Post flavor text that makes you smile, whether due to funny, heartwarming, or just plain sweet

I've always had an irrational hatred of this card. Like, I know it's balanced but the randomized mechanic just tickles me the wrong way.

I love it. That card's flavor is one of the greatest to ever come out of RnD.
He's such an awful pilot, he's just as likely to kill himself as anyone else.

>Crapping on Shield of Duty and Reason
Fucking MaRo. He and his cronies need be gassed like the rodents they are.

Wtf I recognize this

The group I play with does a lot of multiplayer games and we have a guy who loves token generation, so I'm mostly just annoyed by the hassle of needing to randomly choose one of, say, 13 different targets.



/ccg/ is over here.


I always love when Black decides to lighten up a bit.