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>How to Jumpchain
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We've had this edition before, I'm pretty sure. Though I'll give you a 5/7 for effort.
That reminds me, there isnt any jump that allows you to take home as a starting location right?
I wouldn't be surprised. I feel like the 5/7 thing is a reference, though.
Just go to a jump that's set on Earth where you get to choose where your starting location is.
If I remember right one of the WoD jumps lets you have it be your original life but even more shit as an option
I think your home was included in that.
6. King of Mortal Streetfighting Kombat
Age: 21, Origin: Ninja
Location: China
Perks: Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting, Ninjutsu, Taunt, Block, Energy Bar, Get Over Here, Multiplayer Mode, Teleport, Elemental Mastery (Water)
Items: Iconic Outfit, Passport, Money, Manager (Somni)
Zeke the Magical Karate Person: Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting, Taunt, Block, Energy Bar, Hyper Jump, Hadokumhahamha Wave, Too Stronk Please Nerf, Dragon Uppercut
8 broken noses
28 broken fingers
7 broken ribs
2 broken legs (simultaneous)
5 broken arms
1 popped eye
1 popped glass eye (in-socket)
6 concussions
Tinnitus from the cracks in my skull
Cauliflower ear
2 holes in my brain
a popped kidney
Uncountable lacerations
1/10 Tournaments Won
There are two reason I'm alive at the end of this jump: Burning Bright let me drain ambient luck so that I didn't bleed out in the street or have a stroke, and my companions are damn tough. Zeke takes twice the hits I do but stayed standing for the first 7 years. His head was half-caved in during a fight with some weird four-armed alien, and I had to drag him to the hospital after the match. Somni does a pretty good job using his psychic powers to chase things off or knock them out when he has to, but he's a fighting monster disguised as a little old man, so that should have been expected.
I'm getting some healing perks.
SBURB has an option for that, I think.
...There's one, I think? Sburb has it as a possibility but it requires a mix of the endjump option and "your actual house"
Would Gosu be a good example of Xianxia? If anyone who actually knows what that is.
No. Gosu, like many other pieces of Korean fiction, is largely just embellished martial fantasy. You might be able to lump it under wuxia I guess.
Y'know what really mystifies me?
>It could even take the Slenderman hours to enter with enough training
>with enough training
>Slenderman training
The mental image of THIS:
But with Slendy.
Just to break into your room.
What does this imply for the Feat Mythos drawback? ALL the Fears hitting the gym to break into your room? The afterlife doing squats while the Empty City pumps iron and the EAT rows...through itself?
>28 broken fingers and 8 broken noses
...remind me again, how many fingers do you have at this point?
Gosu should get it's own jump once the manhwa is further along/finished.
How'd you decide on the damage?
Did you have some sort of rolling system, or what?
There are a lot of Korean stuff that should get their own jumps, just most people don't care enough to make a jump out of them.
>...remind me again, how many fingers do you have at this point?
Fingers can be broken multiple times, just like any other part of the body.
Reposting Generic Xianxia. Keep in mind that Xianxia Protagonist has yet to be changed.
I'm assuming that it's still going to be yes?
Still refielding a question that managed to get lost last thread.
Does taking Mystic Being as an origin lock you out of training normally? I'd imagine it didn't and just offered more options, but I'd like to know.
Also what happens if you take mystic being perks as someone from another origin do they just werk?
Peaked at the SB thread and saw that Protagonist is going to be a weaker version of the more specialized perks found in some of the origins. Will it stack with those specialized perks?
>Does taking Mystic Being as an origin lock you out of training normally? I'd imagine it didn't and just offered more options, but I'd like to know.
No it does not.
>Also what happens if you take mystic being perks as someone from another origin do they just werk?
Headcanon it, honestly.
Thanks for the quick answer. Glad it still works.
There's probably going to be a note at document end stating such, but yes, it's a package deal and it does stack with the other perks.
Not all at once.
I just looked up the various sort of injuries people get in street fights, which means I probably got a lot of exceptional stories. I added together a bunch of them at random. And made up the glass eye part because I read two stories on eyes being basically squelched in fights.
Then I threw in a cast of characters made up on the spot to see how it all played out.
Nika Moth, how does the Sealing Sword actually seal things?
You might want to respond to people in these threads rather then have all discussion be on SB.
Tell me about times that you tried to help!
And tell me about times where you ended up making everything worse.
Be patient user, he'll get to it.
Did you consider my suggestion about making unlocking the fiat-based perks passed on via Newgenics tied to a ritual performed by someone already possessing the perk? It feels more thematic and eases the fact that fiat is already kinda something iffy to mess around with.
Plus it's thematic to have your descendants come to you once their time is ready
I'm trying to come up with more critique but nothing I can really give that doesn't line up with the source material (such as it is)
I'll admit I haven't given items a big look in because perks have a lot going on already
I like the reincarnation wheel a lot.
Overall it's a really appealing jump(at least to me) and a lot of what I'm saying is just cause I want it to be maximally fun to jump.
I really helped out with sheep farming in Overlord!
I'm so happy that me and Demiurge were really able to make a truly sustainable and humane food source,
Custom robo. I feed the hero combat data to hadron, and he closed all the backdoors I had into his programming.
I ended up teaming up with the PC and a Ambition'd Jameson in order to take him down.
We still almost lost.
I was considering making it so it only passed down genetics, and you got to choose what genetics your progeny got.
This doesn't stop them from coming to you to git gud, of course.
In most Jumps, I try to help out the characters I like at least a little, and improve society in some quality of life ways like improved water filtration and better batteries.
Don't be ridiculous. I have perks and a Mage of Mind companion for making sure my actions work out for the best.
I tried to help unite the Ghouls and CCG in Tokyo Ghoul, by providing them a common enemy in the form of myself as an NGE Angel!
Not only did they keep fighting each other, some ghouls pledged their loyalty to me and helped sabotage both sides, while also causing them to fight each other even more. I ended up destroying the world because no one was willing to truly work together in order to beat me. For fuck's sake, I ended up with a cult of worshippers! All I wanted to was make peace, and I ended up being God King of a ruined world. This sucks.
...I'm conflicted because it's a tiny bit more balanced but I really liked it as-is, just a tiny bit more staggered in certain abilities being passed down...in the end I leave this up to you
I do like the idea of supernatural stuff and usually non-inheritable skills being explicitly tied to genetics, it's been the holy grail of my eugenics project so I'd be sad if it got knocked down a few pegs but I'd understand.
Are you talking about the Sealing Sword from Sailor Moon or the Sealing Sword from Fire Emblem Elibe?
If it's the Sealing Sword from Sailor Moon, it's based on the Sword of the Silver Crystal that was in the Manga. Iirc You just chant a phrase that's on the sword, and then stab the villain when the silver crystal shines. I'm going to go reread the manga again becuase I'm pretty sure I got this wrong and there's no mention of it online but I read it in the manga.
If you're talking about the Fire Emblem Elibe Sealing Sword, we're not entirely sure how it did that. We were just told the sword sealed Idoun away because Hartmund took pity on her and didn't want to kill her, so the empathetic abilities of the Sealing Sword gave it the power to seal her away. (If you think that's a silly explanation, I headcanon that the Sealing Sword was the very height of magical technology in Elibe at that time.)
If it is just genetics you might want to sweeten the pot a bit, your children should be inheriting your genetic abilities regardless.
Perhaps any ability that can be inherited by your children to any extent is instead inherited at full strength.
That's a little bit of a let down compared to how it was.
I get why you're considering it, but genetics could in a way be reasonably assumed to already be inheritable.
Although it is nice to be able to set them on a toggle for being passed down.
And yeah I'm going to change stuff in the Sealing Sword so that it doesn't need the Silver Crystal to seal stuff away.
How would you balance it as the original fiat-granting version, then?
What's a good shapeshifting perk?
In order to get away from the hellhole of a planet we were living on, I tried to take my colony of dwarfs into space!
...unfortunately due to an unlucky role, when our magnetic space elevator was finished, it somehow got built pointing in the opposite direction. Its' test launch cracked through the bedrock.
And through the adamantium.
And into Hell.
Suffice to say our space program was cancelled after most of it was eaten by demons. But what alcohol taketh away, alcohol giveth. In the end we pulled back far enough to rally up with the other dwarven communities, gathered ALL the alcohol in the world, blessed it under Armok's name and flooded the gaping hole into Hell. Causing massive casualties through alcohol-laden steam burns. All the dwarves were arguing about who too blame at that point, so I just kept conjuring up alcohol and invited everyone to a distilled alcohol festival while the arguing continued. And then things just...kept escalating after the dwarf community became aware of a neverending booze flow somewhere.
Anyway, Elodie had gone out of town for a month to make the elves stop eating the dead, and she came back to find my space program had failed so hard, it had turned into an impromptu expedition to colonise Hell.
At which point she finally asked me why I didn't fly everyone up in a spaceship or something.
I just pointed at the crowd of alcohol, which contained dwarves, and then at my lovingly polished spaceship seats.
Oh, I meant the Fire Emblem Elibe one, I didn't even know Sailor Moon had one.
Seeing that pic though, when did that happen? Was that how the original incarnation of Queen Beryl died/got sealed?
ThisPerhaps not granting Fiat based stuff but letting the child of a Solar exalt into another Solar (like Dragon Bloods) instead of becoming a half caste. It would also be a good if it keeps the bloodline from diluting.
omega molecular manipulation in Xmen movies.
Gravity Falls has one that can do surreal stuff.
The shapeshifting perks in Inuyasha and Gunnerkreig court are top notch as well.
You might not want to buy the add on for the last one though.
Jumpers, if you had a film studio, what would you name it?
So basically Chosen of the Elemental Dragons but for much more than just Dragonbloodedness?
>Goddammit captcha stop giving me storefronts!
A longer stay either needs to be +0 or capped somehow. As is you can easily buy everything in jump plus a nice long time to train everything up.
Perhaps not mentioning fiat directly but still letting things with mystical or supernatural backing get passed down would do it. Things like perks that are abilities or traits could be included rather than things that just exist.
That way odd stuff like having noble property appear or having people show up that look like old friends doesn't cause strange narrative conflicts.
Altforms could probably be included as well without being too out there.
I'm no jumpmaking expert but that would do it for me.
If you're willing to spend hundreds of quadrillions of years there then you deserve everything in the jump.
Are you getting the ones where it says 'click enter when no more storefronts remain'? Those are usually buggy, just refresh and take another one.
I always think a lot about how I'm going to fix a situation and the potential consequences if I fuck up or the stuff that could go wrong. If I feasibly can't change a situation, I'll do my best to alleviate the consequences when it does happen Not too hard now, since I have the custom element of Hope from Captain Planet which helps me deal with negative consequences[/spoil].
That being said, I nipped the Loptyr Cult situation from Geneology of the Holy War in the bud before any bad shit happened, saved Allenby from that dickhead politician Wong in G Gundam, killed Kefka before he could become the god of magic, planning on restoring a bunch of post-apocoplaytic wasteland worlds from destruction (and have restored one), and I'm planning on preventing a lot of tears in Trigun. Or at the very least, stopping Wolfwood's death (I have never emotionally recovered from his death. He didn't deserve it.) and trying to help give Knives and Legato therapy.
Stepping in and fixing shit is the best part of jumpchain in my mind. If I stay out of trouble when I know I can help, I feel really guilty about it. If I don't my mind does pic related to me.
>Chosen of the Elemental Dragons
Not entirely sure what that is, but basically just if it can be inherited in any form your decedents will inherit it at full strength (even if it would normally be inherited in a lesser form).
Seems like it would be a good compromise that doesn't go into the rabbit hole of inheriting all my fiat perks.
Question does this perk work for the other parent's Genetic/inheritable traits too? Said traits of your child's mate going into the grandchild?
In a setting where spending millions to billions of years training is totally normal you should not get thousands of extra points just for staying around that long.
>Question does this perk work for the other parent's Genetic/inheritable traits too? Said traits of your child's mate going into the grandchild?
If they have Newgenics too, then yes.
It happened at the end of the first arc of Sailor Moon. Although it just killed Beryl's flesh body through a botched sealing attempt.
Metallia, the true villain, was too powerful to be sealed and just absorbed the power of the Silver Crystal when they tried to seal her for some reason when that didn't happen when Queen Serenity sealed her with the Silver Crystal
Is Newgenics inheritable?
I don't really think it needs to be hard capped.
Or at least it shouldn't be capped low.
Spending eons in a setting where sociopaths with too much power are rather common doesn't seem like the healthiest plan.
Especially not when escalation goes as hard as it does in genre. Eventually you're going to get in over your head.
I wouldn't say it's 40k dangerous, but it's not a picnic if you don't use the drop in capstone to hide in the kiddie pool.
Well, I did have one thanks to Hollywood jump. It's called The Cage. Because I made movies that were like a combination between Syfy movies if they were made with Netflix original quality, and with most of the main characters being played by clones of Nicholas Cage. I had an entire cloning facility in the back for mass-producing Nicholas Cages.
If I had one NOW though, I'd probably call it "my brain". Because I can turn crystalise my memories into castles that partially recreate them Reality Marble-style.
Sort of like-this, in fact: sunlesssea.gamepedia.com
I know, 3D's a stupid gimmick. But I'm telling you guys, 5D's the future.
Honestly, I kinda agree with and Should be that supernatural, superheroic and mystical
I guess my main thing is that it should FEEL like a Lamarck Was Right perk.
Maybe it should just be that it allows you to pass down intrinsic abilities(stuff like superpowers even if they're granted by say, a radioactive spider bite or by being possessed by a spirit) and skills, yeah. Not necessarily every fiat perk, but anything that is insintric that you/an obvious part of your abilities rather than abstract stuff like plot armor or fate
Delphi Studios. The twist is that every movie is a preenactment of something that might happen in the future.
You still have a brain?
Eh, tons of sociopaths and escalation is the only reason I see it giving points at all instead of just being a free training time excuse.
Just fucking off and training for a few thousand+ years if you need to is pretty easy given how many people do it in these settings, not even counting protagonists. Especially since until you spend those thousands of years training you are going to be beneath the notice of anyone thats an actual threat.
Jumper pictures; seriously all my businesses that follow me in the chain are called Jumper something, something jumper, or something similar.
The Humble Moth!
...all right, you've convinced me. It shall be as you say.
On a what you're likely to run into scale it's a hell of a lot more dangerous then 40k. Think DBZ but everyone trains instead of just the heroes and everyone is Vegeta.
Well, when I remember to have one. I mean, I SAY brain when I mean "crystalised atelier-chapel of song and dream forged into a vessel that can hold a sliver of my intellect". Sometimes when I think hard about something, they just kind of...freeze into existence from the sheer force of my thinking about one thing for too long amidst my supernal flames. Like icebergs, or handfuls of sand being blown into glass.
They don't tend to last very long unless I fish them out, though. I think so hard I tend to make my brains explode.
...speaking of DBZ, is it true Zamasu assimilated the entire multiverse Dormamu-style in the finale of DBZ super?
I was going for a more metaphysical danger thing.
No need to worry about Chaos bullshit or getting your soul sucked out like a smoothie for being around or just plain being a psyker.
Sure the biggatons are a lot higher in xianxia, but you aren't going to have to worry about the warp imploding on top of you.
Yeah he absorbed the Future Trunks multiverse. Zeno one shot him. Zamzasu isn't the finale I believe.
Uh I hate to break it to you but that is a thing you have to worry about in some stuff. Multiverses occasionally get broken in fights ans sometimes people will collapse planes of reality because they're really shoddly built (Coiling Dragon).
>But with Slendy.
>Just to break into your room.
Now we know why he wants to kill you, you forced him into a Training Montage to keep up.
>pass down intrinsic abilities(stuff like superpowers even if they're granted by say, a radioactive spider bite or by being possessed by a spirit)
Starting a clan of ghost riders would be cool.
the scary biggatons are usually in higher realms/outside the small world where you start anyway
In order to train effectively you need to go to placed suited for doing so, as you get stronger you'll need to go to more powerful locations with more powerful people. As you get higher and higher you'll find you are needing to spend time in places where everyone is a Xianxia Sociopathic Protagonist to get any stronger.
It wasn't the finale, but yes. Zamasu merged with the Future Multiverse, and wiped out all life except for himself and the main cast (Bulma, Vegeta, Future Mai and Trunks, and Goku). It drove him insane though, like Giygas level insane, all he could do was laugh, no rational thought left. He did show fear and pain when the Omniking killed him with one shot, though.
Jump # 162 Ghost in the Shell
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Starting Location: U.K. (Yay I get a sexy accent)
Background: Hacker (100) (It wouldn’t be cyberpunk without computer hacking)
*Humaniod Calculator (0)
*Super-Class-A (300 , Discount) (Fear my 1337 hacking skills)
*The Rumor Mill (150, Discount)
*Well Read (100)
*Friends in High Places (300)
*Dummy Barrier (0)
*Basic Cyberization (0)
50 CP Donated to buy this jump some 50 CP Items, Companion imports, and Canon Companions.
It’s funny how I always seem to run in to groups of certain types of worlds. Cyberpunk seems to be the Jumpchan’s flavor of the day. It was strange finding myself on this world in the U.K. I didn’t even really know where I was until I heard some internet chatter about the Laughing man and saw a familiar logo.
Being way away from the plot I decided worked as a freelance hacker. I usually fought for the little guy, tried to help those who were wronged by large corporations who illegally exploited them or cybercriminals who were hurting innocent people. I even managed to bring down a few cyberterrorists and gained a bit of a fallowing.
I even managed to do a bit of work for the police when someone let loose a ghost hacking virus that was making people reenact the Jack the Ripper killings. It felt good to catch that sick bastard.
Probably the most impressive thing that I did though was through foreknowledge. I managed to contact the U.S. Submarine before it went in to radio silence to launch the nukes at japan and convince them to drop the order. This in turn meant that the Tachikomas didn’t have to sacrifice their satellite containing their AIs to stop the missiles so they kept their personalities. Though that little stunt broke a few laws and required me calling in an absurd amount of favors.
Hm, I admit I forgot about that aspect of the setting. I still dislike the idea of getting multiple capstones worth of cp when your starting budget can make you a xianxia protagonist by itself but I will concede the issue.
Sburb and Youtube do, I believe.
You can also do that with other jumps like w40k and I don't see anyone complaining.
>I don't see anyone complaining
...hoo boy. You weren't around for it but. Let's just say there WAS complaining, and as a third party I got the impression all parties involved agreed to disagree rather than concede on either side at the time.
What are the best exotic materials you can acquire on the chain?
Just updated the Jump List. As always let me know if anything is missing or wrong.
Magical materials from Exalted are quite nice. Indestructible, easily enchanted, and they even have the option for channeling geomantic energy through hearthstones.
There's also Uru, Admantium, and Vibranium from the Marvel jumps. Those are always useful in some way.
If you're willing to fanwank really hard you could do a lot with the various metals from Terraria. They all have strange properties in some fashon. Although since it's a sandboxish game they don't really get into the grit of the matter.
There's also the materials from Endless Legend as well as dust if that counts.
Chrono trigger has quite a few. Sunstone, Rainbow Shell, the like
Go Ditto in Pokemon.
You should see some of the shit that a Ditto can pull off. It's amazing.
Feedback on Space Station 13 Jump (v0.6)
Can we take the Heretic perk multiple times, for both gods? Or does picking one lock out the other?
Might want to change the name of the Noir mutation to "Noir Filter" or "Noir Sight" because having two things with the same name in the same jump is begging for confusion.
Do all the companions in the "Companions" section take up active companion slots? Asking because some of these don't seem like they rate being full companions rather than pets or summons.
Please sort the items, either by price or by background. I know you're probably going to do this eventually.
Energy sword is listed as "discount Energy Sword". I'm assuming this isn't meant to be a tautological discount.
Noticed the "The Blob" drawback has some wonky pricing - it says it's 500/600, but the text says "for an extra +300...". So either that should be +300/+600 or "for an extra +100..." in the text.
Can you please make the limit on drawbacks a little clearer? Does it mean I can take 800cp worth of normal drawbacks and then one increased stakes drawback (so, 800cp + one 600cp increased stakes drawback for +1400cp?)
>50 CP Donated to buy this jump some 50 CP Items, Companion imports, and Canon Companions.
I too donated 50cp to buy this poor jump some items, but Jump-chan didn't pay it forward to the jump maker.
The Slime plorts from Slime Rancher are surprisingly useful if you can overlook the fact that you're literally farming slime shit. Although it comes in little diamond-shaped bits.
They've got a bunch of uses, and you can just scroll to the end of the jump for info on them.
Also they're adorable! I'm gonna get a tabby slime for a pet~
7. Avatar The Last Airbender
Origin: Water Tribe Nomad, Age: 11
Location: Foggy Swamp
Perks: Bending Arts, Lifebending, Bending Genius
Items: Clothing, Waterskins, Original Master, Master's Scroll (Water)
Drawbacks: Pacifist, Into The Inferno
I'm not in the mood to fight anymore. I'm in the mood to hide, and run, and heal, and maybe have a bit of fun mocking the people who chase me. Until Aang insists on fixing the problem, in about 6 years, I'm just going to spend my day playing cat and mouse with the Fire Nation Army. Zeke and Somni are the real liabilities for the running away game. They want to test out bending and see how well it works with their old abilities. Somni has taken up capturing fire nation soldiers that find us and hypnotizing them while they're frozen in ice. Apparently it makes it easier to implant sleeper suggestions, like having soldiers suddenly start acting like chickens when told to man the catapult. I'd be amused if I weren't so disturbed by the hypnotist pokemon's casual mindrape. Zeke uses waterbending to enhance his ability to punch people. I only find that disturbing because of the drawback. He likes fighting and robbery. He'd be a bandit if I didn't keep him pointed at acceptable targets.
I can generate water at will thanks to Generic Fighting Game, and waterbending synergizes really well with it. It's probably one of the weakest mystic healing effects in Jumpchain, but it does it's job and can be used to make snowmen, so I give it a pass.
Commoragh has some pretty great exotic materials. Right at the start of the items section, and cheap too.
If you go to one of the marvel jumps you should try to get Adamantine. It's the stuff Heracles' mace is made out of. It's indestructible like adamantium. Also if you have a helmet or your skull is plated with it, apparently it makes you immune to mind control or magical influence (like illusions) also it's immune to molecular manipulation.
>I too donated 50cp to buy this poor jump some items, but Jump-chan didn't pay it forward to the jump maker.
Well maybe she did but it wasn't enough maybe more people have to donate 50 cp from the jump. Also posting that they did would probably be a good idea too.
Metallic luck.
>binbougami fortune energy and whatever
>god of war Peasant capstones+capstone booster
Make your armor out of luck. You're unstoppable.
Fashion the metal into wire spools, then use that perk for combining things (something something peelable pineapples) to fuse it with a spool of thread.
So you can now make clothing out of luck.
Make jewelry too. Pacemakers would be cool as fuck as well. Magic lucky pacemakers.
Have you picked up any vulnerabilities from your choices?
I don't mean something like a vampire's weakness to sunlight or the like either.
I was reading through a jump's drawbacks when I saw blindness as a lower option, and I realized that would be particularly bad for me because of how many eye based abilities I've picked up.
Do you know if we're allowed to roll the same station for the second half of the jump as we picked for the first or do they have to be different?
I picked up a weakness to hunger after long periods because I like cooking and want an excuse to do it.
> I don't mean something like a vampire's weakness to sunlight or the like either.
Then I'm not sure I understand the question. What do you mean by vulnerabilities?
I mean, taking a stab at the dark in intent here, I've picked up a lot of "turn my heart into an item that grants power" perks, so as a result if I "die", as long as my heart survives, I'll come back as good as new.
My heart is also mobile, can be implanted into other bodies, and is capable of attacking by itself. It's more accurate to say that my heart is the "core me", because if I'm reduced to it, I'm still perfectly aware and somewhat able to do things like run or defend myself to a degree.
But, as a direct result of turning my heart into my core backup unit, it's also my weak spot. "Attack the core for massive damage" style. Though it'd probably explode when destroyed. Violently. I'm gonna say it'd take out at least a city.
But, ironically, this means the best way to defeat me is to literally break my heart.
I should probably name it, given it's practically a minor artifact by now, but I'm too lazy, so it remains "my ridiculous magitek heart" for now.
Other than that, and flying in the face of your "I don't mean", I'm kindof weak to fire, on account of the partially plant-based biology and that one perk from Boktai.
Though I imagine that as more of a Superman, "I just don't have any particular defense against it" deal.
Would penance stare work on a dementor?
Doesn't the target have to feel guilty about their actions or something?
I doubt Dementors feel anything close to remorse.
Dementors don't have a soul, which is about the only requirement for a Penance Stare.
No, the target is not required to feel guilt. All they need is a soul and sin.
I believe it's considered old testament style judgement, where regardless of how you feel about your actions, you are still punished for them.
I didn't really think through the phrasing very well. Vulnerabilities might not have been the best way to put it either.
Basically I was wondering if anyone had tied a not insignificant amount of their power into a single methodology.
For me a blindness drawback would take out something like 15+ abilities
I probably should have just asked if anyone has found themselves in a position where a low value drawback is more damaging than a higher tier one.
Tell that to Frank.