Last time on Song of Swords:
Lots of cool discussion of the setting
Some long-time questions answered
Jimmy is like a chew-toy except instead of squeaks he produces hilarious despairing monologues when you squeeze him.
Phoenix Command briefly discussed
White people in Tattered Realms probably only exist because elves raped so many of their ancestors
Song of Swords is a a tabletop RPG centered around realistic medieval fightan' with a ludicrous variety of weapons and fighting styles, centered around a dice pool system. It's currently in beta, and can be used for both fantasy and historical games.
Call of the Void: Ballad of the Laser Whales is a pulpy sci-fi tabletop RPG about fighting space-nazis and hunting giant whales with harpoons made out of the moon. Its combat system is more modern, based in the early 20th century, but can probably handle combat up to the present day.
MEGA folder containing current version of the game and all supplementary materials. At this time the latest version is v1.9.9:
Here's a wiki detailing SoS's fantasy setting, getting filled up bit by bit as Jimmy reveals more details:
We also have a Discord now, at
Come join us if you wanna ask a question or have a friendly fecht, or shitpost at Jimmy in real-time