CYOA borat
Chase Richardson
Samuel Lewis
William Reed
You got any more a dem cyoas?
Gabriel Gutierrez
Rolled 24, 15, 45, 26, 26, 32, 28 = 196 (7d50)
Just play the ones here, it's roling how much easier could it be
Daniel Jenkins
There's some CYOAs over in this general direction:
Sebastian Nguyen
Tyler Rogers
Rolled 28, 46, 41 = 115 (3d50)
'Ere we go... God of Chaos and God of Eternity
I roll for the three goodies I get right away first.
Jackson Adams
Rolled 3, 12, 45, 28, 43, 17, 33, 32, 9, 10 = 232 (10d50)
So, no superpower things here:
>I See You, Faggot
>Nice and Healthy
>The Goliath Antman
Well, time for Eternity rolls!
Aiden Reed
i want to stay here
Aaron Cruz
I can tell. I can post some for you I guess.