Does this piece of shit have any saving grace? I just read through it again almost two years later and now its even worse. As an Ork player what do?
Ork Codex Diskusion thread
Biker deathstar. That's about the extent of your chances of winning.
Mek guns are solid. They'd be a strong unit without the rest of the codex weighing them down.
Relies on units from other books to work. Mainly one from IA: Hasn't-been-updated-since-6th-and-even-then-only-superficially.
Play space marines.
Alternatively play a game that doesn't make what side the bread is buttered on so obvious.
Mek guns ARE solid... problem is they are in the most fucked up crowded area of the codex... can't take battlewagons + lootas + Mek guns + Deff Dreads + Killa Kans + Looted Wagons + Flash Gits + Orkanauts.... fucking hell. shit fucking sucks, I wanna punch those gw fags in the nutsack
Honestly, at this point Veeky Forums would be better off trying to create its own version of the 40k rules... or it would, if we ever actually got Shit done anymore.
Honestly, if we could make something that was up to snuff and allowed for any model or kit from any edition, and had a more balance meta... we might be able to meme it across the internet until it takes root.
Then again, I'm an idealistic user.
I would be down if I understood the ways the rules work enough
You could try making a thread about it, might get more support than you'd think
You realize that in complaining about the problem of Veeky Forums not getting shit done but not doing anything about it, you are contributing to the problem that you are complaining about
What makes you think I don't already get Shit done? I actually do a fair bit of work around here.
But you're right. It's mostly me being cynical because I get plenty of projects started, and get them moving along just fine, and people love them... but by God it's like herding sheep! The moment I have to hop offline for finals or a crazy work schedule it's like everyone loses momentum and the project ambles around a bit before slowly dying! I need people who can think and act without someone nagging on them every moment!
Yeah, no I get you. I feel the same way sometimes
Threads that I like just die off due to people not having the attention span to maintain them without me
Does not rely on it just makes things easier. You can take 2 grot squds per cad for troop tax. 2 cads gets you big mek 2 bosses and painboy. You lose skilled rider and the scout move plus ob secured which is really good on your 3 man troop biker squads with zhadsnark. Why not use him?
That's because Veeky Forums never got shit done as a collective, it always took a dedicated group to actually get anything out the door.
>Does this piece of shit have any saving grace?
If the community keeps bitching and being vocal GWs new "We discovered the internet." policy might get us bumped up to comfortably mid tier in 8th.
>Living on a mid tier prayer
biker deathstar+discount big Mek stompa
>Does this piece of shit have any saving grace?
Dirt cheap grot objective holders, bikes, assault vehicles, good anti air option, lootaz, dread mob options.
Seriously though, ork players (Along with others such as nids) just need to keep vocal the 40k generals which had the anons sending humorous ork emails to GW about the terrible state theyre in, had the right idea.
>Welcome to the internet GW were glad youre here, now fix your shit.
Play on a terrain heavy board. Real heavy. Heavy Cities of Death heavy. Don't have one? Make one.
Bring bikers.
Bring swarms of boyz.
Control the table, force your opponent into a corner, charge with bikers and burn survivors down with deffdredz and burnaboyz.
The internal balance isn't too bad, so it's OK to play against other ork players.
I've got to admit, a lot of the Ork's problems are lessened when you play on a terrain-heavy board.
>Mobs aren't shot to shit
>Vehicles don't spontaneously combust
>Burnas are much more useful with ignore cover
>Kommandos actually do things
Eh, there's still some squiffy choices but actually, you're right. Even Morka/Gorkanauts probably become worthwhile if you're just playing against Orks. I'm convinced that Nobs would still be a bad choice though.
It's one of the many reasons I quit 40k.
At least DoW 3 won't be shit, right?
>waaah, why doesn't Veeky Forums produce more content.
Play 3rd or 4th edition. They were good.
Now, notice how many people are gonna accept an outdated edition.
And imagine how many people would accept an homebrew instead.
Look at the 9th age, and consider that AoS was needed to achieve it.
Official GW content provides consensus. I'm not gonna homebrew that shit for fun.
You realize how pointless what you've just said is, right?
>That's because the US never got shit done as a country, it always took a dedicated group to actually get anything out the door.
What did you expect, a 100% adhesion rate to your homebrew? People staying on their computer 24/7 to update it?
>nob biker deathstars
>rokkit deffkopta and warbuggie spam
Things that would fix the codex
>5e KFF rules
>5e Ramshackle with 3+ run forward
>5e mob rule
Wouldn't completely fix it but they would help
Go unbound you nigger, thats why its there.