What said. I'm personally a big fan of GR energy. Very solid aggro deck and won't break bank. Giant Pummeler is fun.
So, all of the top 32 was either Mardu Cars, Saheeli control, or some flavour of GB stuff.
Obviously, Wizards is in the business of whack-a-mole balance now. What should they ban fron each deck? I say:
Long time coming. He provides way too much mid/lategame value for decks that shouldn't have it. Probably oppressive.
>Torrential Gearhulk
They probably won't ban anything from Saheeli because the deck does have interaction against it, but if they wanted to nerf it, I'm pretty sure this is the one.
The only thing all the lists have in common is Constrictor, Rishkar, Ballista, and Push. I think they'd ban Rishkar because the Snake>Rishkar curve is pretty nasty.
Banning Constrictor would kill the deck, but they can always say it "restricts future design space" and call it a day
Aether Hub. Probably won't happen, but it wouldnt be the most retarded ban they've ever done.
Samefag for I played a bunch of GB Constrictor decks, along with a shit ton of Mardu Vehicles and Jund Aggro/Energy. And I have to say that my deck can often go 2-1 everytime with these decks. Sure, there is a ton of Copy Cat and MArdu Vehicles out there, but a deck that can stand out like mine can really take games. Fuck man, I won game day even with a missing Collective Brutality and 2 missing Transgress the minds in my side board
Just find a deck that you want to play and study it's play style very well so that you know how to go up with these tier 1 decks.
Sorry wrong samfag
I'm this guy
Yeah, obviously everyone should play decks they enjoy, but at the same time the deck should be viable, like the BR Zombies deck.
For those with Disallow: how often do you use it to counter abilities?
Trying to weigh it against Void Shatter.
All Wizards needs to do is bring good hate cards back into Standard. A lot of the cards people complain about in Standard are starting to find homes in formats with much stronger removal and counters. That alone should point out that hate cards need a bit of a boost.
It's very powerful
I even counter evolving wilds if I know they are mana screwed, that's how good disallow is.
sssh you'll upset little timmy
>tfw no LGS in town, so due to the place having the Gameday closing, no Top8 rounds were done