>30k TACTICA & TIPS What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed) (embed)
Third for Scoria, who I'm making a grossly oversized model for. Arachnarok spider was too perfect to overlook, make some Narthecium mandibles, toss on some cables and armour, then turn the abdomen into the Abeyant command platform. Fun and simple, and hopefully he'll look scary enough to do his job as a Primarch deterrent.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
>Rolled 7 >First for the Ninth. Fourth for the Vth. Traitors BTFO.
Kevin Howard
It's all the actually loyal legions that showed up for Terra.
Jayden Young
Why do you keep posting the Spiderbooty?
Cooper Ward
It's almost like I did it on purpose.
Jace King
Bad theory crafting
Shitty List of the day: TSons 2k, Zone Mortalis Assault Force 205 :: Praetor (Raptora) ML1, Iron Halo, Digital lasers, Force Weapon, Master Crafted
ZMAF gives base to base Breachers +1 invuln so you you get 3 squads of 4++ / 3++ in combat
Brody Watson
Nth for two questions on unit viability;
One, are Spartan Assault Tanks actually good? Being unkillable is pretty damn useful, but if I'm not taking a primarch is there any justification for it? Seems a Land Raider is better for dropping a Command squad (or whatever) out into combat.
And two, are Thallax any good? T5 3W is kickass on jet packs, but their guns lack firepower and they aren't doing much in CQC. Do they just take shots until volkite/heavy bolters delet them? I have 40+ skittles from 40k I can use as titanguard or thralls, so are they worth getting? the models are sex though, may buy some anyways
Jayden Garcia
Because it's a very nice one. Also, Cathedral of the Spider.
Liam Nguyen
Seriously though, why did so few legions actually show up to defend Terra? It also boggles my mind that the traitors were so shit that even with 8 legions and orbital supremacy they couldn't take on three legions.
It gets even better when a single primarch holds off those 8 legions for 3 days.
Ethan Harris
What's on your table tonight /hhg/?
Dominic Gonzalez
>UM were role playing new imperium and busy killing word bearers >SM were mostly dead, and also isolated. >DA were busy with BEING TOTALLY LOYAL ALL TIME EVERY TIME NOTHING TO SEE HERE >RG also were mostly dead, so preoccupied with running away and picking fights were they could >SW were butchering innocents to "help" bring Magnus to justice >IH were busy having an autistic shitfit and becoming traitor-hunting cyborgs.
Gavin Perez
(Posted in the last thread)
>Also pissed he can’t auto-kill a primarch in one turn. “He’s the Emperors executioner and has killed 2 primarchs already”.
Angron almost killed Russ in a 1v1 fight on Malkoya. But that doesn't mean jack shit on the table.
Also what right do thay have to complain about Russ. He can kill any Primarch including Horus.
Jaxon Clark
To be fair those 8 legions probably only made up about 5 real legions after having their numbers depleted, especially since the Thousand Sons were already a token force.
Tyler Morales
Spartans are pretty much only good for transporting fuckheug deathstars, otherwise leave the fat box at home, especially since everyone tends to be prepared to crack one open with Lightnings and such.
Thallax are good, just not for killing. Durable as fuck, nimble, ignore terrain with Reductor, can hold objectives and if you give them Destructor do a decent job of poking away at tanks while you do it with S7 Rending or S6 Lance. They won't be slaughtering infantry, sure, but they do utility jobs and hold forward objectives very well, which helps with the somewhat sluggish Mechanicum. Just don't upgrade them much, mine have Destructor and a Photon Thruster just because there's an abundance of Rhino Vets and termies in my meta, they will do fine naked or just with the augment.
Re. Skittles, the Hoplites are excellent with 10 or 12 in an Arvus Lighter to suicide-kill a Knight,Spartan or put some serious damage on a Fellblade or Mastodon, for pretty much fuck all, and leave scoring 5++ troops behind that won't mishap by hitting Ruins and such because Reductor.
Thralls are good, cheap tarpits and objective holders, give them Fearless and Carapace and you can't really go wrong with them.
Peltasts IMO do best with rad-carbines, so use your 40K Vanguard, and have a couple big units of 20 in Triaros buffed with 5+ FnP or PE:Infantry at permanent BS5 and BS2 Overwatch, rips through most things easily, killing 9 or 10 marines per salvo and being hard as nails scoring.
Back that lot up with some artillery fire, maybe one or two Vulturax, some Myrmidons for TEQ, PEQ and Custodes mashing and whatever else you want, maybe a Warhound to make the Titan Guard 4+ rerolling 1s then 5+ rerollable FnP, becoming almost Terminator-level tough to small arms. Just don't take the Karacnos, it doesn't have the required firepower and costs too much for a precious Heavy Support slot.
Levi Price
>innocents >filthy witches Pick one.
Sebastian Ramirez
I expect a lot of primarchs to start getting buffed into the stratosphere. All the traitor primarchs that turn demonic will get some serious buffs.
The Lion will probably be pretty bullshit, and I expect Sangy to be almost gamebreaking powerful.
Henry Roberts
>bringing that shit into this thread Let it go user, or talk about it on B&C.
Liam Long
Building a SW praetor for the SW army I'll probably never actually build. Thinking I'll slap a xenophase blade on the end of a nemesis halberd and call it a paragon blade. Maybe the GK hand holding a Daemonette head on the other arm.
Henry Hughes
>what rite to complain
Apparently they're pissed he can't kill a leviathan with ease, and that he "doesn't do enough to boost the legion".
I would actually be okay with Russ if they lowered the WS and/or I and took away either his armor, sword, or axe benefits. At least then he'd be pheasable to bring in smaller games
Isaac Richardson
Plus the traitor Primarchs were all the shitty retarded ones, while they faced the best three.
Parker Sanders
Fourty Mk'V' marines. It's a mix of MkII, MkIII, MkIV, MkV, MkVI and some SW bits thrown in. Hopefully it will look okay. Keeping the MkII/III away from the other marks, using MkV torso's for them. I have something like 22 of them just sitting here.
They're all going to be bolter/ccw Grey Slayers.
Luke Clark
Just thought of something.
About the 2 missing legions ... Supposedly the Ultramarines numbers swelled by a large amount when those were disbanded. And this is not claimed by UM themselves, but by those from other legions.
Space Wolves claim they did a legion before nudge nudge wink wink.
Who would be speaking the truth here ? The jobbers trying to impress others or outsiders making an observation ?
Does this mean that actually SW did fuck all pre-heresy besides making wild claims about being executioners ?
Cooper Hernandez
I wouldn't be surprised.
Lincoln Parker
Does anyone have that image of the timeline for the last years of the great crusade?
Anthony Gomez
they were busy practicing their wet leopard growls
Jaxon Harris
Building lots of RG mk IV
Tyler Morgan
Reporting in the new bread. Are there any good tutorials on painting Blood Angels/red using Citadel paints? The only one I like the end result of is the PantingBuddha way, but it somehow it doesn't feel like a method to paint either power armour or entire army with.
Ayden Nelson
The rattle can red is actually great for a smooth basecoat believe it or not
Carson Diaz
Left the last thread a few hours ago, but on the topic of making Legion Champions great again, would this not be a great idea: give an option specialise the champion, somewhat similar to Marks of Chaos, but not differentiated to allow for purely secular/material differences between different types of champion:
>Option 1: +1WS and +1I >Option 2: +1S and +1A >Option 3: +1T and -1I >Option 1: +1 Invuln
Ayden Walker
Or you could give them access to paragon blades, problem solved.
Christopher Jackson
What exactly is that? Google doesn't show anything relevant, I'm from a non-Anglo country if it helps. I'm asking for tutorials utilising Citadel paints because I have a lot of their paints, and I'd have to wait at least until Monday to have any other delivered.
Lincoln Harris
That's a bit simplistic, a "no-brainer", but I don't know if it "solves" the problem for making it less useless. Point-for-point, I don't know if they'd be any more use than just another Praetor though. Maybe if Champion was an option for a Praetor that removed MotL instead?
Austin Turner
>Are there any good tutorials on painting Blood Angels/red using Citadel paints? Have you tried Duncan? It's in English but they show it and the colours.
Or give them Rending and maybe even Murderous strike by default. To represent them being so skilled they can occasionally drive their blade through gaps in the armour and such
Jack Kelly
That's actually a really good idea.
Aiden Stewart
I've watched it, I really dislike the highlight method he's using, it looks cartoony. I won't comment on the drybrush method. Maybe I'm just too picky about my dudes.
Mason Bennett
>"doesn't do enough to boost the legion"
What are they going to complain about next. That Russ doesn't have a wolf powered sleigh, Scornspitter doesn't have skyfire, he can't fart S10 AP1 large blasts out of his ass.
Chase Martinez
Thing is, we've done the maths on the Paragon Blade and it doesn't beat a powerfist to the face the majority of the time. So giving him one built-in won't really cut it, unless he's also got a couple extra attack and is swinging around a Charnabal sabre. Also, that basically makes him a Marine-statted Force Commander with Cult Horde and Tainted Flesh, he can have a ID weapon for 5pts. Funny that, mine has occasionally tackled Praetors because he got a lucky Rend in before Chainfist time.
Connor White
>I really dislike the highlight method he's using, it looks cartoony Really? What kind of method are you looking for?
Nathaniel Ramirez
>he can't fart S10 AP1 large blasts out of his ass.
Dylan Nguyen
Too many authors talking about one topic is what happened. The current explanation(see: copout) is that all this lore we are reading is second or third+ hand accounting of what happened compiled into a 'historical' document. Which means that it may be flat out lies in some cases. Victors do get to write the history books after all.
BL doesn't count, that's just too many authors trying to out snowflake each other.
As for the "Emperors Executioners", it's reached wolfywolf meme levels. SW are the worst mary sue, worfing, snowflakes of all the legions. And it's not even the fan-bases fault.
Liam Butler
Well there should be a trade-off between powerfists and paragon blades. A powerfist does win out in a mathhammer vacuum, but not being able to swing before everybody else attacked can be very risky. And I always happily accept a praetor with powerfist that challenges with my sergant wielding a powerfist ; my sergant is most likely going to die, but he has a very real chance to take the praetor down with him for a fraction of the points.
Paragon blade is not as straight up killy, but way better at killing off grunts with 2+ saves and if you get that murderous strike through the invulnerable save you still won. And it allows you to strike at initiative, which means that anything without an invulnerable save does not want to accept the challenge.
Powerfist is more reliable, Paragon Blade brings the risk factor which makes a lot of people hesitate to go into a challenge if their character has an unwieldy weapon or lower initiative.
Giving legion champions a 'killing blow' rule where they have AP 2 and ID if they roll a 6 to wound is pretty much the same as a praetor with paragon blade : a gamble for you, but an even more risky gamble for the opposing warlord to go into that challenge.
Brandon Stewart
delicious 3++ TS champions
Dominic Jones
Fair point, and it works especially well against Mechanicum, where my Archmagi and Automata wouldn't particularly care about a couple powerfist hits to the face, but are shit-scared of a lucky slash, even with a 3+ invuln.
William Lewis
Alright, so we've got six legions that didn't make it to Terra in time. Three were smashed at Isstvan V, and in older fluff the legions were smaller to begin with so the remnants wouldn't have made a difference anyway. In the new fluff it’s likely that a handful of each will make it back (they might have a company from each legion present, just so players don’t feel left out during a few years’ worth of FW black books).
The Ultramarines and Dark Angels were held up in the galactic east and were a little late – but only a little. In the old fluff, they were about to arrive and Horus didn’t think he could defeat them, so he lowered the shields to goad the Emperor into beaming up. They might keep that, but I think the Ruinstorm is an addition to the new fluff. It’s keeping the UM, DA, and BA from traveling efficiently through the warp, and Angelus (the Passage of the Angel of Death, presumably) and an upcoming BL novel (“Ruinstorm”) will explain why only one of them get through quickly.
In really old fluff, the Alpha Legion wasn’t with the other traitors on Terra because they were trying to pull the Space Wolves further away from the Solar System. In early 2000s fluff (Index Astartes, I think), the Battle of Yarant was mentioned as a catastrophic event that smashed the SW and reduced their numbers to a few thousand (only one successor chapter, after all). In new fluff, Russ thought he could assassinate Horus and that’s likely to lead up to that battle.
James Lopez
Part 2
Why were three legions enough to defend Terra? Traditionally you assume you need a 3:1 advantage as the attacker. But of the eight traitor legions present (again, AL were away) the EC went off to do their own thing and there were only 1,000 Thousand Sons. So you’ve basically got 6 half-strength legions. Of the defenders, the BA and WS should be assumed to be at half-strength too, while the IF were the only legion to be near full strength. That’s only a 3:2 advantage in Astartes. Okay, some of the WS did respond to the EC’s antics so we can’t really discount them, and the traitors had more opportunity to reinforce themselves. So you could argue for a 2:1 or better traitor advantage.
The traitors probably had more humans with them than the loyalists, and of course daemons. Not sure about titans, but we do know that most titans on both sides were destroyed at the Titandeath. The loyalists had some remaining Custodes and Sisters of Silence.
Insanity and loss of cohesion mean the traitors probably needed a greater than 3:1 advantage to win, and the daemons probably gave them that advantage. So they were on the verge of winning before the DA and UM’s imminent arrival.
Xavier Walker
Sounds cool. I'm looking forward to the BA being BAdass and the SW eating humble pie.
Liam Roberts
>In the old fluff, they were about to arrive and Horus didn’t think he could defeat them, so he lowered the shields to goad the Emperor into beaming up. Weren't the SW and the DA together right after the Ultras? >Traditionally you assume you need a 3:1 advantage as the attacker. Yes, but that's presumably without the advantage of assaulting from orbit, which very few medieval generals had, as a rule.
Cooper Williams
They also didn't have voidshields, anti-air and teleporter scramblers in the middle ages.
Lucas Sanchez
>The main rule of warfare. As the number of combatants increases, the resemblance to complete uncontrolled insanity approaches infinity. And then you have to take into account the terrain... >Basically you start with a planet that's been nuked, polluted, and generally lived-in for a few hundred thousand years too long. And everyone on it is fighting everyone else, constantly. Your basic unit of land is the Bunker, vault 101 style. There isn't any natural plant life left of course, so all the oxygen is made in vats with the food. ""Luckily"" this means you can build anywhere that isn't intensely radioactive, and hence fight over those areas. Get Mega-City-One, nuke it and rebuild it a few times, and then you start to understand. >Then the Emperor comes along, and manages against all odds to conquer the place. Suddenly everyone isn't killing and dying all the time, and a population boom happens. So Emps organised the largest set of public-works since the first colony ships. He rebuilds huge areas of the planet, and creates the Palace, the Astronomicon, and a buttload more besides. And what he gets is effectively one giant city, the second largest (after Comorragh) in the universe. "Huge" just doesn't do it justice as a description. Neither does "Labyrinthine", "Over Populated", or "Gothic Nightmare". And this New Terra was mostly just thrown over the original foundations of whatever was there, like a pile of gold-bricks onto a rat maze. There are bunkers and emplacements still around that date back to the War Against The Men of Iron and even before.
Andrew Martinez
There's a guy on B&C who wrote his own II Legion fluff and rules after doing as much research as he could - actually did a decent job. He had an interesting idea, that the SW weren't originally meant to be executioners (so more in line with their 40k character), but Russ was close friends with the II Legion primarch. Several legions had to destroy the IInd, for whatever reason, and as fate would have it, Russ ended up killing his friend. The SW were only able to deal with the guilt by convincing themselves that being executioners was their job, and from then on they owned the title.
In any case, there's no contradiction between SW destroying a legion and the UM absorbing the survivors. It's not like they'd be happy to join the SW, and they were probably psychologically and physically more similar to the UM anyway (no fangs). Maybe the destroyed legion was already on good terms with the UM.
Nolan Miller
I'm open to suggestions.
Luke Jones
>Then the Heresy came, and the Emperor says to Dorn "Fortify this fucking madhouse". So now everything that didn't have a gun emplacement before does now, everywhere. And he walled in half the doors and windows, put hundreds of AA batteries on every roof, and generally panicked because if they would only ever be necessary if the space defenses (the best in the galaxy bar none) have failed. >Then Horus arrives in orbit. He's punched through the space-defenses at massive cost, but the war in space is far from won, and the Palace is just a flat no-fly zone, so he can't just pick and choose landing areas. So he bombards everything his ships can reach, fills the sky with Drop Pods, and tries to march on it.
Colton Gutierrez
>Which is when Rule 1) kicks in and everything immediately gets Mega-Fucked, for both sides. Ruined streets and bunkers make navigating a nightmare, communications are somewhere between impossible and actively detrimental, Drop Pods land off target, plans and backup plans fall apart in seconds, demons run amok. And the Primarchs are constantly trying to out Tactical Genius each other, so no-one has a fucking clue what's actually going on in the big picture. It's Stalingrad writ large, but without even the merest hint of sanity, and a thousand space marines charging into every breach. >So it takes roughly 10 minutes of this menial bullshit for a load of the Chaos forces to get bored and just decide "Fuck It, Let's Just Wreck The Place". So now everything makes even less sense, entire companies ignoring sensible objectives to go on the Chaos Marine equivalent of a bender. The Emperor's Children Rape, Murder and pillage the civilians of Terra so hard that even 10,000 years later they still live in fear at the memory. Only the Iron Warriors and Sons of Horus are wholeheartedly tearing at the palace, dedicated to rubbing it in Dorn's face like a bitch no matter what. And to the horror of the loyalists, they're succeeding. Brick by brick the greatest military stronghold in the galaxy is falling. >Which sounds great for Chaos, were it not for the simple fact it wasn't falling quickly enough. It was taking days to advance inches, and Guilliman was en-route with reinforcements, with Leman, El'Jonson, (and possibly) Corvus and Vulkan right behind. If the siege wasn't ended before they got there, the traitors would likely lose. So Horus lowered his battle barge's shields, effectively inviting the Emperor (who didn't know about the reinforcements) on-board to just duel this fucker out and make the entire rest of the conflict pointless. Everything else is history.
Jaxon White
Cartoony just means the highlight is too light a color compared to the basecoat. Same technique with a closer shade will look more natural.
Nicholas Edwards
Trying to make a flat beat stick when a strictly better one exists is a bad idea. 35 Points is not worth the current rules either.
Instead make a Challenge beast: When fighting in challenge he gets FnP 4+, reroll to hit, reroll failed saves, rending. Must always issue a challenge but can select who must accept or deny.
It's hard to compete with Chaplains in terms of buffing a unit, and Praetors in terms of raw power 1v1. But with a Champion fishing out characters and punching above his weight, it would make him worth considering.
Logan Lewis
Is there a high-res version of this somewhere?
I'm not familiar with any method of highlighting other than drybrushing or edge-highlighting, that doesn't involve an airbrush. Especially if you're limited to GW paints and (presuming) a brush?
Also I think as highlights go that design isn't particularly "cartoony" (if by cartoony you mean too high contrast). >tfw Guilliman convinced his "friend" Primarch to go school-shooter/Horus mode and orchestrated events to cover his role up
Connor Harris
>>tfw Guilliman convinced his "friend" Primarch to go school-shooter/Horus mode and orchestrated events to cover his role up Interesting theory, we all know how power-hungry Guilliman is, second only to his desire to be seen as Good.
Isaac Price
I had the same feeling. What if the highlight is done with the basecoat colour? I have stronger theory than practice.
>>I'm not familiar with any method of highlighting other than drybrushing or edge-highlighting, that doesn't involve an airbrush. Especially if you're limited to GW paints and (presuming) a brush? A shame. Thanks anyway, I'd look into airbrushes but can't afford it atm.
Jayden Lee
>Trying to make a flat beat stick when a strictly better one exists is a bad idea. I wouldn't disagree that specialising the Champion to be a terror in challenges is a bad idea, but there's no reason not to make him a beatstick in regular fighting too, seeing how he's not a compulsory HQ let alone Master of the Legion, and people are paying premium points to bring him in.
>I had the same feeling. What if the highlight is done with the basecoat colour? That can be done if you lighten it with white. It's a bit more awkward though. There's also the option to mix the basecoat with the colour that Citadel's paint system made to highlight it with. games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads/CitadelPaintingSystem.pdf
In my experience highlighting that would seem "cartoony" up close can look understated when the model is on the table and the eyes at head-height, not to mention different lighting conditions and 3D versus pictures.
There's also the option of using the glazes (Bloodletter Red), because if you apply it over a highlight it reduces the contrast between the two colours, bringing them closer to the generally bright but deep colour of the glaze. I'm currently using it on Imperial Fists, it's interesting.
Nicholas Walker
What should I read next, Nemesis, Cybernetica, or the The Primarchs anthology? (Just out of what I've got downloaded at the moment, might as well work through these before getting anything else.)
Noah Sanchez
I started out in military modeling, where highlighting isn't commonly done - some shading, maybe. So I started highlighting red with a slightly lighter red, keeping it subtle... and I wasn't very happy with it. Honestly, minis look better with stronger highlighting. Yes, a little cartoony, but sci-fi soldiers wearing bright red are already cartoony. They just are. Embrace it.
To me, an extreme highlight for red is Tau Light Ochre. If you want to stay subtle, use somethign like Wild Rider Red. I wouldn't use the same red as the basecoat. Waste of time. Seriously, you'll spend a lot of time and then realize you might as well not have.
>The Primarchs anthology Shit book desu. The Fulgrim story is worth it for kookiness/absurdism factor, and while I skipped the Lion story, the Omegon story was poor, as was the Ferrus Manus story, except when it dealt with Meduson and the Imperial Army.
Austin White
Right, cheers for the warning, will set it aside for now.
Easton Thompson
>he's not a compulsory HQ Only moritats, libbys, MoS and pmedicaes aren't.
Sebastian Harris
Thanks for the correction.
I'd be open to him getting it then, if it'd mean he could become better at his job description!
Charles Johnson
>Nemesis Pretty nice if you don't mind reading about not marines
>Cybernetica Nothing changes : the book. You can easily skip this one because it doesn't tie into anything.
Brody Adams
Gotcha, cheers. Nemesis it is.
Levi Morales
I also remembered which one Nemesis was - it's the one with the assassins. It has its moments, but it's basically the Rogue One of 30k. I did think a certain moment at the end with a certain loyalist Primarch was worth it though, but I'm biased.
Haven't read Cybernetica, but the one thing I have read by Rob Sanders, "Iron Within" in the Age of Darkness, was top-tier. I think it's later in the setting than the other two, so if you're in order you might be breaking it.
Joseph Davis
Something I could use some opinons on actually, if anyone could offer any.
Which head should I give this guy's staff? A) stupidly long choppy spear B) single axe wing C) double axe wing
Christopher Edwards
A. The other two are fucking awful, sorry,
Tyler Martin
post that painted sons, he looks like candy
delicious candy, post legionary feet so I can suck on
Carson Johnson
A. I feel with the other two he would need to be holding the staff either lower or right under the head for it to look natural.
David Adams
Depends which kind of force weapon you want it to be, you've got a recipe for all three there. I personally am impressed by how much the middle one looks like a gallowglass axe I'm tempted to steal it. Which bitz did you use for that, staff and wing-parts?
Oliver Brooks
I'm going to guess TSons, so A), though you should shorten the staff. If it's BA, then C) if it's a chaplain.
Joseph Bennett
>That can be done if you lighten it with white. It's a bit more awkward though. It is, either mine are fucked or GW whites are fucked. >when the model is on the table and the eyes at head-height Fair enough, I've never had mine on taletop.
Glaze could indeed work, I think I'll give that a try.
>sci-fi soldiers wearing bright red are already cartoony. They just are. Embrace it. Point taken. I'll see what can be done about highlights.
These look good, though I can't into airbrush. Wet blending each model would be too much time-consuming.
Omegon's story is actually pretty cool.
Angel Cruz
What head is that?
Tyler Garcia
How do we make bolter custodes not shit? Just make the caliver assault 3? Maybe even salvo 2/3? Because I can bet better shooting than a few heavy bolters elsewhere for that price point...
Sebastian Ross
Mechanicum players, what/who do you take for your HQs?
I want an Archimandrite and a barebones/Machinator only Magos Reductor for my Reductor, but I'm unsure what to do with the 3rd HQ slot, since I need the extra FA and such more than HS slot #4, and I might have some Milita allies, so no Matrix of Ruin for me.
Anyone use any of the special characters for any of the variants? Scoria looks like a decent duellist, if pricy, but I'm wondering about Draykavac, Satarael and Decima. Inar looks decently supporty, but I don't get what you want Decima the expensive for, or Draykavac.
Daniel Morales
>Assault 3 AP2 ID.
No thanks, you'll have your melee and like it. Maybe have the Hbolter sections have double shots or something, but you are not trivializing fighting automata, one of the best things for beating your T5 faces in.
Evan Diaz
>Scoria >Decent Dualist
Bit of an understatement, m80
Connor Moore
>GW whites are fucked. Ceramite white is fucked in my experience, but white scar can work if you shake for like a minute and thin it well. Consider getting a special flow retarder like liquitex or winsor and newton galeria (the brand of the pot I'm using) to thin your paints instead of water, I can never go back to water after using these. I hear as well that Ulthuan Grey is the colour you'll want if you're painting large areas white - you basecoat using it, but then use thin coats of white scar over it to brighten it, and you get shading done if you use this method too. Ceramite white is kind of obsolete except in teeny details like eye sockets, it would seem. But enough about white, the highlights; I don't think lightening the basecoat with white is a viable option either, since it'll either be too subtle or end up looking like a shittier version of the official highlight colours. What you might choose instead is mixing the basecoat Mephiston Red with the highlight colour, and highlighting with that. BUT even then, Citadel's highlights are designed to be thin, and their basecoats opaque, so you might be sacrificing the best of both worlds for uncertain results. I do recommend the glaze though.
And what the other guy said about highlights being cartoony is only valid from a certain point of view. It is "cartoony" if your point of reference is the convention of historical painting. Normally that isn't done there, mostly because camouflage is meant to look drab and the high-level modellers use airbrush techniques. There IS such a thing as highlights that are too cartoony, I have struggled with them myself, and glazes are the biggest saving grace with them. Try the colour that's closest to the basecoat first, and if that's not enough, apply smaller amounts of the next brightest colour on top of them and you can work the colour up.
>Omegon's story is actually pretty cool. Eh, the "stinger" is a potent one, but the story just drags on I thought.
Adrian Watson
The staff is from the Rubric Marine sprue, the eagle from one of the Sisters/Custodes sprues in BoP. Third party.
Consensus seems to be cut the first section off the haft and stick the blade on, thanks to all for commenting, I think I'll probably do that. Candy is dandy
Adam Gray
>Consensus Screw consensus, I think you have a nice-looking axe there, though for the legion that's in it, I think the aquila-wing look isn't exactly apropos.
Grayson Miller
Yeah, I was gonna either paint it as if it was a raven rather than make it gold, or do it in stripes, same with the eagle on his pauldron. Arg, stop convincing me to do the axe with your polite comments.
Aiden Sanchez
Well, it's what he's for. He's the "Fuck You Snowflakes" character, and I love him very much for what he does, but he does cost rather a lot and can't compare to an Archimandrite or Inar for buffing, so runs out of steam a bit in larger games.
He's superb fun against those guys who love their Primarchstars too much, especially when most of the Firedrakes/Deathshroud/Justaerin/Butchers get ripped up at I5 by S10 Castellax or Shredding power claws.
He's good, but I wouldn't say he's an auto-take unless you're being a dick and taking him in 1.5k/Zone Mortalis or something, where pretty much nothing can challenge him.
Kayden Myers
Not at all. I'm giving all my tacticals bolters, pistols and CCWs and there's no problem at all fitting them on there. Was planning on putting pouches and grenades on them as well, but those didn't have any room left for them.
Luis Myers
>Arg, stop convincing me to do the axe with your polite comments. Do what you need for WYSIWYG, let the rules decide. If you want a sword, go for A, an axe, go for B. I wouldn't recommend C used as-is for a maul, though, it looks too simple, and if you're not careful it could easily be off centre.
Nicholas Ramirez
I can thin them alright with water, the issue is when mixing them as the pigment's either too thick or pieces keep getting stuck together. I've had success with Celestra Grey for white basecoat, just two layers over black undercoat did it. Luckily I have some spare models to test the highlights, I'm just trying to explore all the options before I commit. Thanks for all the advice, I'll deliberate upon it some more and hopefully have a marine to post tomorrow.
>the "stinger" What? The story's pace is a bit slower, but I found it a refreshing change. Sanders' take on AL is the better one.
Austin Ramirez
Is there any reason to take a frost blade or axe? With Specialist Weapon, you're basically paying power fist money for a weapon that's nowhere near as useful as a power fist. They're not even that great for giving power fist model +1 Attack, when you could just as well take a cheaper lightning claw.
Landon Price
>painting white over black primer
Cameron Lewis
Some people like to try out stuff.
Joshua Anderson
>He's the "Fuck You Snowflakes" character by being a bigger snowflake, this is not a good thing
Hudson Gutierrez
>>the "stinger" >What? It's TV Tropes terminology for something at the end of the story that retroactively changes the feeling of the story. A type of twist ending.
I haven't looked through SW in detail, but the thing with specialist weapons is you can equip them alongside volkite chargers, meltaguns, etc and not feel like you're missing out.
He's not talking about White Scars here. Multiple thin coats should do the job passably for small areas, particularly if he works up with a grey rather than ceramite.
I have heard grey primer is a better choice though, but I've never used it, black and white only.
Tyler Phillips
>FW realised that the only answer to snowflakes was exothermic armour Clever.