Meanwhile in prehistoric Veeky Forums

Meanwhile in prehistoric Veeky Forums

>thag think woman ruin cavepainting for mens

Which am bigger That Man alignment? Lawful Rock or Rockful Neutral?

Why storyteller not let Ug play lady? Sometime Ug want feel pretty. Nothing wrong with play lady!

Me no like Caves and Tigers 5th Painting, is no good like C&T 2nd Painting. It too simple, for dumb-dumb big-forehead tribe instead of best tribe, small-forehead tribe.

Your storyteller sound like a That Man. Bet he no even help hunt or build fire before story

Me hear tribe in red cave like Cave World game, say Hole World better than Hole and Tiger

Me no like Cave World game because me no like tribe in other cave

Tribe in green cave like good game, Hole and Tiger

Me for this. Shamans by Side of Lake am ruining Caves and Tigers for many season now. Me tribe no want play new C&T any more.

Me am bet he no put drink bowl on deer skin over cave floor.

>he am still play caves and tigers


U try BURPS?


Nice cave glyph ((:^)

BURPS good for cro-magnon, me not cro-magnon. Too busy hunt and fish for me remember more than three number.

Why shaman more strong than me? I am big clubs to fight. Maybe small shaman make game to think he smart and strong like me big clubs think.

Shaman can conjure dark ghost and bone monster. It make more sense he stronger than man with big clubs. Spooky am just stronger than club or rock.

Homo erectus slave, wat do?

You no poop in cave!

Big Rock OP compared to Small Rock and Sharp Rock, and Shiny Rock in Standard, What are Shamans of Land-by-Big-Water even thinking?

And don't even start by saying Rock Game is Cooperative. That big pile of Mammoth Shit.

me am using new dice for homesludge game

what think?


>Stone dice
Oh look at me, me trade big heap berries for dice that wood do just as well and only cost small heap berries.
It work, me guess. But me wonder why you want heavy dice.

what Veeky Forums think of model

me make self


stop take you spirit land in me cave

No one likkes ur spirit land thurrgar

Original cave-painter is bundle of stick

Thin your cave paints.


Me thinks da quality of da board is declinin.
Wat do?

Toss rocks in different threads. Make go-away. cave thread only. Cave thread gud.

Me Urog want papyrus punk, no can find game cave.

>papyrus punk
You am ape-man, only ape-man want papyruspunk. Bronzepunk am for strong real man.

Me clansman
Ya have tablet for da Philosophy supplement?

Bronzepunk am for plebs without caves. It nothing, an punk am not ever in it. Just Chaks and fake cave girls tree sapping shiny rocks to tiger pelt and club.

How bronzepunk club or sharp rock even work? Make no sense.

Shiny rock on hold hand end make hit face end swing faster! Everyone am know that.
But you right, Bronzepunk am no good, Papyruspunk have better thematic sensibility.

>Papyrus am used for special cave symbols
>Instead of paint buffalo on cave, paint squiggly lines that mean buffalo on papyrus
>Can now send papyrus squigglies to other cave instead of go there for self.

Tfw we live in papyruspunk already.

Why so many paintings Warboulder 40,000?!

Who like more BangClub than BangClub 40? Me think BangClub 40 more good. It contain throw big stone and man drop from tree. Also fall tree that swim on water and you travel other island where green man or blue man.

I always thoght bronzeclub was a weird setting but lots of men like it
Wat you thunk?

>Still like Bangclub
>Think Bangclub not dead
>Think Age of Crugmar not exist'[email protected]

Me think stoneclub more boring setting. Stone everywhere.

But many tribe no believe in bronze.

Moot am make Traditional Rocks as containment cave for Warboulder 40 paintings. Cave am literally for that

>tribe playing tusks and tigers
>everything go good
>then grug say he want to have friend come too
>okay say our big sky man
>grug friend come
>grug friend girl
you know what happen next

Crugmar no good. Me think he only want our stone!

Not need cave for everything

>gbt /redrock/


Think of run Firepunk game. Any you have good Firepunk setting for game? Or Woodpunk?

That shape am weird. It will not be good. Not person will use it.

Some say Firerun but Thrunk am no like. It boring system and firepunk am better without shaman and ghosts.

Inferno run good have much fur pelts.

so use bone, wood, obsidian, jade, etc

Caves and Tigers 4th Painting is worst painting. Is am Throwing Bones Into Fire the Rock-and-Charcoal game.

You try BURPS?


Bang grung head with stone and run away with friend.
Very tradition story.

new cave am needed for warboulder paintings

who moot?


Bronze never happen. Make-believe for furry neck neanderthals who no believe in sky shaman.

Me am cavefireoptim.


This wall why Rock Games best cave in 4valley.

moot dumb cave creator, he sell cave to yellow cave creator.

>Earthlings still havent made a proper game without using rocks and sticks

Haha oh wow

>make great story about big heroes
>blessed by Sky Spirit, seek club of fallen star, crushes many knife-tooth cat head
>Bog Man chase them, wet firewood, make food bad for tribe, need club to crush him or winter very bad
>first story-time, party see star fall over hill
>Ogg say "Me stay by cave and pick berries, is what character would do"

Why do this.

>painter not know leafs

Ug want newfriends go back to nonsense cave

Why tiny sky man so smug?

You am play gods, Tok. You player not ready for big story yet. Try water-and-berries game first, something fast. Let them get feet wet. Then you player learn rules and much better.

Urzug homestewed up bone-and-skin system, me think very balanced. No rock at all, only a little stick.

man I wish all this stuff like unicorns and manticores and chimeras would go away so we could play a game in peace
also fuck you Og, casting your magic everywhere, it got old seven moons ago

post has too small liking

my tribe believe not "moot", believe other sky-shaman, "snacks"

*ayy lmao's in caveman*

ooga booga! Warboulder 40k Crtau players are shit cause ub lub said so.

How do you like verybignity?
I like little men made from stone, not wood like bangclub 40 and you need to give less berries for them.

How I make round world game?

Seen 1 good woodbigman. Bif paint it by spray paint out mouth hole very careful. Most woodbigman not look this good.

What am these animals talkyman say about? Do they stew good?

Why argue Cave and Cavemen editions?

What make 4e good? Why it bad and 5e good? Why 4e bad when no 5e and 3.5e good?

why play at all? It dumb, me off to go punch giant mammoth in face.

Dreamtribe, me come from /k/rok tribe. Me ask. Why Rock better than stik? Eldertip: Rock better than stik.

Me speak with great spirit on matter, great spirit tell me "you no be large bundle of sticks from now".
I think great spirit want fun.

>he tribe no figure out tie sharp rock to stick
Do your tribe even kill great beasts?

Cavepaint is for story not for make realdream of outside cave while inside cave.

Want that, go paint in darktimes2000 cave.

That it. Me am sick of all this "Good Stick" mammothshit that go on in rock20 system now. Sharp Rock deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
Me am no what say about. Me commission a genuine sharp rock in Sunrise Tribe for two shiny rock (that about one mammoth chunk) and have been practicing with it for many moon now. Me even cut slabs of solid fur with me rock

Sunrise Tribe smiths spend moons working on single sharp rock and fold it up to once to produce the finest rocks known to mankind.

Sharp rock am three as sharp as stick and three as hard for that matter too. Anything a stick can cut through, a sharp rock can cut through better. Me am sure sharp rock could easily two cut a neanderthal wearing full furs with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why West Tribe never bothered conquering Sunrise? That right, they am scared to fight scary Sunrise men and their sharp rock of destruction. Even in Great Cave War, Eagle Men targeted the caves with sharp rock first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what me saying? Sharp rock are simply best rock world am ever see, and thus, require better paintings in the rock20 system. Here am paint block me propose for sharp rock:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that am seem more representative of cutting power of sharp rock in real life, don't you think?

Did not view painting = sharp rock am need be cuttier in rock20, see me painting.

What a 20?

finger count and toe count. you dumb as mammoth in tar pit

> 200,000 BC
> Not speccing CON and INT

Enjoy going extinct, non-hominids.

anyone have cave painting of man go to cave group to play wood-for-sheep game and there man that treat girl like wolf?

Paint favorite magic thing. Here is foot of great bird-lizard, add 3 bonks when club people with it

Moot is bird nose berry stealer who am made cave.

ooga booga where the neanderthal woman

When cavemen rock yeah wall?

Does red hair man have a point about pointy sticks or does club work best?

Am make green clay idol small warrior. Is not go well. Is cost many fish for needed stones. What do get stones without trade fish?

Any you play Bashclub three? Me like more than Bashclub four, rules more better from F shaman than G shaman.

This 4caves. No such thing as woman

>he am think tomorrow scrum be fight with pointy stick, but not see true of sharp-noise fire tube

eat Niter root, anog. gain much know.

Verybignity am not good deal. You drink red sweet drink mad shaman make. Throw berries in dung heap better than trade for verybignity.

Big Sky man throw bones and get many fingers. Am need toes to count him throws. Is get many fingers all throws. Am big Sky man use magic?

anyone want play shamanism: campfire meet? me carve new deck today.