Evening fellow dredge players. How are you guys performing after the recent bans? I wanna hear all about it.
For you normies, what are you guys expecting to top 8 at the GP in Vancouver?
Best deck in the format?
Any spicy tech?
New meme decks?
Evening fellow dredge players. How are you guys performing after the recent bans? I wanna hear all about it.
For you normies, what are you guys expecting to top 8 at the GP in Vancouver?
Best deck in the format?
Any spicy tech?
New meme decks?
Other urls found in this thread:
Best deck for everyday play aka non tourny for under $50 diggery doos?
Has anyone Talara's Battalion zoo now that we have copies 5-8 of BTE?
I am playing at GP Vancouver therefore I am going to struggle.
I hope I at least Day 2 but they got a PTQ sealed event on day 2 which I may drop even with a x-3 or x-2 record.
50 diggery doos? Maybe soul sisters, I think you can get most of the pieces for fairly cheap
a meme in intself
Maybe budget mono red burn?
Is Emma Handy a trans?
dropped the ball op baka desu senpai
bumping for answers.
The only expensive price tag really is Serra Ascendant, but other than that it's a super cheap deck
I'll be playing at the gp and I'll be forcing grixis delver until the day I die
>For you normies, what are you guys expecting to top 8 at the GP in Vancouver?
Me. With rug delver. Keep an eye out boys
How do you do at the local FNM level? Kind of sick of Jund and I think Infect is pretty lame, and it looks fun.
How do you guys feel about Grim Flayer vs Bob in Junk? I've been doing a lot of testing on cockatrice but I still can't figure out my list.
Junk usually wants flayer because they run a sightly higher curve than jund most of the time and with bob that can hurt you. Flayer also has the added ability of potentially being mini-goyf 5-8 with trample, as well as card selection which can help you get what you need or help you get things in the yard to pump him/goyf or souls in a pinch. Some lists run a split between the two, but if I had to choose I'd choose flayer.
Ive seen the more aggressive junk lists run hierarchs and flayers and bobs. The higher costed list I've been trying has a split of bobs, flayers, and rhinos.
Why not just both.
MonoGreen Stompy can be built for like 50 bucks.
Leatherback Baloth and Dungrove Elder are the only remotely expensive cards
Anyone here going to scg indianapolis?
With Flayer you need to build your deck around him in order for him to be remotely playable. If you have no main deck artifacts/enchantments then don't bother. Some lists play 2-of Nihil spell bombs or Mishra's baubles which apparently is enough, spell bomb isn't an unreasonable main deck card for a GP meta. I personally would rather just play Bob and two more proactive spells and gain value with no effort than include some do nothing cards and bave to work to make Grim Flayer a half way decent imitator
Of course. All women who participate in competitive Magic are trans.
>men not good enough for pro magic
>sexism edge half the playerbase
>trigger the other halve into a loss
>mfw when this all makes sense
Is cat lady viable in modern?
You mean copy cat? Kind of, I've seen it put up results but it's modo leagues so take that as you will
>copy cat
Is that what the cool kids are calling it?
Everyone I know has been calling it Cat Lady Combo
I've been fucking around on cockatrice running what is essentially Jeskai Twin, but it runs Saheli and Sovereign instead of Twin and Exarch. It seems pretty decent.
Everyone you know is retarded then. Copy Cat is more concise, rolls off the tongue more easily and explains what the deck does.
>Everyone you know is retarded then
Very possible, I live in Hillbilly hell after all.
Who /vancouver/ here?
I visited there for a work convention a couple weeks ago
Beautiful city, third time I've been there
I spent time with a qt azn while I was there
Thoughtsieze in grixis delver SB yes or no?
Why would you not want to play one of the best proactive black cards in the format?
Because it's not terribly great main board for delver and the sideboard is kind of cramped, which is why I'm asking other delver players for opinions.
Play Inquisition?
Forget wall of omens, super secret tech is Augury Owl
That's not Modern legal. Also Inquisition of Kozilek should already be in his deck.
>inquisition in grixis delver
Do you people even play delver?
No, I play Tron.
user, I want you read Inquisition and ask yourself. "What kind of fucking Mong would mainboard this garbage?"
No fucking shit I'm talking about Inquisition of Kozilek, are you retarded or something? Do you get confused when people say Helix? After all they could be referring to Spell Weaver Helix :^)
>tfw live in Vancouver
>played magic since I was in grade 8
>start going to magic stronghold with buddies for drafts
>we aren't retarded but we're all pretty casual
>win once in a while at the drafts but usually get btfo
>find out that vancouver is actually a huge scene in the magic world
>find out the top ranked standard players in all bc play at stronghold and have been the ones handling us during the drafts
We just wanted to do some casual drafts
>literal retardation: the deck
>For you normies, what are you guys expecting to top 8 at the GP in Vancouver?
Grixis Delver
Eldrazi Tron
Lantern Control
>Best deck in the format?
Lantern Control, hands down.
>Any spicy tech?
Surgicals mainboard in every top 8 deck
>New meme decks?
Mono-blue Delver
GP Brisbane in an hour...hype!
Let us know if anyone gets murdered by a kangaroo
So Kid Icarus, notorious for charging higher-than-average on eBay deals, is selling around a thousand Modern Masters 2017 boxes on eBay at $50 below MSRP.
What do you guys think this means? It doesn't seem to make much sense to me, unless they think for some reason they'll have trouble moving boxes later on.
>tfw this format has never been as terrible as it is now
t. assblasted infect player
>Mfw I was playing against a guy with a foiled out affinity deck and he had to read my remand
>soul sisters
A playset of Serra ascedant alone is over 50$. and then you'd also need path to exile and maybe ranger of eos.
>Inquisition not modern legal
>haven't played in a while
>look up some new deaths shadow lists
>find this
Is this a new tech to make tarmogoyf bigger fast? Would it even be worth it to play this over lightning bolt?
Refering to this?
Yeah, that's really the only reason. 90% of things that need to get bolted die to this, and it makes a big boy tarmogoyf real quick. I mean, when you think about it in alot of cases, it's deal 2 damage, put 2 +1+1 on your creature
You usually play it in addition to bolt in decks that want to make bigger goyfs, temur delver runs a few usually. It also helps enable delirium in decks that run traverse the ulvenwald and I think the recent death's shadow lists usually run that as well.
It's not like the card's seen play in any viable deck since Twin ban.
So how bad is madcap experiment into platinum?
Hes hedging his bets. If the set has shitty cards hes gaurenteed sales, if the set rocks he just cancels the orders and sells them high.
He was obviously stalling for time to think about what he wanted to do.
if you're in jeskai it's papa's patriotic pussy parade get it right
If he cancels the orders report him please. Shit like that deserves attention by the banbots.
Its likely a dummy front for his real store sorry to break it to you but online sellers are shady as fuck. I only trust dedicated sellers like tcgplayer and the like. Every time ive gotten fucked over the inherent threat of them properly being blacklisted has made every seller other than alter reality games fix their mistake. Ive evem gotten fre cards because they shipped the wrong item and I ended up gettingthe right one with no request for the mistake card being sent back.
The combo is worse than Shard Volley
The combo doesn't even put you into a position where victory is eminent, because it just eats a path next turn.
Sure its a cute interaction, but its pretty friggin' bad.
Alright, once more before I fuck off.
Has anyone tested Talara's Battalion Zoo with Hidden Herbalist being copies 5-8 of Burning Tree as an enabler? Experiment one is also a cheap creature that enables it and being a 4/3 is great for evolve.
I still think the pariah reckoner version of the deck is more realistic to play because it just wins.
I want to play some kind of crazy combo deck at FNM. What should I go with? My FNM isn't very competitive.
lightning bolt combo
Aetherflux Eggs
Wizards please reprint. Modern needs more cards like this.
I'm gonna need more detail.
I guess I should have been more clear, my card shop has modern FNM
That combo feels even more fragile to be honest
Because it can't go off before turn 5 and loses to just about any kind of removal.
I have a few spicy combos brewed. If you want I can post'em fo you
Go for it. The spicier the better.
Nykthos says hi
Duskcrank looks fun, and Fatal Push seems like it would slot in well.
I'm gonna straight up admit that I stole this one from a guy at GP Toronto last year.
I should probably add Blooming Marshes to it
the seismic gitrog loop
Original meme, do not steel
Love this meme.
We postin' memelists ITT?
Was going to build for FNM but it turns out that Walking Ballista is a vintage-level card so it's price skyrocketed
Honestly hidden herbalist doesn't seem like it makes it that much easier to case battalion. Your enable also needs to be enabled? Too many hoops. And a 4/3 isn't that great for all that effort, you should go with Myr Superion instead and even that is kind if niche, better stats but can literally only be case off BTE or HH
With all those counters, why not add Hardened scales?
Went for a boring boros. considering bloodmoons but simian moon decks are lowbrow.
There's monowhite soul sisters variant as well, basically the regular sisters deck but with a couple of enduring renewal and a few Xcost guys (ranger of eos makes the combo fit neatly without being a burdensome package)
Never forget.
Play the bloodmoons, if you want to win it doesnt hurt to put your knee on their neck before they can fight back.
Is the deck rip or is it still good
Currently at 4-2 @ GP Brisbane
GL, post your decklist when youre done and tell us your final score.
Its a green control deck
>no tooth and nail
I just want my deck to get some representation, man
So far so good with rug delver, my fellow memers
Are you the simic charm guy with the goyfy deck? GL and i hope you havent lost yet.
Mystic Orchard Bant combo, give your opponent infinite 1/1 flying spirit tokens and drain him for 1 each time creature enters his battelfield.
Go spicier, use authority of the councils and aetherflux resevoir. Every mana spent is another life closer to firing the death laser and you can storm into a win.
Thinking of making some shitbrew aristocrats deck using the Flip Lilly and Ormendahl.
Question is what pieces do i put in to succesfully flip the Prince without bigger issues? CoCo is obviously a must.
Thinking of what colors should I make it, Golgari, Jund or maybe Abzan?
Possibly no Melira shenanigans since for stomping I got my tron to do that.
Went 6-3. Last round against Chris Cousens (top 8d last aus modern gp)
Damn, well thats a pretty good record. Better luck next time on getting that 9-0.
I wanted to make a goblin deck but I can't seem to get it consistent or particularly good. I dont know if I should go more goblins or more burn. What should I do with it?
Only condition is im not spending $160USD on goblin guides, it makes about as much sense as Glimpse the unthinkable still being around the $40 mark despite being completely non competitive in any format
lol are you a time traveler?
> I wanted to make a goblin deck but I can't seem to get it consistent or particularly good.
> Only condition is im not spending $160USD on goblin guides
There's your problem user.
If you're not dropping the money for guides, I'd recommend pulling the Burn at the Stakes, the Dragon Fodders, and a mountain for a set of Reckless Bushwhacker and a pair of Raging Goblin.
If you want to be really spicy though, maindeck a set of Goblin King and Blood Moon.