/btg/ Battletech

On a scale of 1 - 10, how bad is the Cyclops?

And is there even any point in taking one?

This is my fetish

-32. Compared to the Hellstar, it's complete worthless shit. Totally not worth taking one unless you're doing it for fluff. And if you aren't playing a game to win, what's the point?

That looks terrible and even more nonsensical that the nonsense we already have.


I'd rather not get hard countered by the Quasimodo.

Plus, don't the Kraken and Daishi put out more damage than a Hellstar technically speaking?

I keep hearing they can out do the thing for damage.

>even more nonsensical that the nonsense we already have.

You can't have less than nothing, user.
Making sense was never a part of Battletech, like it or not.
Go watch Patlabor or something if you want to play the sensible/realistic/... note, this is just a game where giant robots do backflips to punch each other.

>That looks terrible.
They wouldn't win a beauty contest but it's done to a reasonable standard which puts it pretty high as far as Battletech art goes.

(assuming 1 is a Targe, 10 is Gausszilla on steroids)
Purely competitively: 3. The Cyclops carries an AC/20, which is pretty scary in 3025, but has relatively frail armor and isn't good for much outside 6-9 hexes. If you see one, respect the threat of the can opener, but otherwise feel free to disrespect with PPCs at your option.

Fluffy: 5. It's a hell of a command ride thanks to Quirks, it's an assault in an era when those were worth their weight in gold-pressed latinum, no matter how bad they are, and it's got a can opener. You could do worse, but still, it does have issues. Turns out that its armor is terrible, it's over-engined, and its only long-range threat is an LRM-10, which is pretty puny honestly.

Overall: Great fluff choice for appropriate factions, wouldn't take it for much else.

Here is your lineholder doodle.

Looks great man. Thanks

Damn you work fast, keep up the awesome work artanon!