In my last Rogue Trader session, a duplicate of the party's ship arrived at their destination 16 hours before they did, so they blew up their doppleganger's warp drives to prevent any sort of paradox. Unfortunately, they were sucked into the ensuing warp rift created by the destruction of the drives.
My plan was to send the ship in a random direction on a warp jump while requiring tests for navigation (warp) forbidden lore (warp) pilot (spacecraft) etc. with successes meaning the random jump is made shorter and failures making it longer. Once they emerge, they will have to figure out their position and try to navigate back "off-road" so to speak, with no warp charts to work off of. High likelyhood that they will get lost or off track at some point.
Hunter Walker
Have them appear sixteen hours back and have to keep their own dudes from blowing up their warp drive.
Charles Richardson
This right here, user.
Lincoln Thompson
Logan Reyes
What is the best way to play a Possessed World Eaters Space Marine?
Bentley Davis
this is a great idea, but there's a consistency problem. They blew up their warp drives by teleporting the arch-militant in along with some macrobattery ammunition on a suicide mission to blow the drives. While setting up, he was forced to fight off his duplicate who came to stop him. He died in the ensuing warp drive explosion (the player had lost his character sheet and decided he'd rather make a new guy than try and re-write everything from memory). If they have to fend themselves off, who was the duplicate who came to stop him? The player was open to burning fate points for the chance that his character's soul survived in the warp and reappears at some point, so perhaps i could explain it with that somehow?
Jaxson White
Batshit crazy about Chaos and loving every second of it.
Brody Rogers
Besides as an insane, 200% angry killing machine of daemon flesh and metal?
Gabriel Peterson
uhh... roll a dice on how many people are in your vicinity, attack the person that the number reflects
Landon Robinson
I'm not very well versed in SoB weapons, do SoB bolters come in combi?