Horus Heresy General /hhg/

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>Will of Iron

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First for the IVth! MK II: Electric Boogaloo

>BoP's Paint guide

Test painting on Chinaman contemptor.

Pointing at all the toys he'll never get to have.

Quite a way for starting the XVIIth thread

About to sit down and watch this shitshow of arty wanking ha


Oh my, so much metal.


Gold and yellow is a mistake.

>They don't call me Logos LECTORA for nothing
Get it? Reader

Bird Wearers don't deserve there own thread.
Remember, always bully WBs.

You're going to scare them away.
Well, at least Destroyer WBs are nice.

I'm a prolific converted and counts-asser, but this gave me cancer.


Its a conversion. Proteus with an additional TLLC. He even got tid of the front ramp. Looks good to me

Does anybody know what book this art is in?

Looks like lazy shit.

Pretty but damn they need more terrain or spread it out.

Looks clever to me.

How else would you make TLLC on top?

I was "WTF is that", but it turns out is one of those triple Las Proteus LRs.
Maybe he was inspired by the Terminus Ultra conversion found on 1d4chan?
Remember the thing with Imperial Tanks:
More turrets = better tonk.

can some on put the "make /hhg/ great again' on Leman Russ.

>How else would you make TLLC on top?
Same guy defending the turreted pattern here.
Come on, you'd do it like this.
Sans single-las sponsons.

He looks as if smelling something bad.

Someone on YouTube just took a Proteus, sawed off the HB barrels at the base, and glued TLLC barrels on.



Buy a proteus and put a pair of lascannons on the hull mount.

I'm strongly against using different models if the army already has units using that model. Like if he used it as a proteus for, say, Militia, it wouldn't be a problem. But Marines have the phobos.

Using a turret for a hull mounted gun is weird. Either you cheat and use the full traverse or it's a weird turret with a 45 degree turn radius.

Perty best primarch.

Get fucked Dorn.

>or it's a weird turret with a 45 degree turn radius.

I like these conversions a lot. However, they make the land raider in even more baffling given he made these out of warlord titan guns, so he could clearly afford a land raider proteus if he wanted.

Left is from HH1, right is from HH6.

Get decimated.

>turret on top of a tank with nothing preventing its traverse
>can only turn 45 degrees

See the problem here? I'm pretty sure all those turrets can turn as far as they're physically able. Or something like the Malcador, where the "turret" has a more limited traverse, since it's effectively a casemate. But a predator turret on top of a land raider has nothing stopping it from rotating, so ergo, either you cheat or lock its traverse.

Idk man, some of the items in that list are quite childish.
All Primarchs are Numbered Mistakes.
I was going to post them!
He chopped off some Titan Blasters, the madman!
When will the government stop his sinful hand?!


>hasn't done a thing since
I like to think he's building the perfect city he's always dreamed of on Medrengrad. However, because he's in the eye of terror, chaos keeps warping things, requiring them to be redesigned/rebuilt. This doesn't upset Perty though, on the contrary he likes always having new problems to solve. He's finally happy.

The galaxy is a big place and there are many Iron Warriors out there, several of which care about results more than about methods.
I now live in fear after the statistics tell me that particular Land Raider may have existed in the fluff, if only once.

Now this I like.

The only way to win is to not play at all.
Or to set it to self-destruct and retire to become a Daemon Architect.
Either way, I'm happy for him.

Well, time to field my phobos as a spartan. Unless you can prove to me a phobos looking spartan did not exist. Also, this whirlwind is a scorpius and that predator with an ingenious hull mounted heavy bolter conversion is a sicaran.

Say that to his face and not online and see what comes about

Thanks a bunch man.

>Well, time to field my phobos as a spartan
If you lenghtened with plasticard or stuff, sure I guess. It'd be a LR Limo
>Also, this whirlwind is a scorpius
Use a non-boxy launcher and sure, it might be
>and that predator with an ingenious hull mounted heavy bolter conversion is a sicaran.
Add extra autocanon barrels to the turret and sure, why not


>Unless you can prove to me an X-looking Y did not exist
You cannot disprove anything that way, you know.

I mean I get your point, and yeah I'm not a big fan of that Proteus...but I wouldn't bitch my enemy too much about it.
Are you forgetting this is a make-believe toy soldier dice game where swords and bayonetes aren't obsolete?

You want to take it through the door of this building, traitor most foul?

HH Weekender 2017

Secutarii are a new branch of the Taghmata army list. Can never have automata in the detachement; big focus on infantry and transports.
Secutarii Psiloi, fast attack.
Secutarii Hetairoi, elite.
Secutarii Hypaspists, elite.
Secutarii Heleposis, open topped transport (20 capacity).

Cybernetica has new options.
Vidrios Caster Array, upgrade for Cybernetica HQs that allows counting as psyker.
Psy-Conduit upgrade, models gain FNP/FNP++ if a psyker is within 24"
Zetiark, female archmagos who developed with the Thousand Sons the crystalline circuits needed to control automata.

Thousand Sons
Sekhmet Terminators, elites that must pick a singular cult that radically alters their behaviour and/or statline.
Seshat Veterans, infiltrators tasked with securing artifacts and assassination from behind enemy lines.
Cataphraktos Psy-Automata, troops that a psyker within 24" must harness a WC to activate them until next turn.

Space Wolves
Hirdmen Veterans, fast attack with optional jump pack, combat shields and tons of melta/plasma weapons.
Wolf Guard Terminators, elites with two-handed great weapons or sword & board in the style of firedrakes.
Despoilers (Destroyers), elites with jump packs and fully equipped with smaller rad weapons.

Prove it user, PROVE IT TO ME.

>Wolf Guard Terminators, elites with two-handed great weapons or sword & board in the style of firedrakes.
not even a wolves player but that sounds really cool.......

>Dominus Seige bombard
So much money in that conversion, so useless in game.

>It'd be a LR Limo

Yet it's the same size as a Phobos with only the ram extending a little further out.

>Use a non-boxy launcher and sure, it might be

I'll use a predator turret with TL lascannons cut a little shorter.

>Add extra autocanon barrels to the turret and sure, why not

Meh, I'll just put extra optics on it to make it extra accurate, thus worthy of re-rolling to hit.

>You cannot disprove anything that way, you know.

I'm not the one who advocated the "it's a big galaxy" defence.

>I wouldn't bitch my enemy too much about it.

He's not my opponent, so I can bitch about it as much as I want.

I'm all for unconventional thinking, but with some effort. I'll defend the idea of fielding MkVII dudes, as long as you walk the walk and actually make them proper Siege of Terra era dudes. Not just take Dark Vengeance tacticals and call it "MkV power armour".

If you want to use a phobos as a proteus, at least turn it into something like the old Epic transition period land raider that combined ideas from the MkI and MkIII. B&S sells that style tracks and with a bit of work you can give a phobos wrap around tracks and stormraven or stormwolf sponsons will work perfectly fine on the thing.

Last time someone claimed to know what was at the Weekender, they were proven wrong.

I don't trust this.

Also Wolf Guard? Russ' guard were the Varangians.

We already know what Despoilers are, so I'm calling bullshit.

You are an ugly person, on the inside.

sounds like a massive load of horseshit; but my mouth is open to go ahead and pour it all in because i fukkin love this omg

>Secutarii are a new branch of the Taghmata army list
Whaaat? But aren't they the Titan's infantry support?
Anyway, not having Skitarii to begin with was a mistake. They should have been available to Taghmata from the beginning.
No cavalry?
Oh my
HNNNNNNNNGG! Open topped wtf?
>Vidrios Caster Array
WTF this literally means Cristal Caster Array! Did they just give up with the names?
>Psy-Conduit upgrade, models gain FNP/FNP++ if a psyker is within 24"

So, Jump Tactical support? Wew lads.
Also, what does Hirdmen means?
>Wolf Guard
Looks nice
>Despoilers, like SoH Reavers but with rad. Also disregards what real Despoilers are.

>No SoS
>No Assassins
>No delicious Custards
Why live?

>Yet it's the same size as a Phobos with only the ram extending a little further out.
WTF Bullshit that cannot be a Spartan.
It doesn't even have a quad lascannon!

>sounds like a massive load of horseshit
>but my mouth is open to go ahead and pour it all in because i fukkin love this omg
Fuk, I just found the EC!

>two-handed great weapons

You mean the ones they gave to the wulfen when they came back? The ones they didn't know what to do with. And this is suppose to be the marines who came up with the scorpius and annihilator, but couldn't figure out that maybe a terminator could use that massive axe too big for a regular marine?

Alan did say that the 30k SW would be VERY different from what we see in 40k...

Maybe they were not so retarded back then?!

Any advice of another combination?
My only guess was going for a copper gold or just gun metal

On HH3 I think there's a IF dread with a red helmet. White stripe.
He used to be a Sgt before death.

I would take that particular post with a small mountain of salt.

Red or black.

>not on faeit
>not even on BOLS
Yeah, nah.

That shit usually appears here first

Going to try the red and yellow for my cataphractii, but since dorn had the same gold fetish as dad E, thought i would try some bling as well.

Noted, you think brass would be a nono as well?

>dorn had the same gold fetish as dad E,
But that's because he's the Praetorian of Terra.
Auric armor, his bolter is even Custodes pattern, upscaled of course.

Well, the armor came before him being appointed praetorian didnt it?

Friendly reminder to any aspiring blood angels who are also poor, the sanguinary guard works as great praetors/consoles

They even come with swords to use as blades of perdition

I'm not sure, user. I think the only thing his is the chainsword. His armour sure as hell wasn't done by him, nor in Inwit.

Here you go pal


Now give him a smile.

My phone doesnt even have paint.

Er ya go ya git!

Better version

all those new toys, and they all melt equally to rad weapons lmao bitches


He looks more like the Joker than Curze.

Full body spraaaaaaaaay

He looks like the green goblin, Pretty fitting.

>no exterminators

Well, I guess triple HB predators can continue to fill in the role. Would an executioner one fit the squad? Maybe give it PotMS so it can fire the plasma weapon at a different target, if needed?

Would anyone complain about using this as Based Scoria?
If so, there anything I should change to make it more acceptable?

If i recall from the Ullanor triumph picture, i think he is bling bling by then. That being said in the picture of the contemptor, is that brass or is it a mild gold? (Not good with colours, sorry)

Used to be, but that hasn't been the case for over a year.

Yes, change the entire thing into a scorpion.

What happened to Scoria after the Heresy?

Did he become that dude, tricking everyone to think he's a totally different dude and then hiding under the nose of the Imperium while feeding new shit to Chaos, explaining all those experimental ships that turned traitor for some weird reason?

I like to think he shanked Kelbor-Hal for being a weakling and became the Fabricator-General of the Dark Mechanicum.

Dragged Xana II into the warp and created the first daemon engines.

A dark metallic gray might work better.

I wonder if they mean for Secutarii to be a word related to Skitarii or not. Skitarii probably derives from Scutari, or shield-bearer. Secutor means follower, and is already used in 30k.

Bleh. I know it's not meant to be Latin, but I know just enough to be annoyed by things. At least it's not as bad as the disaster that is Astra Militarum (slight misspelling of "Stars of the Soldiers").

>order phoenix spears on dec 26th
>Still not here
>Assault marines I ordered days later already got here

Change his axe to a sceptre.

I wouldn't complain, but I'm planning to use Cawl as my Scoria's walking lower body. His top half will be the torso/legs bit of either Draykavac or the FW Dominus, depending on what I can find as a bit, which will be magnetized to slot either into Cawl's lower body, a heavily modified Canoptek Spyder abeyant, or the command platform I'm currently working on in the back of a Baneblade, so I can have him there when I'm playing Reductor.

Get a whole bunch of DE wrack and talos bits and use them to replace all the claws and tendrils on him. Maybe use some CSM bits to make him more chaotic. Alter weapons accordingly to his armaments.


Personally I would go mostly with Necron parts. His sceptre is too similar in description and rules not to be a Necrontech weapon. Chaos and Deldar stuff I think are a bit too openly corrupt. IMO he needs to be more "normal", enhances the scary. Dark Eldar stuff works well on his daemonbots, though.

Ill try that on the knight im making (doing the alternate scheme for IF)

Thanks for the feedback

>Mk7 legs