Veeky Forums I don't usually post here but my wifes son was given this puzzle and for the life of me I cannot figure it out.
How the fuck does it work?
Veeky Forums I don't usually post here but my wifes son was given this puzzle and for the life of me I cannot figure it out.
How the fuck does it work?
Other urls found in this thread:
>my wifes son
Get the fuck out of here you cuck.
"Drink more ovaltene"
Damn I was going to say the same.
Woah you swallowed that hook, line, and sinker.
How old is he? It'd help figure out the right mindset for solving the puzzle. I'm guessing 8-10?
Is this some new /pol9k/ meme?
Remember to drink your ovaltine and maybe one day you'll find out.
That day could be today if you weren't being deliberately withholding.
what if you match up the 3's, 2's, or 0's on the dials? anything come up then?
>my wifes son
I'm pretty sure OP just said that so the thread would get more attention and more people would take a crack at the puzzle.
It's from A Christmas Story.
One of the letdowns leading up to mainguy's christmas was finishing his Ovaltine secret message on the radio.
It was an ad.
What gets me is the seemingly random non-numbers; I see a few "m"s and "r"s, plus a "u" and a "$" on the outer and inner rings respectively.
OP, are you sure there wasn't something more that came with the puzzle?
Oh, all right. Thank you.
Why would you voluntarily bite down on a sharp piece of metal
Because we're angry and it's there just waiting to be bitten
3 circles
21 segments in each circle
Numbers from 0-5, and some random letters, or are they badly written numbers? Is that an 8 or an ampersand, m or 3? I''m guessing at leasr that m off 2 o'clock in the inner circle is intentionally an m, there's an m in the middle, but not one in the outer circle.
Red, black, blue and green letters.
0,2,3 are highlighted in each circle.
Is this justthe key or is there another part ofthe puzzle with the text.
>0,2,3 are highlighted in each circle.
The outer circle only has 2, 0, 0 highlighted.
Lots of noise.
I'm guessing the highlited numbers are just another color, sincr they couldn't exactly use a yellow pen.
Why is the black 5 on the outer ring on it's side? Is it an n?
What's the symbol between the green 2 and the blue 5 on the outer ring?
Is that a black 7 on the middle ring? Why is it the only number greater than 5?
Why is the outer ring the only one where the same symbol/color combination shows up twice in some cases, whereas in the other rings each combination is unique?
Right now I'm thinking the numbers might combine in base 5 and code to letters, since 0 to 25 give you exactly 26 combinations. The letters on the disk would in this case have to be treated in reverse and converted back to numbers, all other symbols don't convert - which suggests the message is about a sum of money.
Look up the Alberti cipher disk, this looks similar in concept. And for fucks sake, don't leave us without answers, this will bother me to no end.
Scratch that, I'm retarded, base 5 wouldn't contain an actual symbol for 5. If anything this might be base 6, and that doesn't map neatly onto the alphabet...
You might be on to something
>my wifes son
Alpha fucks, Beta bucks.
Bet the sprog's half nigger too.
>mfw it's 2017 and people still think the cuck meme is absolutely hilarious
Why is there a $? This could be important.
Also, go away /pol/.
/x/ is usually good at this sort of thing OP
Bitch he's not the keeper of arcane lore, fucking Google it next time
The only 1s on the puzzle are black, and there's two of them on each dial. It could be that [0,2,3,4,5] is the number set, and [1,m,r,h,$,u,s,F] are part of the "other" set
>Now we see the user in it's natural habitat
>Lets see what happens when we put chum into the waters
The 5 or S in the outer ring is rotated 90ยบ. It starts looking like a 5 or S when either 2 is on top.
>mfw it's 2017 and people still think the cuck meme is absolutely hilarious
You ever see how salty Banefags get when someone makes fun of them?
It is extremely painful
You've only got half the puzzle
For you....