I want to run a campaign that takes place exclusively in The Warp (ala 40k/Fantasy) where the players play demons of Chaos (maybe Chaos Undivided?)
What sort of things do demons spend their time doing in the warp? Is there food in the warp and/or do demons need sustenance? Do demons fight each other in the warp? Do demons have jobs in the warp?
If the characters are demons of Chaos Undivided can they never become greater demons?
Jonathan Clark
1: Yes, emotions swirling around, lost souls, other (weaker) warp entities
2: All the fucking time, the gods are far more concerned with their intrigueing and warring with one another then reality.
3: Does soldier count as a job?
4: They wont become greater daemons, because greater daemons are part of a gods followers, undivided/unaligned daemons become minor gods in their own right.
Jason Ramirez
Right, let me iterate on the job part.
Yes jobs exist, because people assume they do.
For example: Bloodletters, who have swords.
Who makes swords? Smiths, so daemon smiths must exist, and what do smiths need? ore, so daemon miners must exist (even if how or what they mine might be utter imposibility).
Because people know, believe, that swords need smiths and smiths need mines. etc etc.
Ian Thompson
couldn't that 'belief' thing work against the demons though?
like... what if all the people in the imperium started assuming demons must like bureaucracy just as much as they do so now the demons have to do a bunch of paperwork and they never get to make it out of the eye of terror for holiday
Michael Taylor
>"But Bloodletter-kun, the big talent show is tomorrow and we haven't practiced our routine!"
Carter Gomez
Can you ellaborate on the 'becoming minor gods in own right' bit? That sounds interesting
Also, do demons enjoy eating things in the warp (i.e. do those emotions, smaller demons, and lost souls have tastes?)? Are there delicacies? Do demons hunt in the warp for these delicacies?
Evan Parker
I would watch that show
Grayson Powell
>time in the warp
Ryan Wright
I assume from a demon's perspective (being a native of the warp) that something akin to time (or indeed normal time) is experienced by them while in the warp
Not sure how they perceive/navigate the material world though
Christian Ortiz
Well, the big 4 are just greater greater daemons, they are just big enough to start creating semi-sentient parts of themselves (ie daemons)
Anything with any portfolio or that attaches itself to a specific idea or belief could become more powerfull (Say for example a daemon who convinces a tribal populace that it is the sungod. It would become more powerfull as a result of the worship/sacrifices etc
but also grow more defined by the worshippers, it would have a name, mannerisms it would have to adhere to (because the cult imagens it like that)
its a two way street of influence
Isaac Williams
This is a strategy that has been attempted Believe it or not changing the way of thinking of billions and billions of people is pretty hard
Bentley Ross
also, this might be relevant although the quote is specifically about Tzeentch so maybe it has no bearing on a lesser demon's perception of time in the warp
Adrian Bennett
Okay, then for the purposes of this campaign I will not be allowing the characters to go into the material world but I would still want them to be able to gain power without having to leave the warp
is that still possible? (like through eating other demons maybe?)
Owen Wood
as for taste, yes they do but...not much.
To give an analogy, imagen heroin which also sustains you. Great shit, right? And everyone wants it, everyone.
Now imagen that there is a paralell universe *MADE* of this heroin, its in the air, in the people, the water. everything.
There is a very good reason daemons want to break into reality, besides the fact that everyone knows daemons wants to get into reality.
As for souls, yes. An Eldar soul and a Tau one has been compared to a bonfire versus a candle, psychers would probably be far more tasty then a random angi-worlder who died at the age of 27 from a tractor accident
Gavin Price
What I mean to say is that millions and millions of Chinese people believe that demons in the afterlife participate in a VERY elaborate bureaucratic system (Japanese Buddhist afterlife is similar) already so it would not be unreasonable to assume that imperials who grow up surrounded by imperial bureaucracy would then think that such massive hoards of demons must also have some sort of hierarchical structure in the warp and therefore a bureaucracy of some kind by which to administrate their organizations - and then the snowball just rolls from there until Bloodthirsters have to keep a pair of reading glasses in their loincloths
Leo Sanders
Thank you, this is very helpful and works perfectly for the campaign
Aiden Williams
'now' in the 40k timeline that would be very difficult, as the enities are defined otherwise.
But yes, that could be entirely doable. the warp is just the subconciuss mirror of every living thing, change the input and you change the warp.
Logan Mitchell
Ah, I see
But good to know; there will be some awareness or link at least to the material world so the characters can still be affected by it (if nothing else just for scenery and/or comedy but of course I'll throw in an adventure seed or a Chekov's gun every now and then)
Jack Parker
I'm more concerned with how to incorporate the Scumdogs Of The Universe into 40k.
They're the result of an artist punk band that liked 40k in the first place so it doesn't seem that hard of a fit.
Just get them offworld and out of Sleazy Pete Martini's cocaine and slave fueled recording contracts before the Emprah unifies Earth.
Just wondering how GWAR would affect the 40k setting as being the effluence of the ancients. They can run the gamut from Looney Toons silliness to explicit gore chunking slaughter.
The GWAR characters seem to be more decadent than bloodthirsty most of the time.
Carter Rogers
I feel like they would become new Chaos gods and would probably fight Gork and Mork a lot
They would also want drugs and sex from Slaanesh but I'm not sure what will happen when Slaanesh finds out they don't have limits
Ayden Moore
There are several points to make here though;
1. While vast swathes of the galaxies population will have experience of crushing Imperial bureaucracy, they will only be a fraction of the population as a whole, and an even smaller fraction of those will have no experience of anything /other/ than that bureaucracy that might influence their ideas of how daemons work. As many if not more will also have experiences or fears of brutish monsters that turn up out of nowhere and kill everything.
2. Daemonic bureaucracies /do/ exist. Most well known example being Plaguebearers, who are also known as Nurgle's Tallymen, because they have the job of counting up and cataloguing every single disease to ever have existed, which is a never-ending task, because Papa Nurgle keeps making new ones. Given Tzeentch's portfolio, it's inconceivable that he doesn't have some weird pointless byzantine heirarchy of daemons who plot and scheme against each other through confusing and contradictory rules and regulations and passive-aggressive post-it notes. Slaanesh too could get a look in there, apart from all the lust and excess, Slaanesh is also about pride and domination of others by being better than them, so there's scope for it there too. It's only Khorne who you would struggle to shoehorn something like that into
Angel Long
They're bigger perverts than Slaanesh and they do more drugs and make louder music
They eat more than Tyranids or Nurgle
They kill more than Khorne
They've killed gods of other dimensions (see the time they killed satan in Beyond Hell)
And I don't think even Tzeentch could predict their next move
Juan Ross
Also good to know
Henry Howard
Demon bureaucracy is already a thing, with Nurgle at least. Plaguebearers are known as 'the tally men of Nurgle' and it is their job to count everything in a Nurglite host.
Nicholas Harris
The more I think the more I see the potential here
Much appreciated
Camden Torres
I imagine Slaaneshi organisations to be like artistic circles. Each one is dedicated to advancing different styles (or perversions in this case) there's no set hierarchy in each group, but there are informal leaders based on who's best at leading the way to new trends.
Nathan Brooks
OP if yo can get pdf's of the first chaos codex 'realm of chaos' (comes in two parts, 'slaves to darkness' and 'the lost and the damned') the stuff in there is great for what you're planning here, both in terms of explaining how chaos works and how demons behave and think.
Nathan Johnson
nobody gives sandpaper felches like Calligula
Elijah Thomas
I'm sure I have one of the codex pdfs lying around somewhere
Going out for a smoke and then I'll check back in a few to see which version I have
Mason White
not sure which edition I have but it's from 2007
Daniel Nelson
it just says "Chaos Demons"
Eli Perry
I played a Daemonette during a campaign once that was a pretty great experience. She was obviously batshit, but her lucid moments were far more fun to be creepy with.
The other player characters had her on a shock collar type system where they could hurt her if she started getting uncontrollable or rapey
Ayden Miller
based on the demon you read about in Eisenhorn that sounds like an insane campaign, but fun