I'm thinking of GMing a game based in the 20th millennium during the Dark Age of Technology.
What would the main factions of the galaxy be like during this time?
The imperium were a federation and the eldar had an empire on par or even larger than mankind, and both were hyper-advanced, I know that much. Tau obviously hadn't evolved past the stone age, and Necrons were still asleep
>What about the Orks?
>Had any tyranid outrunners reached the milky-way?
>What were the main xenos races in the Federation?
>>Any other useful information...
Jace Taylor
I believe the Orks were around at that point as they were created by the Old Ones and were probably on par with there 30k equivalent.
If you want to make it interesting the Men of Iron are good place to start and honestly you can really run rampant as their isn't a whole lot on this time period. You could even do a Birth of Slaanesh RP.
Benjamin Price
>What would the main factions of the galaxy be like during this time? Eldar, Eldar, and Eldar
Elijah Baker
That actually makes me wonder. Surely there was other aliens around during the height of the Eldar Empire aside from the Necron/tyr. Were there other xenos that got absorbed into the empire or did they do the Imperium's policy of Scourge and Purge?
David Phillips
Does anyone know anything about the Q'orl's history? Were they around that far back in history? I assume so since their empire (in 40k) is nearly as large as the Imperium (yes that is canon).
Alexander Rogers
The Rangdan must've been around in large numbers, and the Hrud.
Hunter Wood
The Eldar had no threats, but a myriad of different aliens (even intelligent ones) existed in their empire. Eldar were not out to exterminate anything that wasn't a threat to them, but if any aliens provoked Eldar aggression they were in for a bad time. Humanity was nothing, an insignificant animal mucking about, just like the Orks.
Josiah Long
>>Humanity was nothing, an insignificant animal mucking about.
Isn't 20th millenium in the middle of the Golden/Dark Age of Technology (15k - 25k)? Meaning humanity has access to STCs across all of their populated worlds, baneblades, land raiders and imperial knights are standard issue for PDFs, and a universal cure all for federal citizens.
Landon Evans
Yes, and they were still nothing. Imperial technology has stagnated or decayed from that point on also.
The Imperium's success from 30k onward was based on the Eldar losing 99.99% of their population overnight and being trapped in their own spiritual civil war with Slaanesh from that point on.
Nathaniel Richardson
Humans and Eldar had basically the same tech level minus the psyker bullshit the Eldar had.
The thing is Eldar during that time had robot like war machine so while humans could defeat Eldar. In a long war the sheer psyker bullshit and numbers could outrun humans.
Humans had guns that shot demons and micro singularity like nothing and still had problems vs Eldars
It was a battle of psychic bullshit versus super AI bullshit.
Think of it as the USA vs the Soviet Union. The Eldar was the USA while the Human federation the Soviet Union.
Humans where leaking resources expanding while the Eldar already had everything sure a full all out war could happen, but humans would end with the short end of the stick.
On the flip side being so spread out helped humanity while Eldar assploded when they skull fuck a god into existence.
Andrew Lee
>but humans would end with the short end of the stick. If your analogy worked even a little, there would be no long end of the stick at all. Everybody is fucked in case of a war. That was the main point of the Cold War and the reason why it existed in the first place.
Isaac Russell
>Humans and Eldar had basically the same tech level minus We barely know anything about the tech the Eldar empire had.
Matthew Reed
Tyranid outrunners had already reached the galaxy, but the concentrated power of the forces that be at that time (humans and eldar) meant that every single Tyranid hivefleet ended up destroyed. Presumably destroyed in space, because there are many deathworlds that contain Tyranid lifeforms that managed to stave off extinction by evolving in some non-hive-mind reliant form.
Which makes sense. When you have weapons like mankind did in the DAoT, you don't need to worry about Tyranids invading a planet. You just crush the entire hive fleet and all the spaceborne synapse creatures by throwing them in an artificial black hole. Any Tyranids that manage to get out of their coccoons on the surface will either become target practice for the Iron Men, or they (d)evolve into a wild animal after tenthousands of generations.
Ayden Garcia
Aren't Nids only dangerous once they manage to land on a planet?
Unless you go full Marine and turbo retard by crashing your Battle Barge into the Nids. You can just kite the fuckers to death since they suck at space combat.
Isaac Long
That is blatantly wrong. A The Elsar empire was the undisputed master of the galaxy. Humanity was in no way their equal on any level, they werent even a competitor to the eldar. They were less than what the tay are to the imperium. Insignificant.
Andrew Sanchez
Wait, what the fuck are you talking about? Im pretty up to date on 40k lore and Ive never heard of the guys.
Juan Sanchez
No they didn't, human tech was amazing, but eldar peak tech was far beyond it
William Martinez
>>Had any tyranid outrunners reached the milky-way?
They did long before.
Tyler Green
The high of the federation is past the zenit of the Eldar, otherwise it would not make sense for them to have equally magic like tech. Also otherwise it would not make sense for DAoT colonies to be that spread out. Eldar devolved into LOLSORANDUMXDKILLITFORTHELULZ. Had they be almighty, then mankind would be no.1 on the fuck up list.
Ian Gutierrez
>The Eldar empire was the undisputed master of the galaxy. According to them. In 40k (the verse, not the time) that always means propaganda. We do not know enough about the capabilities of DAoT mankind to really compare them.
Caleb Anderson
>Eldar were not out to exterminate anything that wasn't a threat to them That's easy to understand when you read his post again. >Eldar were not out to exterminate anything that wasn't a threat to them It makes a lot of sense for DAoT colonies to be on these planets, that also almost always have webway gates on them, which makes them part of the Eldar empire, because these were small colonies that had no direct connection with Terra anymore. Eldar simply regarded them as local fauna.
Eli Rivera
>because these were small colonies that had no direct connection with Terra anymore Sorry, mixed something up, that changed as the warp drive was invented. The rest still stands. The colonies were no threat to the Eldar.
Jace Gomez
It doesn't matter how dangerous Nids are on the ground. If you kill off the Hivefleet and kill the Synapse creatures on the planet's surface, you've just reduced the entire Tyranid army into a bunch of hungry scared animals that were evolved as weapons, not as animals, which basically mean that the bigger Tyranids will start eating the smaller Tyranids to survive, and after a few thousand years there are no more Tyranids left on the planet. Just feral animals that once used to by Tyranids, like the Krakens on Fenris or the Death Crawler or whatever they're called on Catachan.
David Smith
Nids are dangerous in space too, but less so, once they make planet fall the planet is almost always doomed
Adrian James
The section from the codex is third person and to be taken as fact. There re sections that are excerpts from Eldar Myths or first person accounts, and those aren't to be taken literally but is.
Kayden Rodriguez
Necrons were still asleep, by and large. Maybe the occasional Tombworld we don't know about. As far as I know, the Eldar being the dominant species in the galaxy and nobody daring to muck about was more a thing of "Well, I know we're more busy to have planetwide orgies, but if we wanted we could easily destroy your entire race". Maybe a bit similar to nuclear powers nowadays. You could strike at them surprisingly, but at what cost? In the worst case, they could wipe your country form the map. The Eldar would do the same, but on a galactic scale.
Cameron Green
>Meaning humanity has access to STCs across all of their populated worlds, baneblades, land raiders and imperial knights are standard issue for PDFs I really hope that baneblades aren't the end point of military technology and are just some stopgap measure of repurposing some industrial earth mover into a combat vehicle. I mean compare the baneblades to Traveller's imperial TL15 Grav Tank; able to reach mach 3, space capable on it's own, main gun can shoot through mountains or a punch a hole in the planet's crust, used as anti orbital defense platform.
For the Golden Age of Technology I'm expecting armies of Bolo Mk30s.
Connor Richardson
Wasn't it implied that STCs are just downgraded stuff used for colonies, so in case of a rebellion the "Imperium", or whatever came before the IoM, would still have an easy time stopping them? I mean, Imperial Knights were glorified lumberjacks back in the day.
Thomas Stewart
>, Imperial Knights were glorified lumberjacks back in the day What, where on earth did you read that
Levi Morales
Okay, I might be wrong on that, but it's a bit of an implication IIRC, with the Knights being used to guard colonies, killing megafauna and the reaper chainsword being used as a chainsaw to carve ways.