Morning edition

You got it wrong buddy, he didn't plan on getting rid of the psykers. On the contrary, he knew that Mankind was slowly becoming a psychic race, a la eldar. However he did wanted to protect it from Chaos with the Webway project, to avoid having it reliant on the warp and indirectly, Chaos.
How would he get rid of psyker when the whole race is slowly becoming psykers, ya dingus?

Somebody post that Ordo Sinister quote to this guy, I didn't save it.

>How would he get rid of psyker when the whole race is slowly becoming psykers, ya dingus?

Disconnect them from the Warp by moving the entire human race to the Webway. Short term would be Webway travel. Long term would be Webway cities.

It's funny how GW can't decide if the boxnought is any good or not. I mean, we're told that the neural interface makes it an extension of the operators body and enable them to fight like before, but then Bjorn complains about being limiting and it drives CSM dreads insane.

> Russ doesn't buff the army enough

It's not exactly the Dreadnought itself that makes this happen, except in the case of the Leviathan, because this one is so big that it duckq with the user.

It's rather the fact that the user is barely more than a chunk of flesh in a amniotic bath, former killing machine that can't feel anything anymore, and living in that condition for thousands of years with centuries long sleep at the time is not the best way to protect your mental health.

>death guard hate psykers, still allowed to use librarians
You what? Mortarion disbanded librarians.

Oh. Maybe. Mmm I should reread MoM since its the new fluff.

I think that CSM Dreadnaughts go insane because all their pals are assholes that treat them like shit for being a Dreadnaught. Meanwhile loyalist Dreadnaughts is cared for and respected. As a result hey get less desperate.

Oh crap, you're right. I missed something.