GW taking the piss out of PETA

You don't mean... house Urinus?

Peta still doesn't know about Felinds right? If they start complaining there i just might have to get violent.

>Small Soldiers in the grimdark future

Fucking Brilliant

>Thought for today:
>Be sound of mind or your argument is lost before it has begun
Those cheeky cunts.

Jokes aside, their PR folk over the last year have been nailing it.

>*Former rank, the dead have no rank

I swear it's the Primer, but on a blog format.

Somebody check PETA, I need to know how assmad they are.

PETA seems nuts enough to think this is actually a new fluffpiece that agrees with them.

Plus they talk about killing animals.
A dead animal can't be unhappy or oppressed, win for PETA.

The article should talk about farmed Grox leather too, maybe.

literally doing exactly what they want by responding to their bait, actually.