Siding with the villain?

Our current campaign's major villain is a cleric who knows the ultimate victory of the gods of evil is inevitable. Rather than fight against them, she managed to strike a deal with them to allow those who followed her into a Pseudo-Heaven. All souls she gathered would empower the gods of evil, but the souls themselves would live in a Paradise-like world for eternity, with no harm done to them.

Thing is, our party has actually decided to follow her as well. The campaign is full of morally-grey douchebags and a lot of her followers are far more heroic than the supposed good guys, as they believe themselves to be saving the innocent in their own way.

Me, a Lawful Good cleric, can't agree with any of this yet my whole party thinks helping her is for the best. Which means my church (well-meaning, but with some corrupt members) would probably become an enemy.

What would you do in a situation like this? In which the whole party believes helping the villain is actually the most good action?

You should do what any good cleric would do if anyone were to threaten your church. Crusade the shit out of them with the holy justice. Your party should end up on pyres in the streets to serve as warnings to any other assholes who would dare challenge your godly ways. God wills it dude. Talk it out with your DM and figure out a good way to make it happen.

Have your character have a change of faith, becoming a fallen cleric.

Retire your character to be an NPC and roll one that can go with the rest of the party

Grudgingly go along with it but remain open to the idea that it's all a sinister trap, but also perhaps trying to turn the whole thing into a trap of your own (like getting ALL the souls to False Heaven and thus invalidating evils plan to cause suffering, or showing everyone the victory of evil is not inevitable)

Drop the campaign because it's not what you signed up for

DO NOT DO- immediately attack other party members screeching 'IT'S WHAT MY CHARACTER WOULD DO'
Your character should act in ways that are good for the game, and pointless 3v1 PvP fights are shit for the game

Do what your character would do. If that means retiring the character and making a new one, so be it.

It happens.

If you convert the entire world, won't everyone go to Paradise and you can just say "fuck it" to whatever evil the gods are planning? Even if people die from their plans, everyone will ultimately be saved.

Go forth and evangelize! Save them all.

>playing a LG character in a party full of douchebags.
This has never not been a recipe for disaster. It still baffles me that GMs don't seek for at least semi-homogeneous parties.

DIscuss with your GM and the other players, try to convince the rest of the party, retire or have a "corruption" or pragmatism mini-arc.

The other characters are good as well, though. They just don't care about gods or other potential planes of existence that would be screwed up in this deal

Throw it back in her face. Abuse the rules. You're lawful, you're good, so use the terms of the deal to save all the mortals.

Have EVERYONE join team evil. Persuade the Good Gods to switch sides, bringing all their clerics and worshippers along for the ride. Preach so hard that the entire world follows this fallen cleric into paradise, side by side and arm in arm. Don't you dare lie down and rest until every single mortal soul stands at your heel as you walk through the pearly gates.

When every single mortal has made the trip to paradise, who is going to care that the evil gods are being empowered by their souls to rule a cosmos that is entirely empty of life?

>knows the ultimate victory of evil is inevitable


>The gods of evil
>Trusting them to keep their end of the bargain

Ahahaha hahahahahaha

Your party are idiots and so is this cleric.

Well, first you shouldn't have had them.

user making the big fucking plays over here

They're lawful evil. Gotta honor dem bargains.

>expecting to benefit from a deal made with a lawful evil

It's fine as long as you have a lawyer check the contract beforehand. Lawful evils don't mind if the little guy comes out ahead once in a while because the house always wins in the end.

I'm willing to bet there's 19th dimensional fineprint to every single bargain a lawful god of evil makes that allows them to fuck you over in any way they please without breaking contract and laughing at you for actually agreeing to it

Or he could do what his character would do instead of being a cuckold like you

If you were really good then you wouldn't surrender to evil

How specific was their description of the paradise that awaits their followers?

Because what a lawful evil god considers to be paradise might not be what you had in mind, unless you want to live in the something like Nazi Germany.

>"Alright evil gods, we've done as you asked.
>Instantly transported to a pleasant beach tropical beach where you are tortured that demons can extract your pure and absolute agony to fuel themselves.
>Try to ask them why they broke their promise
>"We didn't. You're still alive, living in a paradise-like world. We never said you'd be free or not tortured. Merely that you'd be alive here."
>Live in eternal agony realizing that you were a moron for trusting evil gods.

Is there a way to trap the souls where the evil gods wouldn't get at them or completely erasing the souls?

In any case I'll try to find a way where everybody gets a bad and unfulfilling ending

Looks like your game just became about an Exodus, which sounds awesome. Bring your religion to Paradise so that your gods can live on in the minds of you and your followers and regroup to fight evil on better terms.

This, honestly. You can pretend to play along, say if your plan is to turn everyone in the heavens plane into celestials to swing around back and fuck them right up, but just accepting it, nah.

Honestly, if you think this won't end in an ironic bad end, you are delusional.

OP here. Some points.

Villain cleric is somehow related to the evil gods. The gods allow their followers to keep the souls they gather and use them in any way they want. Rather than enslave them, she instead does this.

The main problem comes from the fact this will regardless end up fucking up other planes and their gods. Sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy, by just giving in, we make them even more undefeatable.

This was the angle the GM expected us to take, but the other players are just like "seems legit, we can just try to save as many people as possible"

>All souls she gathered would empower the gods of evil
>ultimate victory of the gods of evil is inevitable
The first one makes me think that the villain or at least the gods are tricking your party.

here. Missed the part where the paradise is created by the evil gods. If there's any way to verify the truth of the statements, go along with it. But if anyone's lying, definitely don't do what I suggested.

>Villain cleric is somehow related to the evil gods.
So the party trusts any word out of her...why?

I say do it by yourself. You're an instrument of your God and it's time to play your ass off. If the party turns against you? So be it. Go find other people willing to fight this. They think her deal's great, they can either come to their senses when you recruit an army to counter her efforts or go down fighting with her.

I'm paraphrasing it, but remember the line: Evil wins when good men do nothing.

I would argue that they, being ok with large scale destruction and empowering evil, are probably not 'good' alignment.

>Play human
>get abducted by aliens
>get rescued from Alien Group A by Alien Group B
"We can give you a lot of help, including vast sums of money, but we can't let you go back to Earth, because that would violate the Prime Directive."
>Inform the GM that my character begins a Monte Cristo-level plan to undermine Alien Group B and anyone allied with them.
>GM becomes increasingly upset.
"You understand these are the bad guys, right?"

Siding with the villain is normal.

See: /epg/.

Let them die one be one because you have to heal someone and when they all die you are free. Also insert hope back into that evil girl. And then make a deal with a god to start your own cult.

>Believing the word of a cleric aligned with sinister gods attempting to dominate the universe



>believing the words of a pagan who strays from the path of the true God

sounds like it's time for a witch hunt