How diverse is your gaming group?

I don't know, I'm playing online with randoms.

>tfw my people were enslaved so hard and considered subhuman by so many cultures that its actually the root word for slave.

Feels tracksuit man

I find this sort of attitude fucking awful, and I'm a big old lefty liberal.

Just going 'They're all white' is a fucking racist comment, especially when it's followed by diatribes about needing diversity and white privilege.

So many 'white' groups suffered massive oppression in their own right, whether the Irish at the hands of the British or Eastern European nations beneath the crushing weight of the iron curtain.

And yet our modern attitude lets us judge people based on the colour of their skin, rather than acknowledging nuance, that so many people in the world have been oppressed and marginalised and that each group should be taken on their own merits rather than basing it all on the colour of their fucking skin.

God, this shit annoys me.

i mean since this is a /pol/ thread anyways i'll go full /pol/ and go ahead and point out thats because you're actually a liberal and you likely believe in individualism instead of collectivism and neoprogressivism, which is the current social justice zeitgeist.

we got 2 asian dudes and an asian girl.

everyone else is white and dudes. but this is in northern sweden so pretty everyone is white.

3 white Americans and a Ruskie.

I'm a lesbian, so my groups tend to be more diverse than most would be I imagine.

only white males with a healthy dose of republicans, dems and one bro homosexual
Very productive and fun

Our group is also Slavs, but we've got a girl (kinda) in our group so we slighlty diverse than you.

It's because, in America, it's whites versus everyone else. Social Justice Warriors have been the USA's primary export so far this century.