Cute and Fantastical Monsters

Hi guys. For an upcoming campaign I'm GMing I need some art for inspiration, and maybe use in the game, that shows more cute or lighthearted monsters... think like Pokemon or Digimon or whatever, but also more untamed and wild. Preferably some art of monster tamers would be nice too, or at least people living alongside the monsters.

I'll post what I have. Hopefully somebody else will enjoy the stuff I've already got.



Thank you so much! This is fantastic!

All non-directly malevolent yokai.

Yeah, I've been researching a lot of actual mythology and such, of course. I was thinking most of the monsters they find will just straight up be mythological beings, rather than stuff like Pokemon or Digimon, where it's a combination of various sources. That way I can get a bit of immediate understanding and grokkability. People know what a gryphon is, you know?

Still, finding art that fits the style I'm looking for is tough, and I like to use lots of art for my GM folder, planning docs, and materials I give to my players, such as reference sheets, character notes, etc...




Excellent! Terrifying, but still somehow adorable. Thank you!


Yeah, this is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for! 100% spot on! Thank you!!



Oh, I should check out Monster Manuals and Bestiaries and such... thanks for the inspiration to do so.

You are very welcome. I think I have a couple of others.










I ran out. I used to have a pic of this cute little Japanese village with random, like, oni and dragons and shit, just walking around. It was cute... I lost it when my computer fried.

No worries! Thanks for all the contributions up to this point, friend.

That does sound like a lovely pic!

Well that was disappointingly easy... FOUND IT!

Oh my, it goes beyond my wildest expectations!

Thank you for going through the effort!

You're welcome. It was nice to actually contribute meaningfully to a thread for once instead of just lurking and looting art.


Woops I'm high and forgot to write a response. I thought it'd telepathically transmit or something.

Agreed. It's always fun to share for that karma
