All Adult AD&D addicts are retards. Discuss.
AD&D is game for small kids
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Damn that's a dope tricycle.
That is clearly a D&D Basic product.
Yeah, real men play B/X.
Even old D&D's toy tricycles have better art than modern editions.
Based Larry Elmore.
>No 40k branded Ultramarine Tricycle
Why must I retroactively suffer?
Adult AD&D addict here. I am older than 1st ed but younger than TLBB. I am indeed retarded. I also smoke drugs and listen to black metal. I also have a neckbeard.
Lou Zocchi should be known for his contributions to game design, not for being a dice shill.
My FLGS had one of these back in the day, along with a home-made Barbie The Barbarian.
looks like this tricycle was branded for the D&D cartoon, which was indeed for small kids.
Yeah, I owned one. It was the one with the story about the magical crown in it.
I would do horrible, terrible nasty things to just play one game on that machine.
I wonder if any RPG will achieve this kind of cultural presence again.
It seems unlikely overall.
The world isn't built for the kind of moral panics that skyrocketed DnD's popularoty anymore. You can go online and find crazies decrying practically anything for corrupting the populace.
You only need to make the game outwardly right wing and offensive as fuck for maximum media coverage. Like, have the largest government in the setting be "They kill gays on sight, deny all immigration and refuse to use preferred pronouns" tier evil and it won't matter whether the players are supposed to fight this government in a cyberpunk fashion, all the media will focus on how terribu it is 24/7.
>and it won't matter whether the players are supposed to fight this government
This is one thing I've never understood. Why do so many people seem to have issues with anything they don't like being depicted at all, even negatively?
haha i had that. bet it's still in my dad's garage.
The whole thing was posted on Veeky Forums a few years ago.
Because it means something is acknowledging something they'd rather not exist, and want to force their worldview on other people for it.
It's the logic behind deciding that things they don't like should not be acknowledged that I don't understand. If they don't like something they should be willing to discuss why it is undesirable if they really want to bring others to the same way of thinking.
>Box has cast of D&D cartoon on it
>Some random knight dude in the middle
It's usually because they have the idea that their opinion is the only right one and therefore they have the right-nay, the DUTY-to push it on everyone else.
>only right one
A reasonable person would be able to spot the problem with this line of thinking right about here.
Sturm Brightblade, you fucking pleb!
That's the point, those sorts of people generally aren't very reasonable.
I want one of those. Immediately. I don't even care about your shitty bait OP, that image fucking made my day
That's a bigwheel, kid. And it's freaking sweet.
> not recognising Strongheart
Losers, I know, right?