Hey fa/tg/uy, why haven't you been playing the best RPG-replacement in a box yet?
Super strategical combat with CYOA adventure event cards and legacy map and character role additions.
You DID back it, right fa/tg/uy?
Hey fa/tg/uy, why haven't you been playing the best RPG-replacement in a box yet?
Super strategical combat with CYOA adventure event cards and legacy map and character role additions.
You DID back it, right fa/tg/uy?
Look at that sweet stickerless map. Don't you want to cover it with stickers of all the locations you can visit?
Thoroughly embarassing that this game is getting no conversation on Veeky Forums when its everything you ever wanted.
How many shillbucks do you make an hour?
Also, we have a board game general, newfriend.
>Legacy boardgame
I make 0 shillbucks an hour. The KS is long over and the game is all but sold out at retail. What would I be shilling.
The only "Legacy" components are the game board and stickers. You could always print the stickers on less permanent sticker sheets. Or make a copy of the map.
Or just write down which locations youve opened and don't use the stickers at all.
Oh, and there are sticker enhancements to the cards but you can just sleeve those too.
That cover is too fucking orange.
Or you could just not play the game that thought legacy mechanics were a good idea.
Legacy is just a slightly more gimmicky and less grognardy way to say "campaign"
Risk and Pandemic using Legacy makes them sound less scary and less comittal than a "campaign" which has roleplaying and wargamey connotations.
Plus, stickers and opening boxes are just FUN. Lighten up a little toughguy.
You're taking an already static medium and making it even more static. It kills the replay value which boardgames thrive on, and it's not even worth selling off after you inevitably get board with it.
Your enjoyment of a thing is not indicative of its quality in any way, shape, or form. For all I know your definition of fun is wandering the park and eating any pile of literal dogshit you can find.
Gloomhaven has 95 scenarios in the book. And the designer has said he will release a PDF with 12 (20?) more.
Plus it has a random dungeon generator deck.
And 17or 18 playable character classes that can go from levels 1-9.
Is that not enough replayability?
and yes DUN is the most important thing, which is why I will play Legacy games or 10-hour solo campaign video games. and completely replayable games and endless hours of multiplayer video games. And literal one hour games like Escape the Room.
Because FUN is the most important thing.
>don't enjoy fun things
Thanks Veeky Forums
Not what I said stupid. Read it again.
Yes it is. You put selling the game at a higher priority than fun.
>oy vey goy, why haven't you backed this meme game yet? at the 300 shekel level it comes with a baggie of my semen!
Still not as good as pic related.
It only had two levels on KS for $64 (standees for PCs) and $79 (minis for PCs) but good try.
He stated that you finding a thing to be fun is not necessarily a guarantee of how the general Veeky Forums populace will evaluate that thing's quality. You in particular could have utterly shit taste as determined by the rest of Veeky Forums's standards. A single person does not determine the aggregate perception of thousands of people.
But what is the best thing about heroquest?
>why haven't you been playing this thing you can't buy and have never heard of?
No, I put the actual quality of the game above "FUN" aspects of it like "stickers and opening boxes." Because if those are the FUN parts of the game, then actually playing the damn thing must be a nightmare.
Shitty marketing was shitty.
5,000 people back it on KS and apparently a few thousand people more have tried to pre-order it. I would expect that denizens of Veeky Forums would be among those since it is an strategic cardplay RPG in a box.
The gameplay is incredibly tense. You start with all 8-11 cards (depending on class) in your hand. Each turn you play 2 cards, selecting one of them as your initiative card (so if you want to go really early or really late in the round it limits your options) then on your initiative count, you use the top action of one card (usually an attack) with the bottom action of the other card (usually a move or special action) Cards are then discarded. Very powerful cards are "lost" for the entire scenario. you can also "lose" a card to negate any attack. As your hand size dwindles, you have less options. At any time you can burn your entire turn for a "long rest" and "lose" one of the cards in your discard to put the others back in your hand. (and also untap any tapped items and gain 2 HP) or at the end of a turn you can randomly lose one of your discards to regain the rest. (you can also lose a HP once per attempt to randomize another loss instead)
If you run out of cards to play or HPs you are exhausted (optional variant of 0HP = perma death) and if everone is exhausted before the scenario goal is complete, you lose.
When performing attacks, instead of dice rolls, you modify your attack from your personal modifier deck. Perks gained by battle goals or leveling up let you change your deck by removing negative or adding positive cards.
Enemies are run by 8 card AI decks for each enemy type. So once you're familiar with them you will have a good idea of what they CAN do, but not be sure what they WILL do.