A little over a year ago I came here, excited by the new books on wendigo folklore I had recently acquired. Some of you may recall the thread, which can be found here:


Well, I'm back. With much of the US gripped in nasty winter weather, it seemed appropriate. I've got more books and more wendigo folklore, largely from the Cree and Ojibwa traditions. There's shaman vs wendigo stories, guardian spirits, 80 ft+ ancient wendigos, spirit possession dreams, wendigo cures, and psychotic cannibalism.

If you want to chat about emaciated famine spirits of the eternal winter, come on in.

Other urls found in this thread:


Feel free to ask wendigo-related questions if you have any. In the meantime, I'll relate some of the stories I've got.

The first one is a Cree story, about three people who went out trapping during the winter, and stayed out til early spring. Wendigos were very active in winter, but in northern parts of Canada early spring weather can be especially bad, right on the tail end of the true winter season, and this period was thought to be especially dangerous.

The group consisted of a man, his sister, his wife, and their dogs. During the winter they set up camp around one lake but as spring came on the man left the women and started a new camp at another lake some miles away, with the idea that the women would come join him later. They had been traveling by river, and the canoe was left with the women while the man went overland to the next lake.

After setting up the new camp, the man had troubled dreams. In Cree tradition, every person has their own pawakan, or guardian spirit, acquired in a coming-of-age ritual, though shamans tend to have multiple spirit-helpers acquired over time. The average pawakan spirits normally offer aid only in the form of dreams, but in dire circumstances may intervene more directly. It's considered a symbiotic relationship, with the human giving offerings and performing favors for the spirit in return for aid. The nature of the spirit is different for each person. This man's was a Rock, and it sent him a dream of a wendigo.

The man dreamed of the monster prowling through the woods near the lake where he had left his sister and wife. When he awoke, he realized the dream was truth, and abandoned his camp to rush back down along the river to the women's camp.

Miles away, the women also realized something was amiss. Some of the dogs had gone missing. Others were acting strangely, cowering in fear and shivering, barking at something in the woods. Beyond that, there was an uneasy feeling. The Cree often reported that wendigos caused a sort of spiritual malaise, affecting people as they drew closer, causing feelings of loneliness, of cold, and of general apathy. You don't want to cook, or hunt, or get up. Think seasonal affective disorder, but worse.

Anyway, the women notice this and it scares the hell out of them. They pack up camp very quickly, grab the remaining dogs, pile into the canoe, and strike out. The wendigo reaches their camp not long after. As some of you may recall from the last thread, these monsters can often seem confused and disoriented, even a little crazy, but they're not dumb. The wendigo recognized a hastily abandoned camp, saw where a canoe had been beached, and put 2 and 2 together. It struck out along the river in pursuit.

So the man was going upriver on foot, the women were going downriver by boat, and the wendigo was hot on their heels. The group all came to a head in the narrows, where the river cut deep and cliffs rose on all sides. The man arrived, and in the distance he saw the canoe, and on the shore he saw the monster. It was gaining. Wendigos are tall, gangly creatures with long strides. They can move very quickly. With no weapon that can kill the monster, the man sits down and enters into a trance. He forces himself to dream, and in his dream he calls out to the Rock, his pawakan. He pleads for aid.

As the canoe enters the narrows and the wendigo follows, Rock hears and consents. The cliffs snap shut across the river like a massive pair of jaws. The canoe carries on safely... while the wendigo is caught between the Rocks,

Will post a little more in a bit. Next story will be about a colossal ancient wendigo, killed without magic.

So this next story comes courtesy of George Nelson, a 19th century fur trapper who traveled extensively in sub-Arctic Canada. He kept a journal and seems to have been fascinated with Native superstitions and religion, though one has to filter through his own ethnocentrism.

Anyway, one story he relates is a myth that he sets in "the days of Noah," IE the ancient past. In this time endigos were more common than they are now, and some reached truly massive sizes. Their depredations were threatening to exterminate the human race. One large group of natives, all from different tribes, had gathered together for mutual safety against one particularly fearsome wendigo, taller than the tallest trees. Nelson notes trees in the region tend to reach a maximum of 50-80 ft, depending on species. As they sheltered against the winter storms, the tribe became aware that this monster had found them again and was drawing near.

A quickly assembled council came up with a plan: they couldn't beat the wendigo in open battle, but perhaps they could build a trap. However, they will need bait. As they talk through how to pick the best candidate an old woman with iron grey hair steps forward and volunteers. She says she is so old already that it makes more sense for her to take the risk, as the younger members have their full lives ahead of them. The assembled natives are aghast at sending a respected elder to her death, but short on time and deeply moved by her selflessness, they proceed.

Nelson is vague on what the trap consists of, but it is built at the edge of the woods, overlooking a large clearing, between two trees. Some sort of structure seems to be built between the two trees, and it conceals a crossbar laden with stones and other weights. The old woman sits beneath it.

If I were to create a Wendigo or Wendigo-based creature, what would some key features be? I don't know much about Wendigos.

>Good health? Speed? Invulnerabilities? Spells?

Before long the booming footfalls of the wendigo are heard as it strides across the icy wastes. A blizzard comes with it, roaring and screaming, and the monster towers above everything, a moving monolith in the dark. When it spies the old woman at the edge of the woods (who has lit a fire to keep warm) it draws close, its face a mixture of "pity, contempt, rage, and voraciousness." The creature, like many wendigos seems mentally disturbed. As it crouches down to inspect the old woman, its fast face drawing near to the ground, speaks.

First the monster says "Why, old woman, what are you doing here?" in a voice of concern and kindliness. Then its tone changes harshly, and it says "I will Grind you." Nelson notes the creature's erratic nature, saying it changes tones repeatedly in the conversation.

The old woman explains she's been abandoned to die by her uncaring tribe, who view her as a useless old woman. However, she offers to tell the monster where the tribe is hidden and what precautions it has taken, warning the wendigo that without her knowledge the monster might be in danger. Though skeptical anything could threaten him, the monster agrees to hear what she has to say.

The wendigo comes closer, its head entering into the shelter between the two trees, saying "what a place they have put you. Did they think to conceal you from me?"

At this point the old woman pulls on a concealed branch in the snow, triggering the trap. The weighted crossbeam descends on the wendigo's neck, pinning its head to the ground. The tribe rushes out of the woods as the monster struggles to free itself, and with hatchets and chisels they swarm over its body. The wendigo crushes and kills anyone it can seize, but the humans are relentless. Hacking and chipping, they tear through its frozen body to reach its heart of ice. Though the heart is hard as stone, they crack and break it as much as they can.

As the heart is sundered, the wendigo begins to weaken. The warriors set fire to the wooden trap about its head, then pile more and more wood onto its body, turning the creature into a massive bonfire.

At least the creature is consumed, and the tribe returns to its camp, knowing that at least for now, they will have a period of relief from the powers of winter.

Right, so, wendigos are monsters from Algonquian mythology. Pic related is probably the best visual depiction I've seen online. They are created when a person freezes to death in winter, engages in survival cannibalism, breaks some sort of spiritual taboo, or is cursed by a shaman. In each case a wendigo spirit attacks them in their dreams and, if they succumb to its tricks and temptations, it enters into their bodies and transforms them.

Wendigos appear as hideously emaciated human beings, as if in the late stages of starvation. They have a bottomless hunger, chewing on themselves if they can't find fresh meat, and many wendigos are noted to have missing lips, toes, fingers, etc, as a result. They are supernaturally strong, easily capable of tearing a person apart with their bare hands, and they brings blizzards and ice storms with them. As they eat their grow in size, so their stomachs are never quite full.

Small wendigos, those who have transformed recently and are still about human size, can be killed with an axe to the back of the head or by strangulation, but they must be burned afterward. All wendigos have a heart of solid ice and recover from only mundane damage. Only fire can destroy them and melt the heart. Older wendigos, or those that have eaten well, can be truly massive in size, and at that point only the intervention of a shaman can defeat them.

Speaking of shamans, one anecdote I read is about a clan that lived on an island in the river. For the most part life was good, and they rarely needed their shaman for much. She was an old woman, her hair in long, grey braids, always with her shawl drawn up over her head and smoking a big pipe. She was a somewhat spooky presence, and people didn't much like talking to her. When she was consulted it was mostly for simple things like cures and love potions.

One day, the wind began to blow and storm clouds began to darken the sky. The children began to feel cold, and were rushed indoors. The old shaman arose, told the tribe to bring her a hatchet, and ordered them all to stay inside with the children. Then she went down, alone, to the waterside.

A wendigo was crossing the river, only its head visible above the water, its long strangly hair floating about it like a halo. As it neared the shore it saw the shaman, standing with the hatchet bared in one hand. The two locked eyes and for a long time neither moved. Then the monster swiveled away and submerged, swimming off in another direction. The shaman watched it go until she was convinced it wouldn't be turning around, and then went back to her clan to let them know the coast was clear.

People still thought she was spooky after that, but they were gladder to have her around.

So is there a vampire thing where there's the real actual "pureblood" Wendigo, and then all the small humans it went into the dreams of and managed to transform?

No. Wendigo spirits seem to have been seen as extensions or servants of the two most hostile nature spirits in the Algonquian cosmology, the North Wind and Ice. A man who got either of them as his pawakan during his coming of age ceremony was doomed to become a Wendigo in time, and would be ostracized by his peers.

Sorry, meant to add that they were seen as purely ethereal spirits, and could only affect humans via dreams, at least until they successfully possessed someone.

Thanks for the info and I'm enjoying reading the stories.

As someone who's interested in Wendigos, what would you be looking for in a game that implements them?

>Dream tests
>People who fail the tests are possessed and slowly turn and want to eat people(kinda sorta like werewolves and zombies? Or is it more instant?)
>Eating regains health and makes it stronger/bigger
>Can only be killed by destroying the heart(Does it HAVE to be melted by fire, or can you smash it with something heavy?

What other spirits could someone get? What was the ceremony like?

Had to duck out on an errand, will respond to both of these in a bit

When I read the parts about that man's pawakan, I read it as The Rock instead of a Rock.

Now I can't help but think of some Native Canadian summoning Dwayne The Rock Johnson to kick the shit out of a wendigo.

Okay. So, the initial pawakan ceremony was very simple. You would go off into the forest and fast until you entered a sort of waking trance or had a dream. If you wanted a specific spirit you'd go to a place associated with them, IE built near a lake if you wanted a fish spirit. Usually little wooden platforms were built at such places to facilitate this, often built up off the ground or in trees. You'd also make offerings of stuff the spirit might like, food or trade goods. Fasting tended to last three days, and if you failed you could always try again.

Once the dream started, you'd be approached by a person in that dream. This person would then shapeshift into their true shape, usually an animal of some kind, but the pawakan could be a natural object (like the rock) or a specific place (like a mountain) or even a supernatural being (like the pahguk, IE the skeleton-hunter, or the thundebird). Usually the pawakan would rapidly shapeshift back and forth for a while until you reached a sort of transcendental understanding of its nature. You and it would exchange your Songs, and eventually you would have some sort of melding of mind and spirit. Once this point was reached (if it was reached, there was always the possibility of failure, if the spirit rejected you) then you now had a pawakan.

A pawakan normally helped you by providing good luck or advising you in your dreams but, as the rock story shows, they sometimes provided more direct aid. I have a few more stories like that. Sometimes they would also demand things of you. The pahguk, for example, was an especially annoying pawakan to have, though he could be very useful. Different spirits were good for different things too. Bears were thought to have the greatest spiritual strength. Thunderbirds were up there too. The Great Turtle was a good one to have as well. Some were more ignonimus, like the wolverine or the weasel, but they had their uses.

Okay, so a few things. One, wendigos seem to have been resistant to harm regardless of if they'd eaten. Normal weapons can stun them, injure them enough to the point that they're disabled, but they will always recover unless burned into ash. The heart is the key thing, and the source of all their power. It has to be destroyed, and it's usually very, very tough. As a wendigo burns, the heart lets off huge quantities of melt-water, which can quench the flames, so you really have to keep the fire going. The heart itself is hard as rock, like it's ice from the bottom of a glaicer, pressurized into something nigh-indestructible.

As for the transformation process, it's generally depicted as gradual. Nelson lays out a pretty thorough timeline.

First, you do the thing that attracts the spirit to you, IE you're starving to death, or you've been forced to engage (or willingly engaged) in cannibalism, or a dark shaman sicced one on you. Then there's the dream. The dream takes the form, usually, of a stranger inviting you into his tent or cabin. He offers you a series of dishes or meals of roast meat. If you eat you are doomed: the stranger becomes a wendigo (or The North Wind or Ice himself; he usually if asked identifies himself as one of these) and the emat is revealed to have been human flesh all along. By eating you invite the spirit into your body. If you have a good pawakan, when the meals are offered another stranger will tug on your arm and warn you not to eat. If you refuse all the way through, the tempting spirit congratualtes you and disappears.

If you eat, when you wake the change will begin. It takes anytwhere from a few days to a week. You start to be hungry all the time. Your thinking is disrupted, and you act erratically. You may display signs or depression, anxiety, hostility towards others, and anorexia. You grow extremely thin. Internally your blood congeals and your innards start to freeze, with ice building up around your heart. If the signs are recognized the natives would usually isolate the person and keep them near a roaring fire at all times while giving them lots of double-proof liquor to drink, to counteract the ice. If you can thaw them out completely, they might be saved. Once the ice around the heart hardens, it's too late. One of the last signs is the person going outside and eating snow or ice off the ground.

At that point... well, there's a line in Nelson's journal about this: "fire arms are absolutely unable to injure them -- a ball cannot injure ICE."

Thanks for answering all my questions. I'm thoroughly interested. Will be lurking and reading whatever else you decide to post. Are there any other mythological spirits(even from other cultures) that you find interesting?

And how would I be able to find them online if I wanted to find out about them myself? Just google "_____ mythology/folklore" and read through the wiki article?

The stuff you'll find online is generally the most basic stuff possible, and a lot of it is jumbled up with insinformation and lies. It's best use is to point you towards a book, which can point you towards yet more books. If you read the wiki article, look at its sources, and go after the book they either cite the most, or whichever book has the most interesting citations.

Now this I'm intrigued about. The Wendigo spirit congratulates you for not partaking of its offers. Were Wendigo spirits known to realise they were a curse?

Great to have you back user, loved your last thread.

The impression I get is that, to the Algonquians, it's all just a big part of nature. Wendigos are bad, and dangerous, but they're a natural manifestation of the winter spirits, or a punishment for breaking a sacred taboo. The spirits aren't evil, they're just acting according to their nature.

Okay, since there's some general interest in the pawakan, let's talk about shamanic-wendigo combat. I talked a bit about this in the old thread, describing how shamans conjured windstorms to carry wendigo spirits off into the sky and how one shaman's bear-pawakan punched a wendigo so hard he exorcised its spirit and tore the roof off of a building. And I've already told you about the stone-cold female shaman just staring a wendigo down.

That last example seems to have been a common tactic: deterence. Better to force the wendigo to go off somewhere else rather than risk combat. If the shaman died, his village or clan was then without a shaman, leaving it spiritually vulnerable. Here's another such story.

One night the village was going about is business. The shaman was in a trance, which was nothing unusual, they did that from time to time, it was part of the job, but when he awoke he said that there was a wendigo forty miles away. He had been communicating with his helper spirits, who kept an eye out for trouble, and they had just reported the monsters presence to him. The villagers, unnerved by this revealation, listened closely as he gave instructions.

First, he needed aa good hatchet. One was provided, and he cleaned and scraped it very thoroughly. Second, he had ashes mixed with water. The resulting mixture was painted onto the shaman's body so he was coal-black from head to foot. Finally he put on a special caribou jacket (suggested in the stroy to have supernatural properties) and goes back into a trance. He stays this way for a whole hour. When he awakes he goes out into the main square of the village and says his spirits are coming. The storyteller describes the resulting noise as being like a radio with bad reception where four channels are coming in at the same time. The villagers could hear something but see nothing. The noise gathered about the shaman, who then went off into the woods. He was gone for four hours.

When those hours had passed, the shaman stumbled back into the village and collapsed. He was quickly taken to a hut where his brother lived. Before leaving, the shaman had instructed his brother to rub him with grease when he returned, which he dutifully did now and slowly the shaman awoke. He said that his spirit helpers had brought him to a tree under which the wendigo sat, in front of a small fire. It was roasting an old animal hide mitten, clearly planning to eat it. The shaman stood across from the creature, surrounded by his pawakan (which the wendigo, of course, could see) and the spirits threatened and cajoled the monster, instructing it to go off in another direction. This show of force was enough to convince the wendigo that the shaman wasn't worth tangling with, though the confrontation was very spiritually draining for the shaman.

In some cases, of course, combat was unavoidable. In such instances you wanted an exceptionally powerful shamanin your village. One such story relates a shaman whose spirit-helpers were all birds. He was famous for being able to fly, as the bird spirits would carry him from place to place. The spirits were invisible, so he appeared to be levitating.

One day thse same spirits alerted him to the presnce of two wendigos heading toward the village. Calling all his helpers to him the shaman lifted off and flew into the sky. When he spotted the monsters skulking htrough the forest, he sent down some more of his bird helpers to lift them up into the air as well... and then told the birds to drop them. The fall didn't kill the wendigos, of course, but it crippled them enough that when the shaman flew back to the village (and, like the previous one, dropped from exhaustion) the villagers could finish the job. The went out into the woods, found the injured monsters, and burned them to death.

Of course, even a lesser spirit could sometimes save the day. There's one story where Wisahkicahk, the Algnoquian trickster hero, is capture by a wendigo that is preparing to butcher and eat him. A weasel happens by and Wisahkicahk pleads with it for help. The weasel proceeds to do... by jumping up the wendigo's anus, and chewing its way up to the wendigo's heart, which it eats.

Another interesting story, similar to the Rock-pawakan story related earlier, is about both escape from and combat with a wendigo.

One spring a man, his wife, and their son were out traping by the river. The ice was starting to melt, and channels of water were caught in the banks parallel to the river proper. The sound of trickling melt-water could be heard constantly. While checking his traps the man got the feeling he was being watched. He saw nothing but the itching on the back of his neck wouldn't go away. As he hurried back to camp the feeling got worse, and he was now convinced something in the woods meant harm to not just him, but his entire family.

As soon as he was back in camp he told his family to hurry and pack up and get onto the canoe. As they pushed off the shore the man saw something in the treeline, though he could not make it out with any clarity. Whatever it was, it kept pace with them as they paddled along. Eventually the form faded into the trees but the man was worried. He knew that before long the river hit a point where it was still partially covered in ice, which would block off the canoe. To go any further, they'd have to get out and carry the boat across to where the water came back out from under the ice. They'd be extremely vulnerable while doing so.

Sure enough, once the ice blockage came into view he could see someone standing near the shore. It was a wendigo. Not a big one, but still extremely dangerous. As the canoe came closer the wendigo came out onto the ice, clearly planning to pluck them from the water as they passed. At this point the man forced himself into a trance-state and appealed to his pawakan for help. The spirit responded, saying it would open the ice into one of those water-channels parrallel to the river, just wide enough for them to make it through to the other side. It also said that they would have to hurry, as it would not be able to hold the gap for long.

So, as they near the ice, the man sees a channel starting to open, and he and his wife paddle as hard and as fast as they can, angling away from the wendigo. Up the channel they go, buying some time and distance, but the man knows the wendigo will be hot on their heels. They beach the canoe as soon as they can, jump out, and start running into the trees. It isn't enough.

As they run through the bush the man can hear the sound of snapping branches and undergrowth growing closer. When the wendigo emerges behind them it is only at arm's length and it lunges out, seizing his son's arm. At this the man spins around, taking a big moose-antler handled knife out of his pack and jamming it into the wendigo's face. The creature reels, disoriented by the blow, and the man closes in, hacking and slashing. He hacks the creature to bits, but as soon as he can he turns around, grabs his wife and son's arms, and keeps them hurrying away: the wendigo's sever limbs are still flopping around on the ground, trying to crawl after them. It will reform soon enough.

Still, the butchery is enough. They're able to escape before the wendigo can heal itself enough to pick up the trail.

Yeah, curiously, that is just a description of starvation, mythologized. Thanks!

The Wendigo smells what you are cooking.

It's not just starvation either, it's the entire concept of the harsh northeast winter, which can easily isolate and drive people to do the unthinkable.

One interesting spirit I mentioned in passing earlier is the pahguk, also called the baykok by the Chippewa, uner which name he briefly appears in the Song of Hiawatha. Translations of this name usually come out as "skeleton" or "skeleton man" or some variant. George Nelson just called them ghosts. Neither is quite right. The pahguk is like something halfway between the Grim Reaper and the Predator. He's also sometimes conflated with the Wendigo, so he's worth talking about.

First, one has to differentiate between THE pahguk and just "a" pahguk. According to the tradition, the original creature was a hunter who, in ancient times, was lost in the forest, began to starve to death, and through sheer force of will came back to life. Or, perhaps, never truly died, just withered into a barely human form powered purely by hate. Either way, THE pahguk is this original being, said to reside somewhere in the northwest. Other beings of the same name are said to exist, hunters who died of starvation and bec ame something similar. You can already see the starvation overlap with the wendigo here. Still, there are distinct differences.

Pic related gives you a rough idea of what the pahguk looks like. A more literal translation of his name means "skeleton with skin" or something closer. He's thought to look like someone that is literally nothing but skin and bones, drssed in the scraps of a hunter's garb, and armed with a bow, knife, and club. He inhabits the forests, flying through the air and calling out "heh heh heh," a dry chuckle that echoes down from on high, and sometimes the rattling of bones can be heard. Here too there is wendigo overlap; there are stories of wendigo tracks simply disappearing, as if the creature took flight, but normally wendigos are earth-bound while pahguk flies.

Once a great hunter of beasts, the pahguk is now a hunter of men. While wendigos devour entire villages, the pahguk always hunts one person and one person only. If you wander into his domain he may single you out, stalking you from above. The pahguk is normally invisible and fires invisible poisoned arrows at people. Whatever poison coats these arrows tends to paralyze victims, but if you avoid he shots the pahguk has no problem descending to the ground to battle you with his club: he is exceptionally strong, despite his bony frame. Once a victim is subdued, alive or dead, the aphguk slits them open and removes their liver, replacing it with a stone. He sews them up, leaving no scar, and flies off to eat the liver. The victim may wander home, but will slowly die, and if autopsied the rock will be found where their liver should be. Again, there is THE pahguk and "a" pahguk. The original is thought to be more dangerous, but his many lesser brtheren are no walk in the park.

Now, I mentioned earlier that getting a wendigo spirit as your pawakan is basically a death sentence, as it means you will becmoe such a creature. The same is not true of pahguk. A pahguk spirit guardian will give you his skill with the hunt, making you an excellent shot and imparting his stealthiness to you. Unfortunately, he is also an asshole. Unless he is given regular offerings of grease (which you burn in an elaborate ceremony) he will attack you at night. Initially his displeasure is mild. He'll yank you out of bed, perhaps, tear your clothes. If you perisist, he might carry you off into the wilderness and dump you on some forsaken precipice, and leave you to figure out how to get home.

One story from a man so afflicted took place while he was on a moose-hunting expedition. He was in his canoe on a lake, hidden in the reeds, waiting for the moose to come down to drink so he could shoot them. Instead, out of the sky he heard the "heh heh heh" cackle. Realzing what it was he scrambled to unmoor his canoe and paddle away, but it was too late. The pahguk swept down, lifted him out of the canoe, and dumped him in the water. The man reached for his medicine puch, a magic amulet that might ward off the spirit, but it yanks it away from him. His ownly option was to drag himself ashore, where he struggled to dry himself out and get warm. When he built a fire and settled down to sleep, the pahguk came back. It floated above him all night, cackling, preventing him from sleeping.

Another such story involved a man on a beaver hunting trip with friends. The trip was successful, and they caught six beavers one day. During the night, they aoke to find a man sitting across from their fire. He was gaunt, impossibly skinny, his skin clinging to his bones, and only a few stray wisps of hair clinging to his skull-like head. He said nothing. He just stared at them. Wanting no trouble, one of them men cut a beaver in half and pushed a half over to th spirit. It made no response. It refused to leave until they gave it a whole beaver, burning the body in the fie, at which point the paguk floated up, riding the smoke into the sky.

Another bit of wendigo confusion; in the Ojibwa tradition, there is a society of shamans who speacialize in healing, and all are said to have a dream of the pahguk, presumably taking it on as their pawakan, and this aids them in their spiritual power... except the group is called the Windigokan.

The WHOLE myth, yes: I was just referring to that one specific post with my reply. It is clear from that tale that the northern people's had a very intimate familiarity with winter starvation...very intimate.

Okay, so, you can get this guy as a spirit guardian... what happens if you call on HIM for help when fighting a wendigo? What would a shaman with a pahguk companion be like?

I remember the thread from last year, a lot of cool stuff was learned.

OP here. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope some of the new stuff in this thread is as good.

Wendigo are one of my favourite creatures, but there's so little material involving them. Most of the stuff out there is either low-budget indie work or just guides on the myths. I want it to explode, like zombies did.

>To Hunt a Wendigo
>The Tall Ones
>The Wendigo (Blackwood)
>The Omega

>Wendigo (2001)
>The Last Winter (2006)

>Until Dawn

Did you ever see the thread spun off of the one from last year, about a Wendigo Apocalypse setting? You could definitely make it work.

Though you'd probably get accused of cultural appropriation.

No sorry, I missed it. I only came over here a couple of months ago from /x/ because this place has much better lore and information about creatures (with less of the paranoid conspiracy stuff).

Yeah, /x/ sucks for good lore. Here's the wendigo apocalypse thread:


You should read Three Day Road.

Cheers, guys.



Like a one man wild Hunt