Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums

Meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums...

I like things

A general died for this thread. What a waste.

Hey guys, what's the difference between a good DM and a bad DM?

How do I stop my group from playing imaginative, independent games, guys?

I just want to play some D&D for once.

People are usually pretty hardheaded about the games they want to play...

Have you tried being passive-aggressive? Killing their characters could also work.

How can I make my games more fun? I like my players a lot and really want them to enjoy themselves more.

When is that hack Cruddace going to nerf Tyranids?

Fucking GW I swear.

Maybe you should try to hammer in the edge? Or maybe try putting some magical realm in, people usually like that stuff.

The piss forest is a real classic, can't recommend it enough.

Why did WotC fuck over casters even more in this edition? Will casters ever be on the same level as martials?

>mfw the cadians blew up the eye of terror.

Too close to home, user.

You guys hear Matt Ward is writing the new Eldar codex, it's gonna be released along side a new C.S. Goto book. I'm especially looking forward to the part where Kaldo Draigo becomes a Harlequin and kills Slaanesh.

Hello everyone! There's no drawthread, so I'm just going to post this here.

I'm requesting my character, stabbing the DM of my game to death. My character looks like dante, but if dante was cooler and had more swords, but if they were all katanas. The guns are katana guns too, like Cervantes from that one fighting game with the weapons. He also has red eyes - GLOWING red eyes - and he has fingerless gloves that really sell how badass and awesome he is.

My DM is a really huge asshole - like, he talks about how interesting everyone's characters are, and how he loves DMing for us. He even brought a cake one time for my birthday, since we happened to play on that day. Fuck him. I'll leave it up to the artist to interpret what he looks like, but I request you make him look unappealing as possible, and make sure he's wearing an Avengers t-shirt, since he loves the avengers. Oh, and make sure that you get a little blood on the shirt too, really ruin it.

Man, 10th edition of Fantasy battles is soo awesome.

Man, i really hate it, when game publisher go out of their way to appeal to a white male heterosexual audience. Remember the time, when tg-stuff was good without them?

Is there a better character concept than a chaotic neutral half-fae catboy?

I think you're missing the Assassin Prestige Class and multiclassing both Ninja AND Samurai. You know, optimizing to the maximum, the casters won't even see what hit them.

Cuz he's a ninja

Just finished my third campaign I found from the Game Finder thread.
I always find such interesting and well prepared campaigns there.
Yeah sure sometimes someone might complain that they personally get bad ones but hey, they're probably lying.

I'm going to give back to the community and run a campaign myself.
I don't see a lot of D&D advertised there, maybe try that?

I find trying to picture this universe a lot more challenging than I first thought it would be.

i miss virt

I'm glad we sat down and resolved our issues concerning Quests and Generals like civil people. Now we can discuss the actual issues on the board that we can fix ourselves instead of doing something stupid like trying to troll the board into raging about it in an attempt to get the mods to resolve our own personal bitchfits.

Also, has anyone else gone to Pathfinder General lately? They're so insightful, and their topics of discussion are really deep and meaningful. I'm thinking of learning the system just so I can join one of their awesome campaigns.

I like different things, but I fully respect your opinions, and hearing yours has provided a new and interesting viewpoint that has helped enrich my experience on this board and my own personal attitude towards things in general.

The only thing that would never change in this universe is Skub.

I think everyone can agree on this

We miss virt

I like carnac, he seems like a balanced and decent guy.

I like that we are able to make threads that have slightly sexual topics in the discussion without autists going on a rage fit when they think their hobby is being tainted by dirty sexuality.

Yeah, I agree. I like that they're letting us do smut on the weekends now. Also, have you heard? Papa-N is coming back to Veeky Forums to finish Heretical Love Quest. I'm really excited!

I bet you have a healthy thriving sex life and I'm glad you're comfortable with that.

I'm glad there are no sexually frustrated virgins posting fetish porn as a desperate grab at gratification on our well-adjusted board.

Really interested in seeing how that will turn out. I'm so glad that we dont have prudish neckbeards telling people that they are sexually frustrated virgins posting fetish porn as a desperate grab at gratification constantly. Imagine if that was the case? If someone was that desperate for insults when they see some titty.

In all honesty real Veeky Forums isn't so much virgins as it is guys that have gotten laid a couple of times, but not now. Makes for much angrier/fetish-crazed idiots.

Hey guys, I just heard about a site called

Like Veeky Forums, it's a place to discuss all things RPG related, with a friendly, vibrant community who value free speech and the open discourse that is our great hobby!

The one thing I do appreciate on this site is that it tolerates people of differing views, even if the dialogue itself is quite awful at times.

too close to home, had a fling with a girl that even let me try mutual strangulation biting and beating but I ended it because she didn't get that I could only get off from my nipples and not my dick. She told me I was bad as sex, I said that's normal I have no experience she said no way that's possible.

My players insist on putting their drinks on my coasters and ruining them, how can I get them to see the error of their ways, Veeky Forums?

I appreciate the grittier, darker, more realistic models that Infinity puts out.

I'm glad those Nicaraguans didn't take the easy way out and pander to sexuality and objectification like the rest of the market.

In the specific published setting of D&D 5E Forgotten Realms, is it possible for a vampire to get an erection? I am fully aware that vampires are fictional and can have different abilities in different settings, that is why I am asking only in the context of that one traditional game setting.

I'm almost closing my two year long FATAL campaign, but I don't know what to put as a final encounter. Can any of you gents offer some ideas?

Why is every faction but Skorne absolute trash?

Literally Constance Blaize is the only non-skorne caster that can compete.

Have them venture inside a man's anus in order to rape a succubus.

>Just want an all Elf party, that girl just wants to play a human.

What do I do tg?

Well, there's always the reformed Chaotic Good male drow ranger fleeing persecution to the surface world with an unusual animal companion.

>Still no Space Marines codex in view
Damn those SoB players have it good.

(wait, how is this bizarro, considering the usual PF threads?)

I'm sorry, user, but it's hopeless. For some reason players will always use coasters, despite their clearly decorational purpose. It's the only bitch I have about my own players. You'll just have to build a display case for them (since as well adjusted, working class men we all are comfortable with building) and lock them away when inviting your players over.

Age of Sigmar is good.

Are you guys looking forward to this month's counter monkey?

meanwhile, on bizarro Veeky Forums...

I'm really glad that people from other boards and sites come to Veeky Forums. They always provide such riveting discussion and interesting viewpoints. I genuinely believe that visitors from reddit and /pol/ contribute to the board, and that we would be culturally weaker without the influx of new perspectives and ideas that they provide in their too-brief visits.

OP is entirely heterosexual.

I agree completely my dear elegan/tg/entleman. I wish /qst/ had stayed with us and not exiled. The board just lacks that certain something it had around the same time last year.

It's not SO bad if you like White Scars, because at least they have a ton of lore.

I feel bad for fans of the blue guys... I don't remember their chapter name...

(At this point, half of /pfg/ does this just because it triggers the other half of /pfg/. It's sorta like like when an elementary schooler bullies a boy to hide the fact that she has a crush on him. Personally, I can't imagine /pfg/ without the kitsune-posters. It makes it feel like home.)


I just came from there! They are all remarkably well- adjusted and wholesome people. They promptly answered my question about the system in a timely manner and ever offered character build tips! I'm very excited that my mid- tier martial character will now be a contributing member of a well balanced party.

>wimpy men in dresses ever outperforming fukken RIPPED warriors

Get in line user, Orks have needed a nerf for years.

I know right? 40k went to shit with the new noblebright setting, I think I'm gonna switch to Age of Emperor instead, I've heard they're building around the old lore, but revitalized and more mature.

Pathfinder is such a good and well balanced system that lets monks have just as much fun as a wizard!

Megatroopers, I believe. Unless that was from Star Wars. Is there any place we can find info on them? They appear to be the cannon fodder of the Imperium, always in the background. A shame, as a like the mook aesthetic of that outre-mer blue.

Just came from /swg/. Truly, it's awesome how dumping the travestry that the Expanded Universe has revitalized the community. Truthfully, Disney has saved Star Wars from obscurity.

we can't have meta threads! MOOODS!

Nah, Wizards suck dick in PF. I mean they get next to nothing of use, their spells are constantly hilariously weak compared to what a martial of the same level can do. At least they're better than Druids, who exist solely so that you can have someone completely disposable in the party. Especially if you let players use the NPC classes. Those things are ridiculous, like your average level one farmer could kill a lion in single combat.

Man I just wanna say how awesome Warhammer 40k general is its gotten to the point I dont see 40k posts outside of it anymore.

The way people handle lore discussions,Table top discussions and dont take the bait is just amazing

Anima is not hard at all!!
Man, sure is easy to do this, I did it when I was a wee lad in third grade!

>Shit stats
>Needing nerf
Whoa buddy it's only fair I get +1 to each boy roll per boy, do you even lore?

>I'm glad we sat down and resolved our issues concerning Quests and Generals like civil people
Can you imagine what an awful precedent it would have set if they actually made that /qst/ board people were whining to the mods about?

Re: Pathfinder, am I the only one who lurks the threads just for the amazing art in the OP? It's always something like Frazetta or Vallejo that I've never seen before.

Fuck you. QST is pure gold. It manages a decent draw and has many good quests running on it. Indeed there's no reason to run quests here anymore because QST has all the vital features and a great community.

(I love that people are talking OOC in parentheses in this RP thread. That really tickles me.)

I am an intelligent, rational human being, and I think there is nothing wrong with skub.

(over the fucking line)

This is supposed to be the bizzaro thread, not the regular one.

On it, pal. Drawing as we speak.

Yes, but And Fuck you, Everything is wrong with Skub!

I'd recommend GURPS, but that's also a fairly imaginative game that's also enjoyable to play. Everyone plays GURPS, anyway.

A cute loli futa half fae, half vampire girl who looks 12 but is actually 15,000 and has heterochromia and a scythe called Blood Edge.

Hey now guys, GW has a sterling track record for game balance. The newest batch of codices will be out next month for all the factions, and I don't see why they won't release them all together in the compendium again for $20.

We don't get enough of JOJO, REEEEEEEE! user, either.

He said "better', not "more vanilla".

>ywn see a human paladin in your game

There's only one course of action, but it's not for the faint of heart. You must sit down with them and have a calm and reasoned discussion with them

(Oh god my feels)

Don't mislead people, user. Trolling isn't what Veeky Forums is about.

And you better get it done quickly, asshole. Took you long enough.

No matter how good this drawing is, I'm not going to be satisfied because it's not -MY- perfect vision.

It makes you feel any better he went to infinity chan

Shut up! Skub is amazing!

Skub a cute! CUTE!

How do I include swords in my setting without making guns uselesss?

When are we going to get a sisters plastic release. We've had rumors for years now, but nothing real from GW ;_;

It's a fantasy world. Just makes guns quick to reload and accurate. I know it's not realistic, but guns are cool and it's for the sake of balance

Look, at this point it's a tradition of the game. Casters are just never going to be as good as martials. Sure, a little magic is a good trick to have, but when things need to get done in a fantasy world you need somebody who knows which end of a demi-guisarme to put in the enemy.
I know! I wish people talked about the Primarchs a little more, though. Sure, they're kind of a silly part of the lore, but I think they're fun. We could have civil discussions about which ones we like the best!

Well for starters, make sure that you only include swords. If you included Katanas, all of your players would be trying to get one, since they can cut through bullets and are the best weapon... ever, really. So only include shitty euro-pee swords.

Second, martial characters have always been overpowered, and honestly giving them swords isn't going to change that. So you should cater your game to include more OP people with swords - though preferably make them DMPCs, so you can show your group just how cool you are.

Thirdly - and this is most important - if all of the PCs are women, then they'll have less strength, which makes swords worse. If you do run a game with swords, request that they all play female PCs, regardless of their prior plans.

>Not naming that image draft horse


Whatever he does, I hope it involves a slight buff for flyrants. I just want to run a fluffy flying circus army and have it be good.

But user, fluff lists are always the tournament lists. Those players who run the out of codex formations and try to break the game, they always fail hard in comparison.

>roll a rogue
>group starts at the tabern
>i start by attacking our mage, because fuck mages
>our GM, That guy, tells me to stop this, that the story is just starting
>he starts to recriminate me for distributing slightly more points than i should
>i tell him that i can do whatever i want
>he kicks me out of the group

anyone with more That guy stories?

Okay, let me tell you, the BIGGEST that guy story I have.

>be me

>Game for awhile
>We're starting to get hungry
>That Guy offers to foot the bill for pizza
>We don't need to worry about paying him back
>I flip the table and tell him to get the fuck out
What a prick, am I right?

Who gives a shit, the game's been dead since the previous edition and nothing in the new one changed the fact that the list is what's gonna win you game. Everyone's running nothing but TAGs because it's the new hotness and I'd like to bring some infantry for once but nooo, fucking spics gotta run game into the ground because codex creep and muh profits.


Ayy lmao

i am glad that Veeky Forums has several other boards where i can discuss other hobbies, so i can go to lit for sci-fi and fantasy reccomendations, go to tv and v to rationally discuss things and not just post memes, and have discussions about weapons on /k/ that don't always come back to nazi's/rhodesia/nuggets