GM for a 5e game. Every single player has selected the Inheritor background and made their characters be brothers.
All humans, Fighter/Cleric/Bard/Wizard party.
I have no goddamn clue what to give them. Magic items are off the table.
Xavier Lopez
Alexander Morris
>make raven queen death cleric >jump through hoops to get a raven familiar >wotc gives all the raven queen fluff to warlocks
Jeremiah Brooks
Hey I'm a relatively new DM that posted here a couple days ago about one of my tanks wanting to turn a spear into a harpoon that he then yanks to pull enemies closer to him. I told him how we're going to play it and he was happy with it, but he's also started talking to our monk who uses a polearm about this idea and now they're eyeing the Polearm Master feat so they can do some kind of Baseball beat em up attack where the big guy pulls them in after spearing them and the monk hits them with an AoO as soon as they get pulled into their range. Now I dig this idea cause it's more creative than I was expecting but I'm not sure if it's a little to strong.
Any thoughts
Robert Mitchell
It's a blade pact fix. Apply it as such.
Parker Powell
Being moved generally doesn't provoke AoOs. Letting them pinball like that would basically give them a free extra attack using their reaction every turn, which is damn strong.
James Watson
See that's what I was thinking but I looked at the feat list and it for Polearm Master and it only says specifies when they enter range and not if it's willing. That's why I thought it best to ask someone else before I let them try this out.
Easton Watson
>too strong give them stronger enemies genius
Charles Nguyen
Tomb of Levistus gives vunerability to fire damage. Since Tieflings have resistance to fire damage, it means negates it? Pretty good imo. I know a certain Tiefling Fiend Chain-Lock whose gonna love this.
Andrew Rogers
>CHANNEL DIVINITY: DESTRUCTIVE WRATH >Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to wield the power of the storm with unchecked ferocity. When you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling.
>When you cast a spell with a spell slot and the spell deals acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you can substitute that damage type with one other type from that list (you can change only one damage type per casting of a spell). You replace one energy type for another by altering the spell’s formula as you cast it.
We are using this to improve on the Nuclear Druid or rather, reduce its variance.
The Nuclear Druid rolls: >2(11[1d4+1+8d10]) + 10(1d4+1+8d10)
The lowest possible result is 320 damage. The highest possible result is 2720 damage. The average result is 1520 damage.
The less random variant of Nuclear Druid is as follows: >Tempest Cleric 6/Loremaster Wizard 2/Fighter 2/Circle of Twilight Druid 10 This allows for two uses of Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath per rest, enough for both uses of Magic Missile. And of course, just like the original variant, we have a Grave Domain cleric in our party enabling vulnerability on the first Magic Missiles with Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave.
This variant of Nuclear Druid rolls: >2(11[1d4+1+5d10]) + 10(1d4+1+5d10)
Yet because we are transforming the necrotic damage into thunder or lightning damage and then using Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath, it becomes: >2(11[1d4+51]) + 10(1d4+51)
The lowest possible result is 1664 damage. The highest possible result is 1760 damage. The average result is 1712 damage.
On average, it is more efficient and is much more reliable than the previous iteration of Nuclear Druid.
I present to you the Tactical Nuclear Druid.
Jackson Butler
What are some good legendary actions for an Iron Golem piloted by an insane wizard?
Ethan Diaz
In a CoS game we started a month or so ago, I made a GOO-PoB Warlock, and actually got the GM to give me a Heavy Crossbow as a Pact Weapon (and naturally, my build is made around it, with Crossbow Master and all). This UA makes me upset on many levels:
>Fey pact gets a ranged weapon PoB with smite. >GOO-PoB gets a STR-weapon with smite.
At least I can get it to be a +1 HeavyXbow now, I fucking guess.
Or the ability to see through walls. That would actually be awesome.
But still, fucking hell. What a coincidence, what a bummer. Well, at least PoB is a much better option now, all in all.
Wyatt Diaz
What is the Nuclear Druid Build exactly? link to the source?
Joseph Campbell
Has there been an official entry for a Goblin PC race or is it just homebrew for now?
Noah Thompson
Captain Planet rings
Carter Evans
He only walks, never runs, but always catches up with his quarry.
He stands the full width of a bridge and silently challenges all comers.
Can project his weapon like one of those stupid animes so he has ranged attacks.
Can't be knocked down, can't be slowed down, immune to magic that interacts with metal.
Levi Bennett
A set of four amulet that slot together to make their families' house crest.
John Wright
You get the only pact that gives significant high level features.
You'll be fine
Zachary Clark
What was the opinion the sorc UA?
Stone sorc seems fucking fantastic
>Every single player has selected the Inheritor background and made their characters be brothers.
Thats fucking dope.
Make it something huge, something massive for the campaign.
Maybe they are all the great great great etc grandkids of some uber powerful lich and they have part of his phylactery or his phylactery in its whole and they need to complete it or something to get ol' great great great great grandpa Ultazarx the defilier back to his full power
Gabriel Morgan
A magic item that only works when all four of them are in close proximity
Like, the control amulet for the family's Shield Guardian
Jackson Lopez
Volo's Guide to Monster's my nigga.
Eli Johnson
the reason it doesn't specify whether or not it's willing is because being moved against your will doesn't provoke AoO's.
Gavin Ortiz
Going to be playing a Bard multiclassed with the new UA Favored Soul Sorcerer. Theming it to a Death God in the setting and he goes around searching for folks who have died to sing songs for them to ease their restless spirits and preserve their memory. So naturally he hangs out with a group of adventurers.
He joins the group cause my old character died and he had made a pact with said God of Death, so the god sends her Herald to guide his soul and reclaim the token of their pact. Not a warlock pact, just a deal everyone in the party made.
I think the background will be Hermit and he'll have had some kind of revelation about death and gets a connection to this death god.
Haven't decided on race. Probably some kind of Elf and make him look Goth and spooky, i want him to have an Haunting appearance.
But I need a name for him. I honestly was thinking of just calling him Dirge, but i guess that's kind of lame and uncreative as a Dirge is; a lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite.
Any suggestions for a Spooky/Haunting race and a name for my new character?
Stone sorc seems like bizarre flavor for what's basically a swordmage. I don't quite understand the logic behind how the aegis mark punishment fits with the stone magic theme
Josiah Cruz
I like them
Alexander Perez
Well, the problem is that the game is actually just until 10th level or until we murder or be murdered by Strahd. The campaign is not a long-running one, just a 6-7 session game of CoS, slightly hastened.
Jeremiah Morales
I like that, but they're going to want some sort of functional item. I've made it clear to them that they wouldn't get magic +s, but since the last jackass who GMed gave out a +1 weapon to the Inheritor they're expecting something.
Making it the plot hook does sound neat, thanks.
I really should have mentioned that we're starting at level two. It has to be something fairly small.
Jacob Rogers
Magic Missile is a single damage roll applied to each missile. So if you roll 2+1, each magic missile does 3 damage. If you find a way to add on damage, each missile does the additional damage.
Circle of Twilight Druids have a pool of d10s equal to their druid level. They can expend up to half their druid level of these on a single damage roll, with each one contributing necrotic damage. So, a character with 17 levels in Circle of Twilight Druid has 17d10 and can expend up to 8d10 on a damage roll. Applying this to Magic Missile, this causes each missile to do 1d4+1+8d10 damage. If you use a 9th level slot on Magic Missile, you get 11 missiles. This makes the damage 11(1d4+1+8d10). Then you use Action Surge from Fighter to cast Magic Missile using a 8th level slot, expending the other half of your d10s from Circle of Twilight druid on that. That spell causes 10(1d4+1+8d10) damage.
Then you get a Grave Domain Cleric to make an enemy vulnerable to an ally's first attack or spell that causes damage to it. This doubles that damage of that attack or spell. So if we use the 9th level Magic Missile first and then the 8th level Magic Missile, you cause this much damage in a single turn: >2(11[1d4+1+8d10)] + 10(1d4+1+8d10) and the average of that is 1520 damage.
That's the original of the original Nuclear Druid.
Austin Morgan
Never use an English word for a name unless you're looking for maximum cheesiness or it's a normal name. Dirge in particular sounds like a bad sound themed 90s super hero.
Jaxon Cox
Magic Missile is a single damage roll applied to each missile. So if you roll 2+1, each magic missile does 3 damage. If you find a way to add on damage, each missile does the additional damage.
Circle of Twilight Druids have a pool of d10s equal to their druid level. They can expend up to half their druid level of these on a single damage roll, with each one contributing necrotic damage. So, a character with 17 levels in Circle of Twilight Druid has 17d10 and can expend up to 8d10 on a damage roll. Applying this to Magic Missile, this causes each missile to do 1d4+1+8d10 damage. If you use a 9th level slot on Magic Missile, you get 11 missiles. This makes the damage 11(1d4+1+8d10). Then you use Action Surge from Fighter to cast Magic Missile using a 8th level slot, expending the other half of your d10s from Circle of Twilight druid on that. That spell causes 10(1d4+1+8d10) damage.
Then you get a Grave Domain Cleric to make an enemy vulnerable to an ally's first attack or spell that causes damage to it. This doubles that damage of that attack or spell. So if we use the 9th level Magic Missile first and then the 8th level Magic Missile, you cause this much damage in a single turn: >2(11[1d4+1+8d10)] + 10(1d4+1+8d10) and the average of that is 1520 damage.
That's the origin of the original Nuclear Druid.
Adrian Barnes
Yes, thusly why I said it was uncreative and that i need a suggestion for a better name.
Gavin Young
Yes, we all know what Dirge is.
You want Charisma, so lots of creatures apply. Fallen Aasimar, Charm Tiefling, Half Elf (Dusk Elf), Drow, hell, even a Yuan Ti.
For the background, consider Haunted One.
For names, I don't know. Must it be allusive?
You got Sussurra, Pax (Thanopax if Dragonborn), Mortimer, Descie, Azrael, Barry, go nuts
Just make sure it's not something entirely retarded and unpronouncable like "Aoefel"
Eli Russell
Shalavar Minduviel
Easton Jackson
No wonder they all took it if they think it's gonna give a +1 weapon. Yeah, fuck that.
If you want to give them magic, give them "keys" of some kind to magic stuff that they'll have adventure for. Not literal keys, but maps, tools, etc. Maybe a literal key too. Don't be afraid to give the items themselves a light dusting of useless magic if it's setting appropriate.
Ryan Gonzalez
>Curse of Strahd 6-7 sessions
Oh God, I wish. We've been at this for almost a year!
Camden Lopez
>Just make sure it's not something entirely retarded and unpronouncable like "Aoefel" Its just "awful" pronounced with a pompous British accent.
Liam Roberts
I think RAI would still nerf that the damage doesn't universally apply to each individual magic missile, the dice either need to be applied individually to the rolls or it would be applied in bulk to the spell.
Because it does say that you apply the dice to A SINGLE DAMAGE ROLL, that would mean a single magic missile, would it not?
The whole nuclear druid seems to me like a big mishap of misreading the rule.
Wyatt Hill
>I really should have mentioned that we're starting at level two. It has to be something fairly small.
It's less than small, it's worthless, until you decide to activate that plot point.
You can do other small things. +1 to saving throws when every one is within 30 feet of each other. It's barely an uncommon Stone of Good Luck, and with those many casters, it's not like they'll try that a lot.
Henry Edwards
Lore Wizard's spell save ability and spell damage type substitutions should be limited to something like 1/short rest for each or something. That shit's OP.
Adam Price
No, that's the actual ruling. Yeah, it's dumb. This is why people say don't let them multiclass.
Ryan King
>A SINGLE DAMAGE ROLL, that would mean a single magic missile, would it not? Magic Missile is a single damage roll times the number of bolts. Basically 1d4+1*whatever number of bolts you want to shoot.
Adam Lopez
No wonder Will Weathon picked that name. I'm betting he even did it "ironically"
Elijah Robinson
We're really going quick with this, like, we gained seventh level last session, and that was our fourth or fifth session overall, we have already completed two of the four prophecies, and have pretty strong leads on the next one.
It seems this shit is super-haste mode, then. Has been fun, though.
They are limited to once per short rest, aren't they?
Jonathan Davis
Damage type substitutions aren't.
Jeremiah Sanders
The save is, damage type isn't.
Jesus christ. Yeah, don't let people multiclass to UA, shit will be broken, undoubtedly.
Juan Kelly
Well, lets just say, make sure to loot the amber temple and castle raven loft rappaciously
Julian Fisher
A number of times equal to your INT modifier seems more plausible
Asher Lewis
That'll definitely end things quickly.
Isaac Thomas
Magic Missile is an aoe spell just like Fireball. One damage roll that applies to all targets. Unlike Fireball, you can fold Magic Missile damage over a single target multiple times, once for each bolt. That's why the concept works.
Will it survive printing? Probably not, but for the moment its fully alive by RAW and RAI.
James Lee
I don't think it will matter that much, the character is not really that permanent unless we decide to play a higher-leveled game later on with the same GM.
Of course, gearing up to whoop some Strahd ass will probably be a prime requisite, but we will see about that. I will probably go and take those eyes that let me see through walls, because my character already has two eye-based invocations and that's kind of her schtick.
David Powell
>Unlike Fireball, you can fold Magic Missile damage over a single target multiple times, once for each bolt. That's why the concept works. GRORIOUS MAGIC MISSIRU DAMAGE FOLDED TEN MIRRION TIMES
Xavier Watson
Is it just me or is Lore Wizard a big goddamn FUCK YOU to Sorcerers?
Logan Lewis
Yay, thankfully this UA came before my klutz Wizard makes her entry... Going Lore really saves her ass.
Because getting that Initiative from INT is basically a thing to save the ass of that poor -3 DEX Wizard. Especially with Alert Feat. +8 Initiative feels good man, and at 4th it will be +9.
Caleb Carter
I just thought they were the Bard Wizard
John Brooks
I love the new UA, they should just retire the sorcerer class as a bad mistake though fwiw.
I just wish they had added some more stuff for the Seeker patron and something for the Star Chain pact, anything.
Bentley Smith
John Edwards
As a person who thinks Lore wizard is one of the more interesting Arcane Traditions as of now, I must say... Yes.
Some of these features smell like higher-level metamagic options that never made it into the Sorcerer UA or the game itself, especially that damage type change.
And Alchemical casting seems just like a weaker alternative to Metamagic, but... Doesn't it just make the Sorcerers even more obsolete? They had one thing, Metamagic, and their prime competitor just got a variation of it, and hell, a BETTER variation of it. Changing damage types is an immense boon, and changing Saving throws an insane one. At level two, nonetheless.
Henry King
>they should just retire the sorcerer class as a bad mistake though fwiw.
I'm so torn on how I feel about my WM sorc. It's a ton of fun, but mechanically sucks balls. In a group with no one optimized, I'm as optimized as I can be as WM and still lag behind despite homebrewing to make getting surges easier, my GM being good about Tides etc.
Jayden Rogers
Make Sleet Storm an INT-save, as they're busy dodging equations.
And reposting this from the other thread:
Asher Johnson
I only let people multiclass when they can provide legit story reasons behind it. >why does your character want to train in this class >how does you character go about being trained in this class
Sometimes when a player says they want to multiclass i ask them why and they say they like bits of both classes and wish they could just combine them. So what we do is I just let them alternate leveling between the two classes and we call it something else
Paladin/Bard was a Steward; defender of Lore and Lands. Cleric/Monk was a Guru; Teacher of Enlightenment
Paladin/Barbarian was a Warden; from 4e Battlemaster/Bard was a Warlock; from 4e
Elijah Allen
Has there been anything in any way related to sorcerers that hasn't been a big goddamn FUCK YOU to sorcerers since they didn't delete them from 5e?
John Taylor
So what happens if a hexblade lock recovers and wields the weapon they made a pact with?
Dominic Wilson
So, there is a oathbreaker "just want to wreck stuff for the lulz" type of Paladin in my group. How can i put this guy on leash and give him a a purpose?
Christian Baker
Have him hunted by bloodthirsty NPCs that are powerful enough to push him into an alliance with the others
Connor Collins
Give him an oath to be a violent fucknut. Don't worry, he's supposed to break that oath.
Wyatt Brooks
Actually, on top of being a joke, you can actually encourage the player to do this kind of stuff. And not subtly, but directly. Tell him to wreck shit.
The party will think you have something very serious and insidious coming and he will be put into line. If he goes on a rampage again, when he accidentally does something immensely stupid, he can only blame himself.
Christian Foster
Give him something he likes, and threat to have it permanently taken away.
This is best done with an NPC.
I would suggest a little goblin or kobold buddy who sets the stuff he destroys on fire and laughs and dances.
Paladin >Haha! Killed that fucker, thought he was a big shot. Well i showed him! Little Buddy >Yea! Fuck Him! LB sets the corpse on fire, laughs, and starts dancing Paladin >I love this guy, he's the best
Have the Little Buddy ride on the Paladin's shoulder.
Then put him in a position to have to protect his little buddy and that drives him to be a more oath driven paladin.
>Oh shit my little buddy is in danger, gotta protect him >My little buddy is sick, i need to go and find a healer for him >Little Buddy is captured, must save him!
Then eventually you tell him >You have been acting virtuous, you revert to your old oath
Theme the aforementioned dangers to Little Buddy according to his old Oath. Because he used to be an oathed paladin, you can't start as Oathbreaker, so by him doing good deeds to save the thing he cares about you can rule he has attoned in the eyes of w/e adjudicates Paladin oath stuff. Gods?
Eli Fisher
Agreed. WM sorc in my game that meets once every other week gotten a surge once in two months and the effect was mirror image while he already had mirror image up. Needless to say he's a little bit dejected.
Alexander Scott
I could really use some sort of app or website that I could log encounters in with the MM statistics in there for the monsters so I dont have to look it all up in the MM while we're fighting
Been just bullshitting monster stats and it's been too inconsistent difficulty wise. I know kfc exists but it doesnt have stats and etc for the monsters
Open each of the monsters in a different tab and flip through them.
Brandon Wright
I mean.. he asked how to not have the Oathbreaker be as much of a murderhobo, not to cause the Oathbreaker to literally fall into an oath again.
Fucking Veeky Forums and their "PALADIN FALLS LEL".
Gabriel Moore
I am so making this into a bonus boss to surprise my players with someday. 1520 points of nonlethal damage would make them flip their lids.
Andrew Hughes
>Antipaladin rises, roll a new character
Connor Howard
My group does 1d10 and each time it doesn't go off the number required goes up (eg. I surge on a 1 or a 2 if I don't surge on the first cast, and it guarantees one by the 10th), but given it's a core mechanic for the archetype, and what you give up from any of the other full casters for it, it feels pretty weak.
It's lead to a lot of fun in the campaign, though.
Sebastian Evans
The thing is, this guy is chaotic stupid and has always been evil. He never had a oath, either. Dude used to be a hitman for the organized crime and now runs around wielding a scythe.
Eli Nelson
DM is buying the Tales from the Yawning Portal when it comes out... I'm afraid I don't quite understand it though. Is it just a collection of old dungeons without an over arcing story? Do the players just roll up into the tavern and hear about these dungeons? What level is recommend for this book? Perhaps someone here has the answers I seek.
Isaiah Hill
It's not meant as a single story or full campaign, it's meant to provide DMs with side stories they can slot into larger campaigns, or for smaller one-offs. This is their "in-between" book as a break before the next big storyline (and the presumed expansion book slotted for the end of the year).
Asher Carter
+1 to damage and hit.
Asher Gray
Make society more powerful than the party.
William Jenkins
Another variant of this is to make WM trigger if the roll is equal to or less than the spell's level. So tossing around 1st-level firecrackers isn't likely to trigger WM but if you let a 9th level spell off the chain you have a 45% chance to trigger it. Adopting this and changing the die to a D10 might be even better.
Dominic King
thats crazy, wizards would never release that broken mess
back to the homebrew wiki with you, kid
Logan Cooper
A map to the familys hidden vault.
David Torres
Wasn't I shithead DM?
>Party gets seen by Orc watch >they see him run in >fighter walk into flammable oil and gets ambushed, gets knocked prone too >gets put on fire for 1d4 turns >ignores the fire, runs behind orcs >warlock shoots fireball at all of the orcs and the fighter, knocking him out >immediately their stores of oil ignite and all of their supplies catch on fire >this creates a wall of fire between the party and him >he fails a saving throw, then takes damage for being on fire, that's 2 >barbarian runs through the fire and grabs him, runs back >he fails a saving throw, dies on the barbarians back
Grayson Gutierrez
stat me
Jeremiah Wright
Take this, adventurer. You'll need it.
Aaron Brown
>warlock shoots fireball at all of the orcs and the fighter, knocking him out Did the warlock know he was shooting at a bomb?
If yes, it's the warlocks fault. If no, DM's fault.
Sebastian Young
he didn't know, and they didn't explode, they just set a large, persistent fire, but he should've drawn that conclusion after the orcs USED flammable oil
William Long
No, that's nobodies fault unless the Warlock knew about the oil. Sometimes shit just happens.
Alexander King
Holy shit. I would have this guy come back as the Human Torch or something, that's a lot of fire.
Ryder Johnson
>but he should've drawn that conclusion after the orcs USED flammable oil Having used it once doesn't necessarily imply that there's more sitting around nearby. I guess it depends on what kind of description (if any) was given about the pile of supplies as to how culpable the warlock is
Dominic Kelly
What if Loremaster's overall chassis was converted into a Sorcerer archetype, then merged with Wild Magic?
Just feels like Loremaster is what the Sorcerer should have been in the first place.
Sorcerers don't get a lot of exclusive spells, so let them make their own at the risk of something going horribly wrong
Is this an idea worth fleshing out or no?
Joshua Diaz
>Make Researcher Wizard character >There's not any fitting school for it >Settle on Conjuration for Minor Conjuration as a character flavor ability (making a chair to sit in, as an inventor using it to pull up a properly sized wrench at will, etc.) >Lore Wiz is released and fits the character perfectly >...after I've already made my character have all kinds of mannerisms and such based off using Minor Conjuration
I mean it's not that big of a deal to not have it but it'd be half the fun of playing them to have props on demand for scenes.
That said how would you feel about this? >Minor Conjuration >"Level 2 Cantrip" >Is a cantrip in use however takes a level 2 prepared slot and spell slot to "equip" per long rest