How diverse is your gaming group?
How diverse is your gaming group?
We're all slavs (except for the jewish DM), so no white people in the group at all. This means we're super diverse, right?
Mostly guys, a couple of girls. Mostly white, a couple not.
It's alright I guess? It's also completely irrelevant, so I'm not sure why this thread is even a thing.
In the eyes of american hipster progressives, slavic people count as white. Didn't you see them flipping the fuck out over Witcher 3 not having any black people in it?
Slavs are decidedly white. Most jews are too, although I'm sure somebody will sperg out at me for saying so.
Not your concern.
Four Scots including the GM, one Hungarian, one American sailor, One Turkish guy.
4 Russkies and Buryat, so we count as a diverse group of PoC.
All white, mostly males with some of our gfs. All cisgender, all heterosexual. Thanks God the stupid feminazi propaganda haven't hit here yet.
4 Ukrainians all with big mustaches and Chupryna haircuts
I don't know, I'm playing online with randoms.
>tfw my people were enslaved so hard and considered subhuman by so many cultures that its actually the root word for slave.
Feels tracksuit man
I find this sort of attitude fucking awful, and I'm a big old lefty liberal.
Just going 'They're all white' is a fucking racist comment, especially when it's followed by diatribes about needing diversity and white privilege.
So many 'white' groups suffered massive oppression in their own right, whether the Irish at the hands of the British or Eastern European nations beneath the crushing weight of the iron curtain.
And yet our modern attitude lets us judge people based on the colour of their skin, rather than acknowledging nuance, that so many people in the world have been oppressed and marginalised and that each group should be taken on their own merits rather than basing it all on the colour of their fucking skin.
God, this shit annoys me.
i mean since this is a /pol/ thread anyways i'll go full /pol/ and go ahead and point out thats because you're actually a liberal and you likely believe in individualism instead of collectivism and neoprogressivism, which is the current social justice zeitgeist.
we got 2 asian dudes and an asian girl.
everyone else is white and dudes. but this is in northern sweden so pretty everyone is white.
3 white Americans and a Ruskie.
I'm a lesbian, so my groups tend to be more diverse than most would be I imagine.
only white males with a healthy dose of republicans, dems and one bro homosexual
Very productive and fun
Our group is also Slavs, but we've got a girl (kinda) in our group so we slighlty diverse than you.
It's because, in America, it's whites versus everyone else. Social Justice Warriors have been the USA's primary export so far this century.
> a girl (kinda)
What did he mean by this?
Pretty sure it's kind of like Succubus (male).
50% Russians, 50% Jews.
2 hillbillies, a cajun, 2 crackers and a yankee.
We also have an Irish that drops in to play, but only now and then.
That's the most frustrating thing about it. People claiming to want diversity always argue from an incredibly egocentric position that completely fails to acknowledge how different things can be in the rest of the world.
Being fair, I believe in high taxes, corporate regulation, government run basic services including healthcare and all of that jazz. It's the moral puritans in progressive clothing and people who seem to think the best way to fight racism is making race an even bigger issue that piss me the fuck off.
Slav alert! Slav alert!
This picture should be called "Russian-Ukrainian border"
We've got a Dundonian, a Glaswegian, a cunt from Edinburgh, a Yorkshireman and a guy from Cardiff. We also have an American guy from California that joins sometimes. The sessions mostly just devolve into piss takes of each others accents. I suspect the only diversity that matters to certain people is racial though.
Don't you know? Veeky Forums is a Slavic board.
Fairly uniform, mostly white and british with a one South African and an Indian (curry variety).
Varied. Some upper middle class, some working class, a load in between. Most are STEM graduates or students, one guy does English lit.
Mostly straight men, one lesbian couple.
tldr sorta diverse
>a Dundonian, a Glaswegian, a cunt from Edinburgh, a Yorkshireman and a guy from Cardiff.
My group is more diverse than yours, we're all from different streets.
Roleplay: All whites in their 20s, 5 guys and a girl. All Christian, 4 attend the same local church.
Wargaming: 95% white guys aged between 20s and 70s, with the occasional Asian or ambiguously brown fellow and sometimes a young lady who just enjoys painting the miniatures.
>turns out Veeky Forums is full of slavs
We have a German dude, a gay, a bisexual and an asexual
everyone is white european though
> Majority of his group goes to church
Where do you live, user?
I always suspected German is a kind of sexuality.
>4 Ukrainians all with big mustaches and Chupryna haircuts
Pics or it didn't happen.
>and that each person should be taken on their own merits
We are 100% Spaniards, so non white, so 100% diverse.
4 white dudes all roughly the same age.
At least one guy is fat, that's our diversity.
you can take my freedom, but you will never take my tracksuit
One guy is apparently half mexican, and another is jewish. Sometimes a mulatto shows up.
The kind that's attracted to poop.
Spaniards are white you racist fuck.
A scotsman, Irishman, Jewish Russian, Frenchman and all lead by a German GM. We converse by broken english.
>Two gays
>One black woman
>the white dude married to the black woman
>two honky women
>a Hispanian
>a Communist
Did I win?
And animals
>Now we're white
Ok, can we make a deal? I'm fucking tired of being white and non white at the same time all the time, we're like the fuckign Schrodinger's cat. How about on even days we're white and on odd we're non white? better?
You were always white user, you just didn't know it. Even North Africans are white.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Is your skin pale? If yes then you get short hand described as white.
Is it a sort of brownish colour? Well done. You are brown.
Is it really dark in colour? The you are black.
And you know what that means? Sweet fuck all. Heaven forbid that we actually judge people on the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin.
Especially fucking lefties who treat people like trading cards or Pokémon. Gotta catch 'em all and fill that racially selective quota.
My group has a writer, a chemist, a programmer, a checkout clerk, and a student. Seems pretty diverse.
I'm not sure why you started out with an insult when you agreed with my point. Unless you didn't read my post and just made a dumb assumption?
>mfw I started this stupid meme in the earlier half of last year when I asked "how diverse is your party /tg?" with a screen cap from a monty python skit. And I was referring to classes when i said diverse no less.
4 white guys.
>Whitey trying to feel special by focusing on his shitty job
Nice try, honk.
four slavs one of which is gay and the other is general queer. It might sound horrible, but they don't really do whole "do you assume my gender" shtick, at first glance you wouldn't even notice they are "different"
Might be 'cause our legbutt community isn't nearly as vocal as american/european.
My regular online group consists of:
2 hispanics(1 mexican-american, 1 south american)
1 african-american
1 asian-american
10 white people
About 1/4 are SJWs and another 1/4 are shameless shitlord scum, but both groups are mostly becoming normal over time.
I read your post.
I agree with your sentiments.
I'm not very eloquent.
group you say? gaming GROUP?? I've transcended the need for such things.
3 men 2 women. The Dm is gay and one dude is Italian if that counts as "diverse"
One guy and six girls, two of whom are hispanic and black.
GM is a MTF Transgender.
Myself, Englishman from Hertfordshire.
Venezuelan Woman living in the states
Hispanic American Woman
Filipino-British Woman
Gay Polish-American man
Aussie guy.
More diverse than anything on TV.
This sounds adorable.
Male GM, mostly male players but we have a few females
Everyone's white except me. No one's really talked about background much but judging off last names we have a French descended guy and a few German descended people. Not sure though.
Two of the girls are bi. Suspecting one of the dudes is also bi, but my nonstraightdar is pretty shit anyway so take that with a grain of salt.
Besides me, everyone is from the same state I think. We all go to the same university, most of us are in CS or CS related fields.
>All this slavs and jews
Where do the german efficiency meme came from? Not even able to genocide properly.
>being an asshole for no reason to mitigate the emotional harm of having low self esteem and inferiority complex causes
I pity you more than anything
Really makes you think, huh?
Germans are extremely efficient at building animal brothels
We're all white males. I'd say most of us are far from privileged, but then, I'd also say I don't give a shit what people think about how much of a concept we're hoarding.
I want my hispanic best friend to round us out, but remember that hispanic is not a race, so he's pretty much also white.
My name is Schlomo Goldcohenstein, and I would like to make a movie about your group.
Most of us are white
One guy is Italian
We have a trans girl
I'm a faget, pretty sure one girl's a lesbian, there may be more
not bad desu
I don't have any black people in my group nor do I need to add any.
2x black comp-sci guys, probably christian but not religious at all. One is a huge weeb, other does MMA.
1x not-straight, half-canadian/half-carribbean woman, psych grad, also christian?
1x ace white woman, family from south, still in college, atheist
1x straight white male, half german, quarter jew, office-worker, atheist
1x probably-straight korean guy who prays a lot
Pretty diverse desu senpai
>Michiganian writer and high school computer technician GM
>homeschooled Michiganian trucker and philosopher
>his friend, the fucking legend
>Texan NEET brony
>Swedish Bosnian Muslim NEET who loves Hitler and the occult
>German soldier-NEET who has used more obscure drugs than I knew existed
>Mediating neutral Canadian mechanic
>Canadian rule 34 artist (the only player with prior RPG experience)
>American combat vet and famous McDonalds drive thru operator
>Autistic kid from Texas who farts all the time and got into our mumble somehow (probably not gonna let him play)
>Millionaire 40 year old Russian power plant administrator who sticks around for some reason (he's not going to play but he's in the group)
>rich high schooler from New Zealand
>6 or 7 mixed race alt-right high schoolers from California, haven't gotten around to knowing most of them
Not sure who's going to play or how it will turn out
German dude, Irish dude, British dude, Latvian dude (and his british black gf if he's feeling like a fucking asshole)
Is alright
All Black. So super diverse. Mad, whitey?
You know what, I'm not sure. Two are definitely white men, one is a white woman, one looks like he's from somewhere around the Mediterreanian and one was born in Japan but looks pretty white. Maybe half-asian.
Afaik straight except one dude who might be bi or gay
>for being better
>all this all human groups
>In the year 1 of Age of Trump.
Stay plebs
Why even reply?
A priest, a war vet, a guy who works for Doctors Without Borders, and then you get me who is a social worker.
A black guy, a Hispanic guy, a Hispanic girl, a white girl, and the other 4 guys are white. So it's something, I guess.
all whites, all males
and occasionally one of the white wives that they have, if they aren't busy looking after the children.
the way gaming was intended to be. Diversity is a meaningless buzzword only used to excuse all the problems multicultural societies have due to the increased number of flash points from conflicting views.
My group is the most diverse ever. I've got a werewolf catholic priest, an arthurian knight is full plate and never takes off his helmet and a long green-haired druid dressed in leather/bark/feathers who has a ron jeremy moustache.
It's really hard getting them to play though because they're my imaginary friends because I have no group
If the war vet is like one of those dudes who killed before and feels bad about it, then you got Lawful Good: The group
Fuck D&D, y'all should be out having real life adventures together.
>guy from Cardiff
>tfw I'll never be able to practice my Ukrainian and play rpgs at the same time
>Yo, roll that muhfuggin dice, nigga!
>Aight, check me out check me out, gon be a 20!
>*rolls a 4*
>oooooh you jive-ass mothafuckas, can be-lee dis shi~
>practice my Ukrainian
It's a terrible language anyways
>and all of that jazz.
Sounds pretty in line with the basic ideas of JS Mill. Liberalism's key economical point lies in the free market; laissez faire isn't an absolute necessity to make that happen.
Contemporary censorship pushers should make up their own ideology.
We play D&D because of bad shit we see and a serious doubting of our faith in humanity and its intelligence.
Know what my last case was? Some busybody calling the police and the social workers because some kids were having a sleepover. She honestly, unironically thought that it was a felony for kids of different sexes to sleep in the same room.
We have two fatties, a grill who I'm plowing, a sperg, and an Indian freelance software developer. So I guess fairly diverse. Now, My question for Op: who the fuck cares.
My question to myself: why am I responding to a bait thread.
(It's for (YOUs))
Compared to what tovarisch?
Everyone's white but me. There's one girl. Mostly straight.
Jesus fucking christ. Yeah I can see that now.
>Priest who has to listen to all kinds of ghastly confessions from people who think "Doesn't matter what I do, god forgives yeah? I'll just dump my shit in the confessionary and I'll be fine"
>War Vet whose seen IEDs take out friends, women and children brainwashed into being soldiers or suicide bombers and the kind of psychopaths the army sometimes attracts
>Dude who works with DwB who has probably seen all kinds of misery from people missing body parts and afflicted with terrible diseases in bumfuck nowheresville while the rest of the world makes a big deal about which genitalia can use which bathroom
>Social Worker who has to visit all manner of broken homes to try and soften the blow of godawful parenting and domestic abuse
3 white men (myself included), one half white-half asian, and one white woman. Wish it wasn't so diverse....
An Elf, a half Elf, a Human, a half Orc, and a goblin.
Vietnam war vet, but yeah that's pretty much it.
>a sperg, and an Indian freelance software developer.
which one was the second fattie?
Which one are you
Full slav squad, so yeah, white, fit ppl