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Have you ever run a mortals only game?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>Have you ever run a mortals only game?
Nobody in the history of either game has ever run just mortals
>Have you ever run a mortals only game?
Three in nWoD.
I have had trouble tracking down which NWoD Mage book has a breakdown of what different Occult levels mean regarding various phenomenon (I think it had ghosts and spirits at the minimum) . There is a similar entry in the beginning of Inferno regarding Infernal Demons. Could anyone help me out with the title? Or any similar resources in other books?
For fans of VTMB
What's the deal with Brotherhood of the Ninth Circle? Do they have formal ties to the Sabbat or they just a Gehenna cult? It's entirely possible they were aligned with the Sabbat and have since defected.
Arguments for Sabbat Pack:
- The title "Bishop" in Bishop Vick
- Extremely low regard for humanity
- Operate in a derelict area
- If Montreal by Night is any indication, the Demons certain Sabbat packs traffic with are known to poison Kindred with infectious vitae. Bishop Vick mentions a Demon, but more likely, his comment referred to his Sire than anyone of the Fallen
Arguments for Gehenna cult
- They exist to accelerate the Apocalypse, which is against the Code of Milan
- It's implied, but not exactly stated, the Brotherhood of the Ninth Circle deny the existence of the Antediluvians, which is inline with Camarilla-tier heresy
- No official literature mentions them in any significant fashion. "Path of the Ninth Circle" doesn't even exist as a Path of Enlightenment
- The conservative members of the Sabbat don't like having blood borne diseases spreading among their kine because that, in turn, fucks with them
You mean only mortals as PCs, or only mortals in game, without supernaturals at all? I did first, second is kinda boring IMO, and why use WoD for it?
>Onyx Path press conference
"Awww ye time to find out about all the upcoming books, sales, events and stuff"
>Nothing but telling people to check their privilege and how to maintain safe spaces during roleplaying
Onyx Path was a mistake. Kill me now.
The merits that the Totem grants in Wt:F 2e, can they be granted even if members don't have the prerequisites?
I think it's a Gehenna cult. They would've at least said Sabbat if that was the direction.
Anyone read Conquering Heroes yet?
Does it fix Beast?
Just expans on it
Everyone in the book is a deplorable
>Everyone in the book is a deplorable
To be fair these people are the antagonists to already shitty people. They need to reach new lows.
I ran a Mortals-only game when GMC first came out using the Road Trip story track. It was really fun!
Oh my, no.
>The Blind Man’s blotted clothing is as result of a thick trail of what resemble fish eggs progressively leaking from his navel, urethra, and anus. Particularly around his navel area, a coagulated mass of pink and black eggs comes forth when the Blind Man strains his abdominal muscles. Horrifyingly, the Blind Man has from time to time passed these eggs off as salmon roe or sturgeon caviar, as they bear a sour, fishy odor. Those who consume his “produce” have their fertility dramatically increased, and gradually produce their own eggs in a similar fashion to the Blind Man, the only difference being that mortal-produced eggs possess a coat of thin white fur. This invariably drives the afflicted unfortunates insane, as they cannot stop the egg production, resulting in self-destructive harm. The Blind Man believes that by participating in the birthing, they increase the speed at which the Primogenitor will be reborn.
Why do CofD and WoD share a general when they don't seem to like each other very much?
I'm sort if. I've found there's so much overlap between hunter the vigil and chronicles of darkness I've referenced it more than I have the hunter book.
Because neither can survive for very long on their own threads. The threads split for like two weeks after the Beast leak, and that much became clear.
Considering that the players are already doing morally questionable things to feed their horrors this kind of seems okay.
Good God.
A Night Horrors book was never going to fix Beast. At least it gave them a new antagonist even if they're boring.
Watch the new Beast book get leaked in a shorter time than SotC.
>Because neither can survive for very long on their own threads. The threads split for like two weeks after the Beast leak, and that much became clear.
cofd threads do fine
wod threads can't survive on their own
Eh? Where is this conference? At Midwinter?
The somethingawful forum thread for this is full of win. They're picking it apart just like we are!
I didn't run one but I played in a 3-year long one when NWOD first came out. It was glorious.
Plugging our podcast, V20 Gehenna Themed.
updates here, including past episodes
>They're picking it apart just like we are!
>just like we are!
>picking on one paragraph about one character and saying it's gross
OK, like we HAVE been (they've went over most of the same junk we have in the past couple of threads).
Considering that it's this one they're picking apart can't really say I blame them.
Well, it's an NPC entity, actually.
It just sort of reminds me of Pathfinder's Daikina or whatever.
I don't think Beast has made that many people happy.
Is there a sourcebook for ready made mooks for a mage game?
>Ready made mooks in WoD
night horors unbidden
1e mage awakening
order + legacy books have ready made characters of different power
Night Horrors: The Unbidden
Intruders: Encounters With The Abyss
Just a bunch of people fixated on one Beast who drips gross maggot eggs from his dick, among other places.
If "this guy leaks gross things from his bodily orifices, one of which is his penis so that's the one I'm going to focus on" is the extent of the book's problems, it sounds like the book doesn't have all that many problems.
I think he means MOOKS. I mean, there are a bunch of antagonist NPCs.
Honestly I wouldn't worry about character sheets for "mooks".
It's not that it's gross, necessarily, it's that it's gross and also pretty boring. It's so much detail for something your average game isn't going to really get into. It's a far cry from that tongue parasite from one of the Vampire Night Horrors books.
The real problem with the book is that it's boring. It has the entire Chronicles of Darkness setting to play with, but all it settles for is Heroes with nothing really new, Beasts with nothing really new except for some silly stuff like the Titanic sinking one, and Insatiables, who are Beasts but eviler and with different words for Beast vocabulary.
Let's see. Some highlights from the reviews...
* Dick-eggs
* A crazy unwashed basement dweller woman Insatiabe who engineered a gamergate/MRA SJW attack via 'whipping her trolls into a frenzy'.
* An Insatiable sank the Titanic (and the stats barely stand up to a starting PC, if at all)
* Powers that are a mess (rolling off of stats like Lair that the thing doesn't have by default, though this is a simple fix).
* Schism, which is like Promethean Disquiet except WORSE
* The name of their powers, Esurients, literally means 'Hungries' since the base word, Esurient means 'hungry'. It's stupid lack of work for the word origin.
For example, the gamergate NPC?
>Null Snyper lives alone in a single-room apartment, which she rarely leaves. Thanks to the internet, she rarely needs anything from the outside world. The only time she dares venture out is to acquire new computer hardware to upgrade her setup. She is safe in her Den, surrounded by the glow of computer monitors and the hum of various power supplies and hard drives. Trash and old, discarded computer parts litter the floor like so many skeletons stripped of flesh.
>Her physical appearance is unkempt. She dresses slovenly and never bathes. She never interacts with anyone in person, so she sees no reason to bother. For her, the physical is a pointless waste of time that shackles her, preventing her from reaching her full potential. Everything she needs is available to her through the computer. If she had some way to shed her body and exist internet scourge entirely as information in the cloud, she would take it without a moment’s hesitation. Ironically, since she stopped caring about her appearance, she now looks more like her self-image from her youth. Her face is pimply due to her poor hygiene, and her stench reeks worse than it did even when her family tried to save money by using less water. She has an emaciated frame, bordering on skeletal, from subsisting on mere emotion without tangible flesh.
Are they still on about GamerGate?
I don't think even the GamerGate people care about GamerGate.
Guys, a UI for a Supernal Atlantean computer - Mind 3 or 4? I don't want it to be a full AI, just a very intuitive interface with High Speech, and the ability to make Prime illusions and record rotes.
It doesn't call it out specifically but it's obvious in its intent to be a gamergate-esque situation. I feel like it's kindof 'let's do all the social commentary that we push in every OTHER game line up to 11' with some of this shit.
>to make Prime illusions and record rotes
Those effects would require Prime, not mind.
If you want a "Supernal computer," mechanically it will likely need to be some sort of supernal artifact, and at least until the release of Signs of Sorcery, a LOT of fudging of rules.
The little you're describing is basically an awakened or semi-awakened device, and absent Imperial Practices, beyond the scope of the base Arcana.
>An Insatiable sank the Titanic (and the stats barely stand up to a starting PC, if at all)
To be fair, the Titanic sank irl without need for magic. Someone barely supernatural can be involved in goading the actual behaviors that happened. Or do you mean like they literally hit it with an attack that supposedly did the iceberg damage?
It's an Incarnate Beast so it implies the thing itself actually did it.
Goddamnit people! Remember to IGNORE HIM.
Thats actually the best response to Beast, its not worth to even get mad about like say changeling lost 2nd or owod gypsies, it just deserves indiference for a meh game with a meh concept and a meh sourcebook.
>it's gross and also pretty boring.
Iunno. It's a pretty common bodyhorror thing and it squicks me the fuck out.
It also barely seems to be any real detail.
>It's a far cry from that tongue parasite from one of the Vampire Night Horrors books.
Eesh. Thanks for the memories. There's also a giant worm monster. Man, Wicked Dead is the best Night Horrors book.
Anyway, I don't really want to comment on it until I've read it, but it sounds like more of the same. People overexaggerating things because when you get right down to it, Beast isn't actually that interesting.
Iunno, that doesn't seem nearly as bad as you say. The Hero, I mean. The mechanical stuff is frustratingly familiar and something I thought they'd gotten better at.
It's not like Gamergate was unique in anything but it's scope.
I want the actual book, not a SomethingAwful thread. That site lives up to its name.
>like say changeling lost 2nd
u trollin' guv
>It's a common body horror thing and it squicks me the fuck out
Once the initial "ew" reaction goes away, there's just not really anything to it thematically or in terms of a game. That's why it's boring. It's pretty cut and dry and there's little the player can do about it.
Get fucked Aspel. I know you masturbate over Beast, the rest of us think it's garbage. Get over it and fuck off.
Insatiable are beasts but with all the disgusting shit rammed up their dicks. While Beasts get all the pretty shit
They're also mechanically broken.
The SA forum points out the problems inherent in deriving dice bonuses from a Lair they don't start with, when the rolls are heavily skewed towards the Beast anyway, it costs Satiety to visit the Lair and a chamber automatically "returns to sender".
Also, the Snake Guy who destroyed the Titanic has high strength but absolutely no Brawl or MA skill, making him a villain that can't even reliably hit the protagonists.
Oh, but he is really, really, ridiculously good looking
>*blue steel*
Oh, but he is really, really, ridiculously good looking
>*blue steel*
Please tell me they added Epic Striking Looks.
Are you stuck with a theme or personality archtype depending on the Mage Path you take?
Could you clarify? It sounds like you're talking about cabal/shadow persona.
Moros: morose
Acanthus: flighty
Mastigos: cynical
Obrimos: confident
Thyrsus: exuberant
Infecting people with supernatural disease is good for plot.
SA also thinks that high numbers make something broken and that Size translates in any way to weight, and that as such a Beast could throw the Statue of Liberty.
The Snake guy has Strength 5 and likely a whole host of magical powers, it's not like he needs to punch the Titanic. I mean, in the Morning After, Esmee obtains Incarnation through poison bombs.
>It's not that it's gross, necessarily, it's that it's gross and also pretty boring. It's so much detail for something your average game isn't going to really get into. It's a far cry from that tongue parasite from one of the Vampire Night Horrors books.
it's one paragraph
you're having a hissy fit over it for over 24 hours
>Have you ever run a mortals only game?
Does it count if there are psychics and suchlike among the PC's?
So, ok. Even OPP criticises Conquering Heroes.
They complain about the mechanics.
That book seems to suck ass.
Path stereotypes are just that stereotypes there are jovial Moros and intellectual Thrysus. But to your point there's nothing in the rules I can recall that forbids your character having a change in personality in fact a change in a characters personality after important moments in a story can be a sign of good role-playing.
Just be careful not to have radical shifts in mood every session you may stretch the impact of it.
Is it? It's a guaranteed process, there's no cure or any real opening for one, and there's no real threat presented to the characters beyond "will castrate themselves and then probably die". It doesn't really do all that much, plotwise.
Other books in other lines have done body horror plots more effectively, is all.
who's the jag off who thinks saying something isn't horrible, without citing any redeeming qualities gets them points?
Mage Sight works even for blind mages?
It does, though they'll see it differently.
Yes, Dave himself answered the question in the last thread.
A blind mage just perceives the information through other senses.
Paths don't have mandatory personality or themes.
Certain types of personalities are said to be more likely to Awaken to certain Paths, but there's nothing preventing a pc from playing against type.
However, due to the nature and greater ease of use of their Ruling Arcana, mages of a given Path tend to develop commonalities in their approach to magic and problem solving.
"Here's the cure" isn't something Chronicles of Darkness is generally going to do. That's usually up to the troupe.
Do you need space conjunctional to know where something is located when using a knowing spell?
For example say I want to find a book that I know is written in silver ink and bound with brass. Would a matter knowing spell covering all the stacks tell me where it is?
That's fine, but usually for potentially fatal ailments there's suggestions about what could stop the process. Even a False Awakening had suggestions on how someone could stop it, even if the victim's magical meltdown was pretty much inevitable in almost all cases.
The patterning spell to regenerate list limbs is not lasting but can you instead use perfecting to get the regenerative properties of an animal to grow back a lost limb and make it lasting?
If you need a cure to something, find a powerful mage or make a deal with an appropriate spirit.
Everyone in the CofD setting with a real clue knows these are your only viable options.
Are there no solutions? I wouldn't know, the book hasn't been leaked, I have one page to go off of.
Well Beast is the crossover game, so going to a Mage to solve the problem would count as crossover.
It *can* be lasting with +2 reach and subject to your GM's approval. The main advantage of weaving over perfecting is speed you can regrow limbs in moments instead of weeks.
Why can't you use Life the shrink yourself or make yourself younger? Would lile to see a Thumbelina type mage
I don't know can you?
No because I'll make my own path
Close, Presence 8 and Striking Looks 1.
>Size translates in any way to weight
Show me the text that says it doesn't, or fuck off.
"seems"? Only the eternal apologist, Aspel the Unhinged, insists there's anything worthwhile in that turdburger.
Aspel, the stupid fat fuck. Who else?
What? fuck that shit. He'd have to be powerstat 8 + the stat merit to have it that high. what gives?
>Size translates in any way to weigh
>Size does not correlate into Weight
Small-Framed (••)
Effect: Your character is diminutive. She’s not even five feet
tall, and it’s easy to walk into her without noticing. She’s Size
4 and thus has one fewer Health box. She gains +2 to any rolls
to hide or go unnoticed, and this bonus might apply any time
being smaller would be an advantage, such as crawling through
smaller spaces. Available only at character creation.
Drawback: In addition to the lower Health, your character
might be overlooked or not taken seriously by some people.
Giant (•••)
Effect: Your character is massive. She’s well over six feet tall,
and crowds part when she approaches. Her Size is 6, meaning
she starts with one more Health point than most characters.
Drawback: Buying clothing is a nightmare. Fitting in small
spaces is difficult at best.
Giant (••, Advanced)
Prerequisite: Beast, Giant •••
Effect: Characters with the Giant Merit are much larger
than the average person. Your character takes that a step further.
While not necessarily taller or wider than any other character
with Giant, your character is dense beyond reason. She remains
Size 6, but she gains significant mass as she becomes sated. Her
Satiety applies as a penalty to any attempts to knock her over or
lift her. In addition, any object smashing into her at fast speed,
such as a car, suffers her Satiety in automatic Structure damage.
She may still be injured or knocked down, but whatever hit her
will end up just as bad or worse.
Drawback: Your character’s mass is clearly inhuman. Weak
floors break beneath her feet, and stealth may be impossible in
certain situations (though when she’s hungry, of course, she’s
much more light-footed).
Another Failed Argument
>Small-Framed (••)
>Effect: Your character is diminutive. She’s not even six feet tall, and it’s easy to walk into her without noticing.
Fixed for you Onyx Path
Is there a reference for this joke? cause otherwise American European Adults have an average height of 5~6. nominal range. the merit is suppose to make a distinction. elsewise its needlessly nitpicking
"Mage master race" meme aside why is magic considered so op? Does it really matter how you kill somebody at the end of the day you're just doing a bunch of damage in a turn.
What am I missing?
Magic is freeform, and usually has no fuel cost to use it.This gives it a huge advantage over every other splat's equivalent powers. It's harder to resist since quite often it allows you to affect scenery or circumstances, rendering all resistances moot - if you're using it to deal damage directly then you're not using it properly.
And given the breadth as well as depth of what magic covers (ie. everything), a single Mage may not have the right tool to counter you, but Cabal's reward variety, so more than likely his best friend will.
Plus if they're every really stuck they can summon the equivalent of a high rank Spirit in their chosen arcana, or go into the Astral and punch your reputation in the dick until you have villagers with torches and pitchforks coming after you - beating you without ever confronting you
INB4 Aspel responds with
>look I haven't read any of the source material that's ever been published, but...
>literally [hyperbolic argument]
>Trump is actually a Nephandi and Pence is the manifestation of Eater-Of-Souls
>I know your disability and how you want to be represented better than you do
>Aspel doesn't read the books
>Except for the times when they do, and point out how fucking stupid people are being
Or maybe cats and babies and swords and skateboards all weigh the same.
No Spoke don't look it's too horrifying
Size, not weight
Is there something like True Faith in the new world of darkness books? I wanted to make a kind of traditional, Van Helsing sort of character to contrast with a lot of the modern setting, but haven't really noticed anything that I could replace True Faith with.
Yes. My point is that Size and weight are unrelated, so saying "I can lift an object of Size X" does not mean that you can take that object, figure out it's weight, and then say that you can lift an object of Size Y because it has the same weight.
So you want a weight table too?
You need a mechanical advantage to use a character trait?
>Size and weight are unrelated,
>A Definite correlation is not a relation