Previous: >>>RULESReminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads. >Ignore the bait, you're better than this >Stay on topic
Artists and Artists-to-Be: >Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but: >If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising
Re-Requesting (At the artist's behest, there was a misunderstanding in the request) a klutz wizard. I will assume the drawfriends were the same person, it's been two days now.
Girl from the right (Include glasses) in fancy wizard robes (Turn the cloak into full robes) and a relatively large hat, carrying grimoires and falling over (Or something to similar effect). Some minor bruises and bandages for added effect. Image can be in any state of this, really, as long as the character is recognizable.
It doesn't show much under the robes, but she is a little chubby
Background entirely optional, but a classic wizard library is naturally what I'm going for.
Evan Harris
I would have a kind of simple, but little different request. Could someone draw me a plan of the camp based on text below? Nothing too fancy, but with nice style and touch. I would do that myself, but... eh, let's just say I'm more man of the words.
TEXT: Jester looked at the camp, nodding to himself. They did a great job building it. The camp itself was in shape of the hexagon, at least 25 meters wide from each site. At the point of each wall, there were watchtowers built, two with small ballistae that could be moved to other watchtowers without much effort. In the center of the camp, they kept their supplies - both food and ammunition - in a wooden hut, the most fortified place in the camp. While the men slept in tents, the supplies had to be kept dry and secure. At the other end of the camp, a little bit closer to the south, there was small so called “plaza” with a well in its center, where the men held their drill trainings and could play cards, cook and eat during their free time. The cook had his small hut nearby, close to the water supply. To the east side, just beyond the wall, was the ditch where the men relieved themselves. It was the side least likely of being attacked, and the men could easily squat on the battlements during a siege. Keeping the filth out of the camp was an important hygienic measure.
Luis Morales
Cut yourself shaving?
James Butler
40K request; requesting two higher-class imperial officials who are the parents of an adolescent girl disapproving of her in trying to become a sister of battle/sororita.
The father; wearing and or looking like the uniform on the left, is face palming disappointingly and the mother; who's wearing the uniform on the right, is sternly and bluntly telling their daughter "No." With her arms crossed. Also just add the appropriate Imperial Military emblems and logos on the parent's uniforms; two-headed eagles, gold skulls, etc.
Plus the adolescent daughter would be holding a poster that's basically saying: "Join the sororitas, become a sister of battle." While also looking sad that her parents disapprove of it
Aaron James
Fuck, the autist is starting threads again
Ayden Lopez
Angel Gomez
Basically a full body art of this.
Polynesian Island Girl Mage. 20 years old
She wears a similar shoulder exposed shirt as the one in the picture. Instead of a tanktop underneat it is a hand woven breast wrap. She wears worn, dark grey denim short shorts that are fitted not tight hugging kind.
She wears tribal a seashell/bone necklace, anklet and bracelet.
Without the shirt, tribal tattoos are seen on her midriff, shoulders, and back.
Goes mostly barefoot on her island home but wears hand made sandals when walking dirty city streets
Liam Wright
requesting bird clerics.
Jaxson Taylor
finished! sorry for the shitty bow, on you cause you didn't include a ref for it
Josiah Roberts
Status on this?
Andrew Parker
Not requester here but damn, this is gorgeous. Eyes especially stand out as really professional looking. Would love to see one of my girls by you!
Jackson White
Requesting my Matsu Berserker. He looks about 19 years old, clean shaven and fresh faced, with his long black hair tied up into a messy bun like top right. He's muscular and about 6'2" tall.
His eyes are green, but his right eye's pupil is smeared out into a vague star shape. Noticeable but nothing too overt.
He wears heavy armor, see top left, which is painted in the Lion clan's colors of brown and tan. It's majorly dark brown with tan detailing except for the left arm, which is white with tan detailing. He also has a katana and wakizashi sheathed on his left, though that's not as important.
Is it too much to ask for him smiling like a goof? Thanks in advance!
Andrew Hughes
Anchoring for Bog Roll.
Angel Wilson
I’d like to request a spooky changeling lady I’m in the process of developing for a game. Right with the mask she’s a tall woman of Haitian decent, and somewhat chubby. She’s fairly normal looking aside from her height - she’s got a womanly figure, soft features, bright amber eyes, extremely curly hair that’s shoulder length, coffee au latte skin tone… Beneath the Mask she’s far more monstrous, taking on a more woods-y demonic form. Her skin tone is a dark forest green –almost black– with standard monster features. You know things like claws, fangs, spooky all white eyes and so on. Wrapping around her at various points are plant like features; twigs and leaves roughly shaped like clothing and armor. Her hair as well has been replaced by plant matter, resembling a bunch of gnarled up old tree branches with very few leaves.
She wears a lot of nice looking clothing, so whatever you draw her in I’d like it if it looked expensive, or at the very least really nice. Might be a bit complicated but if you could include a bunch of shadow-y looking thorny vines wrapping around her would be very nice. It’s part of her Kith but her design might be a bit complicated if you include them and the leaves?
Benjamin Taylor
The OP image makes me want to see an elf seducing a scout trooper.
Or, perhaps, a scout trooper seducing an elf.
Benjamin Evans
Requesting my Dark Heresy Psyker well on the way to becoming an Inquisitor.
She's relatively young, in her mid-twenties, and has the facial structure and hairstyle on the top-left, except platinum blonde instead of dark red. She wears a suit of Carapace Armor like that on the top-middle image (except colored gunmetal silver instead of the dull tan). On top of the carapace armor, she wears a dark brown longcoat like the one worn by inquisitor Adrastia on the top-right.
Around her neck, she has an Aquila pendant (far left), with a fingerbone relic embedded in the center of it, and her burned-out eye sockets are covered with a black blindfold bearing an embroidered symbol of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica (bottom-right).
Thank you in advance!
Isaiah Peterson
Fuck off autist you're not fooling anyone
James Clark
Anchoring for artist.
Leo Flores
Work kept mefrom uptading for a while, added "spikes" on the shoulders, going to change to grey tones an metalize her skin.
Logan Myers
Could I get an artist to draw this alien girl as a retro sci-fi space ranger complete with a "pew, pew" ray gun?
Austin Sanchez
nice toobers
Blake Ramirez
I'm really excited to see how these two turn out.
Jayden Ross
Requesting a picture for my arbites desperado. Her face is similar to Jyn Erso's (top-right), except with darker hair, lightly tanned skin and dark green eyes. She's wearing a suit of bog-standard Arbites carapace armor colored dark green (top-left) and dual-wields shotguns (bottom).
Ian Hill
All grey'd up, time to mess with the metal issues, scratches reflexes and such.
Kevin Sullivan
Is that a stormtrooper chit-chatting an exodite girl?
Noah Wood
Some unsolicited (and hopefully helpful) criticism from another drawfag.
I'm ignorant of the original request, so I might be out of line. I think she looks a bit masculine. I think raising the back of the jaw would help. Secondly the brow looks a bit low and prominent, however that may just be an artefact of the perspective. If a sense of androgyne was intentional, disregard everything I just said.
*ducks under desk pre-empting return fire*
Julian Parker
I might give this a shot, but I don't have any method/practice of doing color, so if I do it'll be in B&W pencil
Ian Morales
Requesting this space cowboy in whatever pose y'all feel like drawing today. Template's being used for some other people's characters, so if it looks familiar that's why
Samuel James
The brow should become less prominent with further rendering, its just a relic of blocking in all the shapes : (
As for the jaw its still up for grabs, it does look a bit masculine, input from the OR would help on that matter.
Criticism is allways hellpfull, so leave the desk in peace.
Logan Myers
erecting an anchor!
Carter Jackson
Migrating, Requesting a character for a campaign set revolving around kingdoms based on the Wu Xing (5 Chinese Elements).
The character in mind is a lowly heavy grunt soldier with a sense of idealism that hails from the Kingdom of Metal. Certain circumstances has brought him to be on the run with an Ice Imperial soldier after the Princess of the Water Kingdom was abducted by the Metal Kingdom.
The Metal Kingdom is a highly advanced militaristic nation that uses robotics and modern day weaponry. Armor is reminiscent of the Helghan Soldiers from Killzone / Police Units from Jin Roh with the color scheme being black and silver with orange accents. He uses a LMG that he carries around with ease, a backpack of ammo protruding from his back. He's a tall 6'2 guy with short brown hair.
Any pose or artist interpretation of armor is fine. If anything, he should have a slight grin.
Colton Flores
Requesting a blind Oni Tiefling with vitiligo perched monkey king style balanced on a tetsubo staff. She wears the tattered remains of silk scrolls - martial arts texts from a burned temple and a nearly extinct culture - wrapped fully around her arms and legs and lightly around her body. Some loose ends dangle off and blow in the wind like Afro Samurai headbands.
Leo Diaz
Requesting the two top characters posed like the bottom two. The extra face hovering to the left of the girls reference is to show the facial scars she has.
Please and thank you!
Jeremiah Smith
Are you kidding, it's great. Thanks a million user, I love it.
Daniel Reed
So I just came back from an absence, I had an ongoing request for Olvis and his greaser orks.
Did it get finished? If not consider this an anchor.
Jacob Russell
I doubt anybody would want to draw this bunch of misfits, as it's multiple characters, but after our first session of a new campaign yesterday... Jesus, I just want to write this up to have it on paper, what the hell do people think when they see us roll up?
We have a 7ft tall wall of muscle, half orc, no hair, not even eyebrows. He wears a suit that's a little small on his bulging muscles; he almost definitely stole it.
We have a 6-7ft tall warforged made of wood and metal. His face has 'indents' or depressions in a roughly eye shape where the eyes would be, and a vertical line splitting the two metal plates that are his face (which are his real sensors). He wears a hooded cloak to cover up how unusual he looks.
We have Farso, the wizard. He has a Freddie moustache, and a brown afro. Besides that he's just a cool dude. Honestly, we didn't get much description on him yet besides this.
We have a swashbuckling drow man, with long pale blond hair to his chest. He's a fancy swashbuckler and should be portrayed as such, with a fancy rapier. Green eyes no pupils, has eagle.
We have a tiefling war cleric, sensible & cloistered, with straight gazelle horns, red skin and a tail, in traditional cleric vestments.
We have a wood elf ranger with long unevenly cut red hair. She is probably glaring at the drow.
Finally, we have the twins. Nick is lean and muscular but hides it under sandy robes, and has bronze hair, olive brown skin and deep brown eyes. His sister Nikki is much the same in terms of appearance, except she is thin and attractive in a green dress, no muscle at all.
In terms of poses, the only request I'd have is that Nick is brofisting the half orc, whilst Nikki looks at the half orc in despair.
>tl;dr >half orc barbarian in a suit man >warforged in a cloak >afro wizard man >drow swashbuckler man >tiefling cleric woman >wood elf ranger woman >healy monk man and his skinny twin sister
William Reyes
Update, less jaw some metal highlights.
Connor Lopez
>no reference >posted since over a week ago >somehow the campaign still only started ""yesterday""
Jayden Powell
Last update of the day.
Dont know if im going to have more time to work on this one.
William Edwards
Requesting these two elves. They dressed in modern combat gear and weapons and are crouching behind rubble / broken walls.
The female, Morgan has red hair green eyes and a blue glowing amulet around her neck.
The male, Lorne has dark eyes and tribal tattoos (think south seas) on his face and with dreads coming out of his helmet.
There is a Martian tripod fighting machine stalking about in the background
Easton Johnson
Any final requests? Otherwise I'm planning on finalizing the picture – i.e. armor, daggers, silver coins, maybe some head feathers – until the next Thursday.
Dominic King
Inspired by a recent 5e homebrew, requesting a halfling warlock of Kek. Draped over his diminutive form are green and blue vestments, with a green stole, embroidered with unintelligible words. A blue sash is worn over the robes, and peeking from underneath the sash is a small leatherbound tome entitled, "Uncensored Hentai". Over his head is a hood resembling a frog, with the hem at the opening of the hood a bright red, forming what looks to be the lips of a mouth. The hood is topped with two protrusions resembling eyes. With arms outstretched and a joyous grin, the halfling exclaims, "Shadilay, my brothers!" In one hand, he holds a magical black rod, topped with a jade >
Robert Lewis
Is the user who requested this still around?
Kevin Howard
hey taking simple/unsettling requests
Joshua Murphy
Do this one
Nathaniel Martinez
Essentially what I want is to make the fur of the cat white, the right eye to have a big greenish blue Scar (Being covered by a star eyepatch) and a red Scarf on his neck(As you see on the picture to the right)
Everything else can be drawn the same (Or simpler if you want)
Background can be the same as the one in the right picture so you don't have to draw that much regarding scenery
the costume is fine as it is, but it would be great if you could do a version without it and just the eyepatch and scarf
Posture I guess he's pretty relaxed, maybe sitting on a chair
oh and since you're drawing from scratch it would be nice if you could make him a little bit bigger, Not Human-sized, but manlet-size could work
His expressions are much more cartoony than realistic, and the scar on his right eye is less of a slash and more of a big crack (like he was made of porcelain)
He's very lax and always trying to look cool (tough that fails sometimes)
He could be reading a book, or drinking a coffee, but since I'm using it as a character image, I guess just normal posing would work
Justin Hill
Requesting the guy shown at top-left wearing the outfit on the right, though with a scarf like the one at the bottom-left.
Sebastian Brooks
Eye was bugging me.
Mason Jackson
Thats me! Whats up?
Christopher Murphy
Before I color it, this what you had in mind?
Colton Thompson
Requesting this guy wearing light body armor like in the reference along with a mask on his face like the symbol to the left. He has a burn scar form on his lower left neck leading up to his lower jaw. I'd like for him to be cracking his knuckles.
Wyatt Lewis
I know she's blind, I just thought that made the pose funnier.
Carter Nelson
My sides.
That was fast. Thanks for that.
Gavin Ramirez
Anchor for based drawfag.
Cooper Scott
It's perfect, tough could you also do a version where he just has the eyepatch and the scarf?
Also you forgot the second tail
Jaxon Edwards
Jacob Reed
I'd like this man drawn as a Warhammer 40k Ork for science
Michael Baker
Well it's no problem if you don't want to do a second version, it's perfect as it is with just the one picture with the color
Alexander Long
Just dropping an anchor for that lovely drawfag doing this.
Jayden Phillips
What like, naked? Maybe if you asked years ago when I was going through my furry phase and I was getting paid, then I could draw something that would make the /d/ board blush. But not so much nowadays.
Also, Yeah, adding the tail, I wasn't sure if that was to be included in the design since didn't think tibbits had two tails.
Zachary Ramirez
Well cartoon naked, not furry naked :V
still it would probably end up being used for like one session, so you don't have to if you don't want to
Brody Martinez
Ahhh, I see. My apologies. Some times the effects of the electro shock therapy wanes and I need to reapply the holy water as recompense for my past sins of furfagotry.
...This is all in jest mind you. I have no problems with furrys, I just know that its kind of a running joke on this site. Ell oh ell
Mason Williams
Requesting a monk who is fighting all the weird monsters bored monks would draw in medieval manuscripts. I'd like him to wield a mace or some other type of club and have an expression that clearly says he's sick of this shit.
Gabriel Clark
Greetings yet again drawfriends and fellow beggars! Requesting a post Apocolyptic savage tribesman in homemade junk armor with spear holding a pre-collapse football helmet with an Indian on it and looking at it like WTF. Our savage holding the helmet looks disturbingly like the Indian on the helmet but with Post Apoc twist. Similar feather in hair and such. Thank you!
Xavier Parker
Can some kind drawfriend creat a street tough rogue that looks like Michelle Rodriguez? Bonus points if you give her a few sexy scars.
Carson Butler
Anchoring picture
Jason Morales
OR here, and the grey is looking pretty good. Would agree that she's looking pretty masculine but I'm not sure how much I get to complain about free art. Still, compared to the middle reference you can see a pretty big difference in facial structure.
Dominic Parker
Kind drawfriends I am requesting an illustration of "sleepers" the feral and insane human survivors of a botched cryogenic preservation process. They went to sleep hoping to wake up in a better world. Instead the woke in a post apocalyptic hell. A bit like zombies but more intelligent and not rotting. In fact they are very much alive and quite crazy. Torn, dirty underwear or scrub type clothing standing in the dilapidated ruins of the cryogenics lab.
Jaxon Davis
Oh... well dang, wish I'd gotten home sooner then. Still, looks pretty good and the finished hair is nice to have there.
Ian Parker
Requesting my Interrogator for Dark Heresy.
>Mid 30s, Newt Scamander-eqsue brown hair, flecked with grey since he became a psyker.
>Dark, hooded eyes - looks like he's constantly in need of sleep
>Slim build
>Carries a bolt pistol and a large tome.
>Has a zippo lighter that is deliberately intricate as it is his psy-focus
>Due to his powers, he has a glow around his head, like an energy field
Ideally, the pose would be similar to the one referenced but honestly, it's up to you - if you think something looks better or the pose is too awkward, go with what you think is best!
Thank you for reading my phone book of a request!
Jace Moore
Hows that looking?
Blake Thompson
Looks amazing! Thank you so much
Are you going to do something more with it or is it finished?
Michael Perry
For these quick requests, all I have time for is a sketch, slap some color on it, then shade it. So unless you have any other changes yeah, pretty much. Might do a quick and silly chibi version with just the scarf and patch though.
Joseph Roberts
Psionic tattoos. I'm in need of psychic tattoos.
Eli Campbell
Brandon Howard
Da humiez' can't catch yeh Warbike if yeh paint et red, ya gitz!
Kevin Perez
two... cakes?
Parker Collins
Two cakes, ya git
Josiah Brooks
Gabriel Ward
Only three minutes apart!? That is some synchronized baking.
Gabriel Hall
Requesting guy on left giving a painful looking but well meaning bear hug to guy on right. The face on the top right of the knight picture is the character without his helm which is how I want him to look. I want him to have a big goofy smile. I want guy on right to look surprised by the hug. The one on left is 3 inches taller so make him look just a little bigger and the little girl holding on to his calf hiding under the cape. Add a crack sound too to the hug. Thank you in advance.
Cooper Gomez
Evil Sunz do everything fast, even baking
Jackson Young
Like that?
Carson Hernandez
Looks great!
if I may be super picky, could you do a version where he's in four legs? you definitely don't have to tough
Connor Scott
Requesting pic related fawning over hats with an almost lustful glee
Angel Roberts
Ah, Tibbits can take a pure cat form. Is that what your talking about? Not sure if I have the time at the moment, but I'll consider it.
Easton Ramirez
Of course
Still, thank you a lot
Anthony Butler
requesting a very angry goose fighting a very playful wyvern
Levi Cook
I want this too.
Jace Cook
Requesting this girl drawn wielding a weathered and battle damaged version of the sword. And if you could add some scars on her arms, a claw scar on her face and a X shaped scar on the right side of her stomach.
Juan Carter
I need some help making a hand out that can be a pretty simple drawing.
I'm going to run a CoC one shot soon about a wendigo(not Ithaqua) and need a simplistic rendition of a Native American cave style drawing depicting someone with a bow or other weapon that is on fire piercing a wendigo through the heart. I'll probably have it on pottery so if you'd like to draw it as a vase or something that would be cool too.
The wendigo in the style can be a sort of hunched/burly man with antlers to differentiate it, not much else would be necessary.
Preemptive thanks if someone picks it up, and thanks regardless of if anyone does.
Aaron Price
requesting a redheaded human fighter with a handgonne? He should have an arming sword on his hip as well. Anything else is artists discretion.
Xavier Gomez
That's really about all, I mean if you could somehow get a handcrossbow on his back or in a side holster that's really the last I can think of.
You got mad skills.
Ryan Thompson
Here you go.
If you want to re-request, that's fine. If you need any modifications, just say the word.
Luke Thomas
Can we get the wendigo image by itself?
Robert Harris
Righto, here you go.
Jeremiah Bennett
Sorry, I should have clarified, the one OR used in his request image is the one I wanted.
Daniel Reed
Updated WIP on the dragonborn witch. For the Russian-esque Rogue trader, I'm gonna start coloring that soon.
Dylan Perry
You have 2 minutes to draw one character eating rice