To continue the story time from last thread.
Once the characters got to Hub City the speculate a bit on what the attack was about, but also get caught up bragging about their partners.
We are welcomed to the city by Signalmon, one our handful of OCmon who receives our report on the attack and let's us go on our way.
During this period Abby has a bit of a crisis in regards to not being able to talk to the others, Shoutmon helps her get over it in their first bonding moment, as well as shows his first signs of being super overprotective of Abby which'll be a key trait of his as the the game progresses.
While Shoutmon and Abby were doing their things, the rest of the party realize what's going on and decide to sing a song for her when she got back as an apology. A song Chie picked up from her grandfather, despite not actually being able to speak japanese.
>The Biggest Dreamer
This song became the general theme for the game and a nickname for the group.
The group receives a message from Alicia noting how cute they are, which gives Abby the idea of using the digivice messages as a way to talk to everyone.
Things move along from there and the party decides to start up on a quest. Between the options of 'Hot and Bothered' (which Coronamon favored), Special Delivery, Green thumb(which Chie thought to be gross due to a misunderstanding of the saying), and 'Hope your not Afraid of Heights!' The group immediately jumped on 'Green Thumb' as Abby favored it and Castor immediately sided with her out of the guilt mentioned previously.
Once the group were ready they took a teleport pad that brought them to a nearby forest for the quest. After taking in the environment, the group were welcomed by a sudden quake and fleeing digimon.
There the group met their first Hollowmon ending the session just before battle.