ITT: we correct misconceptions
There is no such thing as Dex weapons.
Female martials exist only for titillation value.
Tarrasque is French.
ITT: we correct misconceptions
There is no such thing as Dex weapons.
Female martials exist only for titillation value.
Tarrasque is French.
"Triple A" does not mean "Good"
Something being popular does not mean that it is good.
Something being unpopular does not mean that it is good either.
>What is a rapier?
>Who are Eowyn, Boudica, etc?
>Since when does Fantasyland #1547 have France?
>What is bait?
>shit thread started by shit manga character
No surprise.
A shitty warlord that lost as soon as she faced actual resistance?
That CZ is airshit.
Paladins can't fall until they burn two orphanages, each of them housing approximately 30 orphans minimum.
Fun is really a buzzword for people who can't appreciate your plot.
OP is straight.
Actions alone don't make people good or evil if the intentions arent the same.
>Putting Eowyn, the slayer of the Witch King of Angmar (with help from Merry, of course) in the same group as Boudica, destroyer of her own people and Roman cocksleeve.
>Undeath is, besides everything else that it is, easily used as a metaphor for depression.
Didn't you know that being metal enough allows you to travel back in time?
So those are the misconceptions?
Also one more:
>You are not adopted
>Who are Eowyn
A fictional character
A dead meme
I'd argue that many weapons have a minimum dex prerequisite.
>There is no such thing as Dex weapons.
An AR-15 has a kick like a handicapped kitten, can be fired by a 6 year old girl who wants to be just like her daddy, and will also absolutely blow the fuck out of anyone that happens to be on the front end of it depending entirely on how well it's aimed. The bullet either glances or hits one of your rolling blobs of ass fat and does 1 damage or it detonates one of your vital organs and then causes them to gyser out of the exit wound and does your entire HP, unless it hits you in the face, that's a critical hit so it does twice your entire HP just to add insult to injury by insisting you have a closed casket funeral.
Something being ahistorical doesn't mean it's not fun.
>there are no such thing as Str weapons
>Tarrasque is French.
But I've never seen it surrender.
Well it might have been a hippo that ended up in france, and hippos do not understand surrender, only hate.
>>What is a rapier?
A large, relatively heavy sword which required considerable strength to use effectively. Seriously, rapiers weighed at least as much as other one-handed swords, had longer blades which made them more difficult to control if you had weak wrists and generally needed even more strength than most weapons to use effectively.
>The king of Nerluc had attacked the Tarasque with knights and catapults to no avail. But Saint Martha found the beast and charmed it with hymns and prayers, and led back the tamed Tarasque to the city. The people, terrified by the monster, attacked it when it drew nigh. The monster offered no resistance and died there. Martha then preached to the people and converted many of them to Christianity. Sorry for what they had done to the tamed monster, the newly Christianized townspeople changed the town's name to Tarascon.
But it came from Galatia, nowdays Turkey, so the joke falls flat. Too bad.
>There is no such thing as Dex weapons.
>what is gun
The difficulty of using a rapier is that you have the weight of a two-handed sword used with one hand in positions where upper body muscles can't work at their optimum. They are exceptionally easy to control due to weight distribution relative to the handle, and frighteningly fast.
That helmet looks like it blocks a lot of vision.
Is there any rape this time?
People's physical and mental capabilities/attributes aren't determined entirely by their gender, but they are slightly effected by it. Slightly. The biggest influences are actually culture, personality, and lifestyle.
Gobbo Slayer doesn't care, the power of autism works like a radar for him.
>Female martials
You really need to qualify this better. It's really uncommon as standard operating procedure standing armies, but those are pretty exceptional and recent. And the front isn't usually that far from home in a premodern setting.
Barbarians lugged women and kids and goats and all their shit to the front because they settled as they went. Camp followers handled logistics and field engineering voluntarily or otherwise, and would be pressed into actual combat service in an emergency. Civilians in a town getting sacked would fight, women included. Naval history has ample records of women tagging along for personal reasons and becoming fairly martial at sea -sometimes above the board (only the captain's wife knows how to navigate now that the captain's dead) and sometimes less so (dude who dropped from the rigging six years into their service had tits, or an old woman is claiming military benefits). The last is where we have some of the better documented examples of careerism among "female martials," because it's late enough that we have access to records but early enough that women wouldn't universally get caught in a medical exam or some shit. Also, granted it's hard to get a bead on how common this is both because the confirmed stories were popular enough to be overblown in their time and because presumably not everyone who snuck aboard got caught, got reported once caught, or claimed benefits.
>Monster tamed by woman offers no resistance when slaughtered.
Very similar to some old unicorn myths.
>There is no such thing as Dex weapons.
You ever watch a knife fight, OP?
>There is no such thing as Dex weapons
There's really no such thing as a Str weapon either. If it's heavy/badly balanced enough to be hard to pick up and swing, you're either incredibly out of shape or it's kind of a shit weapon.
So Hitler wasn't evil, because his intention was to usher Germany into a golden age of security and prosperity, right?
Can I politely ask you to stop? This stopped being funny about 10 years ago, now it's just disrespectful and insulting.
>Very similar to some old unicorn myths.
or marriage
Most helmets do block vision, so you don't get stabbed in the fucking face.
See? Works exactly as intended.
too many people still seem to think that...
Bad example, because proper knife fighting is a brawl where you also have a pointy bit of metal to kill them with. You're punching, kicking, and grappling as much as you're trying to shank.
His intentions were to usher Germany into a golden age of security and prosperity at the expense of everyone he could catch and work to death in labor camps.
Thanks for not calling OP a faggot.
Dio is an immortal vampire, why do you think they named an anime vampire after him?
The pre-Muslim Arab myths usually have a bit of that in them. Prostitute bares her breasts, unicorn (smaller, more goatlike, had another name I don't remember) suckles milk, she grabs it by the horn and men kill it. The "tamed man" thing is kind of a common myth in the ancient near east. Gilgamesh has Enkidu being tamed by a prostitute as well.
Christian myths give us the virgin, treat her as some kind of Mary analogue, and treat the unicorn's death as a Christ analogue.
Except you raise the visor when fighting so you could see the other guy, and so you could breathe. Visor was for when you're charging in the open and there's arrows and lances coming the other way.
In the original myth it actually did, was paraded through town, then was executed.
>There is no such thing as Dex weapons.
This is one thing GURPS did right, all weapons use Dex to see if you hit and Str to calculate the damage.
>What is dumb bitches getting face-slapped by a deagle's recoil?
Try actually shooting a gun and tell me it's a weapon for low-strength waifs.
Aren't female warriors of note more or less just a rape hentai thing?
I don't think OP's character knows how to remove the visor.
Warriors of note in general are somewhere between made up and vastly inflated by our imaginations.
Read what he wrote then read what you wrote and decide if you're retarded
>shit liberals believe
An AR isn't a death machine and temporary cavitation doesn't cause organ geysers, you fucktard. Pic related: entry wound on a 'yote. Show me where the shower of viscera is.
>killing anyone
Tell me more about your magical oversized varmint round.
The visor is his face.
>One tiny entry wound and the thing's still plenty dead
Not even saying the guy's right, just that your argument doesn't follow well from your evidence. Also flesh is weaker IRL than in games. Who would have thought?
He never did evil actions in the first place though. Bad example.
I think he was referring to the fact that you don't explode from a single hit of .223/5.56.
I mean, you won't be having a fun time, but your lungs won't explode out of your ass if it hits you either.
Well, no shit, it's still a gun and it'll still kill something dead if you put the shot where it needs to go. But it doesn't give you the fucking Bloody Mess perk unless you're shooting M193 at malnourished gooks in close quarters, and even then it's not as exaggerated as he's describing.
Sometimes they're batshit insane.
>>Who are Eowyn, Boudica, etc?
fake and gay
as much as i like boudica, she is worse then Vercingetorix of the gauls.
And inferior to madb
What part of "you can swap your STR bonus for your DEX bonus with this weapon" and "THIS IS A GODDAMN GAME" do you not understand?
Depends on the world you're running, and whether the gods care more about action or intent - or if you have gods in said world, for that matter.
I went and read that manga just for the helmet and I have never read a manga before.
reading right to left is weird why not flip the image?
Goblin slayer is based.
>reading right to left is weird
After a while you get so used to it, you accidentily start reading western comics right to left.
fucking frogs
>needs an Italian to win a war
get your Parisian arse out of here.
>named dio
he's named after Ronnie James Dio.
Just like SPEEDWAGON is REO speedwagon.
vanilia ice.
killer queen.
etc etc
>tfw you will never twist the world into thinking you're pragmatic when you're actually doing retarded shit
>needs an Italian to win a war
Are we really doing this? Where does this frustration even come from? Did a Frenchman fuck your girlfriend?
>damn liberals!
>gun shoot me a 'ypte
Actually laughed out loud.
Thanks man. Can by you tell me more about your life?
>Where does this frustration even come from?
anglicized huguenots and some moor
you tell me
Can you give a even more retarded counterexample?
You basically just cut off half the things he did so it serves your straw man.
This thread is literally nothing but bait. There is no fish. It is just lines getting caught on other lines.
I guess its a common mistake for beginners
That's retarded.
>I assassinated an incompetent and tyrannical king, stabilized a nation in the aftermath of a devastating war, built numerous universities and hospitals to usher my nation into a golden age, and helped reign in the excesses of the aristocracy. I only really did those things because I want power and respect and people are less likely to revolt if you treat them well.
>I assassinated the rightful king and all of his sons, marrying his eldest daughter and sending the rest to become nuns. I started a costly war and ceased investing in infrastructure to fund those wars. The lack of investment led to revolts and spreading of plague which I responded to violently and ruthlessly to halt the spread of the plague and prevent any future rebellions. I did this because I believed that the world would be better off if both our kingdoms were united under the same ruler.
So the former is evil and the latter is good? Actions speak louder than words.
The point is that there is no such thing as a dex weapon. Pretty much all weapons require relatively high strength to use effectively. A strength 7 pussy wouldn't be able to stab someone to death effectively no matter how fast he is and drawing a longbow made for war requires massive amounts of strength, far more than your average jackass.
The point is that what people commonly think of as finesse weapons actually require considerable strength to use effectively.
>So the former is evil and the latter is good?
nah both are evil, if you dig kant.
one just has a better outcome.
Crossbow + that hook loading mechanism where you just stand up
>So the former is evil and the latter is good?
I'm sure if you look around you'll find plenty of Hollywood movies where that's exactly the case, only they'll make sure to paint the latter in a better light where the "rightful king" would be a tyrant and the eldest daughter would be in love with hero and the second kingdom will also be cartoonishly evil.
But all weapons also take finesse to use effectively. It doesn't matter how strong you are if you don't have any balance and can't take a step without falling over.
To be an effective fighter requires both dexterity (which isn't speed as much as it is balance, hand-eye coordination and control over your muscle groups) and strength (which also makes you faster).
In general, separating weapons into Str and Dex groups is retarded, since all weapons require both. That's why I like systems where Str defines damage and Dex defines to-hit chance.
Your newness is quaint and it makes me feel comfy
That aint even tumblr dog. It's meta
So basically strength based weapons should have a base dex requirement and dex based weapons should have a base strength requirement?
>There is no such thing as Dex weapons.
The fuck? In reality the it's almost exclusively the opposite. Have ever seen an actual battleaxe? It's a tiny little joke of a weapon that's a light as possible for, you guess it, speed and dexterity.
Who won on the medieval battlefield, the strong peasantry or the highly trained professionals who honed their fighting skills and speed (read; dexterity)? When using a sword is it better to properly align to an edgy using your dexterity then to hit on the flat of a blade?
Hell even bows aren't really strength weapons beyond needing X amount of physical strength to draw the bowstring. It's not like you can poor extra strength into it to make it shoot harder, the strength of the bow is limited by the draw-weight and the rest is your aim. Literally a dex weapon.
Even two handed longswords are mostly about skill, dexterity, and practiced grace. Have you ever even seen medieval fighting manuals? That shit is as kung fu as any martial art with its locking elbows and sliding your blade around on the enemy's to keep his cutting line away from you and your cutting line closer to him.
The only real 'strength' weapons there are would be a gigantic war hammer, maybe. But in my games because I like clear character choices and distinguished I don't care about realism as much so two handers are strength (including longbows) and one handers are dex (including shortbow- weak enough drawstring that even a women could draw)
If you do your game in any way differently, you are literally retarded and doing it very, very wrong. Fuck you OP.
You mean that all weapons are dex weapons, right?
>strong peasantry
Stopped reading there
Peasents who spend all day lifting gigantic sacks of grain and rocks, climbing up and down ladders and plucking haybales, peasants who physically grab and flip over sheep to sheer them aren't stronger then nobility who live most of their lives in a castle learning how to swing swords around?
Oops, silly me. Guess I didn't know that doing physically demanding activities doesn't actually make you stronger, my mistake.
>anyone ITT seriously implying guns require above-average body strength
no, /k/.
- Veeky Forums
Two swords of equal lentgh being wielded isn't fantasy. Two axes and such, only in viking chronicles that also have fantastical elements.
Check chapter 76:
Check "double side swords":
About fighting women, this might be of interest:
" I typically suggest a tapering bastard sword for my novice female students... I also find my female students enjoy study of the spear or long staff, it being an equalizing weapon which requires more precision than strength... However, each person must always choose the tool they feel best fits their disposition as a fighter... the historical source manuals are more than clear that skill transcends strength alone and skill is a matter of several blending factors that are independent of gender."
Considerations for Female Practitioners in Renaissance Martial Arts? By J. Clements, ARMA Director
GURPS and literally every game worth of being played.
>About fighting women, this might be of interest:
that does sort of fall in line with what the op said, tournament fighters are peakcocks of martial.
>double axes.
Never understood why people would do that, the double side sword makes some sense, I don't have the time to read through it
at length but what i get from it is that the use of two side swords is it's own style. That is to say foot work and form are key, it is as much art as it is fight. That is not something that axes is nessarily geared towards and seems to be as much fantasy as the gae bolg
Jeanne d'arc.
I make my zombies depressed and shambling, and my skeletons quick and cackling.
>zombies are lowest employees
>skeletons are managers
No, all should be dex weapons and all have strength requirement. Even knifes and daggers. You can use the weapon with less strenght than the required, but you get massive penalties. Amongst other effects, using two hands (if possible) reduces the requirement.
What? i think its still funny. Its always been disrespectful and insulting though. When was the last time you actually lived down something you fucked up? If you did, you have kind friends or none.
Nah, skeletons are more like they're all in on a joke at the expense of the living.
Zombies are the dead that still want to be living.
No you have friends that respect you.