Who else feeling /comfy/ with this lil rocket?

Stellar has more upside potential.

With the recent news, it should exceed XRP market cap.

The reality is that Stellar is being used - RIGHT NOW to solve real world problems.

Why would you be thinking of putting 50% into it if you don't know what it does?

im in 50% portfolio beacuse its such a sure thing

the icon is ugly domestically but internationally its great and american jew banks arent hopping on anyways

fuck this. Im buying the ATH and taking this shill. I know I'll be fucked, and that I am such poorfag I'll never get real profits, but I just want to feel like one of you guys for one time...
Got 2600 with my poorfag savings. Help this cuck out senpaii ^^
memo: 1817130899

Probably I'll get a ban for this. But it'll be worth it

Sent 20 to get keep your wallet warm ;)

Sent ;-)

But IBM has like 30 banks lined up for Stellar.

> fiat value


It also mooned in sat value though

Will I make It with only 4k?