RIP Cadia

A moment of silence for the brave men, women, children and Tactical Geniuses that have fallen to those filthy heretics this day.

especially that God damn legend of a manly cigar-chomping motherfucker who stood up to Failbaddon with balls forged of the purest adamantium and plated in gold.

Other urls found in this thread: of cadia


>Held [ ]
>Not held [x]

>Abaddon dedicates his entire being to destroying Cadia for 10,000 years and fails and gets beaten up by a girl
>Trazyn accomplishes more in a week and doesn't even give a shit either way

Abaddon is so helpless that they had to give him a special sword to kill the Emperor with because he can't be trusted to hit an comatose, near death target on his own.

Why do CSM insist on adding horns and spikes to their armour? Do the Chaos gods like it or something?

It's to praise the minor Gods Ans'l, Mo'rcck and Phraz-Etar .

the planet broke before the guard did

Wait what what happened

>Abaddon lands on Cadia and finds nothing but a single building
>40 space marine legions that have been hidden for 10k years and 16 emperor class titans appear from behind the building
>Abaddon realizes he did not land on Cadia, but rather landed on a planet made up of Space Marine legions and Titans.
>his last word before being banished back to the warp:


the pylons got activated, abaddon ran away from the imperials, then the pylons overloaded themselves and cracked the planet

Cadia got rekt.
Legions are unleashed.

Literally who?

The minor Gods Ans'l, Mo'rcck and Phraz-Etar.

bryan ansell, michael moorcock and frank frazetta

I doubt the guys writing the chaos fluff nowadays really remember them, though. or if they do, they consider such fluff beneath them.


Oh well
As long as the imperium can push the hordes back long enough the mechanicus can probably bring in a replacment cadia
Did everybody important make it out alive


>GW starts to release models I want and some what better models
>lore goes to shit

Ill just listen to the 40k in my head now........



Why is fucking who ever writes this new lore so shit? Who is it White Dwarf? Black Library? Games Workshop themselves?

Read the fucking OP. Tactical Genius didn't. of cadia , fag

Doesn't that help the imperium though?
The Cadian pylons suppress the warp around them, so now isn't the entire area completely impassable for chaos?
More important question though, why is Cadia the only place that chaos try to leave through?

Literally to make their armor look scary or mutations to their armor from warp exposure.

>Games Workshop themselves?

They drank their own koolaid.

>then the pylons overloaded themselves and cracked the planet

You knew this was coming.

You new since they killed Fantasy Battles that this shit was coming. You had time at least to make your peace.

Some of us still possess boxes of Dwarves and Ogre Kingdom models, unpainted, unused. Never again to see the light of day. Outside of Kings of War, which doesn't really scratch that same itch.

For those of us that once played Fantasy there was no real warning, just a gaping abcess leading to black abyss.

>Doesn't that help the imperium though?

No. The Chaos plan is to trash planets and sacrifice them to drag the Eye of Terror with them all the way to Terra.

This all happened because the Magos who disturbed the pylons kept praying to Omnissiah instead of paying attention to the energy levels.

This would not have happened if it had been in the competent hands of a earth caste engineer.

But it will not, earth caste cannot into FTL.

Is there a TL; DR of what happened?

Did Frank Frazetta work on 40k at some point?

That's pretty fucking cool, if so.

No, they were just inspired by him.

>pylons get activated
>everything with demonic energy implodes
>celestine is kil
>abbadon falls back
>cadia is kil
>creed went down with the ship

since we all know Celestine can't really die she will be back at some point, but Creed and Cadia are gone, and Chaos didn't take any significant losses.


>and Chaos didn't take any significant losses.
Well, most of the Black Legion, plus several traitor forces and CSM warbands should be in Cadia when it exploded, albeit GW could easily ignore that.

They evacuated before the explosion.


nothing they can't replace is what I meant to say, but yea I imagine the black legion got fucked up pretty bad, and whatever else was on Cadia. The eye of terror getting closed is probably the biggest blow dealt to them.

This thread and every thread.

I don't care for the imperium of man except for the stories of cadia. Space marines are dumb and so is the inquisition. Can't help but feel disappointed in gw in making this move. Granted I most of my army is dark eldar. I do have about 500 points in cadia models

>Why did Chaos want to go via Cadia
IIRC the can leave the Warp every way they want, but it's equivalent to taking muddy roads in the country, while via Cadia it's like a 10 lane highway

wait where are these advancements coming from?

Didn't Creed get evacuated along with Celestine? At least, that's what I heard on the scuttlebut. Makes more sense for him to lose an arm but survive than for him to lose an arm and then also die.

You know this deosn't mean they're all dead right? There are billions of them that weren't on the planet

and the imperial guard doesn't just get soldiers from cadia, they merely wore the most common armor and had the most generic look, thus their association with all IG

You Guys literally didn't do anything meaningful at all, not even Abbygail the Everspoiled got to look cool. He came in, had a typical retarded villain moment, got stabbed for it, and then teleports away.

If Fall of Cadia had actually been written by competent people who knew the basic Lore of what the fuck they're writing, the Pylons would not only have not blown-up simply because the plot demanded it, but they would have actually crippled the Chaos Armies who rely on the Warp a fuckton rather than the Imperium who mostly just use a fuckton of Guns.

You were literally only relevant because the Authors had to find a way to shoehorn you being threatening into the already lackluster script. Quit pretending you were important.

>creed is dead
>no major chaos losses

I don't even play 40k and that's pretty fucking gay. Why couldn't GW get any decent writers to cover it?

>no major chaos losses

Spine lives matter. Check your vertebrate privilege.

Because a good writer would have Creed survive just because.

chaos in the warhammer/40k world is literally just lifted from straight from Moorcock. Including the 8-pointed star, the mutations, the whole lot.

Is this End Times for 40k? If so, I feel very sorry. I hope your game is ruined like mine was.

Joke's on you, I'd prefer AoS with General's Handbook over 7E 40K or 8E WHFB.

>my stinking, fetid mess of a game is better then your pile of garbage!

It's okay to have bad taste, not everyone can be good. I just don't see the point in ruining a game for everyone else.

>not everyone can be good
>having good taste = being good

Clearly you're not one of said people with good taste.

I made this picture just a couple weeks ago....seems so out of date now.

Someone needs to add a bottom panel of Trayzen walking away while Cadia explodes to make it accurate.

>I hope your game is ruined like mine was.

Sorry Fantacuck, but 40k is a successful game.

I feel like jumping shop and playing storm cast externals. Feels like gw only actually cares about aos and put their more intelligent minds behind that.

40k is horrid, but AoS is by no means a good game
play literally anything else

These threads are magnets for ass blasted wfb players that still can't let go.

40k rules are so convoluted and retarded at this point AoSing the rules would be welcome. Might even flush out all the neck beards like aos did. Win win

get ready for WARHAMMER 40K


>implying AoS the rules wouldn't end up nerfing the tyranids further.

This is cute. The Cadian Pylons being destroyed is just about the best possible thing that could happen for the Imperium. Chaos needed the Cadian Gate to be open in order to move massive fleets out of the Eye, that's been true forever. There's a reason Chaos has always tried to smash their way through Cadia, instead of going around it; because they couldn't. Now the Pylons are gone, the Gate will close, and Chaos will forever be unable to move massive fleets into realspace. Good job morons, you've destroyed the only bridge you had to cross this river. Even when Harmless wins he still loses.

>they don't know AoS is literally better than 40k right now

Nobody is saying AoS is good, but boy does it say a lot about you to not recognize how shit 40k currently is.


I stopped playing 40k 4 years ago cause my orks were so bad after so many fucking years. Anything is better than what they have now. It's a clusterfuck of books, formations and data slate shite. At worst your still going to be bottom of the barrel, so what difference does it make?

Is this new knowledge that the necrons have pylons that can negate the warp? I recall threads awhile back from chaosfags shitting on crons that they are the top tier lore enemy since they cannot be stopped or beaten bla bla

Chaos' new plan is to extend the Eye in a massive tendril straight towards Terra itself.

I think.

If that's true it's retarded. If Chaos could purposefully expand or redirect the Eye at will they would have long since. The lore explicitly states that the Cadian Gate is the only stable route into or out of the Eye of Terror, and as such is just as important for Chaos as for the Imperium, if not more so.

>Is this new knowledge that the necrons have pylons that can negate the warp?


try playing a game that isn't made by games workshop
they're pretty much all better

>hey tzeench, how about we extend the eye of terror towards terra itself
>that's retarded abaddon
>yeah but what if we did
>actually sure why not

So, cadia fell, at least it made sense in the established lore, was decent writing?, doesn't it destroy the only stable route of the eye?

Now this is just heard from hearsay, but don't the pylons also keep the eye contained to some extent? Now that they're destroyed the eye can expand at a faster pace then before and slowly kill the imperium by swallowing up systems as it expands. The galaxy has been doomed to a slow death.

On the other hand the other warp storms dont really expand so maybe thats wrong.

10 bucks says that they kill of the hivemind and make tyranids all individuals and the Swarmlord is the god-king of the race

>Hey Abaddon don't worry we could always expand and create warpstorms at will, especially this one that we didn't even create in the first place, but we really just enjoyed watching you bang your head against the Cadian wall for 10k years for shits and giggles.

Just as planned?

Id buy it

That...would actually be completely believable and in-character with what the Chaos Gods were supposed to be before they all started being marketed as Just-as-Planned, 2deep4u, Eldar God wannabes.

Yes the gods like it. Also sometimes the gods make the horns grow from the armor whether the marine wants them or not.

Dear god the burn

Did all Cadian forces die with Cadia or they've managed to evacuate most of their forces like Faibaddon?

Also how Creed and Celestine died

no all the cadians aren't dead, just the 8th that and creed that went down with the planet. Celestine got rekt by abbadons sword but didn't really die, and just sort of faded from the pylons overload.


The only silver lining to this ass writing is that we might finally get some new plastic guard models that don't look like shit.


So sorry, haven't been into the hobby for like five years now, and decided to find a couple threads on a whim.

Whats all this about Glorious Eternal Cadia falling?

Age of Emperor is happening this year with a new edition and it's starting with Cadia being exploded.

Why don't you google it you dumb nigger

even though it's kind of fucking obvious just from context


>he doesn't know the names of all Eight points of the Path

Looks like it's time to bear the Word. Repeat after me:


Further down the totem pole we also have...


...and more

>Creed is kill
>Celestine is kill

No they aren't.

Trips of truth. Celestine is literally an order-aligned daemon prince(aengel-prince?), the pylons prevented warp powers from intervening on the planet but wouldn't the pylons have been destroyed too if the planet was destroyed, sending Celestine back to the warp?

And infinitely more bland.
None of them have a setting or models half as good.

>hurr hurr no timeline movement
>muh space marines vs muh evil space marines
Yeah. Bland or good settings? hah. Great one.
Excuse me, while I open another thread about Primarchs and Autism.

I'm sure the other franchises are so riveting that they'll jump straight to the top of the market.

No one has any solid proof - there was just some supposed leak that people are taking as gospel. I'm betting it doesn't happen anything like these threads describe.

So is the Lion gonna wake the fuck up or not GW?

I'm not upset that the Guard lost, or that Cadia fell, or that Chaos won due to plot contrivances. I'm upset because it was blundered so hard

They somehow made what should be the biggest "oh shit" moment in the current plot the flattest garbage i've had the misfortune to experience in recent memory

Rumours say Guiliboyo will be the first.

This. What should have been the rise of a grand tempedt and the end times turned out to be a conga line of everybody fucking up in turn.

In a sad way, that's kind of 40k for you. Everyone just fucks the pooch and everything sucks for everybody. I'm not saying it's preferable to a better storyline, but it is in-character at the very least.

You forgot the part where 40k is still profitable and extends in multiple directions.

The exact details of the battle are unclear, but like others have said multiple people forget that even without the warp the CSM are still Space Marines and the Guard are just humans who saw their single source of inspiration apparently get killed by Abaddon.

The Eye of Terror isn't a warp storm, it's described a tear in reality where the warp and material world intertwine. Theoretically it should be possible to expand it if enough is done in the areas around it to weaken the walls of reality.

This thread is more proof that the 40k portion of Veeky Forums either can't be bothered to read or doesn't understand what it's reading.

It's posted on Black Library, you can literally read it for yourself. I'm honestly surprised they put up what is likely the juiciest lore for free.