Something like that.
You DID get your big bird, right?
My god, it's full of stars !
so if you're bad to cows, a cow demon chokes you, if you eat many fish a weird crocodile-pig-man will burn you, if you do something with contracts, probably forge em or whatever, bears eat you, if you drink too much, a lion guy forcefeeds you liquor.
if you dance in front of couples, a different lion guy and a satyr collectively drown you in a well using pitchforks, if you hunt tigers, you get eaten by many tigers, if you go picnicing, a goat lioness burns you much like the crocodilepigman, if you talk to your mates a dog eats you while you're on pitchforks, if you bring the picnic inside, the cowguy from the startties you to a pole, if you hit one child but not the other, you get killed by a ram guy, if youdrive a wagon with cows yo'll be used as one by a goat horse man.
S-still waiting on my new Keeper of Secrets, user.
Any day now. Aaaaany day now...
>Any day now
>sparkledog color schemes
It's called Vatablack and it runs about $100k per square foot.
I am using the ultraforge one instead