When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves...bitch

i dont have nemesis CYOA

I can't shake the feeling that the author himself is pretending to ask about when it'll get updated, and then pretending to be other anons talking about how it'll be delayed forever for his asking because he's too pussy to either admit that he tried and failed to actually complete a cyoa or just fade into oblivion like all the other failed creators.

no lad i am not the faggot that promised jack, im just trying to meme a cyoa into existance. LMAO
Saber CYOA when?

I know the thread is dead but starting pointless arguments with randos won't get you anywhere.
That's fine. Just post a build. Higher the power the better.

Adelheid Klein

>Drivers License
>Solar Predator (with 2 Free Sparrow Fighters)
>1 Lotus Bomber
>Ironbill Dropship
>Finer Fashion
>Plasma Pistol
>Chart (free)
>Lots of free turrets
>Repair Robots for ship
>Novelty Attire x3 (Captain's Hat, Cape, Epaulets)

>Made in Kriegenfist
>Gut Feeling

>Rajat Ambu Kukarni
>Nell Tam
>Donna Walsh
>Walton Quaid
>Tina Haywood

Just fly around having adventures. Little exploring, little trading, little bounty-hunting/mercenarying. Run back to Kriegenfist for protection when I get into trouble.

can you post nemesis CYOA please?
pretty please

soon, possibly tomorrow or the day after. I got carried away adding skills and want to flesh out the noble phantasm section. The waifu bits are all done though.

Please stop posting this, you're making me look bad by association and while saber in a shirou shirt is unbearably cute it helps nobody.

I won't deny I'm a huge faggot who has abandoned lots of projects in the past and probably won't finish them until jesus descends once more, but I don't shitpost where I eatpost.

I also lack the will power to carry out such a scheme.

It's passing the time, which gets me that much closer to when I fall asleep and forget about how I've wasted my life and every moment of my existence hereafter is just a pointless slog until oblivion.

>Good Friend
>Marked Hero
>Astral Mark
>Witch Allyn
>Hawk Griffin
>Main Bazaar

>Get news about current troubles at bazaar.
>Meet Witch Allyn who recognizes me as a possible prophesied heroine.
>She mentors me in magic.
>Head out for news updates and to stock up on supplies.
>Meet Benjamin who happens to be looking for heroic adventures.
>Do some minor quests defeating baddies.
>Meet the Wanderer who decides we might be able to help each other.