What was Sauron's deal?
Why did he want what was worst for everyone? What did he hope to accomplish by making the planet one huge, burned out wasteland covered in orcs constantly fighting among themselves?
What was Sauron's deal?
Why did he want what was worst for everyone? What did he hope to accomplish by making the planet one huge, burned out wasteland covered in orcs constantly fighting among themselves?
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That's the point. Sauron isn't the Olga boogaloo baddy we all believe, middle-earth was about to face a different war then, a war that would pit the civilized races against each other. Dwarves already hate elves, and humans were becoming more and more corrupt and afraid of the gift of mortality.
Sauron saw all these, and thus begun the task that many moral heroes would decline, he ruined himself to save middle-earth. Chaos corrupted him in the end. Only the wise wizard of Isengard saw through his selfless ruse.
>mace wielder
>bad guy
>the evil overlord was a good guy smearing his own reputation for the good of the world all along!
>no really, he was!
McFucking kill yourself already.
Sauron cared about orderly control above all else and eventually concluded that Morgoth would rule the world with less chaos than its creator. When Melkor fell he took up his campaign to conquer everything. Once he and his orcs ruled Middle Earth they could see about moving onto other continents, and once the whole planet was under his control he would be able to decimate anyone who didn't do what he wanted done. He thought the orcs would be a short term problem he could exterminate like ants.
In the books, when the Mouth of Sauron negotiated with Aragorn before the Black Gate, Sauron was actually quite open to just have Gondor formally surrender and deliver to Mordor a yearly tithe, but otherwise keep governing themselves.
It was also implied that he would instate certain key leadership figures, most chief amongst them the Mouth who was clearly chomping at the bit to be a tyrant over the free peoples.
Just like Adolf Hitler made himself out to be the bad guy so Europe would unite, right?
You want a realistic answer? It was all Elven propaganda. Sauron was actually a good guy who favoured industry and technology over paleoconservatism. Think back to Tolkien's inspirations. Mordor and its inhabitants were inspired by the construction of industrial estates in the countryside of Worcestershire that he witnessed as a kid. What was the motivation of the industrialists who built them? Money for sure, but also progress, patriotism and creation of new workplaces. Were they bad guys? Actually, many of them are highly celebrated historical figures who contributed to the glory of the British Empire.
As a matter of a fact, there's a book that expands on the idea that Sauron was a misunderstood good guy, and it's fairly good:
>Russian fanfiction
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's pointing out that Sauron is more or less a fallen angel, or lesser lesser god, and so although his intentions aren't necessarily good or even neutral, he wasn't necessary evil when he fell.
Essentially he wants a dictatorship ruled by Melkor, as says.
That said identifying Melkor as more "Order" than "Evil" isn't necessarily true. He's basically about Authority instead of Freedom, and even then it isn't really clear that he isn't just fooling himself. I mean Melkor is the dissonance to the song of creation, yeah? And his primary fault was pride.
>elder god-tier russian fanfiction
>still Russian fanfiction
The cleanest pig in the sty is still just a pig.
You seem to have intimate knowledge of pigs and pigsties.
Only their use in metaphors.
Only seems fitting that you use your spiritual brethren in metaphors.
Your very upset that I compared Russian fanfiction to swine, aren't you?
Well, did they?
No. They Brexit.
Yes, my very upset.
Which is true, really. Hitler saw the rise of Jewish influence and the subsequent degeneracy they promoted, and wanted to put a stop to it. The only way of doing this was to kick out all the Jews and start controlling all the lands around Germany, to rid them of their influence. It was only when the Allied forces attacked the supply lines that the deportation camps became prisoner camps. Then people were killed off through starvation and disease, all because of Allied attacks.
The plan was stopped midway through and completely backfired. Now we have Jews using a combination of victim-complex and nepotism to control the western world. Hitler was painted as the greatest monster of all time, and the Allies wrote history to glorify themselves.
Remember, history is written by the victors.
Ah, fuck, keyboard shat the bed on me.
He must be Belgian
>implying Britain is even properly a part of Europe
Anglosphere is a thing of its own, something separate from both the third world and the civilized world.
As shown by the humans that fought for Sauron, it seems like Sauron winning was not so bad. Certainly not good, but not that bad specially when compared to real world regimes as opposed to the relative perfection and infallibility of Aragorn. Haradrim and easterlings never appeared to me to be more oppressed than any historical feudal people.
Can I get a source? No really, I'm genuinely curious, although cautious of becoming a neo-nazi. What you said would turn my world upside-down if I knew it to be true.
The Emperor saw the rise of Chaos influence and the subsequent degeneracy they promoted, and wanted to put a stop to it.
The only way of doing this was to kick out all the cults and start controlling all the planets around Terra, to rid them of their influence.
It was only when the Xenos attacked the space trade that the exterminatus started.
Then people were killed off through planetary bombardement, all because of the Primarchs being corrupted by chaos.
The plan was stopped midway through and completely backfired. Now we have a large bureaucracy using a combination of theocracy and personality cult to control the galaxy.
The Emperor was painted as the greatest religious figure of all time, and the Primarchs wrote history to glorify themselves.
Remember, history is written by the victors.
Saurons ultimate goal for better or worse was absolute control
In Sauron's ideal world, the world he would have achieved eventually, he would have ruled Middle-Earth like a giant hivemind machine of perfect order
This might be disagreeable to the individual if they like shit like free will I guess, but 2bh in the grand scheme of things none of it matters a flying fuck when everything is still part of Eru's/Iluvatar's grand keikaku and at the end of the world it would all return into Him and what he would have is basically a cool story
Seriously, what the fuck is Eru's deal?
What is he even doing? Why? Wtf I hate GOD now
You must be joking
Omniscience does not imply there can't be free will.
Why? It's a cool as fuck fantasy/spycraft story that outs (((elves))) and cum-denys aragorn.
Sauron wanted to fix the inequality in middle-earth, the orcs were most hated, but if you look at it in a different perspective, the orcs were tortured elves, the war of the ring was a war against discrimination, a war to restore the orcs' pride in themselves, that they are not lesser beings, that they too can forge an empire and make alliances. A war to show the world that they too are Habitants of middle-earth no matter how hideous other races perceive them to be.
>Why did he want what was worst for everyone?
Sauron is a lot like Lucifer from the Christian religion. He wanted what was "worst for everyone" as you put it, because he hated all life, because he blamed everyone else for his misfortune, and wanted to see it all suffer to ease his own misery.
Orcs were the at the bottom of the pile even in the forces of darkness. Consistently, both Sauron and Saruman showed their contempt towards orcs and they openly trusted and respected evil men more.
He was also feminist, seeing that the war is lost he let a woman defeat him instead. Hoping that this woman's victory would end the sexist oppression and objectification of all women in middle-earth.
yes they mistreated orcs, but what do the "good" guys do when they see orcs?
Sauron was a maia
I don't think they technically had genders but he was simultaneously gay for Melkor
So it's pretty safe to assume he was also fighting for LGBT rights
What do the orcs do when they see the good guys?
Defend themselves and/or flee.
The "good" guys writhe in fear and disgust, sometimes even attack. Now IRL what race or religion does most people show caution to?
This is simply stereotyping, just like how people stereotype all Muslims as terrorrists, and all black people are criminals.
>people stereotype all Muslims as terrorrists, and all black people are criminals
Are you saying Muslims and Blacks aren't people too? Fuck that's messed up, man
>defend themselves
Oh yes, "defending themselves". That's why slaughtered people by the villageful.
News flash: entire village slaughtered says hundreds of survivors
Pres. Aragon: "it's simple, we exterminate all orcs."
Don't act naive user, I know what comes to your mind when you see a Muslim woman in a burka, "please don't explode", right?
Sauron lies.
Remember that.
Well, have I got the religion for you then.
>Literally "mordor dindu nuffin" fanfiction
>All the heroes are now jackasses
>Aragorn flip-flops on a dime between medieval jackass and modern jock douchebag
>"Mordor wasn't a fucking wasteland it was a modern vibrant country"
It is shit-tier fanfiction
>Literally talking about how the Jews run the world
What do you think, user?
Well no since Eru is the One, but also the Architect
>tfw no Lucifer gf to help me emancipate myself from Yaldabatoh's slavert and reunite my divine spark with HIS
Sauron Snackbar! Stop running, we are a people of peace! These axes and sabers are symbolic haha
It's insane how much they demonized orcs so it's okay to slaughter them.
>they eat human flesh
>they're not original creations
>they raid villages
>they didn't fight the orcs who wanted to eat hobbits because they wanted to protect the hobbits, they fought because they simply hate each other.
>all those marvels of engineering and craftsmanship?, tsk look at all the mines they made and trees they burned up.
>they don't have families, they are simply dug out of the mines like inanimate objects
>they don't have emotions
>Sauron is capitalism
>Mordor is industrialization
Well yeah.
>Muslims are just Christians tortured by Dark Lord
Deepest lore
English Wikipedia is (censored by JDL) about deportation of jews. If you want read about it i suggest translate :
/pol/ please go.
It's not about evil Jews (i personally think that Jews is master race). It's about anti-Nazi propaganda.
>Roosevelt: I will build a great, great wall on our northen border, and I will make Jews pay for that wall
What would've happened if Sauron won? If he conquered entire world? Would he try to take a shot at other Maia? Eru?
It's weird that these orcs would die for Sauron, I mean that's 0 self preservation. That kind of thing, i don't think you'd see that in a selfish or bad person. It's as if they're trying to prove something, like they were defending an ideal, 0 self preservation like that, you see often in people defending something they cared for, like a mother defending her child, like a band of militia buying time for their families to escape.
>It's weird that these orcs would die for Sauron
No it isn't you dindu cuck. Orcs are natural cowards that instinctively took well to leaders that bullied them and threatened them with violence.
Or like terrorists blowing themselves up for their god.
He said he'd make orcs great, give them their own empire, set them above all those jerks who called them piggers.
>dies in war because commissar would shoot me if I retreat
Yep, definitely a bad person not a victim.
>blows self up, get virgins
>blows self up, nothing
You can't consider one of these as selfless, because they expect something in the end.
Being a victim certainly does not preclude one from being a bad person. Just look at what orcs act like when left to their own devices:
>Orc #1: Fuck me running, it's been so long since we've had any meat, let's kill these sapient beings and eat them.
>Orc #2: Fuck off, the boss wants them alive.
>Orc #1: But they don't need their legs to live, do they?
>Orc #2: I'm sorry, did I fucking stutter?
>Orc #1: Oh come on, we've been stuck eating maggoty bread for so long, just let me have a taste-
>*Orc #2 kills Orc #1*
>Orc #2: Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!
Can't you see, they are stressed out in their situation. If a person is caught in a war, nothing to eat, see death everywhere. Of course it would change their psyche, look at the refugees in Europe, they turn violent because of these stressors. So say it with me "refugees welcome, fuck Donald and his ban"
>no they don't - the orcs carrying off Merry and Pippin are insulted by the accusation
>their exact origin is extremely unclear, even Tolkien couldn't decide
>pretty sure they fought due to a conflict of orders. One group served Saruman, the other served Sauron. Saruman wanted to study the One Ring himself, hence why he ordered his orcs to keep the Hobbits out of Sauron's hands, even though Sauron was technically his ally
>they made siege towers, siege ladders, crossbows, ballistae and a ridiculously oversized battering ram. Of those, only the crossbows and ballistae are particularly demanding, engineering-wise
>only the Uruk-hai, and then only in the films. The books talk about Uruk-hai being "bred" from Orcs and Men, which implies that they have genitals, and are capable of ordinary reproduction. Furthermore, they're described as living in tribes, which implies a family structure of some sort
>completely untrue, even in the most shallow reading. Orcs are shown being angry, scared, jubilant, forward-thinking, even desiring of peace and quiet (see the conversation between two Orc captains that Sam overhears in the tunnels under Cirith Ungol, which sadly didn't make it into the films).
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, enjoy your ban.
Orcs, left to their natural devices, prey on each other and establish violent hierarchies of their own. Maybe they're victims of birth because that's basically written into their very fiber of being, but it's also just intrinsically how they are.They're violent and bullying. If they can't be number one bullies, they'll be cronies.
>no they don't - the orcs carrying off Merry and Pippin are insulted by the accusation
And then they turn around and eat one of their own. Makes you think, doesn't it?
In the books. Orcs do not engage in cannibalism in the books. The Orcs serving Sauron are insulted by the accusation, implying that at least some Orcs find the practise repulsive.
There's also a number of logical arguments that can be made to back up that theory.
>if the Nazis wanted to exterminate Jews, why did they bother to tag them, feed them, clothe them, shave their heads (which was to help prevent headlice and poor hygiene), and spend so much money transporting and building temporary camps to stay in, when it would've been more efficient to kill them immediately
>if the Nazis were exterminating Jews, why is it that every camp found was later renamed a "concentration camp", when no evidence of executions were found, with only a few in Poland still being claimed as "death camps" despite no evidence
>if extermination camps existed, why were there survivors at all, some of which claimed to have been in those camps for months or even years at a time without being executed
>there are claims of 6 million Jews killed in the 4 years of the Holocaust (which started in 1941, not earlier when Germany still had enough supplies to feed and house Jews before deportation), but there were only 6 locations eventually claimed as "death camps", so they're claiming each camp saw the deaths of about 4,000 Jews a DAY (about 1 every 20 seconds), but never found any evidence of the mountains of bodies that would've resulted from it in those locations
It really doesn't add up when you start looking into it. Even Auschwitz, a place where a little over a million Jews were supposedly killed, was open for about 18 months before anyone supposedly died. Doesn't sound like the work of a death camp.
Just because lurkmore said it's a good doesn't mean that it's actually good,yёбoк.
And yet there are several implications that they do engage in cannibalism, especially considering that they by canon eat the flesh of men.
Soldiers were getting really fucking shaken by being ordered to shoot unarmed men, women and childen by the thousands. That was why the switched to the gas chambers - it put a lot less psychological strain on the people who flipped the switch.
The reason they tagged, fed and clothed the Jews (and other undesirables) was because they were using them for slave-labour, which requires at least a minimum of maintenance to maintain productivity.
There were over 40,000 death camps, and among those that were focused on extermination, all bodies were burned.
Stop twisting the truth you fucking scumbag.
>but there were only 6 locations eventually claimed as "death camps", so they're claiming each camp saw the deaths of about 4,000 Jews a DAY
You know the Einzatsgruppen were a thing, right?
And there we see perfect example of anti-Nazi propaganda. Read history: >if the Nazis wanted to exterminate Jews, why did they bother to tag them, feed them, clothe them, shave their heads (which was to help prevent headlice and poor hygiene), and spend so much money transporting and building temporary camps to stay in, when it would've been more efficient to kill them immediately
Because Nazi wanted to deport Jews.
>if the Nazis were exterminating Jews, why is it that every camp found was later renamed a "concentration camp", when no evidence of executions were found, with only a few in Poland still being claimed as "death camps" despite no evidence
Because it's concentration camp where Nazi send Jews when another countries refused to take them.
>Stop twisting the truth you fucking scumbag.
Fucken lel. What you know about truth.
Get the fuck out
>40,000 camps
wait what? also the Nazis routinely just sent jews to outlying countries like Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarussia. Sometimes they were killed, most the baltic states I tihnk just shot them and robbed the bodies.
>We can't get them out of Europe because nobody else will take them
>So let's kill them all instead
It ain't exactly less condemning man
I also condemn countries what didn't take Jews.
Shut up sauron
There weren't 40000 death camps - there were 40000 sites where a wide variety of Nazi war crimes and atrocities were carried out. The great majority of them were slave labor camps.
> 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm, performing forced abortions, “Germanizing” prisoners or transporting victims to killing centers.
Sauron and Morgoth different in one very important aspect
Sauron wanted to dominate the world
Morgoth wanted to destroy it.
Morgoth was so utterly embittered by his continual losses and lack of control that he lost the plot and just wanted to burn it all down. Sauron never lost sight of his own goals in the same way.
Remember, Maiar existed long before Middle Earth and will exist afterward. They also had a hand in its creation. So it's not as unique and all-encompassing and precious as it is to someone born in the world who knows nothing outside it.
To Morgoth, Sauron, etc, Middle Earth was just a giant MMO that Eru let them play. They decided to play in an exploitative way and do the gaming equivalent of shitposting to enlarge their part in the great cosmic drama.
Basically Morgoth wanted to subvert and control the laws of reality. Sauron just wanted to be a political ruler of Middle Earth. Both wanted big roles in the cosmic drama, and found themselves enlarged by being villains instead of heroes.