Really depends on what type of villain he is.
The young god king might be cute.
In general though I lean more towards the ugly side.
Really depends on what type of villain he is.
The young god king might be cute.
In general though I lean more towards the ugly side.
Your picture is shit and it hurts my eyes.
Oy vey, when will you cucks stop with that nonsense
I prefer elderly chessmaster types as BBEGs like pic related.
Just realized Kevin Spacey would make an excellent model for this kind of BBEG
I think I'm going to use that term as much as possible on this board just to watch your autistic screeching.
Sexy BBEGs
I don't really like them ugly, unless they're supposed to be some kind of monster.
If they're male, I don't really pay that much attention to whether or not they're attractive (though if I do, I usually tend to lean more towards handsome) and instead try to make them appear competent, intelligent and brave. They will usually have something "off" about how they look, like a disturbing smile or sunken in eyes, but I don't think I've ever made them explicitly ugly.
As far as women go, I have a preference for the femme fatale kind. Being attractive is kind of a neccessity for that.
So overall I guess I prefer them cute?
Hello there newfriend, and welcome to Veeky Forums! BBEG is an acronym referring to a character's role in the grand scheme of things, much like PC (Player Character, ie. the character a player controls) and NPC (Non-Player Character, ie. a character not controlled by the players, usually under the control of the DM (Dungeon Master)).
You see, acronyms are a shorthand way to refer to things we all understand in an easy manner. The term BBEG is no different. It stands for "Big Bad Evil Guy/Gal". It sounds a bit silly, but the term is very self-evident in what it entails: the "end boss" of the campaign, the big antagonistic and morally unrigtheous force which drives the entire campaign, and whose destruction or incapacitation will complete the campaign you are playing. Many campaigns feature these because they follow the standard storytelling cliché of a group of adventurers trying to rid the land of an evil force, rather than for example being a character study or a retelling of historical events.
Please keep this in mind, use the term correctly and adapt to board culture you fucking newfag. You know what they say: when in Rome, you don't whine about how evil Roman culture is until everyone converts to Islam.
You need to be 18 or older to post here
>this amount of bullshit to defend a gay term
BBEG is only used by fags who think they're being cute or funny. Fuck off pretending anyone except the worst people on Veeky Forums use it instead of just saying villain.