Thundertusk and Kroak need to be nerfed edition
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Old thread: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use READIUM for PC or KOBO on Android)
Thundertusk and Kroak need to be nerfed edition
>resources (embed)
>General's Handbook pdf
>OP image album
Old thread: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use READIUM for PC or KOBO on Android)
Actual old thread
>40k new edition soon
>no reason to buy anything
>no race i like
>forever bored just looking at miniatures on the internet
i am suffering bros
Just play rat marines
Do we actually know when the new Tzeentch stuff will be released? I mean, there seem to be a whole ton of releases under that banner, so I doubt it'll be just one week, right?
- Lord of Change/Kairos Fateweaver
- Tzaangors
- Tzaangor Skyfires/Shaman/[third type]
- Kairic Acolythes
- Ogroid Thaumaturge
- Blue Horrors
- Brimstone Horrors
- Gaunt Summoner
- Battletome Tzeentch
>Doesn't like-like Skaven
Enjoy suffering, pleb-thing.
You can never go wrong with daemons.
This You can always bud daemon shit to play both AoS and 40k. Also what are you running in 40k?
>just assembled my Ogre army
>see the OP
they are okay but they are split into billion factions while there's only battletome for pestilens
eh i don't know bro, everyone and their mother plays chaos
>Also what are you running in 40k?
i'm not playing 40k, what i mean is there is not point in getting into 40k atm because of incoming new edition where who knows what GW will do
>eh i don't know bro, everyone and their mother plays chaos
Not enough apparently.
If you want to play something rare, there is always Slaanesh.
It's strong in both 40k and AoS, and while they are many here on Veeky Forums, it's actually a very rare army.
They said repeatedly for 40k they're not changing the setting. I feel they may change the system and rules. But the furthest they'll go with the setting is adding new characters, killing off old ones.
>they are okay but they are split into billion factions while there's only battletome for pestilens
You can still use pretty all their models in your army
>eh i don't know bro, everyone and their mother plays chaos
What about ironjawz?
> there is not point in getting into 40k atm because of incoming new edition where who knows what GW will do
Same here. I hope they will sigmarize the rules a little so jumping in would be a little easier and cheaper
Is there an actual 100% world map for AOS or is it a bunch of crazy disjointed album covers?
There are 9 realms and the realms are near-infinite so no there's no world map
They mentioned on that disciples of tzeentch reveal stream about how humans are returning to their ancestral lands from azyr back into the mortal realms. Are the Mortal Realms all just big chunks of land from the world that was or something?
>If you want to play something rare, there is always Slaanesh.
>It's strong in both 40k and AoS, and while they are many here on Veeky Forums, it's actually a very rare army.
you mean just DEAMONS of XXX not actually other Chaos figures yes?
>What about ironjawz?
i like Megaboss figure but would actually be it, they are not as "fluffy" as 40k Orcs if you know what i mean
>Same here. I hope they will sigmarize the rules a little so jumping in would be a little easier and cheaper
i hope for that too but we all know it would create crater of assravage and salt
ehhh, still hate this idea. if the realms are infinte then why fight? just move further North?
Do these realms have objects that act as suns? or is it eternal light in some and darkness in others
the setting is so fucked... dont get me wrong im a fan, i play, paint and collect but the setting kills my boner
the mortal realms are near-infinite planes of existence, each one formed from one of the winds of magic.
there is also the realm of chaos
>Why fight?
Chaos destroyed the vast majority of 7 of the 8 realms, now the forces of order are fighting to retake their lost civilizations
>Do these realms have objects that act as suns?
Each realm is like a universe. There can be planets, suns, solar systems, galaxies.
The setting is high fantasy. For people that have never experencied it, it can take some time getting used to it
The old world was essentially infinite, too. It had defined boundaries but they never defined the scale. There were as many elves as the story needed, as many beastmen forests as the story needed, etc.
It's the same shit but without boundaries now.
>Are the Mortal Realms all just big chunks of land from the world that was or something?
No. They're formed from magic,
>ehhh, still hate this idea. if the realms are infinte then why fight? just move further North?
They're not infinite, just vast.
>Do these realms have objects that act as suns? or is it eternal light in some and darkness in others
>the mortal realms are near-infinite planes of existence
.Each realm is like a universe
Actually they all inhabit the same universe.
The universe that WHFB inhabited.
>you mean just DEAMONS of XXX not actually other Chaos figures yes?
In AoS Slaanesh is the only God that truly can stand on his own with just straight up Daemons.
In 40k, you need so many Daemons that by the time you finish there will be the new edition, but they are a really fine force on smaller games.
so basically just Hosts of Slaanesh faction by itself yes?
It doesn't have any battletome though that's kind of a bummer
>they are okay but they are split into billion factions while there's only battletome for pestilens
That's because they best-greatest clan
Kroak is shit. his wall shall crumble-break.
I know that's why I said "like" a universe
So now I'm curious, did the old world like, blow up or something? What was the final blow that destroyed everything in the old world? And if it was obliterated entirely, how did some kingdoms and civilizations survive and hide out from Chaos?
wait until you are sure slaanesh isnt squatted. it doesnt sell and dont even appear on ar hain and got killed by tzeentch... i would hold up honestly
read the links in the op answer exactly that
>It doesn't have any battletome though that's kind of a bummer
Yes, that's one of downsides. Only one Battalion, no battletome and the KoS is an almost necessary piece but looks like garbage.
There are rumours of a new KoS in the making, but who knows if that's even true.
The army itself is quite strong though. People know it's fast, but they can't quite understand it until you have charged first turn the artillery they were keeping behind a ruin.
Quite hilarious.
>So now I'm curious, did the old world like, blow up or something?
More like got sucked up by Chaos.
> What was the final blow that destroyed everything in the old world?
Archaon activated a dormant Old One teleportation gate, which threw off the equilibrium of the other two and caused the planet to be annihilated save for a metallic core.
>how did some kingdoms and civilizations survive and hide out from Chaos?
Wizards and sheeeit.
>GW still hasn't dispatched my Soul Grinder
Then i don't really know what to do anymore, i just want comfy army with fluffy battletome i can commit to
They shall be my strongest underlings...
these ratmen who pledge-offer to me
Like Skalm-flesh I shall craft-mould them,
and in the warpfires of war build-forge them.
They will be wrought-made of best-best iron, finest grown muscle.
In hard-best armour shall I clad them
and with mightiest warpguns will they be armed.
They will be untouched by even the foulest plague or pox, no sickness will harm-hurt them.
They will have tactics, supported by finest Skryre machines and weapon-teams
so that no prey-foe can best them in battle.
They are my clan-shield against the Light-things
They are the Defenders of Skavendom.
They are my Stormfiends.
And they shall know no musk of fear.
Anyone have Spire of Dawn scrolls and battalions?
Bad game.
WHFB thread is two blocks down
what i can tell you is to NOT play the rat-kin! we are so bad-bad and weak-weak you will only loose!
Time to pull the trigger i guess
??? just buy
Images like this are what redeems the lore for me. It makes the stories that are good way better to read. No how mixed a bag this setting is, stuff like that keeps me going.
The realms ARE finite. This is actually touched upon in the short's story pantheon. Basically all worlds have their own chaos wastes that mark the end of the realm.
I actaully think that model looks pretty bad desu
That and I hate using named models as effective proxies, it's the shame reason i didn't buy the Glottkin
I forget that model did exist tho
>NOT play the rat-kin!
Reminder: Man-God-thing's supersoldiers are inferior to great Skaven supersoldiers.
Is man-god-thing even trying?
>This is FW shipping
Tbh this is a pretty bad joke desu
>Is man-god-thing even trying?
Man-God-Thing's supersoldiers bringing 15 guys for every three of your skaven supersoldiers and lack warrior brotherhoods. Are they even trying?
What are you saying Friend-friend ? We are weak-weak and not a threat at all to anyone.
you literally missed 3 straight month of free shipping.... and also everybody know you only order FW if you order 250+ GBP (free express shiping) of things not available in Chinaman.
FW shippping scales with the price of your order,
Stop skaven posting
its not funny, you just sound like a bunch of retards
Really? Damn
Oh well i suppose that's my punishment for being indecisive
What's with all the retarded faction name changes? Aelves and orruks? What is this shit?
I hope Soulblight gets a supplement this year. I really want a vampires abd skellies army, but Death hasn't gotten much attention since launch, relative to the other alliances.
honestly i want death to consist of more than skellingtons and vampors, that gets boring real fast
15 lightning-things no match for one great-strong Stormfiend with triple ratling cannon firing combined 15 000 rounds per minute.
How well can lightning-thing dance?
What else can you do with undead that isn't vampires, skeletons, zombies, and ghosts?
I suppose you can use some gothic imagery, like gargoyles, and maybe some spiders, but that's all that comes to mind.
and you can bring 100 zombie for each squad of liberator.. so zonbie are the most OP thing ever ? no because you cant 18" fly with sayl and drop 18D3 mortal wounds/turn
Then its not a Alliance for you, I like it being about well... ghouls and skeletons
>comfy army with fluffy battletome
I would call Stormcasts and Ironjawz as a comfy factions and both have battletome. I mean I like all of them but top 3 for me are Ironjawz, SEs and Sylvaneth and that's why I'm runnig Skaven
Trademarks man, trademarks everywhere
I have, give me a 5 minutes and I will imgur them for you
This guy is so brutal with other bull centaurs, i literally dont know what to do against except shooting this shit
Retributors have never failed me for clubbing shit to death.
What's the optimal build with him? Will three renders, a Tar'ruk, and Shar'tor himself do the trick when paired with chaos dorf artillery?
>I suppose you can use some gothic imagery, like gargoyles, and maybe some spiders
yup, just use imagination bro, spiders, zombie spiders, skeleton spiders, dick spiders...
possibilities are endless
i don't really care about having "top" army.
I just want floof and comf
I didn't mean top by WAAC but by lore, easy and fun building etc.
>ath to consist of more than skellingtons and vampors, that gets boring real fast
I want them to re-release tomb-kings. They exist in the current AoS and it would be nice to have plastics.
I like to throw Plague Monks at my problems until they vanish. Worked for the Thundertusks, it'll work for him.
dat teeth
Who thought making seperate shoulder pads for Chaos Knights was a good idea?
Why is this a bad idea? I have never see this model IRL
I wish some Tomb King units were kept, like the snake riders. That had some unique designs.
>Overly large
>Blocks some of the body armour
Any tips on assembling a Skaven Arch Warlock? The damn claw bits don't even fit together.
The middle claw attached to the armor plate is too big to even fit where it's supposed to go.
>Any tips on assembling a Skaven Arch Warlock?
Read up on his fluff for inspiration
I'll admit i've never seen the model irl. if it's resin you may wanna convert with stormfiend bitz
Much obliged!
The fucker's metal. I usually don't have issues with metal kits, but this ones being a bitch
Here are pics.
I've filed quite a bit already, Much more is going to start getting rid of sculpted detail
>Steve vs Herald of Slaanesh
So are there any females in your AoS playgroup?
No, women don't have penises
No, there is not such thing as a feminine penis
Should i stick my Soul Grinder to the base? I've always seen it free standing
No. Roasties are not welcome in the glorious Age of Sigmar.
Two, both collect Sylvaneth, it's understandable since they actually have female or at least feminine models. Though one did play wood elves back in 7th so made the jump easily enough
100% sausage fest
Nothing wrong with that
of course.
AoS is much more girl friendly compare WHFB, mainly because of the lacks of grognards neckbeards that shit on everything.
they all play Sylvaneth or Dwarf, with Dwarf being the majority (dont mind the old hag on the left)
Fill with green or liquid green man, just focus on making a glue hold for now.
Really showing us what a rat with a cannon in its chest can do.
Cannibals that have hallucinations that theyre questing knights?
If fantasy has taught me anything it's that you can never underestimate the power of wizards and shiet
I for one welcome our new ratlike underlords
Humans that live within their empires and fight as forced conscripts would be cool. Vampires never just rule over dead stuff
Human slaves or aspiring to become vampire would be nice
They are doing their job man - corrupting the thread. If you want to be a good-good skaven, you have to be a cancer, man
I bet the right one is cute
They are essentially zombies.
it's sad that the whole ''i'm a knight'' doesn't translate to the minis, like they could have some rags and bits of knight.
now that brets are squatted it won't make the conversion easy ...
You smell like a deluded fucktard by miles away.
madmen, ancient beings ("demons-that-are-not-chaos"), experiments (patchwerk monsters etc,)