What was Sauron's deal?

>but there were only 6 locations eventually claimed as "death camps", so they're claiming each camp saw the deaths of about 4,000 Jews a DAY
You know the Einzatsgruppen were a thing, right?

And there we see perfect example of anti-Nazi propaganda. Read history: >if the Nazis wanted to exterminate Jews, why did they bother to tag them, feed them, clothe them, shave their heads (which was to help prevent headlice and poor hygiene), and spend so much money transporting and building temporary camps to stay in, when it would've been more efficient to kill them immediately

Because Nazi wanted to deport Jews.

>if the Nazis were exterminating Jews, why is it that every camp found was later renamed a "concentration camp", when no evidence of executions were found, with only a few in Poland still being claimed as "death camps" despite no evidence

Because it's concentration camp where Nazi send Jews when another countries refused to take them.

>Stop twisting the truth you fucking scumbag.

Fucken lel. What you know about truth.

Get the fuck out

>40,000 camps

wait what? also the Nazis routinely just sent jews to outlying countries like Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarussia. Sometimes they were killed, most the baltic states I tihnk just shot them and robbed the bodies.

>We can't get them out of Europe because nobody else will take them
>So let's kill them all instead
It ain't exactly less condemning man

I also condemn countries what didn't take Jews.

Shut up sauron

There weren't 40000 death camps - there were 40000 sites where a wide variety of Nazi war crimes and atrocities were carried out. The great majority of them were slave labor camps.

> 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm, performing forced abortions, “Germanizing” prisoners or transporting victims to killing centers.


Sauron and Morgoth different in one very important aspect

Sauron wanted to dominate the world

Morgoth wanted to destroy it.

Morgoth was so utterly embittered by his continual losses and lack of control that he lost the plot and just wanted to burn it all down. Sauron never lost sight of his own goals in the same way.

Remember, Maiar existed long before Middle Earth and will exist afterward. They also had a hand in its creation. So it's not as unique and all-encompassing and precious as it is to someone born in the world who knows nothing outside it.

To Morgoth, Sauron, etc, Middle Earth was just a giant MMO that Eru let them play. They decided to play in an exploitative way and do the gaming equivalent of shitposting to enlarge their part in the great cosmic drama.

Basically Morgoth wanted to subvert and control the laws of reality. Sauron just wanted to be a political ruler of Middle Earth. Both wanted big roles in the cosmic drama, and found themselves enlarged by being villains instead of heroes.