Gamefinder Thread

>Hour, Timezone & Days
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
>Additional notes

Other urls found in this thread:

Homebrewed Nation Builder
>Hour, Timezone & Days
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Play by Post Forum
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
>Additional notes

It is a dark time in Azeroth. Foul creatures have emerged from the depths of the Black Morass the likes of which no one has ever seen before. Rampaging through the country side of Stormwind, they exact a terrible toll among its people and manage to kill King Adamant Wyrnn before they are driven back into the swamps. Now Prince Llane Wyrnn has ascended the throne but will he be able to rally his court and put a stop to this evil once and for all?

Warcraft Eras is a game of Grand Strategy, Nation Building and Politics. Each player will assume the roles of either a member of the Stormwind Nobility or one of the Orc Clans. After building their character they will choose a starting province to manage and build up in the coming war. Through-out the week players will interact and roleplay with other characters and at the end of the week submit orders which will then be processed into new posts detailing the results.

Currently we have 4 players and I'm hoping to get another 4 so we can have even teams. If you have any questions feel free to post here or head over to the site and use our chat there.

What are the current PCs? I'm interested in joining, but I'd like to know what's going down first.

Would other races be permissible?

>>Hour, Timezone & Days
EST, Weekends either on Fridays or Sundays in the evening
>>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Skype for ooc and keeping in touch outside the game, Maptools for the game
>>Voice or Text
Up to the group
>>Contact Info
Skype: Detectiverobust
>>Additional notes
I've been out of the game for over a year now and I want to get back into it. Open to third party stuff but we'll work through what is and isn't allowed on a case by case basis.

So current PC's are a Human Cleric, a Human Warrior , a Orc Shaman and probably an Orc Warlock. This round is kind of a beta test and once we move into Warcraft 2 and 3 timelines we'll open up more nations.

If you justify it I'd allow your leader to be a different race, but he would still mostly work with the basic units of the human or orc. There are some NPC nations set up right now, which are the Dark Iron Dwarves, Trolls and Goblins.

D&D 5E/Pathfinder
>Hour, Timezone & Days
anytime after 8:00 am, CST, any day
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Tabletop Simulator
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
"Tish_Guy" steam "Tish_Guy
#1789" on discord
>Additional notes
This would be my first time playing tabletops with someone not in the same room as me

Got a skype?

>tfw nobody will want to play your shitty homebrew

Stop frogposting and post your shitty fucking game and some contact info you retarded cuck.

yeah, but skype is shit

Would a Dwarf Paladin be okay?

I probably should of mentioned that this is an alternate history starting from Warcraft 1.

Paladin orders haven't been formed yet, but the way I designed the class system is that there is multi-classing so you can go warrior/priest and Paladins can eventually be unlocked.

Got one guy interested, need at least three more to get this show on the road.

As mentioned in the previous thread, I've made a barebone discord server for those that wants to find a game. There's theoretically a basic-ass dicebot in there as well. Use it if it'll help you, Veeky Forums.

So... Dwarf warrior/priest? .-.

Sorry if I was unclear, but ya you can be a Dwarf Warrior/Priest.

Okay. Signing on now, you'll see me pop up in a bit.

Alright, two down, two to go at the very least.

Mutants and Masterminds 3e
>Hour, Timezone & Days
1 PM EST, Saturdays.
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
>Voice or Text
Voice for OOC, text for IC.
>Contact Info
>Additional notes
Superhero game in modern times, based off of modern comic books.

Small Towns
>Hour, Timezone & Days
TBD. We'll try to select something that works for everyone in the party. European players preferred.
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Discord/Roll20 if necessary
>Voice or Text
We'll mostly be using voice
>Contact Info
Drop your Discord, I'll contact you.
>Additional notes
We're looking for 2 more players at most (the party will have no more than 5 players in total)

Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition
>Hour, Timezone & Days
Saturdays 6 EST
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Discord and Roll20
>Voice or Text
>Contact Info
>Additional notes
July, 1992. The cabal will be based in Nashville, TN, out of a run-down chantry on the outskirts of the city. The Traditions lost their foothold here, but it's not like the Technocracy has a lot of sway either...

Tempers run hot. Something's coming to a fever pitch. Corruption abounds.

You suck and your shitty attempt at garnering interest sucks.

Post a game or don't, but don't fish for sympathy.





>Hour, Timezone & Days

Play-by-post, updates a few times per week.

>Method of play

Discord server for OOC and IC chatter, with a dicebot to roll the dice.

>Voice or Text

Text only

>Contact Info

Discord: Nuzzleskatev#9069

>Additional notes

Setting will be a city in Feudal Japan, and follow a living campaign structure. More players are better, no requirement to send out posts every day or every week, just whenever you feel like it.

Pathfinder, shadowrun (4e or 5e), DnD (4e or 5e)
>Hour, Timezone & Days
Monday, wednesday, saturday, and sunday after 6pm MST
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Roll 20 is a good way to play but I'm open to other options
>Voice or Text
Voice is fun but I understand that some people prefer text and I'd be down for a text game too.
>Contact Info
Kali#8088 on discord
>Additional notes
I'm excited to get a chance to play with some great people, and to play some fun characters. I've played quite a bit of all my listed games but I'm always eager to play some more, especially since I haven't played a game since last october.

Digimon Digital Adventures
Or any other Digimon/Pokémon/Monster Taming system.
>Hour, Timezone & Days
Any day except Tuesday. Weekends any time. Weekdays 6pm or later, PST.
>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Any. I'm open to any method.
>Voice or Text
Either one.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional notes
Please respond.

I'm down to play; skype: ChubbsMcJohnboy

Also I guess I should mention I wanna play a session/sessions of microscope with the intention of creating a setting for use with the pathfinder system. I can pass out a PDF for it once we get a group but to sum up the idea of the system it's a fractal world building system that works from the outside of the world inwards.

Holy shit there's actually a lot of GMs posting this time. The fuck happened between now and when I stopped browsing these threads?

We noticed you left and came back to post.
What I mean is, you are not welcome here. Please leave.

Now that's more like it.

>not only knows about, but wants to play Microscope
If it weren't for the DnD, I'd almost think you were me.

>Session two of the game is pushed back
>feel like leaving already

I used to not act like this but after being in so many games dieing or not going anywhere I been starting to care less and less this really fucking sucks

You have to give people the benefit of the doubt, user. Sometimes their parents actually did die and they had to miss the session.

Yeah seems like the GM had some family issues and didn't want to run today. I think its more that I have not played a game in a long time and wanted to play something on the side as I GM. Its pretty shitty of me to want to leave as soon something happens but I been starting to expect the worst now

I-I'm a great person come on play with me

So has anyone here ran a game to the end or played in a game that started here and didn't die?

I ran a game with a few friends I knew online and a few from roll20/here All the players I found here dropped

Well that's the risk you run if you pick your players up off of a martian morse-code enthusiasts' board.

I've had a few games that have gone under, but I have two that I'm in from gamefinder threads that have gone on for at least two months. You're just unlucky, I guess.

You mind me asking what kind of games they are? It seems like games like shadowrun dnd and maybe PF last longer but I'm not basing that on much.

>Lasting longer


>Pathfinder and DnD aren't the same
>either lasting for any length of time
Nice try kiddo

The only limiting factor to how long a game lasts is DM and player quality/enthusiasm. To think otherwise... ehm.

I mean, even horrible game systems like Pathfinder can be enjoyable if the people you're playing with are cool.

I really don't know never played them myself but it seems like there is more gm's and players who are hype for it maybe its better to say that there are more players/gm's
Yeah that is the main factor when I think about it bad players can eat at my will to keep running games

Well, based on your shilling and shitty syntax, you're either a Yurodrone, and thus some despicable NEET, or some false flag 14 year old D&Dfag.

Nope I'm just bad

It always seems to me that the lifespan of an online RPG relies on

1) The DM's preparation and punctuality of sessions. It's easy to find new players if current ones drop or feel unenthusiastic, as there are heaps of free people who browse gamefinder, various RPG forums, roll20, and the many LFG subreddits. The only exception is for very obscure or difficult to learn systems. On the other hand, DMs who actually want to meet regularly (at least once per two weeks) and have actually put some planning into their sessions are few and far between. I've had several games where the DMs had real life groups and seemed to only play with us when they were busy.

2) The inclusion of non-text in some way. Games without some visual or audio aid always end up with unenthusiastic and unconnected players. Even if it's just using voice for OOC or the DM screensharing a map, it makes a world of difference as it gives the players something to focus on. The most interesting adventure can turn into a snorefest while players wait for others to carefully type out their crap or for the DM to drop walls of text.

>The inclusion of non-text in some way. Games without some visual or audio...
My last game was a bunch of people with mic's but still wanted to do RP in text and that did feel over all better. Where now I'm running a game with people do have mics but they don't speak english very well so they stick to typing where I just use my mic for all OOC stuff it really does feel disconnected at times slow not because I'm not sure if they are typing a action or they don't know how act so they just don't say anything at all.

>game to the end
Other than closed form modules, how many games organically end? I've had games ending because we all agreed we wanted to quit and do something new, but almost every game I've played has been the "never-ending adventure" type.


Traveller Classic, but likely ripping out some systems to replace with some Stars Without Number stuff. Also a much more abstracted style of space combat.

>Hour, Timezone & Days
I'm EST, best is probably on weekend evenings, so say, Saturday or Sunday from 6:30 or so to 8:30 or 9:30. Expect sessions to be weekly or every two weeks.

>Method of play (IRC, Roll20, Skype, etc.)
Discord/Maybe Roll20

>Voice or Text
Undecided, but I'm leaning towards the voice OOC and text IC trend.

>Contact Info

>Additional notes
Expect a sandbox campaign, setting-wise I'm probably gonna steal some ideas from Traveller and Stars Without Number, but actual locations with likely be homebrew.

I sent you a contact request.

Sent a friend request on discord, look for the techpriest

ur frickin ded kido

Hit me up on discord m80s. My schedule has a bit of flex room for a microscope session/sessions. You'll never have fun unless you dare to try.

Hey everyone, bumping for this again. We have 4 Alliance members now and need at least 2 more members to fight for the Horde.