dice
Hey guys, I'm bored so let's roll up a Chaos Space Marine Warband. Because why the hell not...
Playing Dungeons and Dragons with a British DM
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
Can we have a Mahjong thread?
Spell Schools as Skills
How can I justify having a Bow skill in a setting where there are plenty firearms? Yeah...
A dragon slayer kills dragons. He makes no distinction between good and evil dragons
Take a picture of the last RPG purchase (You) made
/mtg/ modern general
The beautiful paladin (female) is unable to defeat the autists because her armor isn't realistic
This video got posted finally. What does Veeky Forums think of the new Celestine?
Advancing narrative?!
ITT: Veeky Forums related humor
A Cozy, Creepy, Winter Campaign PART DEUX
Tell me about Your Dudes
Warmachine / Hordes General - /wmhg/
That Guy/That GM
Ship Quirk Thread 2: Space Borrowers edition
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
How would you attempt to do a Hunter x Hunter or Naruto RPG setting and what system would be best used for something...
Seemingly Useless Superpowers
Favourite CSM Warband/Legion
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
Be DM with Half-Elf McCoolname
Infinity General - This is Outrageous! Edition
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1282: Hitler's Treasure is Kamen Rider Edition
Critical Role Thread
Post flavor text that makes you smile, whether due to funny, heartwarming, or just plain sweet
Board Game General /bgg/
Character art
Imperial Guard creation thread
Age of Sigmar General
Have you found that numbers-heavy "domain/kingdom management" subsystems usually lead to the group ceding control over...
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
Has you group roleplayed a family? Like group consists of Adventure mom and dad and children?
What's with adventurers going barefoot?
Would you play an fable-style animal character?
But GM, rockets and machine guns exist in your setting all the monsters in the world should be dead!
Godbound General
Cyberpunk 2020 Advice
Add to a rapier
Starting new DnD 5e adventure this Friday
What kind of qualities should a fantasy metal have? Do you use your own fantasy metals in your games?
Warhammer 40,000 General
Why are gnomes the 'techno' race in the standard fantasy setting?
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
What are the best genres of sci-fi for gaming besides space opera and cyberpunk?
Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums
Genestealer Cult!
EDH/Commander general
How do you justify "the normal guy" keeping up with a group of cyborgs, genetically engineered superhumans, aliens...
What dungeon lies beyond this door?
I need some suggestions for creative cursed items
Solo Games
Filename thread
Mage Guild
What's the best standard fantasy race and why is it dwarf?
Apparently Bretonnia is going to be getting some brand new units next month. What do you guys expect?
Is Exalted 3e any good? I didn't realize it had actually happened since it's not a conventional game store release...
/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General
/kdm/kdg/kdmg/ - Kingdom Death General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
I have a couple of questions, regarding both Dungeon World and PbtA games in general...
Why are guns in fantasy settings such a contentious issue...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1281: Kamen Rider is Hitler's Treasure Edition
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
What's your favourite way to make Paladins fall?
Warhammer 40,000 General
Warhammer Fantasy General
Who would unironically love a tabletop game of Pandora
Death is God Tier Edition
/osrg/ OSR General - Enough Memes Edition
In my campaign setting, magic is wild and unpredictable...
What's the best tactic to attack and successfully exterminate an entire village inhabited by nothing but skilled orc...
Flames of War: V4 END TIMES HYPE edition
ITT: Settings you would like to play a game in
You are an Inquisitor collecting all sorts of alien shit across the galaxy
Little kids playing RPGs
Haha, hey guys, Katie wanted to come to game night, hope that's okay
MUSKETS AND MONSTERS: Baroque fantasy thread general
Behemoth: The Land of Giants
Warhammer 40,000 general
How does a human fighter defeat an orc that's almost twice is size ?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
I hate it that in D&D fights feel so inconsequential. They happen very often...
Is your character the party leader? What kind of leader are they?
The party meets in a tavern
Why hasn't anyone made a RWBY system, fa/tg/uys? I've been looking, and nothing seems to exist...
Space exploration with a touch of lasciviousness
My friend wants to run a campaign but wants to set it in coliseum/gladiatorial arena...
How will 3D printing affect wargames and table top gaming?
/swg/ shipwrecked edition
Warhammer 40,000 general
Want to get into tabletop roleplay
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1280: Entrées and Entendre Edition
ITT things that tick you off
Have you ever played a tacticool character before?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General Weasel Edition
Alpha Legion Uses the Most Effective Form of Warfare
Drawthread: Quit Yer Bellyachin' Edition
/40krpg/ 40k RPG General
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
MTG Lore Thread Sky Pirates Edition
Oldhammer thread?
/kdg/ Kingdom Death General
Question about Hags
Necron Dynasty Creation
Warhammer 40k general
Horrible things the Imperium has done/does?
Fucking stupid bard keeps pissing off enemies and starting fights without ever giving us a chance to try avoiding...
What is your opinion on his person and his youtube content?
Why do witches have such big hats? Does it help with mana flow or something or is it some fashion statement?
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Can I use bestow curse for positive effects of the same degree?
What's the worst community on Veeky Forums, and why is it Modern players?
Meanwhile, on Kobold Veeky Forums
/cyoag/ CYOA General
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
When you fail to save someone and you see them later returned as one of the undead
Has there ever been a roleplaying game really set in Korea? Modern? Ancient? Even future?
Could a Good person and an Evil person be friends?
ITT: we correct misconceptions
How do you kill a dragon?
EDH/Commander General
How do you handle running campaigns in established settings, Veeky Forums?
Age of Sigmar General ! /aosg/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Character Art
Filename thread
I'm considering requiring Wizards to use wands to cast spells in my game/setting
You have exactly one minute to explain why you're not rolling a vampire cyborg character
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1279: Insert Witty Title Here Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
AD&D is game for small kids
Warhammer 40k General Thread
Can Love bloom on the Krieger battlefield?
Feels Thread
Do they have TV in the Eye of Terror?
Kill Team General /ktg/
To throw my 2 cents in their recent behavior hasn't made me go "Wow I gotta go buy that thing right now" but it has...
An enormous space hulk has exited the Warp and your Explorator demands you lead your team of elite guardsmen deep...
Stat him, Veeky Forums
What kind of video games would elves, dwarves, orcs, and halflings play
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
SS13: To Bomb, Griff, Validhunt, or to Have Fun Edition
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Dragons are the only true immortal beings in the material world
Gangs of Commorragh
Im building agame and Im stuck on classes at the moment. I want 10 total but only 9 work well
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
/mtg/ modern general
Mages Guild: Improper Teleportation Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Would it be too "HFY" to make a setting where humans are the dumbest race around?
How would a city with 100 million inhabitants look like?
Veeky Forums
Your GM has requested that everyone's character to be carrying an item that, were it to be discovered...
The party Druid gets revenge on the party Wizard by fucking his cat
Do you think the drafting-system is more fair in Magic than Hearthstone? If so, why?
Warhammer 40k General
Scarlet Phalanx/Red Lords, Thread 2
What kind of class features would a Merchant have?
Space Marines aren't technically allowed to train and outfit their own army right?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
1st for Poots
/swg/ - Sithposting edition
/cyoag/ CYOA General
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
Draw Your Party & Rate Other Parties Thread
Looking back at D&D 4e
Warhammer 40k General
/gurpsgen/ GURPS General
Maxing out a sickle
Veeky Forums Nostalgia Thread
What would be the best system to run a horror game where the PC's are children/youths lost in a mystical forest?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1278: Browning Out Edition
I'm creating a 7 Deadly Sins themed DnD campaign
Post Apocalyptic General
What was the biggest "down the drain" moment in the history of traditional gaming?
"That Guy" Tips and Stories
Excuse me your excellencies for disturbing your diplomatic negotiations, but a powerful Overlord is on a conquest spree!
New game
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: No OP questions edition
ITT: we correct misconceptions
Long vs. Short Backstories
3d6 vs 1d20
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Raised by the Necromancer
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40k General
/btg/ Battletech General!
Designing and Roleplaying believable females
Do you fudge dice rolls?
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
What's the connection with rangers and the focus on dual-wielding - where did that idea come from...
/osrg/ OSR General - Can't Stop The Rock Edition
Say what you will about Dragon Ages crappy plot, but as fantasy settings go,but they did religion right
Is King Arthur a Paladin or a fighter?
EDH/Commander general
Dark Souls Boardgame
So I'm creating a science fiction game and setting and kind of desire to include 'reality warpers' in the setting...
Last movie you've watched is the setting to your campaign
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
Hahahahahaha, enjoying your sixty dollar playset?
GW is... actually doing fine? Holy fucking shit
Did your fantasy setting ever had a special-ops operator-equivalent?
Do dogs and other pets from earth exist in the far future?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Shitposting-Autists-find-love Edition
Neckbeards ruined lovecraft for me
While the game is pretty shit, I really liked the mechanic of any card being able to become a land
Filename thread
Are you guys ready for Combo Winter 2: Electric Boogaloo?
Warmachine/Hordes General - /wmhg/
Dubs picks my legion
/kdm/ /kdg/ - Kingdom Death general
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Game Finder
The sword speaks to you
In the future of space...
Resurrection spells
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1277: Soviet Edition
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Vampire Counts in 40k
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Veeky Forums Drawthread: Finally an Actual Pic From This Thread Edition
So, during a game the question came up: "How much health does the earth have...
You're in the tavern when this guy slaps your fighter's ass and offers him a potion
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Undead Edition
Infinity General - Bane of the Antipode Edition
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
FATE Core General
Warhammer 40k General
/awg/ Alternative Wargames General
Realism in a fantasy
Have you ever done a heist before...
Domesticated Monsters
Playing a female tiefling bard in a 5e campaign I decided to join on a whim which also happens to be the first online...
Worldbuilding: The Afterlife
MTG Standard General
MTG Modern General
Need fitting art for a specific character
The genie wishes to thank you for saving his carefully collected harem girls...
I love games workshop so much, and am glad they are finally bringing more kickass women into mix...
Order of the Stick #1062
/hhg/ - Horus Heresy General MkXII
RIP Cadia
I'm GMing and the party is based in the backroom of a tavern in the capital's waterfront district
My players are driving me insane
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
Warhammer 40k General
Kingdom Death General /kdmg/
So, planetary romance. How come it isn't more common in roleplaying games?
That guy
Legend of the Five Rings General
Fuck dude they found us, the gig is actually up
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1276: Everpresent Feeling Edition
SS13: A Pint to All Spaceman Gone!
He can accept that dragons fly
Just out of sheer curiosity
Warhammer Fantasy General
In your opinion, what are some "Must Haves" on a futuristic setting?
How would a Tiefling wear a helmet? I can't for the life of me figure it out
Who was in the right here?
Turns out the Tyranids left their home galaxy to escape the Gems
Been a while since I've seen one of these
/swg/ A Fistful of Credits Edition
How do I implement gender swapping in a campaign without it being a magical realm?
Your therapist insists on playing Dungeons and Dragons with you during your therapy sessions
Rules-light is always the best!
What are you reading, Veeky Forums?
I apologize for interrupting your serious business, kind Veeky Forums. I found this game somewhere...
Flavour text thread?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
As a DM, what is something you always put in your campaings? Like an item or a character with a certain trait?
Bad Drawthread
Tell me your experiences/stories in a full adult group playing with a kid (like 12 years old)
Stereotypical names for halflings
/5eg/ Last thread was a hipsterfest edition
MTG Banned & Restricted
What are the best examples of people losing their humanity in order to protect it?
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
SoB thread
Trolls as a PC race
A Cozy, Creepy, Winter Campaign
Who drew this?
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Magic and those that use it are capable of almost anything...
Swallow a key to make a point
EDH/Commander general
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
Subtlety is dead for modern players, and that's good
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
What are the best recorded campaigns of all time? Audio preferred, I'd like to listen while I work
Can a Chaos Space Marine be uncorrupted?
What does a paladin do when the demon king is vanquished and there's no more evil left to smite?
Age of Sigmar General ! /aos/
How does your setting look at violence and murder directed at kids and those that commit it?
Why are you still playing offline?
Warhammer 40,000 general /40kg/
Nobledark 40k XII: Brain Boyz and Chaos edition
Cute and Fantastical Monsters
Post charecters from any media aside traditional gaming that best represents a D&D class...
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1275: Very Important Edition
"You didn't earn any XP because you didn't kill anything"
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Roommate tells me he wants to play dnd and dm
How do we make rescuing captured princesses interesting again?
Kingdom Death was once a game, but now is merely a collection of waifus
Has any sci-fi setting ever been improved by the prequels?
How do you explain that high level wizards don't simply rule the world in your typical d&d setting?
Warhammer 40,000 general
Revolt-New Combo Winter?
Duncan Appreciation Thread
Malifaux General
Board Game General /bgg/
We all know the standard fantasy archetypes, wise wizards, warriors, cunning rouges, ect...
JoJo Traditional Games General
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
Why aren't "aliens" rarely used in more high fantasy settings?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
GW Headquartes
WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General
Humanity actually finds a portal to the Ark from halo in 2017
Stat me
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games