Could a Necron potentially be corrupted by Chaos?
Could a Necron potentially be corrupted by Chaos?
Pre-Ward fluff I would say probably since other machines get corrupted by Chaos. Now, I have no fucking clue.
Daemons can posses machines right? I don't see why necrons would be immune to that
Never heard of it happening, but don't they also hate the everloving shit out of anything warp-related? They probably thought about that at some point, so it's likely a quality of the living metal they use, or a reason why their minds are inside of the chassis. Possibly both. I mean, it's why the Imperium uses machine spirits.
They can't, because they're already perfect in every possible way.
Well chaos could only possess the men of iron and other machines is because hereteks think it's a good idea to shove them together.
Unless they could get their hands in some dormant necrons they probably could. But necrons were made to combat warp powers for the war in heaven so they might be resistant.
If it could happen it already would have, and only because GW finally got tired of jacking it to the imperium and started to make Chaos their main Wank. If everything can be corrupted by Chaos, then Chaos wins.
On average, I would say no, because the Necrons don't really have anything left to corrupt. Many of them are restricted by 'programs,' so they can't rise against their overlords, they tend to follow old guidelines of tactics and etiquette in their antiquated courts, and most warriors barely even have flickers of souls.
You might argue that Necrons with a degree of sentience - Lords, Praetorians, Crypteks, possibly even Immortals - could get corrupted, but I'd be very surprised.
>too perfect for Chaos
Very unlikely but technically yes.
t. Chaos android.
Chaos androids...
I don't know, do they have a vibrate function?
SHH! This is how new 40k waifus are made. >TFW you will never have a QT Slaaneshdroid GF.
Depends if its a Necron or a Chaos codex entry.
I think Necrodermis has some kind of repulsive power towards the Warp, so they can't be possessed like a daemon engine or what have you. They also don't have souls.
the more sentient ones theoretically could be tempted in some way, though there has been no such scenario
No souls or other warp presense and while they are machines they aren't exactly "machines" in the same sense Men of Iron or such things are.
Machines get possessed
Are you saying machines have souls?
Machines gain souls after a certain degree of sapience is installed onto them.
Necrons don't.
Slaaneshi is all forms of pleasure right? What if there was a Slaaneshi daemon of D'aww and cuteness? The same obsession that makes people spend hours looking at a live web feed of a puppy or a kitten doing cute things.
Are you saying they DON'T?
IDK. I tend to agree that demons of Slaanesh should expand out of their usual "Sex and Drugs" motif.
I play SoB, though, so what do I know?
Probably a very very slim chance.
Doesn't that require a soul?
Things without souls get corrupted by Chaos/the Warp.
Ships, planets etc.
They can be corrupted but it's very snowflaky and wouldn't be in a way comparable to humans I think.
The Chaos Gods gain some strength from anything related to the strong emotions that make them up, but they themselves are twisted and cruel and lean far more towards corrupted, twisted versions of such emotions that maximize output.
It's sort of like how you never see a Khornate daemon of being passive-aggressively pissy at his coworkers, or a Tzeentchian daemon that represents the guys who were vaguely hopeful that tomorrow's lunch would be hamburgers.
I've heard that's in part thanks to Slaanesh.
Nope. Any mention of Chaos, Eldar, or the Old Ones activates their "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" protocols and makes their prime directive to remove any of these from their immediate vicinity.
A weird rules/fluff interaction, but chaos *can* warp necrodermis. Specifically, C'tan can be affected by the Gift of Chaos (and its various iterations, the power that turns you into a spawn). The reasoning is that you can mess up their physical bodies with enough warp-power. It's just really hard, and kind of a bad idea.
[spoilers] It was key plot point in my Dark Heresy campaign, so I looked into it. [/spoilers]
I think in order for sentient beings to be corrupted by Chaos a fraction of the being itself has to sort of "agree" with being corrupted. Not possessed, corrupted.
Necrons have been stated to absolutely hate the Warp in general. In fact those pylons on Cadia were rumored on being part of a larger pylon network meant to completely separate the Warp from Realspace. As well, a majority of the Necron race isn't even sentient in it's own right. Warriors are basically drones on par with Scarabs. Immortals have a fraction of free will but are still chained to the command of their lords. Only the lords and overlords are actually sentient in any way, and even then they might still have malfunctions due to the stasis they were in.
Really, Chaos's way of dealing with these guys so far seems to be the same for the Tyranids:
Stay the fuck away from them. They can't really do much to the Necrons, nor can the Necrons do much to them. (Anymore)
wow her penis is enormous.
the hell is semi-perfect, either you're perfect or you're not me!
>Still no new episode
Kill me.
Do it yourself you lazy bastard
>He doesn't know about Dave the Bloodthirster who shows up only to passive aggressively comment on how the black crusade is going or B'rgos the Lord of Change who talks about a burger that will never come
Slaanesh is the God of Excess, or rather of feeling excess.
Friendly reminder that Slaanesh owns a suburban home in a nice corner of the warp and is the devoted and loving housewife to a completely normal man and they have three kids who they take care of.
Because an excess of normality is still an excess.
>tfw no Slaanesh waifu
>machine spirits aren't souls