Veeky Forums
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Games #517
Legio Titanicus creation thread
Character Art
Character death
Stat me, Veeky Forums
Is it possible that the Elder Gods have a bad reputation because Lovecraft was a gigantic fucking racist?
Palladium Games can Kill?
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
Made, Saw, Played
I'm not the user who's been spamming the "pls bring Magnus back with a headpat" shit all over the place, but...
What are some interesting special effects for magical weapons? Not talking flaming or shocking or frost...
Warhammer 40k general /40kg/
Are Paladins unfairly represented in wider media?
Future settings
Moments the DM Gave You the Middle Finger
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
You're at the club and SLAMBO slaps your GF's ass. What do you do?
/btg/ Battletech General!
The GM's job is to entertain the players
/awg/ Alternative Wargames General
Rookie Mistakes as DM
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Could a Necron potentially be corrupted by Chaos?
Anyone else think that katanas are slightly underpowered in d20?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1350: You're Already Deadidition
WIP: Work in Progress
How do we deal with friends who are just HORRIBLE roleplayers...
What are your thoughts on dual wielding?
So is there any actual Feudal World guard regiments?
How do i make combat faster for larger groups (9 players) in dnd?
How do I stop people from playing shitty games?
Sci-Fi Religion
Who wins?
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
/hhg/ - Horus Heresy General
/STG/ - Star Trek General
Daddy's spoiled First Born, the army
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
We all become telepaths. Would this affect our sex live?
Best Boys
Amonkhet planeswalker decks
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Alien thread
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
What is the most powerful weapon in your setting?
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Edh/commander general
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
What kind of general NPCs do you normally write?
Are Dwarves Scottish
Day Dream Hour 2
Masturbation Count:
Want to make colorless eldrazi tribal Edh
Have you ever played a campaign which resulted in a PC crying?
Who would win?
Bastard Swords
What do you think about people who always want to play as nobles?
PDF Share Thread # 55
Warhammer Fantasy General
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
What's the worst character background paragraph (or more) that you've ever seen...
Original classes
/bbg/ Blood Bowl General - Post Season Bender Edition
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1349: Axioms and SCIENCE! Edition
What is Veeky Forums opinion on lego 40k stuff? I haven't seen anyone talking about it...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
What Alignment?
Do you allow your player to create characters with higher intelligence than they have themselves ?
Worst campaign you have partaken in?
How do I make original races and especially original race names that aren't retarded as fuck?
Storytime thread
Character art thread
Rifts - Palladium and Savage Worlds General
What is Veeky Forums's take on Malifaux? Is it worth buying in two right now if there is a scene near me...
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Veeky Forums worldbuilds something awesome!
/swg/ Star Wars General- Lord and Saviour
Knightly Order Creation Thread
/exg/ - Exalted General
Essential Classes
Tfw too intelligent for infinity
Warhammer 40,000 General
Why are bards made to use armor?
Post-Apocalyptic Thread
Siding with the villain?
How do you justify girls in not-Egypt dressing sexily?
Would a game book be considered Veeky Forums? I mean, it has rpg elements so I would suppose that it would count
What's your favorite element system in RPGs, and why?
If I want to minimize the SJW bullshit, am I better going with nWoD or CofD? That is "1e" or "2e"?
ITT Thread we pretend like its prehistoric Veeky Forums
Gamefinder Thread
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Tl;wr Tips for a beginner
Physical dice vs. Dice roller apps
How do you revive your interest in tabletop games?
/cyoag/ CYOA General
Drawthread General
"Hey man, what game do you play?"
So I've just realized, after several years of playing Pathfinder...
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Tfw Nu-Veeky Forums doesn't like Dwarves
Go to
Lets get a 'Thin Your Paints' thread going
But it's what my character would do!
Veeky Forums recommends Honor Harrington
Can a Lawful Good character abide cannibalism? What about taking part in it?
"Hey user, can I play a character that is not combat-oriented?"
American Pantheon
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: "Necromancy a shit" edition
Warhammer 40,000 General
The First Born
Slambo is back
/btg/ Battletech General!
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Age of Sigmar AOS General
Your beer label is your fantasy adventure:
Vikings + Deus Vult = ?
Horus Heresy General - /hhg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1348: Safety Dance Edition
/swg/ - Savage Worlds General
Help me tg
Hi Veeky Forums, yesterday I was playing a 1850 point game as Orks versus my friend's Tau...
How will we handle the mass exodus of Yugioh players to MTG following the latest rule change?
You better be having fun
Does your setting have any gays?
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Raven Queen Edition
Which is most appropriate dress-code for traditional game?
Oh fuck it's Hindu Mythology
Edh/commander general
Song of Swords: Flash, Bam, Alakazam!
Will it happen this time; will Twin finally be unbanned in March...
Ran across this little survey for a research paper about Magic...
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
HFY / Humanity Fuck Yeah
MTG Magic The Gathering Ask A Judge -「 F R I D A Y I ' M I N L O V E 」
Communal Worldbuilding: Winter Kingdoms edition
That one guy in your group who
So what is up with the Q'Orl?
DoW III: Prophecy of War
Ideas for my worldbuilding
Dawn of War 3
So which one do you think is the most cookie-cutter, regular, normie, boring ass...
WIP: Work in Progress
I've been getting really into Samurai movies lately
/ysg/ Yog Sothothery General
Dwarves -> Draphs
Did Rage do the right thing?
Setting a Game in a Ghibli-esque Spirit World
/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
How do you make fire magic less stupid?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
How do you make the "pet baby dragon" NOT stupid?
What does Veeky Forums think of the Holy Grail War as a setting? What do you think about the classes?
How do you make claw-users less stupid?
What is the mechanic you hate most in RPGs?
Make griffins cool
/osrg/ OSR General - Keeping Things Casual Edition
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warmachine/Hordes General
Legacy general
How would a society of Pokemon, a la Mystery Dungeon, even function? You've got different types of Pokemon...
So are C'tan still anti warp entities?
What's stopping magic being regulated and concentrated in the hands of the military, and police?
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Magic:The Gathering: Snowflake/Lore/Waifu General
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General
Do elves go into heat, or do they menstruate?
Your party reaches a dungeon
Ork Codex Diskusion thread
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Raven Queen Edition
Filename thread
MTG Modern
Character Art Thread
Veeky Forums creates a Pantheon post-by-post
BBEG was actually the good guy all along
Hey, Veeky Forums...
Flames of War: /fowtg/ AUTISM! edition
How would a quadruped race make and use tools? Centaurs and similar races don't count
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1347: Kono Jumper Da Edition
What are interesting or at least scary punishments a pissed god can bring down upon humans that aren't the same old ten...
DM: "Alright, you walk into the Pub. Everyone is drinking and having merriment...
"I want to remove the horror from Lovecraftian Horror...
All human and dwarven nobles are lords or kings
ITT: We build the most Magical Realm setting ever, one post at a time
What's the proper way to Space Dwarf?
Tips on being a GM
Warhammer Fantasy General
Infinity General - Amba & Felix Edition
Accidental Magical Girl CYOA
Fantasy Ecology
Progressive for an Imperial
Post your boys
Pathfinder General /pfg/
If wizards are so smart, why don't they cure cancer?
A wizard stole all of the healthy food. How do people survive?
Blue Rose
Dice Thread
Share your horror stories
The local king has outlawed adventuring, barricaded major dungeons...
Warship general
What kind of jokes would a stand up comedian tell in an average fantasy world?
So thee ghee what is the deal with all of the nostalgia tripping over AD&D?
You find a unique Magic Item
Your real life proffession is now a fantasy class, alongside Warrior, Ranger, Thief, Bard, Cleric and Mage
This is a reminder to wax your dice
What is it about yugioh that is so attractive to black people, and how come magic doesn't have it?
Is it true that you can build a meta Monarch deck in YGO with three Monarch structure decks?
When you have to mix STR and DEX in a single stat, how do you name it? Something that you can roll to punch somebody...
What's the best system for running a game that features mechs but also infantry that could potentially take a mech out ?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
New Unearthed Arcana: Warlocks and Wizards
Fucking kill me
40k General
/hhg/ - Horus Heresy General
How to turn the Christianity into a practically polytheistic religion?
Have you ever played in a campaign of Dungeons and Dragons or similar material that didn't follow any wealth by level...
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
CYOA borat
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Would it bother you If dwarfs would build normal cities and not picture?
/btg/ BattleTech General
If a paladin dies in battle but his companions are still in danger what happens...
Decide to start a pathfinder campaign with my brother and best friend yesterday
We study, for the first time, automated inference on criminality based solely on still face images
A day in the life of a guardsman
Didn't see a thread on it, so what do you guys thing about this 40k tabletop simulator?
Party returns to Large city from several weeks of adventuring/plundering, ladden with +1 weapons...
WIP: Work in Progress
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1346: Saucy Saurians Edition
SS13: The Revolver Incites Itself to Violence Edition
MtG EDH/Commander General - /edhg/
Why are pieces of plastic so expensive?
Age of Sigmar General
Metaphors and inappropriate times to use them
Warhammer 40,000 General/40kg/
What do you think?
Song of Swords: KICKSTARTER UP
What do you think about DnD Lego, Veeky Forums?
Why Does It Keep Coming Back edition
Slavery basic got shit done in the middle ages, and now
Do we know anything about the contents of MM17 yet?
Favouite Mythical Creatures Thread
What would happen if Ayy Lmaos abducted a party of adventurers from a typical medieval fantasy setting
"I wanna be a wizard! I wanna be a mage!"
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Warforged Edition
That Guy / Terrible experience stories
DMing a cyberpunk GURPS game
Let's make a fantasy setting together Veeky Forums
My character is CRAZY
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
How come many RPG systems restrict martial classes to what is "physically possible"? Is it 3.PF's massive influence?
Board Game General /bgg/
I dunno Veeky Forums...
/pfg/ - Pathfinder General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What's your favorite depiction of Kobolds, Veeky Forums?
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
If we can make the assumption for a moment, and call Evangelion a deconstruction of the Mecha genre
40k General
Post-Apocalyptic General
Maxiumum Feels Art
Myfarog thread
/swg/ - The Empire Strikes Out edition
Suppose a sengoku like war breaks out, who would win?
Fucking MTG draft
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1345: The Biggest Fucking Gun In The World Edition
Song of Swords:IT HAPPENED AT 10AM
Creator deity is evil aligned
MTG setting
How would you run a D&D/Pathfinder (same thing) setting where people are aware of levels?
Are there ANY high fantasy settings that use paper currency?
Savage Worlds General?
How equal are the sexes in your setting, Veeky Forums?
Hello pre-space people!
The Angel Will Fall In This Gathering Storm
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
She-Orc Thread?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:
Greentext thread? Greentext thread
Taken Alive
I don't really know what to call it, the traditional mythology of Britain? There's this vibe with knights and dragons...
/hhg/ - Horus Heresy General
Warhammer 40,000 General/40kg/
Andromeda 40k
Paladin player keeps shouting "DEUS VULT"
System for Kids?
Character Art Thread: Requests Revisited
Bloodborne Campaign Ideas
Veeky Forums
Butthurt over change
Meanwhile in prehistoric Veeky Forums
This has been on my radar for a while now...
What sort of advice would you give tourists and hikers who want to travel your setting? Any cultural norms to follow...
Tyranids wouldn't have taken 10,000 years to destroy cadia
JoJo's Bizarre Storytime: Machine Hearts, Chapter 1
What fantasy settings have magical robots?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
CYOA throg
The headmaster has given your party a simple task
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
Goes to the GW website
How do you treat religion in your games?
One of the recurring villains is a highly malevolent but (due to physical limitations) utterly harmless enemy that...
Looming for the best system to run a game about Christians/Catholics living their lives following the trachings of...
I want to run a campaign that takes place exclusively in The Warp (ala 40k/Fantasy) where the players play demons of...
I'm planning a homebrew pirate campaign set in a historically accurate 18th century Caribbean...
Drawthread General
Sorry to break the bad news to y'all, but MTG is going to die in 2017. The community is in chaos...
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Kill Team General /ktg/
Are the Outer Gods chaotic evil or chaotic neutral?
A kid on terra in 40k finds a lagann. What happens next?
The fantasy game setting has adapted a new general sense of dress (pic related)...
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
/tgcraft/- a minecraft server by Veeky Forums, for Veeky Forums
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1344: UNSPEAKABLE EVIL Edition
Controversial things you do as GM
Happy 10th anniversary, Veeky Forums!
Age of Sigmar General
So besides literally being an army made of dirt what makes the rubric marines special?
We've seen grimdark,noblebright,and nobledark
Veeky Forums I don't usually post here but my wifes son was given this puzzle and for the life of me I cannot figure it...
What kind of lore do I use to break the back of the creepy "my mother was raped by an orc" half orc backstory...
WIP: Work in Progress General
Veeky Forums does some worldbuilding in a long-lived thread
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Filename thread
When GMing a dungeon crawl, what's the best way to convey the map to the players?
In a house of a godless king
So you're at your FLGS when suddenly this grill approaches you and says, "Hey user...
Dark Sun General
Why can't elves into brewing?
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Warhammer 40k general /40kg/
Elf scholar, what do?
Nobledark 40k XVII: What The Fuck Is Going On edition
/btg/ Battletech General!
What would be your ideal Warhammer Fantasy, AOS, or Warhammer 40k video game?
Anyone here ever made one of these? how careful do i have to be about the glass breaking...
What is the most beautiful card?
Stat this dragon
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
MtG EDH/Commander General - /edhg/
GW puts you, yes YOU,in charge of making and designing there new war game
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
Dwarves always feel bloody one-dimensional in worldbuilding and I even nowadays associate a dwarven fighter as more...
Claim your Veeky Forums valentine
Warhammer 40k general /40kg/
Eastern setting
Post your face when Abbadon kills him off
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Had a dispute with another player over alignment
/epg/ - Eclipse Phase General
Am I That Guy, Veeky Forums?
Is this better than Traveler?
Cute Thread
Metaphysical Adulthood and other uncommon time limits
So is 1d4chan just dead right now?
Hey Veeky Forums, can we talk paints for a second...
Dungeon Meshi 31
A religious order worships a goddess of chance
/gdg/ - Game Design General
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
How would you justify a futuristic/science-fiction setting where people live (on one planet) nomadically...
How would LOTR go if he was in Frodo's place?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1343: Drunken Orochi Edition
Player hands me a character sheet
Feelgood games
How would a flat world differ from a round world?
/l5rg/ Legend of the Five Rings General
Academagia Thread 2
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Hexblade edition
Warhammer 20K?
How do you like your aliens, Veeky Forums?
CYOA Valentine Thred
Warhammer 40,000 General
A recent thread got me wondering - what would his world have been like if he had joined Slytherin...
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Real Life Adventuring
/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General
Why is playing Tau in Warhammer 40k considered bad or a joke?
Infinity General: CRAB BATTLE Edition
Warhammer Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Are there any settings that involve mormons or borrow heavily from them?
Why are animal companions so underrated and unappreciated/
ITT Rate eachothers' Commanders for EDH
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Question Veeky Forums, what system could I go for if I wanted to run a modern-ish fantasy game with magic...
Flames of War: IT'S SHIT! SHIIIIIIIT!!! edition
/anrg/ - Android Netrunner General: Spoiler Ken Edition Now with Art From Spoilers
Fantasy General: Elven Marines Edition
Can a BBEG be genuinely hilarious and still despicable?
MTG Modern General
Blood Ravens are the best chapter
Grippli Appreciation Thread
Anyone ever play or run a game set in Hyboria? How'd it go?
WIP thread: The last one is on autosage and I'm impatient for the new one edition!
How do you prevent your players from being stupid?
Hc Svnt Dracones
Who do you think can take down this Kharn fucker?
Why can't you just forgive the villain? The world is an illusion...
/osrg/ OSR General - Enchanted Booomarang of Returning Edition
Get invited into a game from Roll20
...Identity Spoofed
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Invisible Acid Fireballs
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread 1342: Rebuild of Jumpchaingion Edition
In a techno based society...
How do you deal with your P's evolution during a campaign ?
/btg/ Battletech General!
/SIFG/ - A Song of Ice and Fire General
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Fey are for _____
When and why have tabletop RPGs started to take a downturn?
/swg/ - Empire on Ice Edition
Best system for a Hellboy/B.P.R.D. game:
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: "What were they thinking?!" edition
Should kite fighting be banned?
Who thought this was a good idea
ITT: Post stereotypes for players of certain factions in 40k
Inquisitor 28mm
Why do dark eldar always go on raids? Wouldn't it be more efficient for them to just breed captives?
How would you design a setting who you supposed to be D&D monsters?
What are some good systems for some high action heisting shit in a modern day or near-future sci-fi setting...
What's a good, rules light fantasy RPG? I'm looking for something I can easily run on Roll20 outside of my regular game...
PC marriage
/awg/ Alternative Wargames General
Alignment ≠ Morality
How is 5th Edition...
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
What are some good systems for a good cyberpunk game? Been watching some different movies lately...
How did the Necrons look before their transformation?
Inquisitorial Penal Regiment Veeky Forums
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
So how did it turn out?
How does your character prepare for cold weather conditions?
What are some unusual ideas for weapons in a sci fi campaign? Any level of tech, really...
Are there any Slavic-themed legions and Primarchs in 40K?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: Edgy warlocks edition
Warmachine/Hordes General
Your party is tasked with collecting and returning a memetic artifact that cannot be remembered once you look away from...
Low Fantasy Settings
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Pathfinder General /pfg/
Story in tabletop games
Energy Sword Design
Grognard dishes dirt on Tracy Hickman
Your favorite models
Best system for gritty low fantasy game
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1341: Make God Laugh Edition
What is the best general RPG system for new people? My friends aren't normies by any means...
Love and Krieg 11 Commissar Edition
WIP: Work in Progress General
So 40k is going in that direction eh?
GURPS GENERAL /gurpsgen/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Character Art Thread
Let's hear about some of your favorite house rules
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Will he ever get into the Black Library?
How can I be OP in a OP setting
Alright guys, a good friend of mine just asked me to DM a campaign for some of the guys at our fencing club
Horus Heresy General
In the epic handbook they had examples of things that can be done with skills at levels past 30 which included things...
Protects criminals
1st line on the 1st page of the Codex Astartes
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games