Which is most appropriate dress-code for traditional game?
Semi-formal or Smart casual
Which is most appropriate dress-code for traditional game?
Semi-formal or Smart casual
>Wearing clothes to a game night
You're going to get laughed at by all the cool kids.
Think whatever is fine as long as it isn't distracting
>not showing up to game night in a tuxedo
Fucking pleb.
I've gamed shirtless on more than one occasion
Depends on the setting.
This is shitposting I can get behind
You know, instead of just vomiting out somethign that should have exited your system at the other end, swallowing half it it back down, and throwing out the other half to see if anyone here is creative enough to somehow mask the stench, how about you sit back and see what that creativity does to stuff that isn't absolute drivel instead?
It's a picture of a female.
You're not even wrong.
Instead of replying to threads that you dislike, try ignoring them and making threads about topics that you enjoy.
I dunno, those are some pretty big hands. All I'm saying is, there might be a penis hiding underneath those sweatpants.
I will wear my sweatpants and snuggie and you will deal with it or NO GAME FOR YOU!
Table top games? whatever is comfortable/casual.
In Larping, however, costuming can be a serious time, skill or monetary investment.
Wait, people wear clothes to game night?
I've always thought it was common practice to play nude and oiled up like greek wrestlers. Makes the after game orgy more fun as well. Our are you going to tell me that you don't have an after game orgy too?
I usually just wear a bathrobe, because I'm the GM and can wear whatever the fuck I want at home.
pjs on more than one occasion. Maybe it's a GM thing....
lol faggot
If you're not at least making an effort to dress like your character, don't bother showing up.
What do you think we are, a bunch of amateurs?
Get a pointy hat, and then you'll be doing it right.
>open thread
>typing up a scathing post on fucking degenerates wearing p-jams and comfy clothes to muh games
>realize I started it, 2nd and 3rd sessions I wore comfy house clothes
>no Johnny you are the degenerates
Always go for semi-formal if you're meeting a new group.
Smart casual for regular games and such people you can laugh with but not trust.
Cosplay if it's with long time friends, obviously the costume should match the character/setting so don't be the retard who shows up in a space suit to a fantasy game.
If a new player isn't wearing a top hat and tails like the rest of your group it's the duty of the more experienced players to thrash them with leafy sticks or the nearest to hand equivalent.
Sauce? Revere image search is giving me nothing
The most appropiate dress-code for traditional games is the least appropiate dress-code for showing up to work in a profesional enviroment while your parents look at you with pride and joy on your archievements.
We tried naked once. But it got cold. In retrospect it was probably foolish to try that one during winter.
That's only if your games take place in flavor country
jeans, t-shirt
>don't criticize me in my safe space REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
If you're not wearing a big floppy wizard hat you're doing it wrong.
Robe optional.
As comfy as the host allows.
I always DM in pajama pants, because I'm not getting my sweaty pants trapped in my work slacks or my weekend jeans.
Nude+Wizard hat is the only true way to play
>Sweat pants trapped in your work slacks
Wait, what? Do you mean your sweaty legs?
>current year
>doesn't wear used diapers while gaming
fucking plebs
Sorry, "sweaty ass trapped in work khakis and weekend jeans"
I ironically want one of those.
Most appropiate? at least partial cosplay or larp outfit. Other than that just dress casually, you're here to have fun god damn it.
Judging from the attire I most often see at my FLGS, hawaiin shirts and sweatpants.
Does this come with a dollop of fedora on top?
Business formal at the very least, preferably tuxedos (even the women), and at the best dress like the finest early 19th century English noble gentlemen
But seriously, wear whatever you believe your group will be comfortable with
No joke, those were pretty popular back in 09. I remember because I was working there at the time, and every third guy had a fedora on. I didn't know it was a 'thing' on the net at the time so I was weirded out.
I usually go with business casual. Men must wear collared shirts and are encouraged but not required to wear ties. Skirts and dresses must cover the knee. Jeans, if worn, must be dark-colored and have no holes or other distracting embellishments. Inappropriate dress will result in you being sent home or to the naughty corner, depending on circumstances.
My whole game happens in the naughty corner.
If you're playing games in the naughty corner, it's not much of a naughty corner.
Casual obviously. It's just a night with friends, not a fucking job interview.
>That body
Absolutely disgusting. In this day and age, women have no reason not to lift.
>Inb4 "b-but muh musclebeasts"
I know the modern woman is a whore, but even the biggest Stacy Thundercunt doesn't gargle enough cum for musclebeast levels of protein.
Nigger I love muscular women but are you seriously autistic enough to see a random woman and come out with that at the drop of a hat
>but are you seriously autistic enough to see a random woman and come out with that at the drop of a hat
>I know the modern woman is a whore
like ur mom
>business casual = autism
I'm sorry you can't be arsed to get clothes that don't have an elastic waistband or put 20 minutes of effort into your appearance.
Google Image Search can post on Veeky Forums now?
Oh ho ho, you'd be surprised.
holy fucking shit dude
Anything good enough for office is gonna be good enough for gaming table, unless you work for Brazzers. Or for Red Hat.
I often come from straight work wearing a tweed suit. Neets are mad because I'm styling.
The naughty corner is for contemplating what you've done wrong after your spanking. Co-opting the naughty corner is itself very naughty indeed!
Bare-ass naked.
Unless you're playing with family. Then you need to wear your klansman attire.
>tfw my group in high school only wore Metallica t-shirts, cargo shorts, trenchcoats, and fedoras
>they still dress like that 5 years after graduation
Well the spankings continue in the naughty corner, but we all stay there because we know it's where we belong.
That's what I'm saying! If the naughty corner isn't a punishment, you'll just keep being naughty.
Either t-shirt and jeans or something dressy casual depending on how much time I get to freshen up after work. Always neat though. I refuse to appear slovenly in public.
>put 20 minutes of effort into your appearance.
That's 20 minutes you could be puting into your game!
If you're procrastinated prepping the game so long that you need the 20 minutes leading up to the game (or to when you leave), you've already messed up. That's no excuse for not looking presentable.
That's 20 minutes I could be putting in your mom.
That is possible, looking at the shoulders and elbows and forearms and wide-set breasts. Obviously you can't say for sure since almost everyone's got some features that are more masculine or more feminine (and if you're looking for them, you'll find them), but your suspicion is at least reasonable.
She just has skinny arms which makes the bone structure of the hands look relatively larger.
Trust me, if you had a man to compare it to, you wouldn't think so.
I'm a skinny dude and I've been told I have huge hands, which is a godsend since I'm a musician.
Well then you shouldn't let him play with his snake
Sweatpants (XL, funny-smelling) and a wifebeater (too small, white, cheeto-dust stained).
I'm a tranny (a skinny one at that) and my hands are smaller than hers just 'cause of genetics and musculature.
No playing of any kind should be allowed in the naughty corner.
Do yours not?
She said that (You) only need 2 minutes.
they can wear whatever they want
of course i have preferences but i honestly couldn't give two fucks about their wardrobe as long as they RP and aren't Those Guys
>not dressed up
>not That Guy
Pick one.
Jeans and a tshirt.
Depends if you're playing the johnson.
Well if you're not trapping then you're not doing it right. How else can you expect to get away with dropping that dice if the DM isn't distracted by your sexy nylon clad legs and short skirt?
Why are you wearing nylons with a short skirt?
Fuffy costume
Holdup stockings user, and hipster panties. Combine with glasses and you've got something that screams sexy schoolgirl without being so obvious.
Smart casual
>holdup stockings with short skirt
>not obvious
I'm already coming to session dressed as a girl user, I'm trying to tease them into thinking lewd things, rather than just walking in dressed like a slut.
Feels good when I get jealous looks from the other girl player too. You can usually get them to dress super slutty out of spite which suits me fine~
I'm saying stockings with a short skirt isn't subtle. If you wanted to be subtle you wear stockings with a skirt that covers the tops or a short skirt with knee socks or lower.
They do cover the tops, until I bend over or cross my legs. Walking it it just looks like I'm wearing pantyhose.
Knee socks are tricky, since male and female knees look different and it sometimes throws some people.
>after game orgy
Your telling me your game isn't a ero-LARP orgy set in a harem where all rolls require "feats of strength"?
As player: Jeans + shirt
As DM: Jeans + shirt + the biggest hat I can find + rad sunglasses
Well, fine.
>male and female knees look different and it sometimes throws some people
Somehow I doubt that's what's throwing them.
Oh no they know I have a dick
> that feel when you're the sexiest player in the room and have inspired more than one boner
Feels good.
Yeah, so why do your knees matter? You're trying to look sexy, you're not trying to pass.
Perhaps I like looking sexy for myself too, did you think about that fucker.
Seeing my knees can sometimes throw some people off, but it's worse for me because I'm aware of every flaw when I crossdress even if others aren't or are too polite to say.
Are you sure you're not trans?