Inquisitor 28mm

So how many of you have tried inq28?

As someone who's only tried 4/6/7th ed. 40k I don't really have any idea of how a game like this would work rules-wise.

I am however, very interested in trying it, so how do I sell it to my gaming group?

Also - post awesome inquisitor retinues.

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This is exactly why the game died in the first place. Well, this and the Kirby's decision to trash all the Specialist Games, no exceptions.

In all seriousness though, it's a percentile tactical model RPG.

It runs well, and it's an absolutely fucking excellent game that people should be playing instead of, or at least as much as, Kill Team.

What are the main differences between the two?

Yeah, I know, it was a major bummer.

Inquisitor is legitimately a fucking excellent game if you spend the evening getting used to the rules.

It's not dead dead though, there's at least one seriously invested community still playing.

One member, our most talented autist, is nearing the completion of a second edition that plays really well and is simultaneously more granular and smoother to play.

Between Kill Team and Best Game?

Inquisitor is an RPG with models, really.
It follows similar table conventions to usual games, but there is no balance (or attempt, intentionally) or much pre-built scenario stuff.
There are a couple of really good campaign books that do have such stuff, thinking of it.

Most inportantly though, it spawned Gregor Eisenhorn and the best thing the Black Library has ever published.

I don't have a retinue, but I'm working on AdMech. Although this is for HoR I think it could easily work for Inq28, with a few house rules.

Could you link to that community? Or at least that second edition? Sounds super rad

That horse looks super fucking awesome, what is the white material?

It's the original horse underneath, a Reaper Bones Unicorn that I cut up to serve as a mount.

It's The Conclave.
Just search it + Inquisitor.

It's a dead friendly community if you have questions.

It's much lower-traffic than it's golden era (Maybe 2003-2010), but there's still a bunch of people doing some good modelling.

Also, one of the crazy motherfuckers is building a 54mm-scale WARHOUND TITAN.
Having seen his work on the in-scale Rhino and Sentinel, and the prototypes for the plasma megablaster (with working lights and charging/firing pattern) I believe it's going to happen.

>Inquisitor game
>Opponent deploys Warhound titan

>*releases Cherubael*

Yeah, it's more intended as a scenario plot device and/or terrain.

Mite b cool to have it stomping around with players dodging the giant footfalls every other turn.

The rules do a respectable job of making fucking with Chaos and the Warp a terrible, terrible idea, but leave a lot of latitude for the players to make that misery in a characterful way.

>Also, official Kal Jerico model!

The game is designed to play as cinematically as possible.
The idea is a little bit "build a hero and sidekicks".
You move in order of Initiative, with your Initiative defining your Speed, which is the number of actions you can declare per turn.
So a speed 5 main character may declare: "I will sprint to the corner, lean out to take aim, then shoot my Bolt Pistol on Semi-Auto(2), then duck back into cover, and reload". Five actions.
You then roll dice equal to your Speed, with every 4+ being a successful action.

In the above round, you'd probably expect to get 3 out of 5 actions off - you run up, aim and fire twice, and then lock eyes cinematically with your target as someone else has time to act before you get a chance to duck into cover

Maybe they are next and they return fire ("I take as many shots as I have Actions and ammo for"), or their henchman on the rooftop above tries to drop a gargoyle on you ("I run to the rooftop corner gargoyle, then brace against it for a bonus, and push as hard as I can") or one of your guys charges across from the opposite alleyway to tackle you out of the line of fire ("I run, then run again, then tackle him, then stand and cover the corner we just vacated").

The shot hit Locations - standard Head, L Arm, R Arm and legs, but also Chest, Abdomen and Groin, all with their own effects dependant on how Injured each location is.

The injury rules are probably the crunchiest part of the affair, with damage being weapon dice + weapon bonuses, then subtracting armour, then doing a number of Inuries allotted by Toughness.
You also track how much total damage is done for purposes of falling unconscious or dying.
There are also rules for bleeding, and also for the shock of massive damage that might not reach your knock-out total, but is such a huge hit in one go that you go into Shock.

It's a fucking great system.

More great models checking in.

What about inquisitor 6mm?

any good sites where you can still purchase these minis? Some look amazing.

Was working on a Rogue Trader warband for Inquisimunda/Inq28. Was also possibly gonna use them in a kill team with space marines as the RT has made a deal to allow these now-renegade space marines to join his fleet.

It started with a need to make some squat minis

full warband right here. Hoping to run them as Inquisitor band in kill team since I doubt my group would want to even bother learning Inquisitor

You could also check out the "The Inquisitorium - The Beating Heart of INQ28" on facebook, it's a great community with some really cool models. They've even got a secondary page for trading bits for converting minis. Some dude is sending me a shit ton of chaos marauder bits so I can work on some feral world barbarians and another dude sent me some weapons and new heads.

Also apart of

Scratch that apart of bit lmao. Have another shot of my rogue trader and my first ever go at greenstuff. Gonna paint him up like the RT from the original rogue trader book with white armor.

I forgot to mention that John Blanche, one of the artists for 40k and old old Warham fantasy is a member and he posts a ton of models each week. He's a huge contributor to the Inq28 community from what I can tell. Even did up a ton of original artwork for the big pilgrym Inq28 collaboration event.

Ah nice! Exactly the sort of inq28 community I was looking for!

Wait for real? Post some of this shit dude

How lore breaking/retarded would it be to have my inquisitor be a member of my homebrew ordo, Ordo Porculus - an ordo created to study galaxies and dimension other than our own and the warp?

I think more of a problem was that it was retarded.

It was supposed to be kind of an RPG, to the point where it even had a GM, but also is a competitive game, but then also didn't actually have coherent rules for building warbands.

It was an interesting idea but the execution was an utter shitshow.

>an ordo created to study galaxies and dimension other than our own and the warp?
Pick one, maybe two.

Small Ordos with very specific tasks do exist - for example there's an ordo that's got the job of watching over the assassins - and some have but a handful of members, or in at least one case, a single member .

I'm pretty up to date with the fluff I just wanted to know if the idea of it sounded retarded or not. The way I see it the ordo began in the Golden Crusade era as a special, Emperor created organization designed to examine nearby galaxies in order to protect us and forewarn about it. Sometime after the Inquisition was founded the organization was folded into it and become an uninfluential, if somewhat powerful Ordo Minoris. Fast toward a few thousand years to the 41st millennium and the Ordo is so bogged down in red tape from themselves and the more powerful parts of the Inquisition that its nigh on impossible for them to present information on any of threats they discover to anybody of worth, including other members of the Ordo.


Search up the inquisitorium group on facebook lol

Pic is a warband he put together recently, dunno whether it's for Inquisitor28 or Dark Age of Sigmar (another project they've started on adapting inquisimunda/28 for AoS) cool models all the same. Dude goes by the name Laurence Blanche on FB and randomly added me a few weeks after I joined, cool dude.

Laurence Blanche IS John Blanche, he often goes by pseudonyms he is Thistle on the ammobunker inq28 forum.

Does anyone have the rules? Seems like a great reason to kit bash some cool looking minis.

I was wondering the same.

Nevermind, it looks to be for Inquisitor lol. His shit is awesome.


see desu if you google inquisimunda you can find some good rules. though for inquisitor 28 you may have to dig a wee bit deeper

Oh man you're from the Conclave?

I'm an old veteran, but I don't visit often. I was admin of the newest iteration of the forum for a while.

Yup, from a little way back.
Fell out of the loop pretty completely as things started to die off there, but I still go to the occasional GT.

It's been interesting to see a couple of the original old guard pop up over the last couple of years - just a shame the last attempt at a forum-wide RP didn't take off.

I'm pretty excited for the final completion of Marco's titan though.